单词 | batter |
释义 | batter [英 [?b?t?(r)] 美 [?b?t?] ] batter的意思、解释 过去式:battered; 过去分词:battered; 现在分词:battering; 复数形式:batters; batter 基本解释 batter的解释 及物/不及物动词连续猛击; 捣碎,打烂; 磨损; 使内倾,使倾斜 名词(铅字的)磨损,毁损; (用鸡蛋、牛奶、面粉等调成的)糊状物; 击球员,击球手; 墙面的倾斜 batter batter 相关例句 及物动词 1. batter在线翻译 1. There's someone battering at the door. 有人在用力敲门。 2. I'm going to replace my battered car with a new one. 我打算买辆新车来取代我那辆破车。 3. 3. The mob battered down the door. 暴徒们把门砸开。 不及物动词 1. The waves are battering at the shore. 海浪不断地拍击着海岸。 2. batter什么意思 2. Someone is battering away at the door. 有人在砰砰擂门。 名词 1. We need a good batter on our team. 我们队需要一个好击球手。 batter 网络解释 1. 击球手:击球手Vs.投球手 其实棒球的规例和术语都颇复杂,非三言两语可轻易解释,棒球的玩法简单说是投球手(Pitcher)和击球手(Batter)之间的对抗,作防守和进攻. 棒球比赛中每一队有九人,两队轮流攻守,共打九局来决胜. 2. batter的翻译 2. 面糊:(c) 面糊(Batter)是指一种半流体物质,通常包含面粉和其他成份. 要加工的主要成份可在其中浸蘸,或用它涂膜,或直接用它制成焙烤食品. (e)关键控制点(Critical control point)是指食品加工过程中的一个点,在这个点上控制不好就可能造成或引发危害, 3. 击球运动员:batsman 板球运动员 | batter 击球运动员 | mens singles 单打运动员 batter 双语例句 1. The score still was 1-0 when Wang encountered difficulty in the fourth. He walked the first three batters and yielded a single to Justin Morneau, yet was unscathed. First, Posada threw out Bartlett, the leadoff batter, attempting to steal and then, with the bases loaded, Rodriguez started a 5-4-3 double play with a nifty backhand stab.! q$ s a3? 5 R5 B 当小王在第四局遇到麻烦时,双方的比数还是0比1,他保送了前三名打者,还被打出一支安打,但却毫发无损,原因一是Posada将该局第一位打者Bartlett在尝试盗垒时狙杀出局,而接下来在满垒的时候,Rodriguez漂亮地反手接球并发动一次5传4传3的双杀。 2. Ok. Lisent. The last three years, I often lose my mind actruly. The university life is new, dance study work. form a baby to be a man. I have so many frinds with me and help me. but now……I`m really tird. Form the last three years I learnd so many things, how to dill with the probems, how to work I it batter, and so on. 23号交图纸,24、25和导师谈具体科研项目的内容,然后马上回家看老爸给我找的那个什么 XXX 亲戚,石油勘探部的,了解不是很多,有点不太想去,但是老爸给我商量过了,还是回去看看,然后和那几个兄弟们北京见面,日,老子就这么被你们结束了。 3. This version of the non-deep ice dance Shadow Master thieves were grams of very dead, the fire would like to win a large extent, law depends on the stun, sprint, magic batter can be a passive trigger, Austrian law would like to win, I summed up the two circumstances: first, to Hong war dance video hands are refrigerator, the refrigerator should be turned out not to be cutting as much as possible, and then opened strong with Austrian shells screen - fire red - shells hit the order screen, the disappearance of the ice ring thief, ice went as far as possible from the post code of the local thieves Reading 5-8 sheep, the disappearance of the hair, such a situation are more variable and, at this point first. 1,对影舞贼。这版本非深冰的法师都是被影舞贼克的很死的,火法想取胜很大程度取决于击晕,疾跑,法术连击能被动触发,奥法想取胜,我归结两个情况:第一种,对轰战,起手影舞则冰箱,出冰箱要扭头尽量不被凿,然后开奥强用弹幕-火冲-弹幕的顺序打,贼消失则冰环,冰柱后尽量跑到离贼5-8码的地方读羊,消失则吹风,这种局面变数较多,说到这里先。 4. Starting from the concept of understanding low capping piles and high capping piles, combined with the earthquake force pile resistance mechanism, it analyzes the reasons for lateral deformation and lateral instability of the pile under the lateral actions, introduces the core issue of piles, soil level of power-sharing, and proposes four sub-systems of resisting horizontal force, including the soil pressure of the side soil layer of the platform or basement and rubed resistance, the axle pressure of batter piles, shear and bending resistance ability of piles, born platform, underground wall, one and worked and undertaken with the elastic reactance strength of the land in coordination. 