单词 | chicanery |
释义 | chicanery [英 [???ke?n?ri] 美 [???ken?ri, t??-] ] chicanery的意思、解释 复数形式:chicaneries; chicanery 基本解释 名词欺骗; 耍花招哄骗别人(尤指于法律事务中); 不诚实的行为 chicanery 网络解释 1. 狡辩:chicane 诈骗 | chicanery 狡辩 | chiccory 菊苣 2. 诈骗:Undeclared Hypocrisy 伪善 | Chicanery 诈骗 | Impending 迫近的 3. 强辩:bowdlerize 修订; 删改 | chicanery 强辩 | chromosome 染色体 4. chicanery什么意思 4. 哄骗 欺骗:endemic 地方性的 某地特有的 地方病 | chicanery 哄骗 欺骗 | political and judical system 政治和司法系统 chicanery 双语例句 1. Obviously it's clinging there, not by animal magnetism, but by chicanery, my index finger being there. 我打开我的手,很明显的它黏在那里,不是因为动物磁性,而是个花招。 2. It also took financial chicanery to turn reckless mortgage lending in to triple A rated securities. 把不计后果的抵押贷款变成AAA级证券也会出现金融欺诈。 3. He made codes like Justinian, he dictated like Caesar, his conversation was mingled with the lightning-flash of Pascal, with the thunderclap of Tacitus, he made history and he wrote it, his bulletins are Iliads, he combined the cipher of Newton with the metaphor of Mahomet, he left behind him in the East words as great as the pyramids, at Tilsit he taught Emperors majesty, at the Academy of Sciences he replied to Laplace, in the Council of State be held his own against Merlin, he gave a soul to the geometry of the first, and to the chicanery of the last, he was a legist with the attorneys and sidereal with the astronomers; like Cromwell blowing out one of two candles, he went to the Temple to bargain for a curtain tassel; he saw everything; he knew everything; which did not prevent him from laughing good-naturedly beside the cradle of his little child; and all at once, frightened Europe lent an ear, armies put themselves in motion, parks of artillery rumbled, pontoons stretched over the rivers, clouds of cavalry galloped in the storm, cries, trumpets, a trembling of thrones in every direction, the frontiers of kingdoms oscillated on the map, the sound of a superhuman sword was heard, as it was drawn from its sheath; they beheld him, him, rise erect on the horizon with a blazing brand in his hand, and a glow in his eyes, unfolding amid the thunder, his two wings, the grand army and the old guard, and he was the archangel of war! 他象查士丁尼那样制定法典,象恺撒那样独理万机,他的谈吐兼有帕斯加尔的闪电和塔西佗的雷霆,他创造历史,也写历史,他的战报是诗篇,他把牛顿的数字和穆罕默德的妙喻糅合在一起,他在东方留下了象金字塔那样高大的训谕;他在提尔西特把朝仪教给各国帝王,他在科学院里和拉普拉斯争鸣,他在国务会议上和梅尔兰辩论,他经心整饬纪律,悉力排难解纷,他象检察官一样了解法律,象天文学家一样了解天文;象克伦威尔吹灭两支蜡烛中的一支那样,他也到大庙①去为一粒窗帘珠子讨价还价;他见到一切,他知道一切,这并不妨碍他伏在他小儿子的摇篮上笑得象个天真烂漫的人;突然,惊骇中的欧洲屏息细听,大军源源开拔了,炮队纷纷滚动了,长江大河上建起了浮桥,狂风中驰聘着漫山遍野的骑兵,叫喊声,号角声,所有的宝座全震动了,所有的王国的国境线全在地图上摇晃起来了,人们听到一把超人的宝剑的出鞘声,人们看见他屹立在天边,手里烈焰飞腾,眼里光芒四射,霹雳一声,展开了他的两翼,大军和老羽林军,威猛天神也不过如此! 4. chicanery的翻译 4. What most people call intelligence is merely deftness in some technical activity, or cunning in business or political chicanery. 多数人们说的智慧,只是在某种灵巧的技术行为,或者在商业中的狡猾或政治伎俩。 5. Thanks to some chicanery courtesy of Sebulba, Holdfast also piloted one of the largest fireballs in the race. 托萨布巴那蛮横的礼节之福,他同时也驾驶着比赛中最大的火球之一。 6. It`s the story of power and a man who wields it ruthlessly as a world class predator - with deception and chicanery, arrogance and artfulness, charm and cunning and sheer muscle, will, intimidation, poisonous influence and toadying to get his way as he generally does. 它的故事中的大国,也是一个人拥有它无情地作为世界级的捕食者-与欺骗和诡辩,傲慢和a rtfulness,魅力和狡诈,纯属肌肉,意志品质,恐吓性,毒性的影响力和t oadying得到他的方式,因为他一般不使用。 7. Brave as a grenadier, courageous as a thinker; uneasy only in the face of the chances of a European shaking up, and unfitted for great political adventures; always ready to risk his life, never his work; disguising his will in influence, in order that he might be obeyed as an intelligence rather than as a king; endowed with observation and not with divination; not very attentive to minds, but knowing men, that is to say requiring to see in order to judge; prompt and penetrating good sense, practical wisdom, easy speech, prodigious memory; drawing incessantly on this memory, his only point of resemblance with Caesar, Alexander, and Napoleon; knowing deeds, facts, details, dates, proper names, ignorant of tendencies, passions, the diverse geniuses of the crowd, the interior aspirations, the hidden and obscure uprisings of souls, in a word, all that can be designated as the invisible currents of consciences; accepted by the surface, but little in accord with France lower down; extricating himself by dint of tact; governing too much and not enough; his own first minister; excellent at creating out of the pettiness of realities an obstacle to the immensity of ideas; mingling a genuine creative faculty of civilization, of order and organization, an indescribable spirit of proceedings and chicanery, the founder and lawyer of a dynasty; having something of Charlemagne and something of an attorney; in short, a lofty and original figure, a prince who understood how to create authority in spite of the uneasiness of France, and power in spite of the jealousy of Europe. 