单词 | dean |
释义 | dean [英 [di:n] 美 [din] ] dean的意思、解释 复数形式:deans; dean 基本解释 名词教务长; (大学的)学院院长,系主任; [宗]主任牧师; (大学,尤指牛津、剑桥大学的)学监 dean 网络解释 1. 教务长:每所住宿学院都有一位负责学生生活和学习的院长(master)和一名专门负责指导学生选择课程、专业的教务长(dean),院长、教务长以及他们的家人都跟学生们住在住宿学院. 2. 系主任:在行政系统,又由校长(President)、教务长(Provost)、院长和系主任(Dean)形成分权态势. 这种责权明晰、层次分明、环境和谐、人事关系简单、管理效率较高的运行模式也是美国大学发展较快的另一个原因. dean 双语例句 1. Smith Frank Mascia Project Director: Beth Radovanovich Design Lead: Carl Hampson Project Manager: James Pricco Lead Medical Planner: Jill Bergman Senior Project Architect: JT Tsu Technical Coordinator: Phil Griffen Project Architect Thai Ta Project Architect: Dean Takasato Project Architect: Anselmo Alleva Interior Designer: Jack Poulin Mental Health Expert Adviser: Tim Rommel Project Design Team: Alex Victa, Eunike, Angena Chang, Jenna Wittenberg, Norena Florendo, Arlene Sanchez, Aileen Du, Joe Lafo, Dimitri Contoyannis, , Shannon Bartch, Jhiah Chang, Grant Getz, Glenn Jonas, John Waller, Ryan Repucci, Jean Luc Cuisinier 版权:翻译 www. Smith Frank Mascia 项目总监:Beth Radovanovich 主设计人:Carl Hampson 项目经理:James Pricco 医疗主策划人:Jill Bergman 高级项目建筑师:JT Tsu 技术顾问:Phil Griffen 项目建筑师:Thai Ta 项目建筑师:Dean Takasato 项目建筑师:Anselmo Alleva 室内设计师:ack Poulin 项目设计组:Alex Victa,Eunike,Angena Chang,Jenna Wittenberg,Norena Florendo,Arlene Sanchez,Aileen Du,Joe Lafo,Dimitri Contoyannis,,Shannon Bartch,Jhiah Chang,Grant Getz,Glenn Jonas,John Waller,Ryan Repucci,Jean Luc Cuisinier 2. If necessary, it should be approved by the dean of the English Department. 如确实需要改变应得到校外语部主任的同意。 3. Before I got there, I met Dean, my landlord. 我在去牲口棚的途中碰到了''。 4. dean 4. You cannot take the books away unless you get the special permission from the dean. 除非你有系主任的特批,否则你不能把书借走。 5. PhD, Executive Dean and Professor of School of International Studies, Doctoral Tutor of International Relations, Renmin University of China. 政治学博士,中国人民大学国际关系学院教授、常务副院长,国际关系专业博士生导师。 6. dean 6. It is happening at such a rapid rate that young Chinese architects, even ones still finishing architecture degrees, have burgeoning portfolios of built projects -- while their counterparts in the West may spend the first two decades of their careers mulling the philosophical niceties of what it means to dwell. And given that Ma isn't just a prominent Chinese architect, but also dean of the architecture school at the University of Southern California, the question has a certain urgency. 这一切发生的速度如此之快,以至于中国年轻的建筑师们已开始加入建筑工程的队伍之中,甚至还包括那些仍在大学读建筑学位的学生——于此同时他们一辈儿的西方同行们或许要在其职业生涯中花上20年的时间来进行形而上的思考——建筑对于居住来说到底意味着什么。 7. Later in London he was instructed by Zuzanna Mierzejewska and Brenda Lucas Ogdon. In 2001 he was invited to study as a post-graduate student at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory of Russia by its dean, Professor Leonid Zaichik, with whom he had advanced level piano training for three years. Corfield和西特巴来,后来在伦敦的钢琴老师有米士素加和崿顿。2001年得到俄罗斯圣彼得堡音乐学院钢琴部校长沙尔夕教授邀请入读他的进修班,在圣彼得堡音乐学院得到三年的高级钢琴艺术训练。 8. I continuted to contact the Dean after back home, and expressed my determination of learning Chinese again. 回家后我继续联络该主任,再次表达期望学习中文的决心。 9. Father Wenzel Link, preacher at Nuremberg, former professor and dean of the theological faculty at Wittenberg, who was elected his successor, cast his lot with Luther, whose views were endorsed at a chapter of the Saxon province held in January, 1522, at Wittenberg. 父亲文策尔环线,传教士在纽伦堡,前教授和院长的神学教授在维滕贝格,谁当选他的继任者,投了很多路德的看法是赞同的一章撒克逊省在1月举行,1522年,在维滕贝格。 10. Howard dean, the former governor of vermont, seems to be moving to the head of the pack, but this has only stirred the other candidates to att ack him all the more rabidly. 前佛蒙特州州长迪安看来是走在这群竞选者的前面了,但这却激起了其他候选人对他疯狂的攻击。 11. dean的近义词 11. On September 1929, recommended by Cai Yuanpei, he acted as the Dean of Arts College of Peking University, and promoted innovations on traditional Chinese painting, and opposed conservatism. 1927年春归国后,徐悲鸿奋力投身美术创作和美术教育工作当中,受田汉之邀,出任上海南国艺术学院美术系主任,同时受聘为中央大学艺术系教授,在教学与创作中,提倡写实主义,抨击形式主义。1929年9月,由蔡元培推荐,受聘担任北京大学艺术学院院长,提倡中国画的革新,反对保守主义,曾亲自拜访并聘请画家齐白石出任该院教授。1930年完成油画《田横五百士》,翌年完成中国画《九方皋》,1933年完成油画《徯我后》,开中国历史画一代新风。 12. The slightly less world-beating Letitia Dean is also on the shelf. 没太震撼世界的 Letitia Dean 也推出了自己的新碟。 