单词 | entity |
释义 | entity [英 [?ent?ti] 美 [??nt?ti] ] entity的意思、解释 复数形式:entities; entity 基本解释 名词实体; 实际存在物; 本质 entity 相关例句 名词 1. The whole country is a single entity. 全国一盘棋。 entity 网络解释 1. 实体,本体:需要首先设计. 同时,由于Fact还是代理任务的输入输出对象,我们在决定Fact的同时,一般也就能确定代理之间的相互功能关系与协作方式. 根据它们在系统中的作用,这些本体对象可以分为两种类型:实体本体(Entity)与消息本体(Message). entity 双语例句 1. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Deloitte泛指根据瑞士法律组成的社团性质的组织 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,以及其一家或多家成员所/公司。 2. entity是什么意思 2. Article 30 As for the account of a foreign currency entity card, funds shall be deposited by means of transferring from the foreign exchange account of the entity, and no foreign currency banknote may be deposited or withdrawn within the borders of China. 第三十条单位外币卡帐户的资金应从其单位的外汇帐户转帐存入,不得在境内存取外币现钞。 3. Bank cards may be classified into RMB cards and foreign currency cards according to the currency type; entity cards and individual cards according to the target of issuance; and magnetic cards and integrated circuit cards according to the information carrier. 银行卡按币种不同分为人民币卡、外币卡;按发行对象不同分为单位卡、个人卡;按信息载体不同分为磁条卡、芯片卡。 4. From this perspective, the virus body is an independent entity, it is no longer with the formation of the mother cells of any liquid interaction. 从这个角度来说,病毒体是一个独立的实体,不再与形成它的母体细胞有任何的液体交互。 5. For your venture to be a legal business entity, you need to work on certain formalities. 你是一个合法经营的实体企业,你就需要工作一定的手续。 6. The Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is an independent legal personality of the economic entity. 北京大唐华强科技有限公司是一家具有独立法人资格的经济实体。 7. It is legal entity separate from its owners. 这是法律实体,它的所有者分开。 8. A corporation is a legal entity created in accordance with state law. 有限责任公司是根据州的法律创建的法人。 9. It is not some amorphous entity capable of inflicting harmful outcomes on all who enter. 它并非某种看不见摸不着的实体,能使危险降临进入它的每一个人。 10. This is a story with no enemy, only an amorphous entity that drops bombs from the skies while terrified young soldiers must find a way to carry out their mission until their very last minutes on that mountaintop. 在这部影片中,没有敌人,只有一个隐形组织从空中扔投炸弹,在危急时刻威胁着年轻的士兵们必须在山顶上找到一种方法来完成他们的任务。 11. Taking AutoCAD2000 as a platform, use VB6.0 language for programming, the parameterized modeling s stem for entity of conical cam with conical roller oscillating follower was developed. 以AutoCAD2000为平台,应用VB6.0语言编程,开发了圆锥滚子摆动从动件圆锥凸轮实体的参数化造型系统。 12. 12. 2Any business combination in which two or more separate enterprises are brought together into a reporting entity merely by contract other than ownership shares. 仅通过合同而不是所有权份额将两个或者两个以上单独的企业合并形成一个报告主体的企业合并。 13. Scegliamo Dynamic Data Web Application, perché pensiamo di generare il modello dei dati con LINQ to SQL, se volessimo usare Entity Framework dovremmo scegliere Dynamic Data Entities …. 选择动态数据Web应用程序,因为我们使用LINQ生成的模型数据到SQL,实体框架我们,如果我们选择使用动态数据实体。。。。 14. entity 14. As a result of deepening lexical-semantic driven theory, the author classifies the basic operations in the language processing from the two levels of the entity and the attribute, and systematically defines two sets of basic operations, ie, Attribute-derived operation set (including Single-Phase operation, Aggregate operation, Disaggregate operation and Split operation) Entity alternation operation set (including Create operation and Fill operation). 作为词汇—语义驱动理论的深化研究,作者从实体和属性两个角度对语言处理中的基本运算进行了分类研究,系统地定义了两级基本运算集:属性派生运算集(包括相变类操作、聚合类操作、析合类操作和裂变类操作)、实体转化运算集(包括创建操作和填充操作)。 15. entity的翻译 15. Athens was a polis, a political entity consisting of vast territories -- in this case, Attica and its town, and is not to be confused with an asty. 雅典是一个城邦,即一个由很多领地所组成的政治实体。 16. Thy prayers ascend to the throne of god, and the angel of each entity stands before the throne to make intercession. 祷告升起到上帝的宝座,每一位实体的天使站在宝座前求情调解。 17. This is a survey research that discusses the physicians` knowledge, attitude and behavior in group practices. The definition of group practices is the provision of health care services like consultation, diagnosis and treatment by a group of two or more licensed physicians engaged in a formally organized and legally recognized entity. It also can joint use of equipment and manpower. 本研究采问卷调查法,探讨医师对於联合执业的认知、态度及其选择行为之影响,联合执业定义为二位或二位以上医师所组成之正式组织,用於提供谘询、诊断及治疗等医疗服务,并可共同使用仪器设备与人力资源。 18. One essay from foreign country says that China is not a unified and internally coherent entity. 一篇报道声称中国不是一个统一和内部团结的国家,说我们的人性中包含太多的自私和嫉妒,但我想在座各位是不同认同这个看法的。 19. One essay from foreign country says that China is not a unified and internally coherent entity. And our disposition comprises selfishness and jealousy. But I suppose that all you guys will disagree with that point of view. 一篇报道声称中国不是一个统一和内部团结的国家,说我们的人性中包含太多的自私和嫉妒,但我想在座各位是不同认同这个看法的。 20. The business associations discussed above may be dissolved upon the occurrence of any of the following:(1) expiration of the entity's term; (2) accomplishment of the entity's stated objectives; (3) adoption of a resolution of the entity's members to dissolve the entity; or (4) issuance of a court judgment of dissolution. 该企业协会讨论上述可能被解散后,发生下列任何一种:( 1 )到期实体的任期;( 2 )完成该实体的既定目标;( 3 )通过一项决议,该实体的成员解散实体;或( 4 )发放法院判决解散。 entity 词典解释 1. 独立存在体;实体 An entity is something that exists separately from other things and has a clear identity of its own. e.g. ...the earth as a living entity... 作为一个有生命的实体的地球 e.g. North and South will remain separate entities within a commonwealth until the year 2000. 南方和北方将作为一个政治联合体下的两个独立实体继续存在,直至2000年。 entity 单语例句 1. As is customary in China, the government agency and the business corporation are actually one entity with two identities. 2. MetLife is working with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on business registration and other requirements related to the new entity. 3. The company will split its business into two branches in the future, with one entity to develop educational products and the other to provide education and training. 4. But not all banks deciding to register as a local entity are aiming at retail business. 5. When several Parties act in unison for purposes outlined in the preceding paragraph, they shall count as one entity. 6. The CAS has about 90 natural scientific research institutes whereas the CAE does not have research entity. 7. The CBA is in many ways subordinate to the Chinese national team, a conflicting mandate that makes it impossible to chart a logical course for either entity. 8. The commission found the merged entity would only have a small market share and would continue to face numerous strong competitors after the proposed transaction. 9. Blame each entity's unique system of law - Hong Kong's is based on the British system of common law - and the different judicial jurisdictions. 10. Fiscal conditions reflect an economic entity's funding fluidity in future through comparing its revenues and debt status. entityentity 英英释义 noun 1. that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) |
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