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单词 gauche
    gauche [英 [g???] 美 [go??] ]
    gauche 基本解释
    gauche 网络解释
    1. gauche的近义词
    1. 粗鲁的:GATT 关贸总协定 | gauche 粗鲁的 | gaucherie 粗鲁
    2. 笨拙的:? tongue-tied 结结巴巴的 | ? gauche 笨拙的 | ? crash course 速成班
    3. 笨拙的;粗鲁的:garrulous#爱说话的 | gauche#笨拙的;粗鲁的 | germane#有关系的;适切的
    4. 不善交际的, 笨拙的:gamete 接合体,配偶子 | gauche 不善交际的, 笨拙的 | gerrymander 为本党利益改划选举区分,不公正操纵,欺骗
    gauche 双语例句
    1. Tati has produced only six features in his entire career, which, however, help him to gain an international reputation, as well as a unique position in cinema history. Took part in many short films in the 30s, namely Tati participated the writing and acting of René Clément`s short film Soigne ton gauche (1936), Tati begun his cinematic occupation as a actor and director.
    他一生完成了六部长篇电影,但就是这仅有的六部作品使他赢得了非同凡响的国际声誉,并且奠定了他在电影史上独一无二的地位。1936年,塔蒂参与剧本创作并出演了雷内·克莱芒(René Clément)的短片《小心左边》,从此开始了他作为喜剧演员和喜剧电影导演的生涯。1949年,塔蒂导演了长篇处女作《节日》,并凭借这部电影获得了当年威尼斯电影节的最佳导演奖。
    2. The IR analysis indicated that this order relates to gauche structure of the ethyleneglycol fragments.
    3. The Rive Gauche or Left Bank is synonymous with a philosophy and the same is true of neighboring Montparnasse with its exclusive streets and the legendary Brasserie La Coupole.
    Ruve Gaycge或称左岸咖啡馆同哲理有着相同的意义,相邻的蒙特帕斯与其专有的街道和传奇式的圆顶啤酒店情况也是一样的。
    4. gauche
    4. We wouldn't want to be gauche, would we, sweetie?
    5. We can not afford to be gauche.
    6. When receiving a business card, it is gauche to write on the back side.
    7. The quality of being rustic or gauche.
    8. He is so gauche!
    9. For 2, 2, 4, 4-tetrachloropentane, the energy of the conformer with gauche-gauche arrangement is lower; For 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6-hexachloroheptane, the conformer with trans-gauche-trans-gauche arrangement is stable.
    10. The parameters for γ-gauche effect were developed from the ab initio calculations of diads.
    11. Their exquisite manners always make me feel gauche.
    12. gauche的翻译
    12. It was demonstrated that gauche conformation is the dominant conformation for the monolayers formed on gold surface.
    13. gauche是什么意思
    13. The structure of PO chains changes from more polar, gauche conformation at low temperatures to less polar, stretching conformation at high temperatures.
    14. The structure of cysteamine monolayers formed on gold by adopting gauche conformation is considerably stable due to the strong affinity of the terminal amino groups to the gold surface.
    15. It is the electrostatic force that decreases the fluidity of POPG membrane surface, the hydrophobic force increases the number of gauche conformation and inhibit the movement of the phospholipid tails.
    16. By an electrical conductivity method it was found that one Cu2+ and three PEG chain units formed one coordination structure, which caused the change of conformation and crystallization behavior of PEG. With the increase of the content of CuCl2 in the complexes, the amount of the gauche conformation relative to the trans conformation of PEG crystal increased. When the content of the CuCl2 was about 7%, the gauche conformation reached maximum. When the content of the CuCl2 was about 9%, the amount of the trans conformation relative to the gauche conformation of PEG crystal increased.
    17. At the same time, the CH2-amide bonds twist and the all|trans conformation of methylene sequences is disordered by inserting the gauche conformation. The CH2 segments are in a mobile state because of the enhanced stretching and twisting vibrations of C-CO and C-N bonds.
    18. gauche的解释
    18. Eleven years later, those wild plays have become steady plays, the flashiness has turned to functionality, the gauche has become the great.
    19. 13C-CP/MAS experiments revealed that the chemical shift varied with temperature, indicating different degrees of trans-gauche isomerization in the lipid acyl chains when the bilayer is in the liquid crystalline phase;
    20. SAMs with different chain lengths have different annealing properties, because of different initial states at room temperature, such as gauche concentrations and degrees of order.
    gauche 词典解释
    1. 不善交际的;拘谨的
    If you describe someone as gauche, you mean that they are awkward and uncomfortable in the company of other people.
    e.g. We're all a bit gauche when we're young...
    e.g. She was a rather gauche, provincial creature.
    gauche 英英释义
    1. lacking social polish
    e.g. too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate
    their excellent manners always made me feel gauche
    Synonym: gracelessunpolished




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