单词 | generalization |
释义 | generalization [英 [?d?enr?la??ze??n] 美 [?d?enr?l??ze??n] ] generalization的意思、解释 复数形式:generalizations; generalization 基本解释 generalization什么意思 名词归纳; 一般化; 普通化; 概论 generalization 网络解释 1. generalization在线翻译 1. 通用化:可以清晰地看到计算机和设备(用结点node表示)之间的关系模型元素与模型元素之间的连接关系也是模型元素,常见的关系有关联(association)、通用化(generalization)、依赖(dependency)和聚合(aggregation), 2. 类化:在技能学习的初期,练习者的神经过程处于泛化(或类化)(generalization)阶段:内抑制过程尚未精确建立起来;注意范围比较狭窄;知觉的准确性较低;动作之间的联系不协调,特别是肌肉的紧张与放松配合不好;多余的动作较多,整个动作显得忙乱紧张, generalization 双语例句 1. It also can control malignant hydropericardium effective with slight side effect and deseverd to be generalization on clinical application. 该方法简便易行、安全,腔内给药副作用低,能有效控制恶性心包积液,值得临床推广使用。 2. The coefficients and error of RKRLS model are gotten and the generalization ability is analyzed. 可以证明KPCA和KFD是PKPCA参数取极限的两个特例。 3. As for the research method, the author employs the method combining concreteness and generalization, history and logic, by breaking the bounds between traditional modern and contemporary subjects. 在研究方法上,文章打破传统的近代、现代和当代的学科畛域,运用具体与宏观、历史的与逻辑相结合的方法。 4. Probably, one of the reasons is that development and generalization of Tae kwon do is too short in the word. 可能是由于跆拳道运动在世界范围内开展比较晚的原因。 5. The news planning as a phenomenon of a kind of dissemination of news, since middle period of the 1990s of last century, is one of the focuses which the news academia has paid close attention to all the time, in order to further clarifying all kinds of misunderstand to the news planning, Using and instructing the news to practise better, this text shows a overall generalization livly to historical evolution of the news planing and contemporary operation in china, otherwise according to the present and actual conditions of the news planning and the latest research results of the theory of our country, the text is explainning systemly to the definition、the characteristic and the type of the news planning, and the functions that plays in the news report and the news media operationing etc. 新闻策划作为一种新闻传播现象,自上世纪90年代中期以来,一直是我国新闻学术界关注的热点之一,为了进一步澄清对新闻策划有关问题的种种误解,使其更好地运用并指导新闻实践。本文除对新闻策划的历史沿革及其在当代中国的运作实况做了一个全景式的概括外,还根据目前我国新闻策划的实际情况和最新理论研究成果,对新闻策划的定义、特征、类型及其在新闻报道、新闻媒体运作等方面所起到的作用做了系统阐述。 6. The generalization makes it possible to make a technical analysis of the unique regime-monarchy in ancient China. 这一论断的提出,使得从学理的视角深入分析中国古代社会的惟一政体形式―君主政治成为可能。 7. The experimental results show that the joint optimization of BP algorithm can effectively speed up the network convergence process and has strong generalization ability. 实验结果表明,联合优化的BP算法能有效加快网络的收敛过程,并具有较强的泛化能力。 8. It not conforming to the generalization of man. 它有自己的能量,大到甚至无法被人类所归类 9. Firstly, principle for attribution is decided by its universality, generalization and indeterminacy as the value judgement in judging why the debtor ought to bear the responsibility. 前两种学说难以成立,惟过错责任原则具有合理性,其理论依据由以下四个分论点组成:(1)归责原则作为确定债务人之所以承担责任的一种法律价值判断,以普适性,概括性和不确定性为特征。 10. generalization在线翻译 10. It is hard to avoid the generalization and ideology of science and the generation of scientism trend in this process. 在这一过程中,科学的泛化、科学的意识形态化及科学主义倾向的产生则是在所难免的。 11. Since there are some limitations in measuring the reliability by the the connectivity or the edge-connectivity, the restricted edge connectivity, as a generalization of classical edge connectivity, was introduced by Esfahanian and Hakimi. 不过用连通度和边连通度这两个参数考究系统的可靠性有缺陷,因而作为传统边连通概念的推广,Esfahanian和Hakimi提出了限制边连通的概念:设G是无向简单连通图,F是G的一个边割,如果G-F不含孤立点,则称F是G的一个限制边割。 12. It also makes analysis on the connection of Newton`s prism experiments, and describes how Newton proved these propositions by taking advantage of these experiments in the article. As well the author makes analysis and generalization on the make of Newton`s reflecting telescope and Newton`s 首先,在对《光学》认真研读的基础上,首次对其光的颜色理论部分的大量棱镜实验之间的关系进行了分析,从而说明牛顿是如何利用这些实验证明这些命题的;其次,笔者在前人研究的基础上,对反射望远镜的制造和牛顿环理论进行分析和总结,力求描述得清楚全面;最后,鉴于国内外对牛顿光本性认识的研究存在分歧的情况,笔者对惠更斯和牛顿的相关著作进行了详细考察,对他们的光本性观点进行了系统的研究和比较,从而指出那种只因牛顿 13. Her lamblike rebellion, a dynamic combination of motion and stillness, just like the blind grandfather`s intense bitterness accompanied with hatred, significantly represents the peasant rebellion without any trace of repulsive generalization. 