单词 | centimeter |
释义 | centimeter [英 ['sent??mi:t?] 美 [?s?nt??mit?] ] centimeter的意思、解释 复数形式:centimeters; centimeter 基本解释 名词厘米 centimeter 网络解释 1. centimeter 1. 厘米:1英寸(inch)=2.54厘米(centimeter)1磅(Pound)=0.45公斤(kilogram)橄榄球球门架设在两条端线的正上方,由一根离地十英尺的球门横杆(crossbar)以及两根长20英尺相距18英尺6英寸的垂直门柱(verticaluprights)组成,每根杆子直径4英尺. 2. 公分:1英寸(inch)=2.54公分(centimeter)5.280英尺=1.760码=l海里(mile)1盎司(ounce) =28公克(gram)2品脱=l夸脱(quart)1磅(Pound)=0.45公斤(kilogram)银行上午10点开始营业,下午二、三点打烊、但是也有许多银行在一星期中会有一、二天到下午六、七点才关门. 3. 百分表:凹槽对接焊缝groove butt joints | 百分表Centimeter | 百分表检定仪Dialgage calibrater 4. 4. 公分,厘米:centigrade:摄氏的 | centimeter:公分,厘米 | central:中心的,中央的,核心的,主要的, centimeter 双语例句 1. Add spareribs and chopped into 4-centimeter-long section, wash lishui with kitchen paper to absorb surface moisture. 将排骨剁成4厘米长的小节,洗净沥水,用厨房用纸吸去表面水分。 2. centimeter什么意思 2. Unifoliate opposite, elliptic, long elliptic or wrap around needle form, long 2.7-8 centimeter, exterior sap green, the reverse side is close by silvery white scale. 单叶对生,椭圆形。长椭圆形或披针形,长2.7-8厘米,表面暗绿色,背面密被银白色鳞片。 3. 3. Unifoliate opposite, rich change is simple, xiecheng grows elliptic or long ellipse to wrap around needle form, acute of account of end of end of blade is pointed, the leaf carries dot having gland on the back, xie Changyao 4 to 4.5 centimeter, xie Kuan is made an appointment with 1.2 to 1.5 centimeter; Get together unripe or 繖 inflorescence armpit is very unripe, grey is lubricious, petaline 3 reach 4, the brim has fluff, stamen is most; Berry is shown globose, mature moment can turn by green for black. 单叶对生。富革质,叶呈长椭圆形或长椭圆披针形,叶端尾状锐尖,叶背有腺点,叶长约4至4.5公分,叶宽约1.2至1.5公分;聚繖花序腋生或顶生,花白色,花瓣3至4枚,边缘具有茸毛,雄蕊多数;浆果呈球形,成熟时候会由绿色转为黑色。 4. A standard size of lead pellet that measures'/40 of an inch(.44 centimeter) in diameter, and that is used in air rifles. bb 猎枪弹一种用于汽步枪的标准尺寸的铅弹,直径大小为四十分之七英寸 5. A standard size of lead pellet that measures'/ 40of an in ch.44centimeter in diameter, and that is used in air rifles. BB猎枪弹一种用于汽步枪的标准尺寸的铅弹,直径大小为四十分之七英寸(0.44厘米) 6. The main problems that the patient suffered from are: 1. The dejecta is leaked to vagina for unknown reason; 2. The break happened in the suture the fifth day after the 3rd duodenostomy surgery, and therefore, the dejecta is out from here instead of the ostomy tube made in the 2nd surgery; 3. A 15-centimeter-long wound by the surgery does not heal for a long time. All these problems could not be solved for a long time. For these reasons, the patient has already suffered from these and stayed in bed for nearly 3 months. 病人现在的主要问题是:一是阴道内出大便,二是第三次手术小肠缝合处在第五天接口崩开,现所有大便从小肠漏口排出,而原直肠造漏口不再有大便排出,三是腹部长约15公分手术刀口一直开敞而不愈合,国内的医生对病人的病情没有解决办法,致使病人已经卧床将近3个月不能下床,每天遭受着病痛的折磨,过着地狱般的生活。 7. centimeter什么意思 7. Lotus general as long as 150 centimeter high, crosswise expands to 3 meters. 荷花一般长到150厘米高,横向扩展到3米。 8. Generally speaking, as long as you are a good measure of the total width of the window and the job can calculate the required amount of cloth, but if the measure on its own, then have to pay attention to some details, such as the window of a high degree of measurement from the start Chuang Lianhe To outweigh the lower edge of the window will not be emptied of its width is also probably have to pay more on the side of 5-10 cm, but if they are Banyao have to pay attention to whether there is a window sills, to be done within the window frame, then have to carefully Measure may not yield more than half a centimeter card does not go in and a half centimeters or less emptied of the situation, the track can be installed on the wall or ceiling should also note that some tracks can be linked to the ceiling can also be linked to the walls, some not I suggest you bring home a good-size windows notes, the regional states, take good pictures of each window to the stores, they will suggest you how to use the track and practice 一般来说只要您丈量好窗户的总宽和总高就可以计算所需的布量,但如果自行丈量的话有些细节得注意,比如说窗的高度得从窗帘盒内开始丈量到盖过窗的下缘才不会走光,宽度也是,大概一边都得多加个5-10公分,但如果是半腰窗就得注意是否有窗台,要做在窗框内的话就得仔细丈量不然有可能产多了半公分卡不进去或是少了半公分走光的状况,轨道可以安装的墙面或是天花板也要注意,有些轨道是可以挂天花板也可以挂墙壁的,有些不行,建议你把家里的窗户尺寸做好一份笔记,写明区域,拍好每一窗的照片给店家看,他们会建议您用怎样的轨道和做法 9. centimeter的翻译 9. When a female head louse moves to new nesting ground they lay eggs about a centimeter away from the scalp. 当一名女性头虱的举动,以新的产卵地,他们产卵约1厘米远离头皮。 