单词 | fulfil |
释义 | fulfil fulfil的意思、解释 过去式:fulfilled; 过去分词:fulfilled; 现在分词:fulfilling; fulfil 基本解释 fulfil的反义词 及物动词履行(条约,义务),遵守,执行(命令等); 完成(计划等),做完(工作); 达到(目的),应验(预言等),满足(希望); 使臻于完善,充分发挥潜在的能力 fulfil什么意思 fulfil 相关例句 及物动词 1. She fulfilled all her responsibilities. 她尽到了她的全部责任。 2. fulfil的解释 2. The task has been fulfilled. 任务已完成了。 3. This diet will fulfil your needs in food. 这样的饮食将会满足你的食物需要。 4. It will be a great happiness to her to fulfil her father's desire. 对她来说,实现她父亲的意愿将是极大的快乐。 fulfil 网络解释 1. 履行:403响应则相反,它表明服务器能够理解我们的请求,但不知道如何履行(fulfil)它,而且服务器希望我们不要重试. 对于这些情况,我们得在响应的有效负载(payload)里寻找其他的状态迁移(链接),换其他推进状态的路线. 2. 实现:一般而言,相对於人权的国家义务可以分解为三个层面:尊重(respect)的义务、保护(protect)的义务、实现(fulfil)的义务. 尽管实现人权的义务在该法条中没有明确的表述,但国家通过积极的行动帮助公民实现人权的思想在中国宪法文本中到处可见. 3. 履行(契約),滿期:freight 運費,貨運,水上運輸 | fulfil 履行(契約),滿期 | fumigation (船)煙熏消毒 4. 实践:fugitive 逃亡的 | fulfil 实践 | full 满 fulfil 双语例句 1. fulfil的解释 1. Our presence and that of the many other Beings from Higher dimensions are here to ensure that the end times fulfil everyone's promise. 我们的存在以及其他高维的许多其他生物来到这里,就是确保你们在结束时间实现每个人的承诺。 2. 2. Be DEAF when people tell YOU thatYOU can not fulfil YOUR dreams! 當周邊人們告訴你做不到時,就當個聾者吧! 3. Thanks to your hard work, we can fulfil the task on time. 托赖大家的努力,才能按时完成任务。 4. Thanks to our hard work, we can fulfil the task on time. 托赖大家的努力,才能按时完成任务。 5. In fact, our in reality is only a average youth student, but I also want to fulfil suitable of landlord, the success being Olympiad holds to offer a portion as a tribute meagre t 其实,现实中的我只是一个普通的青年学生,但我也要尽到地主之宜,为奥运会的成功举办奉献一份微薄之力。 6. fulfil 6. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 『不要以我来是要毁废律法或神言人;我来不是要毁废,乃是要成全。 7. 7. I will fulfil task for this month by next week. 下个星期我会按时完成本月任务的。 8. 8. All you can do is plan for something which will fulfil a need. 你所要做的就是做出计划去满足需求。 9. The widow, and she that is divorced, shall fulfil whatsoever they vow. 寡妇或弃妇所许的愿,或她所发的戒誓,概为有效。 10. 10. Whatsoever she promised and swore, she shall fulfil in deed. 她父亲听到了她许的愿和她发誓戒绝的事,却对她未发一言,她许的愿和她所发的戒誓,概为有效。 11. Long way up to this period of history, the thought that felt responsibility towards the nation and its people with the great sacrifices in order to fulfil the people's aspirations of peaceful transformation, and the same thought valorously opened a new front of the struggle as a new process of sacrifice. 历史发展到今天这一阶段走了很长的道路,这一思想感到要为国家和付出伟大牺牲的人民负责,为了满足人民对和平过渡的渴望,这一思想又勇敢地打开了一扇新的斗争战线的大门,开始了新的奋斗牺牲的历程。 12. We have only with when all is entered, development innovation, ability cut the buck, fulfil this great mission. 我们只有与时俱进,开拓创新,才能不负重望,完成这个伟大的使命。 13. It has signed two large power-purchase agreements, for up to 1, 750MW, and plans to fulfil them using dish-engine systems built in conjunction with its sister company, Tessera Solar. 它已经签定了两项大型的高达17500亿瓦的能源购买协议,并计划通过运用和它姊妹公司Tessera共同打造的盘式发动机系统来实现协议的内容。 14. 23 That He may fulfil to them the promise which He promised with great glory and rejoicing, if so be that they shall keep the ordinances of God, which they received, with great faith'. 3时23分,他可能会履行他们的承诺,他承诺会以极大的荣耀和大喜日子,如果这样,他们会不断条例的上帝,因为他们收到了,非常真诚。 15. fulfil的翻译 15. Any dealings in the eSun Shares from now up to the date on which all conditions to which the Rights Issue is subject are fulfil led, or in the Rights Shares in nil-paid form on the Stock Exchange during the period in which they may be traded in their nil- paid form such period to 由现时起至供股之所有条件达成当日止之任何丰德丽股份买卖,或於未缴股款供股股份方式进行买卖之期间(有关期间将由丰德丽尽快公布)在联交所买卖未缴股款供股股份将须承受供股未必成为无条件或未必进行之风险。 16. In order to against this kind of calamitous occurrence, so the nation must fulfil the responsibility. 為了要防範這種災難的發生,所以國家必須盡到責任,採取防範的措施。 17. fulfil的翻译 17. So then as many as have attained to beauty and stature are speedily released, but those of them who are unshapely remain there much time, not being able to fulfil the law; for some of them remain even as much as three or four years: and in some parts of Cyprus too there is a custom similar to this. 在赛浦路斯的某些地方也可以看到和这相似的风俗。前面196节讲到,巴比伦人并非是一开始就有此风习。他们本来是根据女儿的姿色拍卖,用拍卖美女的钱,作补贴丑女的嫁妆。后来才改为让女儿先做妓女,然后才出嫁的。 