这个形象,好像瞎子爷爷那苦中有恨、以苦为重点那样,它/她那喻动于静、静中有动的神气,作为农民的反抗性特征来考察,完全避免了令人生厌的一般化作风。 14. Because of its good generalization performance, support vector machine has been successfully applied in a variety of fields. However, there are some defects with support vector machine during the process of application. 支持向量机是建立在统计学习理论基础上的一种新型的机器学习方法,由于具有良好的泛化能力,目前已经在许多领域得到了成功的应用。 15. As a generalization of the HMM, the HEM has a more flexible topology than the HMM. HEM是HMM的扩展,具有比HMM更灵活的拓扑结构。 16. Soft sensor was applied to prediction of 4-CBA. Results indicates that this method features high learning speed, good approximation and well generalization ability. It provides convenice for on-line 4-CBA measurement. 将其用于4-CBA软测量建模的结果表明:该方法具有学习速度快、跟踪性能好以及泛化能力强等优点,为4-CBA软测量建模的在线实施提供了方便。 17. This paper is a generalization of the result in [2]. We prove that the least squares estimator of the regression coeffcient is admissible for a wide class of distributions when the variance σ2 is unknown. 这篇文章是成平结果的一般化,即在一个宽广的分布类中,证明了当方差未知时,回归系数最小二乘估计是容许的。 18. In order to cater the generalization of shuttleles looms and hi-efficient production and upgrading the general quality of the knitting yarn, analysis is done to the impact of the snicks of the knitting yarn and the special structure of the knitting fabric before highlight is given to the main cause leading to snicks of resultant yarn and to the technological counter-measures against the snicks. 为了适应无梭织机普及和高效率生产的需求,提高针织纱整体质量,在分析针织纱成纱细节疵点危害性及针织物独特组织结构要求的基础上,重点阐述了成纱细节疵点产生和增加的主要原因及降低成纱细节应采取的相关技术措施,指出通过采用合理的配棉,优选前、后纺工艺参数,保持良好的设备状况,合理选用新型优质的纺纱专件、器材,强化日常性的操作与清整洁工作,重视各工序的温湿度管理,可明显减少针织纱的细节疵点,提高成纱质量的整体水平。 19. Then, quantifiable attribute-oriented generalization based on AOG is presented in order to develop AOG: record threshold is introduced; attribute threshold and record threshold are used simultaneously in order to change boolean control to quantifiable control, so when there is no exception, it has the same results as AOG, otherwise, it has better results than AOG. 其次在AOG的基础上提出了面向属性的量化归纳以弥补AOG的不足:引入记录阈值的概念,用属性阈值和记录阈值同时进行控制,使控制从布尔型变成数量型,对没有例外存在的情况产生与AOG相同的效果,而对有例外存在的情况产生比AOG更好的效果。 20. generalization 20. It is unwise to be hasty in generalization. 急于下结论是不明智的。 generalization 词典解释in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 generalisation 1. 概括;概论;归纳 A generalization is a statement that seems to be true in most situations or for most people, but that may not be completely true in all cases. e.g. He is making sweeping generalisations to get his point across... 为了让大家领会他的观点,他正在作全面的概括。 e.g. The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization. 对操行的评价会含有一些泛泛之论。 generalization 单语例句 1. You could be making a sweeping generalization based on only three examples. 2. He rebutted the generalization of Chinese products as " low - quality ", saying substandard products happen to every country. 3. It is common for the dogs to make false detections because of smell generalization, trainers say. 4. But this generalization may be related to individual learning styles as it is to national differences. 5. Of course, there is always the risk of over generalization when talking about a group of people. 6. To say that Chinese love to gamble would be a gross cultural generalization. generalization 英英释义 noun 1. (psychology) transfer of a response learned to one stimulus to a similar stimulus Synonym: generalisationstimulus generalizationstimulus generalisation 2. reasoning from detailed facts to general principles Synonym: generalisationinductioninductive reasoning 3. the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances Synonym: abstractiongeneralisation 4. an idea or conclusion having general application e.g. he spoke in broad generalities Synonym: generalisationgenerality |
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