10. Tea wants wear 150--200 micron atomic, join plant sex starch and protein next, add again 35, 40% water is moved into mushy, in the compressor that pulls in poriferous model, with every square centimeter 50 kilograms pressure, squeeze a strip form tea, thin fry batter in a thin layer is put on breaker plate, blow with sirocco do water content 10% the left and right sides, reoccupy low temperature is long carbonado sufficient dry, arrange the norms that agrees into accident next, pack with moistureproof material. 茶叶要磨成150--200微米的微粒,然后加入植物性淀粉和蛋白质,再加35—40%的水调成糊状,在多孔模扳的压力机中,用每平方厘米50公斤的压力,挤出长条形茶,薄摊放在筛板上,用热风吹干到含水量10%左右,再用低温长烘到足干,然后整理成长短一致的规格,用防潮材料包装。 11. 11. Giant, Unknown Animals Found off AntarcticaCollected from deep Antarctic seas, this 9.8-inch-long (25-centimeter-long) giant sea spider 排在第二位的就是这种科学家在南极洲深海中发现的科学界还未知的巨型海蜘蛛,蜘蛛长达 12. When stress is applied to a fluid that fluid will flow to a greater or lesser extent, depending upon the applied stress and the fluid's viscosity (defined as the resistance of a fluid to flow; the unit of viscosity is the poise, defined as the resistance in dynes presented by the liquid to a surface of area 1 square centimeter moving at 1 centimeter per second at a distance of 1 centimeter from another fixed surface, all submerged in the fluid). 当强调的是适用于液液将流入或多或少,这取决于应用应力和流体的粘度(定义为抵抗的流体流动;粘度的单位是镇静,界定为抵抗在戴恩斯由液体表面的面积一平方厘米移动一厘米每秒,距离一厘米从另一个固定的表面,都淹没在液体)。 13. 13. The Japanese hosts showed the ministers the 16.5-centimeter robot at dinner. Now they plan to send all 11 ministers a robot. 地主国日本在晚宴中向各国部长展示这个十六点五公分高的机器人;现在他们计画将它送给十一位与会部长。 14. Pliant, comes from the power of running, On the scarfskin of the ostrich`s paw, The area of 50 square centimeter, makes the leather rare. 柔韧,来自奔跑的力量。于是不,鸵鸟爪上50公分的面积,成就皮革的名贵。 15. When the bud growed to 0.5centimeter before the the gynandrous primordium was formed, the male were easily induced by GA_3among apomixes species. GA_3诱导苎麻属全雌性无融合生殖种产生雄花的试验表明,花芽分化至雌蕊原基分化形成之前(花芽长度0.5cm左右)比较容易诱导性转换。 16. centimeter的翻译 16. Soft branch yellow cicada is oleander division constant green half erect bush, xie Chang is elliptic, long 8-11 centimeter, wide 2-4.5 centimeter, opposite or 3-5 impeller are unripe, bud evil on Xie Duo is verticillate, xie Quanyuan, spend yellow, canister shape 5 crack, interior has amaranth streak, racemose move is born in the coping of new tip, florescence 6 one in October. 软枝黄蝉为夹竹桃科常绿半竖立灌木,叶长椭圆形,长8-11厘米,宽2-4.5厘米,对生或3-5叶轮生,萌孽条上叶多为轮生,叶全缘,花黄色,筒状五裂,内部有紫红色条纹,总状花序着生在新梢的顶部,花期6一10月。 17. Slice piece meat, ham, chufas, and mushrooms into 1 centimeter dices too. 素肉块、素火腿、荸荠和洋菇各切成1公分的小丁。 18. With GPS-based satellite tracking observation, comprehensive orbit solution and Satellite Laser Ranging, the precision of earthquake electromagnetism satellite orbiting can reach to centimeter grade. 地震电磁卫星拟采用星载GPS和综合轨道求解方法进行精密定轨,并辅之以人卫激光测距,其定轨的精度可达厘米级。 19. At last, in order to valide the proposed theory and methods, a 3 centimeter microstrip quasi-optical power combiner and an 8 millimeter integration of the power combiner and antenna are designed and the satisfactory experiment results are obtained. 最后,为了验证本文所提出的理论和方法,分别进行了三厘米微带型准光功率合成器和八毫米功率合成与天线一体化的工程设计,并获得了令人满意的实验效果。 20. Step 2: Push the straw through the holes. Push it through as far as it will go, so that just a centimeter is poking out from one hole, and the rest of the straw is coming out the other hole. 步骤二:把吸管穿过这两个洞,尽可能地把它往外推,保留其中一端露出洞外一公分左右,其余的部份从另一个洞口穿出。 centimeter 单语例句 1. A scan showed no visible lesions, meaning all were less than 1 centimeter in length. 2. Witnesses said that after a 40 centimeter fire ball rolled down the tower its lights and wireless signals went out. 3. The base of the statue has sunk and the stomach has a crack nine meters long and one centimeter wide. 4. Li called on all of the town's residents to demolish old houses to squeeze out every centimeter of tillable land. 5. The ability to engrave 100 characters per square centimeter on a slice of Shoushan stone is a rare talent. 6. If the gash had been just a centimeter closer to the heart, " this surely would have been a catastrophe ". 7. Even when the buds have extended fully after absorbing water, they measure less than one centimeter. 8. The light blue glass vase is only one centimeter high, with a one centimeter diameter at its center. 9. In the case of snow, light makes it through if the snow is only a centimeter thick. 10. You can plant as many as three tulip bulbs, spaced about one centimeter apart. centimeter 英英释义 noun 1. a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter Synonym: centimetrecm |
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