摘要]从低桩承台、高桩承台的概念理解入手,结合桩基抵抗地震水平力的机理,分析桩基在水平力作用下的侧向变形及失稳的原因,阐述由桩、土分担水平力的核心问题,提出建筑桩基抵抗水平力分体系的系统设计思路,提出由承台或地下室的侧面土层的土压力及摩阻力承担,由斜桩的轴向力承担,由桩的抗剪及抗弯能力承担,由承台、地下墙体、基桩协同工作和土的弹性抗力承担四种分体系。 5. An inside pitch is between home plate and the batter. 界内球是在本垒和击球手之间的球。 6. batter的翻译 6. Andalusia`s breakfast of champions, churros are long snakes of doughnut batter, straight from the hot oil onto the plate, scattered with a pound of sugar, and dipped in your morning coffee or hot chocolate. 安达陆西亚有早餐之王之称,油条就是长条形的炸面包圈,从热油里炸过就捞到盘子里,撒上些糖粉,蘸着早餐的咖啡或者热巧克力吃。 7. For Churros batter: bring water, butter, sugar, and salt to boil in a saucepan on medium-high heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves and the butter melts. 油条面糊做法:水,黄油,糖和盐一起中火煮沸,搅拌至糖溶化、黄油融化。 8. Mix-ture will be thick. Spread batter in greased pan. Bake at 350 F. For 35 to 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. 把搅好的混合物倒入抹了油的可脱底烤盘,35-45分钟或者用牙签插入中间,直到牙签没有粘连物。 9. 9. Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry on the top. 再把调好的这小团面糊放入油锅深炸直至成为乒乓球大小的油炸面圈。然后放入杯中,在面上浇一点可乐汁,一些奶油,肉桂,糖和樱桃。 10. Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamonsugar and a cherry on the top 再把调好的这小团面糊放入油锅深炸直至成为乒乓球大小的油炸面圈。然后放入杯中,在面上浇一点可乐汁,一些奶油,肉桂,糖和樱桃。 11. Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnutswhich are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamonsugar a cherry on the top. 再把调好的这小团面糊放入油锅深炸直至成为乒乓球大小的油炸面圈。然后8t t t8.com 放入杯中,在面上浇一点可乐汁,一些8 tt t8.com 奶油,肉桂,糖和樱桃。 12. The shaped batter goes straight to the cooking oil since it doesn't need to rise. 该型击球手去直接向食油,因为它并不需要增加。 13. batter 13. The Yankees were down after three pitches, as Grady Sizemore led off the game with a home run for Cleveland, and they were never able to get up. Jhonny Peralta dunked a run-scoring single to center with two outs in the first, and Wang -- struggling to find command of his trademark sinker while pitching on three days` rest for the first time in his career -- loaded the bases in the second without retiring a batter. 洋基今天輸在三個球上:Grady Sizemore擊出陽春砲,讓印地安人取得領先到最後;Jhonny Peralta在第一局兩人出局後又擊出一分打點的中間方向安打;加上王建民----第一次休息3天就上場,他的招牌伸卡球控球不穩------在第二局無人出局造成滿壘。 14. And before they go, he says, more want to learn how to batter better budget their money. 但是在他们走之前,他说,多数学生想要学会怎样更好的预算他们的资金。 15. batter什么意思 15. Chien-Ming Wang threw three strikes and struck out the batter. 王建民投了三个好球,三振掉打者。 16. The essential character of residents'consumption in batter-off society is to promote the quality of consumption. 小康社会居民消费的本质特征是全面提高消费质量,本文以居民的消费质量为贯穿全文的线索,从消费质量的三个方面——消费主体质量、消费客体质量和消费环境质量出发,对小康社会居民的消费质量状况进行全面地研究与评价。 17. It's angular momentum when the body rotates the torso and/or hips, like a golfer or baseball batter during a swing, and it's linear momentum when the body shifts straight without rotation, like moving straight into someone and pushing them away from you. 当旋转躯干或臀部时产生角动量,像是高尔夫或棒球手挥杆时那样,重心无旋转的转移时产生线动量,就像直接冲向某人把他推开一样。 18. The batter also is out if he hits the ball in the air and an opposing player catches it. 同样,如果他挥棒去击打这个球,并且,与他相对位置的队员得到了这个球,他也将出局。 19. Tea wants wear 150--200 micron atomic, join plant sex starch and protein next, add again 35, 40% water is moved into mushy, in the compressor that pulls in poriferous model, with every square centimeter 50 kilograms pressure, squeeze a strip form tea, thin fry batter in a thin layer is put on breaker plate, blow with sirocco do water content 10% the left and right sides, reoccupy low temperature is long carbonado sufficient dry, arrange the norms that agrees into accident next, pack with moistureproof material. 