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单词 caveat
    caveat [英 [?k?vi?t] 美 [?kevi??t, ?k?vi-, ?kɑvi?ɑt] ]
    caveat 基本解释
    caveat 网络解释
    1. 警示:以披露原则代替警示(caveat)原则,美国国会意图间接地促进证券业界的职业道德,其背后的基本逻辑是:阳光是最好的防腐剂、公开是治愈社会及工业顽疾的良方,暴露在光天化日之下的人们终归要检点自身的言行.
    2. 防止误解的说明:至于防止误解的说明(caveat),我们认识到了契约法除了防止机会主义行为之外,它的另一个重要功能是:通过加入遗漏条款而使当事人的协议变得更为完满. 这一功能也与契约履行的相继性有关. 对当事人而言,履约所花的时间越长--并且应记住,
    3. 因为在岩洞偷吃东西而被警告--警告、告诫:10) Hermit:何处觅她--隐士 | 11) Saturnine:坐在九个骨灰盒子上--忧郁的、严厉的 | 12) Caveat:因为在岩洞偷吃东西而被警告--警告、告诫
    caveat 双语例句
    1. The easiest way to remove a non-sustainable caveat is to get the caveator to agree to remove the caveat.
    2. caveat
    2. If the caveator will not remove the caveat, it can be removed by
    3. In that case, the purchaser may lodge a caveat against the title to the property to prevent the vendor from dealing with the land without notifying the caveator.
    4. It serves as a notice that the person lodging the caveat ('the caveator') has an interest in the land.
    5. One purpose of lodging a caveat is to prevent the land from being transferred or otherwise dealt by the owner of the land without the knowledge or consent of the caveator.
    6. I think that's right, but with a caveat.
    7. Judge Crabb included a caveat that her ruling would not take effect until after all appeals are exhausted.
    8. Caveat: This is a large and complex topic. It is not possible to cover all variations here.
    9. To enter a caveat. a caveat filed against the probate of a will.
    10. caveat的近义词
    10. The second caveat is that, as mentioned here before, it makes sense to be wary of investing in Wall Street firms.
    11. caveat是什么意思
    11. In black and white put down new roots put down to put emphasis upon put every iron in the...ideas in sb.'s head put in a cast put in a caveat put in a caveat against put in a claim for...dict. crazyenglish. org/...own---
    write down:写下、记下的意思; set down一般形容某事办妥了;put down一般形容放下什么东西,也指平息一件事情; wirte down就是写下、记录某事的意思,不容易混淆。
    12. But - and this is the caveat - every buzzword is ultimately a marketing/sales term.
    13. Caveat 2: I have one outstanding unresolved issue to date which will be addressed below.
    14. Now, I need to precede with a caveat and that is that if there are any admissions directors in the room, please know that only once in 75 years or so
    现在,我需要由于一个中止诉讼手续的申请之前,而且那是如果在房间中有任何的许可指导者,请在 75 年内或如此知道唯一的一次
    15. caveat是什么意思
    15. In addition, it is not compulsory to lodge a caveat for all property purchases. Lodging of caveats is usually done voluntarily by purchasers through their lawyers to protect their interest in the property.
    16. Based on the present findings, it appears that all the Taiwan WAIS-Ⅲ working memory index, the single Arithmetic and the Digit Span subtests, and the span scores of the Digit Span subtest could adequately discriminate individuals without working memory impairment, but had poor sensitivity on detecting the patients who evidenced working memory impairment. Accordingly, it is suggested that clinicians should gauge the working memory index by a composite of the Arithmetic, the Digit Span, and the Letter-Number Sequencing subtests if possible. Otherwise, a caveat should be taken with care to interpret the working memory index, as estimated by a composite of the Arithmetic and the Digit Span subtests, because the chance of the increasing false negative rate becomes ineludible.
    17. The entry of the caution would freeze the register during its currency; and a caveat to give notice of a claim.
    18. A caveat is a statutory notice that is registered against the Certificate of Title for land.
    19. There`s one giant caveat for GUIDs: collisions are still possible. First, the birthday paradox shows us the chance of a collision as GUIDs are used. It`s very, very unlikely that GUIDs will collide, but as more are assigned, there are fewer left to choose from.
    首先,生日判定告诉了我们GUIDs 产生冲突的机会,虽然它非常不可能产生冲突,但当越多的东西被使用时,剩下的就越少(大概是说用的越多,产生冲突的机会就越大
    20. The caveat I would make is not about one or another countrys paucity of engineers or computers.
    caveat 词典解释
    1. 警告;事先声明;注意事项
    A caveat is a warning of a specific limitation of something such as information or an agreement.
    e.g. With the caveat that almost every figure in this survey is suspect, it can at least be said that the world travel and tourism industry is huge...
    e.g. There was one caveat: he was not to enter into a merger or otherwise weaken the Roche family's control of the firm.
    caveat 单语例句caveat的解释
    1. A caveat is that recipients see numbers on their Caller IDs that are different than the cell numbers of the people calling them.
    2. As with any investment, the maxim " caveat emptor " applies.
    3. Past performance is no guide to future results - that's the caveat employed by mutual funds.
    4. The solution to this problem comes with a caveat - you have to think you are richer than you really are.
    5. Liu offered a caveat, that Wang's real status may be different from the rosy conjecture of the public.
    6. It was the same philosophy Woods spoke about last year, but this time he added a caveat.
    7. She later apologized, with the caveat she thought she " was doing the right thing ".
    8. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has applauded the effort - with one caveat.
    9. CCTV and its audience should accept it with a caveat, that it is only one man's opinion.
    10. My caveat is that food and drink can be more expensive in London than in many other cities.
    caveat的反义词caveat 英英释义
    1. (law) a formal notice filed with a court or officer to suspend a proceeding until filer is given a hearing
    e.g. a caveat filed against the probate of a will
    2. a warning against certain acts
    e.g. a caveat against unfair practices
    Synonym: caution




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