13. The label's uniqueness may also come in the form of its creative directors who, since the company was founded, have always been sibling pairs: Miki and Christine Tanabe, succeeded by Dean and Dan Caten who later formed DSquared2, and now Tia and Fiona Cibani, creators of Port's most indulgent iconic item, the Jet Set Kit, a portable collection of 11 items including a cashmere hoodie, a multi-use alpaca tube scarf, a cashmere and leather teddy bear, brushed cotton robe, silk slippers and eye mask, cashmere neck pillow, waterproof canvas and leather washbags and a garment bag made out of the same chocolate-coloured Loro Piana storm system canvas carry-all into which the whole lot gets packed. 宝姿的独特之处还可能在于其设计师的构成,自该公司创建以来,其设计师总是一对兄弟或姊妹:米基和克里斯蒂娜·塔纳贝,接着是迪安和丹·卡腾(两兄弟后来创建了时装品牌DSquared2),以及如今的蒂亚和菲奥娜·思班尼。蒂亚两姐妹设计了宝姿内容最全面的标志性套件Jet Set Kit,这套由11件物品组成的便携系列包括一件羊绒毛衣、一条多用羊驼绒围巾、一只羊绒及皮革面料的泰迪熊、棉绒睡袍、丝制拖鞋和眼罩、羊绒颈垫、防水帆布及皮革面料的洗衣袋、一个西装袋、以及同为巧克力色的Loro Piana防水帆布面料旅行手提袋,可以将所有物品装在里面。 14. 14. The blender of this device adopts flexible shaft joint, easy to disa-ssembly and dean. When user dismmltle machine, please mind the boltlocation of blender run direction. 本设备搅拌总成采用活套连轴器连接,便于拆装,用户拆装时,请注意上下搅拌方向位置螺钉部位。 15. The blender of this device adopts flexible shaft joint, easy to disa-ssembly and dean. When user dismmltle machine, please mind the bolt location of blender run direction. 本设备搅拌总成采用活套连轴器连接,便于拆装,用户拆装时,请注意上下搅拌方向位置螺钉部位。 16. 16. The first discussion was carried out on the afternoon of June 10. Vice-dean Li and Vice-dean Xing atended it. 6月10日下午,Jenny与我院外语部教师进行了首次讨论,李峰副院长和邢理平副院长也参加了讨论。 17. dean什么意思 17. Dean Office, Shenyang Institute of Physical Education, Shenyang 110032, Liaoning, China 张贵敏1,于树祥2,马艳红2 18. If seen, they will be confiscated and handed to Student Services for safekeeping. They may be collected the next day when a signed note from home is brought to your dean. 一旦发现,将被没收并送到学生服务中心妥善保管,第二天须将写有家长解释并签字的便条交给年级主任后才能取回。 19. dean 19. The truth is, it's Dean. 事实就是,是迪安干的。 20. dean 20. A former university academic dean, I know of hard-nosed Calculus professors who started off their introductory class by saying to the students, Look at the person to the right of you and the one to left of you. Then they continued, one of you is going to fail this class. 有位顶尖大学的前任院长,是我所认识的众多务实微积分教授之一,用下列的话作为第一堂课的开场白:『好好看看坐在你左、右两边的人,因为你们之中将会有人在这门课里被当掉! dean 词典解释 1. (大学或学院的)院长,教务长 A dean is an important official at a university or college. e.g. She was Dean of the Science faculty at Sophia University. 她是上智大学科学院的院长。 2. 教长;座堂主任牧师 A dean is a priest who is the main administrator of a large church. dean的翻译 e.g. ...Alan Webster, former Dean of St Paul's. 艾伦·韦伯斯特,圣保罗大教堂前教长 3. 泰斗;首席;资历最深者 The dean of a group is the most important member of that group. e.g. ...Aaron Copland, who was known as the dean of American composers. 阿隆·科普兰,美国最资深的作曲家 dean 单语例句dean的近义词 1. Hosting the event will be the Dean and Director of the ANU College of Business and Economics Professor Jayne Godfrey. 2. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said superdelegates should make known their choices on the Democratic nominee for president by the end of June. 3. It was not clear in court why the dean asked the boy about Jackson. 4. " So far it's cuts and bruises but we don't have a complete report, " the newspaper's managing editor Dean Baquet said. 5. He went to talk with the dean with a concealed weapon and an intention to threaten him. 6. The dean was before chairman of Credit Suisse First Boston European Investment Banking and the joint head of global corporate finance at BZW Investment Bank. 7. Communication University of China advertising department dean Huang Shengmin said the government has made progress in its goal of improving Chinese products'global image. 8. " Now the way has been shown, " Dean told The Associated Press. 9. Recent weeks have seen a university dean and prominent Sunni geologist murdered, bringing the death toll among educators to at least 155 since the war began. 10. Howard Dean's rivals seeking to slow the momentum he has built in a summer surge, the contenders spent most of their time assailing the president's policies. dean 英英释义 dean的解释 noun 1. an administrator in charge of a division of a university or college 2. (Roman Catholic Church) the head of the College of Cardinals 3. a man who is the senior member of a group e.g. he is the dean of foreign correspondents Synonym: doyen |
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