单词 | epitomize |
释义 | epitomize [英 [??p?t?ma?z] 美 [??p?t??ma?z] ] epitomize的意思、解释 过去式:epitomized; 过去分词:epitomized; 现在分词:epitomizing; epitomize 基本解释 及物动词概括; 集中体现; 作…的摘要; 成为…的缩影 epitomize的反义词 epitomize 网络解释 1. 摘要:epitomist 写节录者 | epitomize 摘要 | epitoxoid 毒素 2. epitomize的解释 2. 概括:epitome摘要 缩影 | epitomize概括 | epitonos异常紧张 3. 3. 概括,归纳:eerily 奇怪地 | epitomize 概括,归纳 | henchman 亲信,心腹 4. 概括,摘要:44.epitome 典型;梗概 | 45.epitomize 概括,摘要 | 46.epoch 纪元,重大的事件 epitomize 双语例句 1. If they want to be human shields, I say let them shield the men and women of honesty and integrity who epitomize courage and embody the spirit of freedom by wearing the proud uniforms of the United States Military. 如果他们想成为人肉盾牌,我要让他们盾牌男女诚实和正直的人的缩影,体现出的勇气和自由的穿着制服的美国军方自豪。 2. In many Buddhist Banna Tingzhong, King is really Bajiao Ting Dai-building process is set epitomize the boutique. 在版纳众多的佛亭中,景真八角亭可谓是集傣族建筑工艺之大成的精品。 3. We captured several bamboo poles, bamboo logs, a whole pile of claves, woodblocks, clappers, box drum, and other assorted wooden implements that epitomize the word'thwack'. 我们占领了若干竹竿,竹日志,一个克拉韦斯,雕版,照规矩一大堆,框鼓,和其他各类木制实现的概括词'重击'。 4. The hollow keyboard-driven productions may epitomize everything non-Japanese tend to hate about J-pop, but the catchiness of No. 空洞的键盘音乐制作曲风或许使得所有非日系的典型潮流厌恶日系流行音乐。 5. Yes, swans, you are the founder of the great civilization in the kingdom of birds, you epitomize the beauty of thousands of birds, you are the holy and pure Prince Charming in my heart. 是啊,天鹅,你是千百羽族世界伟大文明的缔造者,你是集水上万千鸟类之美的大成者,你是我心中最圣洁的白马王子。 6. epitomize的意思 6. Thorium Brotherhood 瑟银兄弟会 The dwarves of the Thorium Brotherhood epitomize excellence in craftsmanship and are bent on unlocking the secrets of Blackrock Mountain. 瑟银兄弟会的矮人有着无与伦比的制造技术,并致力于解开黑石山中的全部秘密。 7. epitomize的意思 7. Yan Yuan was the outstanding philosopher, progress initiation thinker and the common people educationalist in the 17th century of China, was the ancient China times'thinker that epitomize the practice and the greatest practice educates master. 颜元是中国17世纪杰出的哲学家、进步启蒙思想家和平民教育家,是中国古代实践思想的集大成者和最伟大的实践教育大师。 8. epitomize是什么意思 8. They epitomize the national character of the English. 他们集中体现了英国人的民族性格。 9. epitomize是什么意思 9. Brand is symbols that epitomize all kinds of important information of enterprise. 品牌是符号,浓缩企业各种重要信息的符号。 10. With some of the greatest names known to mankind, the two teams epitomize the true spirit of competition. 一些伟大的球员让世界都铭记,这两支球队之间的战争才是真正体育竞技的真谛。 11. It will epitomize open source excellence in a way that makes it worth paying for. 它将作为一种物有所值的商业软件,成为开放源代码项目的杰出典范。 12. epitomize 12. The battle has also come to epitomize a destructive pattern repeated across Japan`s economy. 这场战争同时也是一再重复的日本毁灭性经济模式的缩影。 13. First chapter is analyzes Mei Lanfang and Kandinsky " the Boner audiences is long " and in the artistic creation in the artistic absorption " establishes a new school ", pointed out they " epitomize " in respective domain. 第一章是分析梅兰芳与康定斯基在艺术吸收上的博纳众长和艺术创作上的独树一帜,指出他们在各自领域的集大成。 14. He portrayed himself as a celibate, a pose calculated to epitomize his moral fiber, but he had at least two wives or perhaps concubines. 他把自己描绘为一位独身主义者,故意摆出某种姿态来象徵他的坚定品格,但是他至少有两位妻子或小妾。 15. Though short and concise, song titles epitomize all the important information of the songs and they are very helpful in drawing listeners'attention and disseminating the songs widely among people. 英文歌曲名称虽然简短,却概括出整首歌曲的重要信息,吸引听众注意力。 16. Demonstrated on the shriveling exterior of the sculpture, the young woman painfully and drastically ages into exhausted elderly woman that reveal time and history that classical sculptures epitomize. 塑像外表的皱纹,见证年轻女子从花样年华转变成疲惫年迈的妇人的煎熬,典型雕塑顿成时间与历史的缩影。 17. epitomize的解释 17. Even as it has come to epitomize a certain kind of urbane civilian cool, green field jackets have given way to camouflage prints in the U. S. Army, and the top brass decided to retire the green service uniform as well. 尽管它已成为某种城市平民时尚的酷风尚,但是军绿野战服已让位给美国军队的迷彩印花,军队高层也已决定淘汰绿色军服。 18. Will the departure of CEO Howard Stringer, whose stumbles have come to epitomize the struggles of the once-great Sony Corp., turn things around for the media-and-electronics conglomerate? 霍华德?斯金格在索尼(SonyCorp.)失误连连的首席执行官生涯正是曾经伟大的索尼集团而今艰难处境的缩影,他的下台能换来这个传媒及电子巨头重振雄风的一天吗? 19. Brand epitomize a brand symbol from important information of reputation, culture, product, quality, technology and potential of enterprise and shape its variety fame and praise of society to the public so as to product received by customer with brand. 把企业的信誉、文化、产品、质量、科技、潜力等重要信息凝练成一个品牌符号,着力塑造其广泛社会知名度和美誉度,烙印到公众心里,使产品随着品牌符号走进到消费者心里。 20. Language is the symbolic representation of things in categories. Idioms, as a special language form, epitomize these conceptual structures. 而语言是对一类事物进行概括的符号表征,习语作为一种特殊的语言形式集中反映了这些概念结构。 epitomize 词典解释in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 epitomise 1. 成为…的典范;作为…的缩影 If you say that something or someone epitomizes a particular thing, you mean that they are a perfect example of it. epitomize的解释 e.g. Lyonnais cooking is epitomized by the so-called 'bouchons'. 被称作bouchon的里昂小餐馆是里昂饮食的缩影。 e.g. ...the sleek lift that epitomized the hotel's glossy decor. 作为酒店浮华装潢之缩影的豪华电梯 epitomize 单语例句epitomize 1. Extensive cohesion and inclusiveness epitomize the core of the CPC's united front work. 2. They may not represent what's on the lips of any regular Joe on the street, but they epitomize what's on the the nation's mind. 3. One can certainly claim proudly that the new highways epitomize China's rapid economic development. 4. Inaugural ball gowns epitomize the celebrations that captivate the capital every four years. 5. To you and me, reality TV might epitomize everything that is bad about people's values. 6. These remarks of theirs in question and answer epitomize the " power struggle in parliament ". epitomize 英英释义 verb 1. embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of e.g. The fugue typifies Bach's style of composition Synonym: typifyepitomise |
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