单词 | battalion |
释义 | battalion [英 [b??t?li?n] 美 [b??t?lj?n] ] battalion的意思、解释 复数形式:battalions; battalion 基本解释 名词(陆军的)一营(大约有一千兵士); 大军,部队; (组织在一起工作的)队伍; 大批,许多,大量 battalion 网络解释 1. 营:现在是旅(Brigade)、营(Battalion)、连(Company)、排(Platoon)、班(Element)没有师(Regiment Division)了. 数日后,两名医生收到房东木特鲁(Erol Mutlu)的电子邮件,表示他的兄弟丹尼兹(Deniz Mutlu)正前往史密森尼博物馆,要求归还陨石. 2. battalion的意思 2. 大队:II 营或 大队 (battalion) 三百到一千人 二到六个连或 四到六个中队 中校I 连或 中队 (company) 六十到二百五十人 三到六个排或 小队 上尉或 少校排或 小队 (Platoon) 二十五到四十人 两个班以上或 分队 少尉或 中尉组 (section or patrol) 八到十二人 两个伍以上 中士或 上士班或 伙, 3. battalion的近义词 3. 军营:batta 战时津贴 | battalion 军营 | batteau 平底小舟 4. battalion在线翻译 4. 军队:bathroom 浴室 | battalion 军队 | batter 连击 battalion 双语例句 1. People's Liberation Army in 2007 was appointed as an independent business unit communications battalion commander, during his tenure was second onCe and won the People's Heroes Kung defender, earthquake and other disaster relief command of the title of Hero deputy regiment level 2007年被任命为解放军某部通信独立营营长,期间获集体一等功一次;二等功四次;个人二等功一次;三等功四次并荣获人民英雄卫士、抗震救灾英雄指挥等称号 2. In 2000 was promoted to the original independence of successive long leave, I was a graduate of the temporary appointment of an independent again and again as the People's Liberation Army communications unit lengTh, led during his tenure was ordered to attend the Russian A-field task force to ensure the safety of their supreme commander, was wounded was awarded the merit of first time deputy battalion level 2000年原独立连连长被提拔走人,毕业的我被临时任命为解放军某部通信独立连连长,期间奉命带队参加200年中俄A级野战任务为确保最高指挥官安全迫使自己负伤被授予集体二等功三次;个人一等功一次;三等功三次 3. I shouted an adjusting command to Corn who passed it quickly to Sasser and on to battalion. 我对科恩大喊校射命令,科恩又飞快传达给塞瑟,塞瑟则飞快传达到营里。 4. In November, a marine battalion that was scheduled to deploy to Iraq will instead deploy to Afghanistan. 11月,一支将要调度到伊拉克的海上舰队调度到阿富汗。8000的减少使驻伊美军达到138000。 5. According to the battalion history, it was a swashbuckling, almost skylarking campaign. 按该营军史记载,一场一边倒的、近乎胡闹的战役。 6. battalion的近义词 6. Wang Qian, a vice battalion commander, explained that'female soldiers are a special element of the army, 'so intelligence alone isn't enough to ensure selection. 身居副营长一职的王潜解释说,女兵是军队中的特殊元素,因此光考智力不足以保证选拔。 7. Brilliant primary school supervisor under the leadership of school education units and enthusiastic people, the majority of parents strongly support, fully implement the Party's education policy, carrying out quality education, and educational benefit is remarkable to be well received at all levels, has been Foshan City, Shunde District Department of the advanced Young Pioneers Battalion, Shunde District, moral education in an advanced unit; Shunde District, Teaching Excellence Award performance. 光辉小学在上级的领导下,在办学单位和教育热心人士、广大家长的大力支持下,全面贯彻党的教育方针,开展素质教育,办学效益显著,得到各级的好评,先后获佛山市、顺德区先进少先队大队部,顺德区德育工作先进单位;顺德区教学成绩优秀奖。 8. Built two three-story classroom building of a total of 24 classrooms, a variety of functions games room multimedia electric classrooms, language laboratories, computer rooms, equipment rooms, science laboratories, library reading room, art room, music room, sports room LO technology room, health room, counseling room, the Ministry of Young Pioneers Battalion, etc. 建有两幢教学楼各三层共24个课室,各种功能场室(多媒体电教室、语言实验室、电脑室、仪器室、科学实验室、图书阅览室、美术室、音乐室、体育室、劳技室、卫生室、心理辅导室、少先队大队部等)配备齐全。 9. Covered by air and artillery, Roise fell back about a mile from Hill 1426 to Hill 1294. This and other movements freed up Harris` 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, to move to a position astride the MSR about 4, 000 yards south of Yudam-ni. 在飞机和炮火的掩护下,罗伊斯从1426高地往后撤退了大约1英里,退到了1294高地。2营还有其它一些部队的行动,使得哈里斯的陆战7团3营得以转移到柳潭里以南4,000码处的一个扼守住主要补给线的阵地。 10. On How Company`s left flank were Easy and Fox Companies of Roise`s 2d Battalion, 5th Marines, occupying the rest of the ridge until it dropped down to the defile through which passed the road to the west. 在H连的左翼是罗伊斯陆战5团2营的E连和F连,他们沿山脊设防直至通往西方的公路隘口。 