只在欧洲动荡的机会面前担忧,不可能在政治上冒大风险,随时准备牺牲生命,从不放松自己的事业,用影响来掩盖自己的意图,使人们把他当作一个英才而不是当作一个国王来服从,长于观察而不善于揣度,不甚重视人的才智,但有知人之明,就是说,不以耳代目。明快锐利的感觉,重视实利的智力,辩才无碍,强记过人;不断地借用这种记忆,这是他唯一象恺撒、亚历山大和拿破仑的地方。知道实况、细节、日期、具体的名字;不知趋势、热情、群众的天才、内心的呼吁、灵魂的隐秘动乱,简言之,一切人可以称为良知良能的那一切无形活动。为上层所接受,但和法兰西的下层不甚融洽,通权达变,管理过多,统治不足,自己当自己的内阁大臣,极善于用一点小小事物来阻挡思想的洪流,在教化、整顿和组织等方面的真正创造力中,夹杂着一种说不出的讲究程序、斤斤计较的精神状态。一个王朝的创始人和享有人,有些地方象查理大帝,有些地方又象个书吏,总之,是个超卓不凡的形象,是个能在法国群情惶惑的情况下建立政权并在欧洲心怀嫉妒的情况下巩固势力的亲王。 8. Should not a magistrate be not merely the best administrator of the law, but the most crafty expounder of the chicanery of his profession, a steel probe to search hearts, a touchstone to try the gold which in each soul is mingled with more or less of alloy? 一个法官除了无尽职守地按法律行事以外,除了极技巧地解释他工作上耍的诡计之外,难道不该做一枚可以探测心脏的钢针,一块可以测验出灵魂中含有多少杂质的试金石吗? 9. 9. The government was guilty of flagrant injustices, chicanery and corruption. 政府犯有公然侵权欺骗和舞弊等罪行。 10. Well-doer never does chicanery and person who is good at chicanery does not belong well-doer. 善良的人从不狡辩,狡辩的人一定不是善良之辈。谴责一政客的欺骗手段。 11. chicanery的意思 11. Charges of political chicanery were brought against him. 他被指控行驶政治欺骗手段。 12. Scandal! Financial Crime, Chicanery and Corruption that Rocked America. “丑闻!金融犯罪,诡计和震惊美国的腐败”展览。 13. The boss gave chicanery that didn't know when my son and his classmate went into the bar, but in fact, my son and his classmate could be permitted into the bar only after handing some money. 网吧老板狡辩说他们不知道儿子和他的同学什么时候进去的,而其实,儿子他们是交了钱才能进去。 14. 14. I'm too an expert at using chicanery to accomplish my mission. 我尤其善用诡计,从而圆满完成任务。 15. We watch this grand chicanery play out and have taken note of just how callous these media types really are. 当我们看到大诈骗被说出来,就会注意到这些类型媒体的冷酷的面孔。 16. 16. The Tea Party sees it as dishonest dealing – which it is, as well as being a troubling piece of constitutional chicanery. But in this case the end (avoiding default) may justify the means. 茶党人士则视之为不诚实的手段(的确如此),是一种令人不安的钻宪法空子的把戏。然而在这件事情上,为了达到避免违约的目的,或许就得不择手段。 17. Is his comeback the sign of a mellower, more understanding approach to white-collar crime – or just a sign that we are moving on and there are bigger, more amplified dramas that can derive, closely or distantly, from business chicanery? 他的回归是标志着白领以一种更温和、更能让人理解的方式犯罪?还是仅仅标志着我们已经与时俱进,可以从商业欺诈行为演绎出更大、更夸张的戏剧? 18. 18. Some may recall that these very same organisations were deeply complicit in the chicanery that saw worthless debt instruments repackaged as top-notch financial securities. 有些人或许还记得,正是这些机构,在那些金融欺诈中串通一气,使得毫无价值的债务工具被重新包装为顶级金融证券。 19. Financial innovation (and downright chicanery) recycled the huge surpluses of the rising world to penurious homebuyers in Middle America and dodgy speculators on the Costa del Sol. 通过金融创新(以及彻头彻尾的欺骗),新兴世界的巨额盈余回流到手头拮据的美国中产阶层购房者和西班牙阳光海岸有问题的投机者。 20. chicanery的近义词 20. Giving people more rights over their land title by, for example, extending the lease to 70 years could help counter such chicanery. 赋予农民更多的土地权利,比如延长土地承包经营权至70年,可能有助于对付这种圈套。 chicanery 词典解释 1. 欺骗;诈骗 Chicanery is using cleverness to cheat people. chicanery的反义词 chicanery 单语例句 1. " There is no place for chicanery at a time of war, " said Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. 2. In the present circumstances to keep pushing measures already proven ineffective is not only silly but indeed borders on deliberate chicanery. 3. And a jaded public that seems to accept chicanery as the cost of doing business. 4. But those are just bells and whistles for Stone and writers Allan Loeb and Stephen Schiff to sound off on Wall Street chicanery. chicanery的近义词chicanery 英英释义 noun 1. the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them) Synonym: trickerychicaneguilewileshenanigan |
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