单词 | cyclone |
释义 | cyclone [英 [?sa?kl??n] 美 [?sa?klo?n] ] cyclone的意思、解释 复数形式:cyclones; cyclone 基本解释 名词旋风分离器; 气旋,旋风; 飓风,暴风 cyclone 反义词 名词anticyclone cyclone的翻译 cyclone 网络解释 1. 旋风分离器:其中固体微粒和硫氧化物的危害,被认为最是重大.对一般粉尘多以障碍(如纤维)的惯性撞击或截留,而对细小的微粒来说,扩散吸附则来自於其布朗运动(Brownian motion)的结果.旋风分离器(cyclone)利苜气流在分离器中改变方向(旋转), 2. cyclone 2. cyclone:cyclic operation network; 因而采用循环网络 cyclone 双语例句 1. The local government has also approved a Da Ai housing project, which will provide cyclone survivors with sturdy homes. 锁定坤仰公的桑比亚村两所最严重受损的小学,当地政府也已经批准让慈济兴建大爱村,让学童有地方读书。 2. Since Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar, the Burmese government, industry leaders, residents and NGOs have been striving to return the lives of its people to normalcy. Six months after the storm, Tzu Chi volunteers held a groundbreaking ceremony for Da Ai homes in San Pya Village of Kungyangon which will be able to provide 744 families with a shelter from wind and rain. While they were there, volunteers also carried out home visits and an aid distribution for the villagers. 纳吉斯风灾发生后,缅甸政府企业界领袖当地居民,与像慈济一样的公益团体,都努力的希望能回复国家人民原本的生活,风灾过去半年了,慈济志工在坤仰公的桑比雅村,举行了大爱屋的动土典礼,他们为744个家庭提供一个挡风避雨的家,志工在当地的同时,也为村民进行了访视与物资发放。 3. 3. This JPEG coding system is designed and simulated by QuantursII software which is the FPGA design tool of ALTERA company. Hole design need nearly 12600 LCs of Cyclone device. 本设计采用ALTERA公司的QuartusⅡ软件设计和仿真,采用Cyclone系列器件需要约12600个LC。 4. Thousands of people were evacuated from low-lying parts of India's south-east coast, with fishing boats returning to dry land as the cyclone whipped up fierce winds in the Bay of Bengal. 数千人从印度东南部海岸的低洼地带撤离。孟加拉湾的气旋带着猛烈的风将渔船吹到干燥的土地上。 5. cyclone 5. Three cutting machines were selected to study the comminution of HTPB, including cage wet grinder, dry cyclone and long-range control cutting machine. 针对废弃丁羟推进剂韧性强和感度高的特性,在保证试验过程安全的前提下,分别研究了湿式笼式粉碎法、干式旋风切削法和远程控制切割法这三种方式粉碎废弃HTPB。 6. Using diameter ratio and loss rate of AP and Al as standards, dry cyclone is comparatively smashed method at present. The diameter of smached materials was about 1 mm, 8# detonator could be ignited by the commercial explosive prepared with the materials. 结果表明:以粉碎比(即进料直径与出料直径之比)和AP、Al的损失率为评价标准,干式旋风切削法粉碎后的物料直径最小约为1 mm,有效成分损失率低于1.4%,由其制备的工业炸药可被8#雷管引爆,验证了该方式粉碎HTPB较为理想。 7. Using the PSU/NCAR MM5, control and dry experiment for the explosive cyclone process of 19th to 21st December in 1981 over the Western Pacific are performed. The results show that the tropopause and isothermal surfaces were raised by latent heat release in the upper level, and the disturbance trough was formed at the upper level: due to the adiabetic cooling of the ascending flow. Its adaption process resulted in the inertial instability in the upper level. 利用PSU/NCAR MM5模式对1981年12月19日20时-21日20时一次太平洋西部气旋强烈爆发过程进行干过程和控制过程对比数值模拟试验,得出:潜热释放使对流层顶和等温面抬高,气流在高层上升冷却形成扰动槽,其适应过程使高层出现惯性不稳定。 8. 8. The flow field distributions in the guide vane cyclone tube and the discharge tube are measured and analyzed in detail by using the five-hole probe. 中文摘要:本文采用五孔球探针对导叶式旋风管排气芯管内的流场进行了详细的测量和分析。 9. Through the five-hole probe to measure the gas flow parameters of the movement of the PSC-100 Cyclone tube at different flow parameters and separation performances, to get the three-dimensional velocity and pressure distribution in the Cyclone tube. 采用五孔球探针对不同结构参数和操作参数下PSC-100型导叶式旋风管的流动参数进行了测量,得到旋风管内气相流场的三维速度和静压的分布情况。 10. cyclone的近义词 10. The distribution of gas-solid two-phase flow in the axial guide vane cyclone tube was measured with five-orifice pitot tube and by means of isokinetic sampling method. 为研究颗粒分离机理,提高分离性能,采用五孔球探针测试仪及等动采样法对轴流导叶式旋风管内气固两相流速度与压力分布进行了测量,并分别对不同导流锥和排尘结构参数下的纯气流流场及颗粒浓度场分布进行了对比分析。 11. cyclone是什么意思 11. With the help of Fluent software and Reynolds Stress Model, numerical simulation was performed on three-dimension strong swirling turbulent flow within a guide vane cyclone tube with slotted vortex finder. 利用Fluent软件和雷诺应力模型对装有分流型芯管的导叶式旋风管内部三维强旋湍流流动进行了数值模拟计算,尤其是将入口环形空间和芯管内的气相流场数值模拟结果与实验结果进行了对比。 12. Under different structural parameters of exit tube, including the inner diameter and the structure shape, the separation efficiency and pressure drop of the guide vane cyclone tube were measured by comparative experiments and the flow field in the guide vane cyclone tube was measured by an intelligent five-hole pilot tube. 