11. Course of study of railroad passenger transportation regards a countryman as the essential service industry in economy, want to competing to position is occupied in increasingly intense passenger transportation market and can stand firm at present, need to realize quantitative augment not only, more important, more pressing is to want those who realize passenger transportation quality to serve quality especially to rise, this has been industry of railroad passenger transportation survives not just with development strategical problem, it is to be in more at present state of battalion of already of look forward to of railroad passenger transportation nots allow hopeful, competition of passenger transportation market raises benefit of society of enterprise of railroad passenger traffic and the important way that add the market to own share below increasingly intense circumstance again. 铁路旅客运输业作为国民经济中重要的服务行业,要想在目前竞争日益激烈的旅客运输市场中占有一席之地并能站稳脚跟,不仅需要实现数量的扩充,更重要、更迫切的是要实现旅客运输质量尤其是服务质量的提高,这已经不仅仅是铁路旅客运输企业生存与发展的战略性问题,更是在目前铁路旅客运输企业经营状况不容乐观,旅客运输市场竞争又日益激烈的情况下提高铁路客运企业社会效益和增加市场占有份额的重要途径。2、铁路旅客运输服务质量特征铁路客运服务系统是一个复杂的系统,服务质量的优劣是众多因素相互影响、相互作用的结果,是铁路各部门工作质量的综合体现。 12. You want to run your company in a defensive posture, and you want to be attacked by a battalion of 500 people. 你想让你的连处于防御态势,并想受到500人的一个营的攻击。 13. They develop a few ways of civilian battalion economy, be worth us to draw lessons from. 他们发展民营经济的一些做法,是值得我们借鉴的。 14. battalion的意思 14. The main character in her book was a battalion commander of that corps. 她书中的主人翁是部队的一位营长。 15. battalion什么意思 15. Company E is a critical component of the battalion. E连是该营非常重要的组成部分。 16. At the foot of the mountain was a whole battalion of Kuomintang soldiers, surrounding us in a tight ring.. 在山脚下有一个营的GMD部队的士兵,把我们紧紧的包围在一个圈里。 17. Major Morris had been assigned to take Hill 1328 on the right of the road with his 3d Battalion. 莫里斯少校奉命带领他的3营夺取公路右侧的1328高地。 18. Then I was a brigade liaison officer. After that, I finally became a battalion commander. 然后我当旅部联络官,在那之后我终于当上营长。 19. 19. After that, I finally became a battalion commander. 然后我当旅部联络官,在那之后我终于当上营长。 20. A World War II US tank is discovered buried under a street at Chartres, in France. The M5 light tank was from the 31st Tank Battalion, part of the 1944 D-Day invasion force. 在法国的chartres,一辆二次世界大战美军坦克被发现埋藏街道下。M5轻型坦克是第31坦克营的,1944年D日入侵部队的一部分。 battalion 词典解释 1. 营;军营 A battalion is a large group of soldiers that consists of three or more companies. e.g. Anthony was ordered to return to his battalion... 安东尼受命返回自己的军营。 e.g. He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards. 他加入了英国近卫步兵第一团第二营。 2. (尤指有组织、有特定任务、高效的)一大群,一大批 A battalion of people is a large group of them, especially a well-organized, efficient group that has a particular task to do. e.g. There were battalions of highly paid publicists to see that such news didn't make the press. 有一大批拿高薪的公关人员可以确保这样的新闻不会见诸报端。 battalion 单语例句 1. They skirmished with a battalion of the KMT Fourteenth Division and scattered them. 2. When he started training a battalion of drivers in 1997, he had to pull 98 percent of them from Hong Kong. 3. Wei's father had been a battalion commander of a local militia. 4. Calling up a battalion costs hundreds of thousands of shekels, according to the report. 5. The nonfiction work recounted the experiences of a US Army infantry battalion deployed to Baghdad as part of the 2007 surge. 6. The infantrymen of A Company and their comrades in the battalion's two tank companies hadn't fired a shot. 7. Baghdad's infamously dangerous airport road is seeing a sharp decline in attacks under the control of an Iraqi police battalion. 8. Rebel fighters also attacked the Sheikh Suleiman air defense battalion west of Aleppo city, and a rebel source reported fierce clashes around the base. 9. Aside from the punishing physical tasks of clearing rubble and digging out victims, the battalion also endured the emotional impact of witnessing the quake's aftermath. 10. They will serve as the first battalion in the country's new army. battalion 英英释义 noun 1. an army unit usually consisting of a headquarters and three or more companies 2. a large indefinite number e.g. a battalion of ants a multitude of TV antennas a plurality of religions Synonym: large numbermultitudepluralitypack |
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