18. To fulfil its obligations prescribed in the contract and the Articles of Association 双方中任何一方无力或不能履行本合同和章程所规定的义务,致使合营公司无法继续 19. The first, various concerned orgnaization should concern legal code according to the country, be promulgated quickly and carry out asset of village class collective to run way, strict and impartial and assets of collective of former area under administration appreciates after the village, accrual, allocate authority to belong to changeless regulation, check stoutly and deuce in the village, flat regulation problem, ensure the safety of collective asset; Have quantity great disparity to cross old village to undertake incorporating to collective asset, must be made clear and village not and Zhang, execute management of apart business accounting, cent piece, cent to put the way of file; Appropriate handles issue of debt of former village creditor's rights, want what with the village collective economy develops a circumstance to fulfil debt of good village class to reclaim according to creditor's rights remand plan; To former village appoint can use collective to asset sends a package external or manage a project directly, be signed lawfully and already the of all kinds economy of become effective. 第一,各级有关机构要依据国家有关法律法规,迅速颁布并实施村级集体资产治理办法,严明并村后原辖区集体资产升值、收益、分配权属不变的规定,果断制止并村中平分、平调问题,确保集体资产的安全;对集体资产占有量悬殊过大的村进行合并,必须明确并村不并账,实行分开核算、分块治理、分存归档的办法;妥善处理原村债权债务问题,要根据债权回收和村集体经济发展情况落实好村级债务的归还计划;对原村委会利用集体资产对外发包或直接经营项目,依法签订并已生效的各类经济。。。 20. Article 35. The enterprise must fulfil the mandatory plans. 第三十五条企业必须完成指令性计划。 fulfil 词典解释 1. 履行;实现;使应验 If you fulfil something such as a promise, dream, or hope, you do what you said or hoped you would do. e.g. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum. 卡翁达总统兑现了他的承诺,宣布了全民公决的日期。 2. 实行;执行;完成 To fulfil a task, role, or requirement means to do or be what is required, necessary, or expected. e.g. Without them you will not be able to fulfil the tasks you have before you... 没有他们你将无法完成面临的任务。 e.g. All the necessary conditions were fulfilled. 所有必要的条件都满足了。 3. 满足;使满意;使有成就感 If something fulfils you, or if you fulfil yourself, you feel happy and satisfied with what you are doing or with what you have achieved. e.g. The war was the biggest thing in her life and nothing after that quite fulfilled her... 这场战争是她生命中最重大的事件,从那以后再没有什么让她特别有成就感的了。 e.g. They don't like the idea that women can fulfil themselves without the assistance of a man. 他们不喜欢那种女人没有男人的帮助仍会有所成就的想法。 fulfilled She has courageously continued to lead a fulfilled life... 她一直勇敢地坚持着充实满足的生活。 I feel more fulfilled doing this than I've ever done. 做这件事让我比以往任何时候都感到满足。fulfilling ...a fulfilling career... 让人有成就感的职业 I found it all very fulfilling. 我发觉一切都令人感到非常满足。fulfil 单语例句 1. Stymied in his American ambitions, he started to cash in on helping others fulfil their American Dreams. 2. The CDM allows developed countries to fulfil their emission reduction obligations at much lower cost by investing in clean energy projects in developing countries. 3. The story centres on two sisters and the Malan flower growing on Malan Mountain, which has the magic quality that can fulfil the wishes of diligent people. 4. Geng said he had a dream of becoming a policeman since his childhood, and he can now fulfil his dream with the movie. 5. I am glad to have the opportunity to fulfil my dream, for people far from China to listen to my music and see me perform. 6. But the Chinese people had yet to fulfil their historical task of overthrowing imperialism and feudalism. 7. If a person does not fulfil his responsibilities as a " minister " or a " ruler, " than he should forfeit the name. 8. China's land auction and public bidding system still faces many hurdles as it attempts to fulfil its foundation purposes. 9. It is also to fulfil China's commitment to the World Trade Organization. 10. She believes that the launch of the new services will help fulfil its 2003 target of recruiting 13 million new CDMA subscribers this year. fulfil 英英释义 verb 1. fill or meet a want or need Synonym: meetsatisfyfillfulfill 2. put in effect e.g. carry out a task execute the decision of the people He actioned the operation Synonym: carry throughaccomplishexecutecarry outactionfulfill 3. meet the requirements or expectations of Synonym: satisfyfulfilllive up to |
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