通过对比实验测定了不同排气结构下导叶式旋风管的分离效率及压降,同时用智能型五孔球探针测试仪测定了不同排气结构的旋风管内流场分布,结合性能实验与流场测量的结果,研究了排气芯管内径及其结构型式对分离性能的影响,为旋风管结构优化和开发及其分离机理的研究提供了一定的实验基础。 13. Your parents might think your room looks like a cyclone had hit it? 你个人无倶无缚从不再呼别人如何看你。 14. 14. In PEL parameterizations, Surface-Energy equation which developed by Blackadar and bulk-aerodynamic parameterization of Deardorff are used. Then, we used the improved LASG-REM to diagnose the dynamical processes of the passing extra-tropical cyclone over the Yellow and East China Seas and its explosive development in order to test our improvement. 考查入海气旋演变为爆发性气旋的动力过程和入海过程水汽输送对后续气旋发展的影响,我们发现:在冷季大气斜压背景场产生的强温度平流和由积云对流活动产生的大量凝结潜热释放等的共同作用下,入海气旋变成有利的特定空间结构、以及地面地转相对涡度急剧增加时,气旋便出现爆发性发展。 15. The results of pressure drop characteristics experiments indicate that the new type cyclone tube`s pressure drop reduction extent is directly related to the sticks`number, length and the radial position of the straight stick pressure drop reduction frame; is directly related to the length, width and number of grid pressure drop reduction frame installed under the split flow core tube. 安装在排气芯管内的直杆减阻框、栅格减阻框使旋风管的压降有不同程度的降低,减阻幅度与直杆减阻框杆数和长度成正比;与直杆的径向位置大小成反比;与安装位置、绕流截面形状有一定的关系;并与栅格减阻框的长度、宽度和片数成反比。 16. Suspended solids and it is conveyed by a pump to the waste water hydro cyclone battery. 水力旋流站的浆液包含有6%悬浮固体,被泵送到废水水力旋流站组。 17. On this cyclone-stricken land, Tzu Chi volunteers have stayed at the side of the people every step of the way. When tending to the rice seeds, volunteers have also sown seeds of love in the Burmese communities, and evidently, both are sprouting strong. 在这片被飓风惨虐的土地上,慈济志工每一步都陪在在这些人民的身边照顾著稻米种子,志工们也在缅甸的各角落播下了爱的种子,得以所见,两者都已发芽茁壮。 18. Hoping to leave behind Tzu Chi's legacy of humanity and decorum, volunteers like Chu Guocai are sad to say goodbye to Myanmar, which has been their home since cyclone Nargis ravaged the country more than four months ago. 希望能留下慈济的人文与礼仪,志工朱国财很舍不得离开缅甸,自从四个月前的纳吉斯风灾后,这里就像是他的第二个家。 19. China is in the world is affected the tropical cyclone one of most serious national. 中文摘要:中国是世界上受热带气旋影响最严重的国家之一。 20. With these data, a series of studies on tropical cyclone especially on abnormal typhoons were carried out in China. 利用这些资料,对热带气旋尤其是异常热带气旋开展了一系列的研究。 cyclone 词典解释 1. 旋风;龙卷风 A cyclone is a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round. cyclone e.g. A cyclone in the Bay of Bengal is threatening the eastern Indian states. 发生在孟加拉湾的飓风正威胁着印度东部各邦。 cyclone 单语例句 1. The Root Cyclone technology in Dyson vacuum cleaners separates dirt and dust from the air by centrifugal force and collecting it in a bin. 2. Most of Darwin was destroyed and 65 people died when a category four cyclone hammered the city on Christmas Eve in 1974. 3. World leaders already offered condolence and sympathies for the cyclone victims while donors and agencies pledged more than 30 million as emergency relief. 4. Bangladesh officials said at least 100 people were missing after Monday's cyclone. 5. It lessened to a storm and then a tropical depression - the lowest level of a tropical cyclone - at noon Thursday near Anhui's Chizhou. 6. With the influences of the cold air from north and the cyclone on ground, the wind over sea is intensified to force 9 in Yantai. 7. The lower death toll in 1991 was attributed to a network of cyclone shelters and a warning system introduced after the 1970 disaster. 8. Although it has been over three months after the cyclone smashed Myanmar, tourist arrivals during the period fell 90 percent compared with the previous years. 9. He will spend two days visiting a number of areas and towns affected by the recent cyclone and flooding in Queensland. 10. He said most people there should already have been evacuated or are in cyclone shelters or government buildings. cyclone 英英释义 noun 1. a violent rotating windstorm 2. (meteorology) rapid inward circulation of air masses about a low pressure center circling counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern |
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