茶叶要磨成150--200微米的微粒,然后加入植物性淀粉和蛋白质,再加35—40%的水调成糊状,在多孔模扳的压力机中,用每平方厘米50公斤的压力,挤出长条形茶,薄摊放在筛板上,用热风吹干到含水量10%左右,再用低温长烘到足干,然后整理成长短一致的规格,用防潮材料包装。 20. I wipe some batter off my face and glance at my young daughter. 我擦了擦脸上的面糊,眼光注视着我的小女儿。 batter 词典解释 1. 殴打;痛打;毒打 If someone is battered, they are regularly hit and badly hurt by a member of their family or by their partner. batter的解释 e.g. ...evidence that the child was being battered. 这个孩子被家人毒打的证据 e.g. ...boys who witness fathers battering their mothers. 目睹父亲殴打母亲的男孩们 battering Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop. 结束这段感情并不意味着这种殴打伤害就会停止。 2. (用拳头或重物)多次重击,连续猛打(某人) To batter someone means to hit them many times, using fists or a heavy object. e.g. He battered her around the head... 他连续重击她的头部。 e.g. A karate expert battered a man to death... 一位空手道高手将一名男子毒打致死。 battered Her battered body was discovered in a field. 在田野里发现了她的尸体,生前曾遭到重击。 3. (风、雨或暴风雪等)肆虐,严重破坏 If a place is battered by wind, rain, or storms, it is seriously damaged or affected by very bad weather. e.g. The country has been battered by winds of between fifty and seventy miles an hour. 该国遭受到时速高达50至70英里的大风袭击,破坏严重。 e.g. ...a storm that's been battering the Northeast coastline. 在东北海岸肆虐的暴风雨 4. (用拳头或重物)多次重击,连续猛打(某物) If you batter something, you hit it many times, using your fists or a heavy object. e.g. They were battering the door, they were breaking in... 他们正在使劲捶门,就要闯进来了。 e.g. Batter the steaks flat. 把牛排捶扁。 5. (面粉、鸡蛋和牛奶和成的)糊,面糊 Batter is a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk that is used in cooking. e.g. ...pancake batter. 做煎饼的面糊 e.g. ...fish in batter. 裹着面糊的鱼 6. (棒球和垒球等运动中的)击球员,击球手 In sports such as baseball and softball, a batter is a person who hits the ball with a wooden bat. e.g. ...batters and pitchers. 击球手和投球手们 7. see also: battered;battering 相关词组:batter down batter 单语例句 1. Vision Asia program is aimed to assist AFC members to build better administrations and finances, to market the sport batter and to pay more heed to grassroots program. 2. Add the sifted flour and milk, alternating the mixture and beat until batter is combined and there are no lumps. 3. Add the flour and mix on low speed until batter is smooth. 4. And the numerous fancy pastry shops give themselves away by the aroma of vanilla custard and meringue batter wafting through Lisbon's winding streets. 5. Immediately place a heaped spoonful of filling on top of the batter. 6. If a batter gets three strikes, he loses his turn at bat and is called out. 7. Whisk 1 egg white until it peaks and carefully fold into the batter. 8. The drama started in the sixth inning when Blue Jays'batter Edwin Encarnacion was hit by a pitch. 9. Add sifted flour and baking powder and beat to make a smooth batter. 10. He never takes a practise swing once he steps into the batter's box. batter 英英释义 noun 1. a liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking 2. (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting Synonym: hittersluggerbatsman verb 1. make a dent or impression in e.g. dinge a soft hat Synonym: dinge 2. strike violently and repeatedly e.g. She clobbered the man who tried to attack her Synonym: clobberbaste 3. strike against forcefully e.g. Winds buffeted the tent Synonym: buffetknock about |
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