单词 | cello |
释义 | cello [英 [?t?el??] 美 [?t?elo?] ] cello的意思、解释 复数形式:cellos; cello 基本解释 名词大提琴 cello 网络解释 1. 1. 大提琴:大提琴(Cello)是提琴家族中的低音乐器,室内主奏的重要乐器和富有特性的独奏乐器,是管弦乐队的重要成员. 4弦定音为c、g、d、a,比中提琴低8度,音色丰厚优美,兼有人声男高音及男低音特色,演奏时夹在两膝之间,为后世大提琴的制作标准. 2. 断弦琴:毁灭战士 Doom | 断弦琴 Cello | 蚊人 Mansquito 3. cello的翻译 3. 大提琴(比较难听):Contrabass Clarinet in Bb,Clarinet in A,Clarinet in Bb,Clarinet in Eb单簧管 | Cello大提琴(比较难听) | Celesta钟琴 4. 沈和群/王霖/张博:Viola : 范维斌/向君怡/赵丹 | Cello : 沈和群/王霖/张博 | Mixing Engineer : Clement Yang Xi 杨熙 cello 双语例句 1. The cello was first charged with playing the accompaniment in small orchestras. 大提琴在早期只是小型乐队中的伴奏乐器,负责低音部的和声。 2. When you enter the lobby of height 9.2 meters, dotted artwork will let you go to the fairyland, All-metal artistic cello sculpture, precious wood artistic device, red copper material front desk artistic background wall, rich Hunan culture's lacquer ware, and bronze treasure, the great work of Chinese artists and world famous paintings handed down from ancient times, let you get drunk and forget tired! 步入挑高9.2米的酒店大堂,星罗棋布的艺术品定会将您引入一个奢华而艺术的人间仙境:全金属低音大提琴抽象雕塑、珍贵名木艺术装置、尊贵紫铜材质前台艺术背景墙、极具湖湘文化的臻品漆器、散发吴越文化的青铜珍品、中国艺术名家巨作及世界传世名画让人沉醉流连,脱俗忘倦! 3. Even for him, the cello is an intractable instrument, unforgiving of ambition. 即使对他来说,大提琴也是难以驾驭的乐器──它对雄心万丈的人也一样铁面无情。 4. She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician. 她所演奏的大提琴頗有資深音樂家的風格。。。 5. J. Brahms:Concerto for violin and Cello in A Monir, Op.102 J。勃拉姆斯:A小调小提琴、大提琴双重协奏曲,作品102 32 6. Then the music of cello, stumbling 金光灿亮,如我此刻的心情 7. Wu an ping tune with the music is relatively simple at first, thereer xian (commonly known as small fiddlestick), rolling Guoqin, Banhu, known assan da jian, then gradually add the erhu, Zhonghu, cello, Sheng, flute, etc. Suona. 武安平调的伴乐起初比较简单,有二弦、轧琴、板胡,号称三大件,后来逐步增添了二胡、中胡、大提琴、笙、笛、唢呐等。 8. cello 8. Before the 18th century, the viola played the role of bass harmonies with other instruments, or worked with the oboes, or filled in the cello and violin parts. 在十八世纪以前,中提琴大都是配合著部份双簧管等乐器、负责低音的合音,或是代替某些大提琴和小提琴的不足。 9. cello在线翻译 9. Sure, we would nudge the kids to excel at school. But that didn't mean we had to force them to take cello lessons, calculus for tots, and master the intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony by age three. 当然我们会督促孩子在校取得优异的成绩,但这不表明强迫三岁的孩子们去上提琴补习课,学微积分,掌握纷繁芜杂的日本茶道。。 10. Sure, we would nudge the kids to excel at school. But that did not mean we had to force them to take cello lessons, calculus for tots, and master the intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony by age three. 当然我们会督促孩子在校取得优异的成绩,但这不表明强迫三岁的孩子们去上提琴补习课,学微积分,掌握纷繁芜杂的日本茶道。。 11. It`s difficult to say, but the cello has a kind of introspective sound, I think. 我说不太上来,但是我觉得大提琴好像有一种发人深省的声音。 12. I teach in a middle school. I also coach soccer at a high school. I am a professional cellist. I play with the cello with a symphony orchestra. I also teach the cello privately. I teach spec...... 我是一个拥有高学历、英俊、体贴、有责任的男人,正在找寻一个拥有良好教育、体贴、爱家、温柔、善良、有文化、年龄在28到35岁之间的女性为。。。。。。 13. The dialogues between cello and different Chinese instruments start the rubato section of the piece, and the ending of the piece as if reminiscing this meditative beginning. 一段大提琴与不同中国乐器的对答开展了乐曲的散板部分,而乐曲的尾声犹如回忆起这个沉思的开端。 14. Lai Switzerland paints pictures extremely earnestly, drew him to take the cello, drew his wife to take the violin, has not forgotten to the wife to mark the ear pendant, the high-heeled shoes. lai瑞士绘画极端认真地,画他采取大提琴,画他的妻子采取小提琴,未忘记给妻子标记耳朵垂饰,高跟鞋。 