单词 | gallant |
释义 | gallant [英 [?g?l?nt] 美 [?ɡ?l?nt] ] gallant的意思、解释 gallant 基本解释 形容词勇敢的; 壮丽的; 堂皇的; (对女子)献殷勤的 名词时髦的青年男子; 对妇女献殷勤的男人; 情人 动词向(女子)献殷勤 gallant的意思 gallant 同义词 gallant的解释 形容词heroicboldvaliantgrandcourageousmanlyknightlystatelychivalroussplendidfinenoblebrave gallant在线翻译 gallant 反义词 gallant 形容词cowardlytimid gallant的近义词 gallant 相关例句 形容词 1. He was very gallant at the ball. 他在舞会上对女士们大献殷勤。 2. The garden was made gallant with tulips. 花园里种着郁金香显得气派不凡。 3. They are one of the most gallant peoples in the world. 他们是世界上最勇敢的民族之一。 4. gallant的反义词 4. They have put up a gallant fight over the years. 他们进行英勇斗争已有多年了。 名词 1. 1. Gallants gambled away a fortune at a sitting. 时髦男士们一次赌博就要输掉一大笔钱。 gallant 网络解释 1. 英勇的:gall 胆汁 | gallant 英勇的 | gallery 画廊 2. gallant 2. 献殷勤:下身脱光 Bottomless | 献殷勤 Gallant | 挑 逗 Lascivious 3. 殷勤的:27. attentive专心的 | 28. gallant殷勤的 | 29. intelligent聪明伶俐 4. 献殷勤的,色情的:fluorescent发荧光的,荧光的 | gallant献殷勤的,色情的 | gelatinous黏胶的,凝胶的 gallant 双语例句 1. EVERY four years in summer, the British prepare for their team to be gallant losers in the Olympics. 每四年的夏天,英国人就要做好准备,他们奥运代表队铩羽而归。 2. gallant什么意思 2. Portraits of marshals, engravings of battles, the King of Rome in a baby`s dress, tall consoles adorned with copper trophies, laden with imperial relics, medals, bronzes, a miniature of St. Helena, under a globe, pictures representing the same lady all becurled, in a ball-dress of yellow, with leg-of-mutton sleeves and bright eyes; —and all these things: consoles, King of Rome, marshals, yellow ladies, with the high-necked, short-waisted dresses, the bestarched stiffness, which was the charm of 1806. Gallant colonel! It was that atmosphere of victories and conquests, even more than anything we could say to him, that made him believe so innocently in the siege of Berlin 拿破仑手下元帅们的画像,描绘战争的木刻,罗马王婴孩时期的画片;还有镶着镂花铜饰的高大的长条案,上面陈列着帝国的遗物,什么徽章啦,小铜像啦,玻璃圆罩下的圣赫勒拿岛上的岩石啦,还有一些小画像,画的都是同一位头发拳曲、眉目有神的贵妇人,她穿着跳舞的衣裙、黄色的长袍,袖管肥大而袖口紧束——所有这一切,长条案,罗马王,元帅们,黄袍夫人,那位身材修长、腰带高束、具有一八○六年人们所喜爱的端庄风度的黄袍夫人……构成了一种充满胜利和征服的气氛,比起我们向他——善良的上校啊——撒的谎更加有力,使他那么天真地相信法国军队正在围攻柏林。 3. Jupiter and the Sun in the 2nd house, give a gallant, noble, free spirit; but Saturn and Mars, or Saturn with Mercury in the 7th, render men sordidly covetous. 木星跟太阳落在第二宫内带来勇敢高贵、追求自由等特质。但是土星跟火星,或者土星跟水星合相在第七宫内,则会卑鄙贪婪。 4. gallant的解释 4. The latter was by far the most showy and gallant figure, so far as apparel went, anywhere to be seen among the multitude. 一个陆地上的人,若是周身这股穿戴、露出这副尊容,而且还得意洋洋地招摇过市,恐怕很难不被当宫的召去传讯,甚至会被课以罚金或判处监禁,也许会枷号示众。 5. Therefore, self-denial to help people in the world have mercy and gallant self-sacrifice. 所以,世上有克己助人的慈悲和舍己救人的豪侠。 6. As the author says, if her first book The Gallant Woman opens a cultural space for women to express their love and sexual desire, then the Admirable/Amorous Woman informs this space with the voices of a diverse range of women. 在这些故事中,不管是中年的已婚妇女,或是老年的孤苦妇女,或是不婚未婚的年轻女人,都有她们奋斗开路的方式。 7. Of proud and gallant heroes its white-tops leave on trace 白发渔樵江渚上,惯看秋月春风。 8. gallant 8. Presently he noticed as an odd thing that it was undoubtedly out upon the lagoon with some definite purpose, for it was fighting the tide, and sometimes winning; and when it won, Peter, always sympathetic to the weaker side, could not help clapping; it was such a gallant piece of paper. 忽然,他发现这东西有点异乎寻常,它来到湖上肯定是带有某种目的的,因为,它正在逆浪而行,有时战胜了海浪。每次它战胜时,总是同情弱者的彼得,就忍不住拍起手来;好勇敢的一张纸片。 9. British warships together with Kuomintang warships intruded into the defence area of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and fired on the People's Liberation Army, causing no less than 252 casualties among our loyal and gallant fighters. 英国的军舰和国民党的军舰一道,闯入中国人民解放军的防区,并向人民解放军开炮,致使人民解放军的忠勇战士伤亡二百五十二人之多。 10. This is he can become radical democratically gallant fighter, become new culture to move the deep-seated germ of the subjective understanding respect of great flagman. 这是他能够成为一个激进民主主义的英勇斗士,成为新文化运动伟大旗手的主观认识方面的深层根源。 11. gallant的近义词 11. The Crusader was totally indifferent whether the infidel, who now approached on his gallant barb, as if borne on the wings of an eagle, came as friend or foe---perhaps, as a vowed champion of the Cross, he might rather have preferred the latter. 现在这个全身披挂的异教徒已经象驾着鹰翅一般,飞快接近。十字军骑士对于来者是友是敌,毫不介意:作为宣誓保卫十字架的骑士,他毋宁希望来者是敌。 12. There were no gloriously attired Indians, no masked desperadoes, no prancing stallions with gallant and colorful cowboy riding them. 没有衣着华丽的印地安人,没有带面具的恶棍,没有勇猛惑人的牛仔骑着活跃的烈马。 13. And here also flourished in ancient times those bands of gallant outlaws, whose deeds have been rendered so popular in English song. 多少古代的草莽英雄也曾经在这里显过身手,他们的事迹在英格兰歌谣中广泛流传,家喻户晓。 14. And thus we could continue among the charming verses of love and the gallant epithets with which the majolica beloved of the Age of Humanism is adorned. 在这里,我们可以续写这些美妙的诗文和华丽的称号,通过陶器回想那个人文主义复苏的年代。 15. They have put up a gallant fight over the years. 他们进行英勇斗争已有多年了。 16. Large number of tables, pictures, materials, and exquisite models tell that the history of ancient Chinese architectures experienced from the primitive stage of thatches and earthen huts to the imperial palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties, which are characterized by their high walls and gallant arrays with elaborate layout. 从大量的图表、原材料和精致的模型可以知道,中国的古代建筑经历了从茅屋土房到明、清王朝皇家宫殿的时代,而后者以其高墙和精心规划的富丽堂皇的布局而著名。 17. And I grieve for the Tsar that he intrusts his gallant army to such a man. 只是为皇上惋惜,他竟把一支光荣的军队托附给了这样的人。 18. We think it a gallant thing, to be fluttering up to heaven with our wings of knowledge and speculation; whereas the highest mystery of a divine life here, and of perfect happiness hereafter, consists in nothing but mere obedience to the Divine will. 我们通常认为,自己可以靠知识和眼光展翅飞到天堂,其实大谬不然。神性生活的最高秘密,以及完美的快乐,除了对上帝恭敬顺从之外,别无他法。 19. The song told of a bold gallant who laments being born too late. 那老者唱来哀中含悲,充满无奈的愁情。 20. Procedures for the use of the hook capture the interstellar IPX packet networks, import substitution function through the data conversion IPX UDP packet to the public network with the server. public networks to achieve the same side as the Gallant online games, which hooks dll framework from the Internet a strongman, I revised achieve interstellar interconnection function. 本程序利用钩子捕获星际的IPX网络包,通过替换函数入口的方式转换IPX数据为UDP数据包并发到公网服务端,通过公网实现了如同浩方一样的联机游戏功能,其中的钩子dll框架来自网上一强人,本人修改后实现了星际的互连功能。 gallant 词典解释Also pronounced /g?'l?nt/ for meaning 3. 义项3亦读作/g?'l?nt/。 1. 英勇的;勇敢的;高尚的 If someone is gallant, they behave bravely and honourably in a dangerous or difficult situation. e.g. The gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again. 英勇的战士们为恢复和平献出了生命。 gallantly The town responded gallantly to the War. 全镇的人都英勇无畏地投入了这场战争。 2. 顽强的;奋力的 A gallant effort or fight is one in which someone tried very hard to do something difficult, although in the end they failed. e.g. He died at the age of 82, after a gallant fight against illness. 他在与疾病进行了顽强的抗争后故去,享年82岁。 gallantly The Spaniard gallantly fought off 11 set points before Seles won 8-6. 这名西班牙运动员顽强地挽救了11个赛点,最终以6比8输给了塞莱斯。 3. (对女子)殷勤的,彬彬有礼的 If a man is gallant, he is kind, polite, and considerate towards women. e.g. Douglas was a complex man, thoughtful, gallant, and generous. 道格拉斯让人捉摸不透,他体贴周到,对女孩子颇为殷勤,而且慷慨大方。 gallantly He gallantly kissed Marie's hand as we prepared to leave. 我们准备离开的时候,他非常有礼貌地吻了吻玛丽的手。gallant 单语例句 1. The Kyoto Protocol was a gallant endeavor for developed countries to voluntarily write into law certain limits to their emission of GHGs. 2. Celtic coach Gordon Strachan had nothing but praise for his gallant players. 3. They will be buried in Gallant Garden, the cemetery reserved for civil servants who die on duty. 4. For instance, perhaps Western men like me are just not gallant enough when it comes to dating. 5. It was a gallant effort, and there were some really tired legs out there today. 6. It doesn't matter if a gallant steed runs into any trouble. 7. Gallant Garden is a special resting place for people who sacrifice their lives for their duties. 8. Spokeswoman Victoria Gallant said it may take a week before Hartford can start assessing damage. 9. " It's a combination of dancers'gracefulness and acrobats'gallant movements, " deputy director of Zhejiang Acrobatic Troupe Chen Ping said. gallant 英英释义 noun 1. a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance Synonym: dandydudefopsheikbeauswellfashion plateclotheshorse 2. a man who attends or escorts a woman Synonym: squire adj 1. unflinching in battle or action e.g. a gallant warrior put up a gallant resistance to the attackers 2. being attentive to women like an ideal knight Synonym: chivalrousknightly 3. having or displaying great dignity or nobility e.g. a gallant pageant lofty ships majestic cities proud alpine peaks Synonym: loftymajesticproud 4. lively and spirited e.g. a dashing hero Synonym: dashing |
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