15. This is especially true of the slow movement, which comes across almost as a triple concerto for piano, violin and cello and provides an effective contrast with the playful and percussive style of the final Allegro con fuoco. 这首序曲音量起伏变化极大,动用的乐器非常多,听清楚其中的弦乐、木管、铜管和打击乐器,它可以检验你的器材音质音色、结像定位、强弱和动态对比 16. 16. In every single murder scene, the sad cello music was played continuously. What unexpected was that the music was the presented work of the cellist and her best friend 10 years ago. 最恐怖的是美宙亲眼目击亲人被杀的过程,而於每个案发的现场,所听到的皆是10年前她与情同姊妹的好同学秦妍合奏的《冤魂曲》。 17. cello 17. Andantino for Cello and Piano, Op. 大提琴和钢琴小行板,作品21之2a 18. cello的近义词 18. He scattered 12 television sets throughout the exhibit space and used them to create unexpected effects in the images being received. Later exhibits included the use of magnets to manipulate or alter the image on TV sets and create patterns of light. He moved to New York in 1964 and started working with classical cellist Charlotte Moorman to combine video, music and performance. In TV Cello'` they stacked television sets that formed the shape of a cello. When she drew the bow across the television sets, there were images of her playing, video collages of other cellists and live images of the performance.—Laura Wides-Munoz, Associated Press 利用 SONY 录影设备至做出封闭循环录影作品,其中以电视佛陀最具代表性,白南准拿出他的古董收藏,一个佛陀的佛像再摆放了一个极具现代风格的球体型制的电视,结合及时的录影影像,让实体的大佛看著电视萤幕中产生的另一个大佛,一幅极为冲突但又透露出禅意的作品,让人不断去思考东方与西方、过去与现在、真实与再现等等议题,当然白南准陆续制作过类似的主题,但是这件电视佛陀堪称经典。 19. Oh, yes, he`s a great 4 cello player. 哦,是吗。他是一位很棒的大提琴演奏家。 20. 20. Xiyangyang has a great variety of cases that wary in different ranks and scales: Bass Case Series, Electric Bass Cases, Cello Case Series, Guitar Case Series, Guitar Case, Wood Violin Case Series, Styrofoam Violin Case Series, Violin Case Series, Multi-violin/Viola Case Series, Bow Case Series, French Horn Case, Saxophone Case, Small Fiber Case, Fitting Case, Harmonica Case. 喜洋洋的产品繁多﹑档次规格齐全,有贝司盒系列﹑电贝司﹑大提盒系列﹑吉他盒系列﹑吉他盒﹑木制小提琴盒系列﹑轻体小提盒系列﹑中提盒系列﹑多琴盒系列﹑弓子盒系列﹑法国圆号盒﹑萨克斯盒﹑小号盒﹑玻璃钢小盒﹑配件盒﹑口琴盒。 cello 词典解释 1. 大提琴 A cello is a musical instrument with four strings that looks like a large violin. You play the cello with a bow while sitting down and holding it upright between your legs. cello的反义词 cello 单语例句 1. Celebrated cellist Wang Jian infused restrained passion into Dvorak's cello concerto. 2. Accompanied by a cello, the melody of the song becomes even more melancholy. 3. Having being trained in classical music since childhood and studied the cello for many years, Zhang approaches pop music with his own unique style. 4. He started his musical training in his native England with the cello and took composition lessons under the guidance of his father. 5. He used to practise cello for up to eight hours a day, and risked recurring complications from his earlier injuries. 6. These children have never seen a violin or a cello and now they are experiencing the joy that only music can bring. 7. Li Yang loves the cello and cooking and believes experimenting with both is the recipe for his musical success. 8. The old Chinese melody is slowly explored and mused upon in the dialogue between the cello and orchestra. 9. Following that was a champagne and lemon ice cream, in which lemon cello of Italy met France. 10. Charles studied the cello in his youth, and has taken up conducting at private events with the Philharmonic. cellocello 英英释义 noun 1. a large stringed instrument seated player holds it upright while playing Synonym: violoncello |
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