单词 | chlorophyl |
释义 | chlorophyl [英 ['kl?r?f?l] 美 ['klo?r?f?l] ] chlorophyl的意思、解释 chlorophyl 基本解释 名词叶绿素 chlorophyl 网络解释 1. chlorophyl的近义词 1. 叶绿素:藻类是含有叶绿素(chlorophyl)的单细胞植物,且四处分布的有机生命体;粗估存在种类超过3万余种. 藻类生长需要温暖的水源、阳光、硝酸盐和二氧化碳;藻类是一种菌类植物(fungus)可在池水或循环水系统中滋生. chlorophyl 双语例句 1. At the same time, the concentration of chlorophyl a and b increase significantly in the leaves of Broussonetia papyrifera seedlings. 在混合接种下表现出较单独接种更大的生物量促进效应,而单独接种中又以透光球囊霉接种效果最明显。 2. Based on the condition controlling soil water potential in the green house, the experiments were carried out within-photosythesis and water use efficiency of Casuarina species under the circumstance of wa- ter stress, by testing the indicators of chlorophyl content, chlorophyl A fluorescence, net photosynthesis rate and transpiration coefficient. 在温室条件下控制不同土壤水势梯度,从叶绿素含量、叶绿素 a 荧光、光合速率和蒸腾系数等方面,探讨水分胁迫下木麻黄苗木的光合作用和水分利用效率的变化。 3. The Value of Ci of leaf in Rain cultivation is less than in Open-air cultivation. The content of chlorophyl a and b of Rosario Bianco leaf in Rain cultivation is higher than in Open-air cultivation and the chlorophyl content of the 5th leaf is maximal in Rain cultivation. Stem diameter of Rosario Bianco were increased 8.68%~10.74% during the stage of rain growth in Rain cultivation. The study shows the leaf area of Rosario Bianco in greenhouse is lager than unsheltered and the environment of greenhouse is suit for grape leaf growing. 避雨棚对葡萄叶片的胞间二氧化碳浓度有抑制作用;避雨棚对`白罗莎里奥`叶片叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量的影响显著:避雨栽培条件0000下叶片的叶绿素均高于露天栽培,叶位5的叶片叶绿素含量最高;避雨栽培模式较露天栽培在避雨阶段葡萄茎粗增加了8.68%~10.74%且避雨栽培可显著增加葡萄叶面积。 4. The results showed:three does of LD laser affected th e filaments morphology, the length of filament and thread pitch and helix number s were variety compare to initial strain. The dose of 30min restricted chlorophyl l a and β-carotene, but 8min and 15min does stimulated chlorophll a and β-ca rotene, and carotene productivity increased most by 17.9%, also 30min restricted the growth speed, but 8min promoted in best. 结果表明:三个辐照时间都对藻丝形态产生影响,使藻丝长、螺旋数、螺旋长发生变化;30min辐照组抑制藻体叶绿素a、β胡萝卜素的合成,8min和15min辐照组促进藻体叶绿素a和β胡萝卜素的合成,β胡萝卜素增幅最高达17.9%。8min促长作用最明显,使比生长速率提高10.9%,15min略有促长作用,而30min则起抑制生长作用。 5. chlorophyl什么意思 5. Results:(1) The conchosporangia of brown yellow mutant was smaller and mature time was 15 days later than the parents. Thallus grew slowly in early stage, but average daily growth rate reached (7.50±1.18) cm after blade length was over 60 cm.(2)The emerald conchocelis were easy to mature and had special developmental mode that the spherulocytes can directly develop into sporangial branchlets and conchosporangia without thick conchocelis stage. Emerald blades were low in RPE with just (6.4710±0.0184) mg/g dry mass. The thallus grew quickly, average daily growth rate reached (11.95±2.33) cm after blade length was over 60 cm.(3) The conchocelis filaments of breen mutant were thin and short. Thallus grew slowly and had low contents of three phycobiliprotenin and chlorophyl. 实验进行50d。结果:(1)褐黄色突变体藻蓝蛋白和别藻蓝蛋白含量低;孢子囊枝的细胞较小,且大量形成时间比亲本晚15d;幼苗培养初期日平均生长量仅为(1.22±0.28)cm,当叶片长到60cm左右时生长优势逐步凸显,日平均生长量可达(7.50±1.18)cm;(2)翠绿色丝状体容易成熟,发育方式特殊,营养藻丝不经过藻丝加粗阶段,直接由球形细胞发育成孢子囊枝和壳孢子囊;翠绿色叶状体藻红蛋白含量低,仅有(5.5130±1.0496)mg/g;叶状体生长快速,60cm长的藻体日平均生长量高达(11.95±2.33)cm;(3)褐绿色突变体藻蓝蛋白、别藻蓝蛋白和藻红蛋白这3种色素蛋白和叶绿素的含量均较低;藻丝细胞短且细,叶状体生长速度较慢。 6. The quality parameter of fresh Allium ovalifolium Hand-Mazz vegetable is: water content91.99%, totalash1.11g/100g, Vccontent91.89mg/100g, reducingsugarcontent1.15mg/100g, soluble protein content62.80mg/100g, acid content 344.55mg/100g, chlorophyl content 181.10mg/100g. 测定了鹿耳韭鲜样部分品质指标,其含水量为91.99%、灰分1.11g/100g、Vc含量达177.96mg/100g、还原糖含量49.48mg/100g、可溶性蛋白质462.80mg/100g、含酸量344.55mg/100g、叶绿素含量181.10mg/100g。 7. The analysis of correlation indicated that tobacco breeding with higher potassium content has the characteristics of higher stalk height, wider stalk circumference, longer leaf and more leaf number comparatively. The correlations between potassium content and nicotin among top, middle and bottom tobacco leaves were all negative. The correlation among potassium content and malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, conductance ratio; and protein, solubility sugar, chlorophyl and free water/bondage water were all attained marked level, however, the essence of correlation was different: the former was negative but the latter was positive. 4.The analysis of heterosis demonstrated there were different degree heterosis in the potassium content of tobacco leaf and other correlated characters, including agriculture, physiology and biochemistry. 相关分析表明,烟叶钾含量性状与株高、茎围和最大叶长的相关性达到了显著和极显著的水平,与叶数的相关虽未达到显著水平,但相关程度相对较高;烟叶钾含量与烟碱在上、中、下三部位叶之间均呈负相关关系,中部叶烟碱与烟叶钾含量的相关达到了极显著水平;烟叶钾含量性状与丙二醛、SOD和电导率以及与蛋白质、可溶性糖、叶绿素和自由水/束缚水之间的相关性均未达显著水平,但相关性质不同,烟叶钾含量性状与前三者之间表现负相关关系,而与后四者之间呈正相关关系;4。 8. The effects of GA3 and IAA with different concentrations and combinations on the dynamic accumulation of holocellulose and chlorophyl content in Neosinocalamus affinis were studied. 以慈竹为材料,研究不同浓度和配比的GA3和IAA对综纤维和叶绿素含量动态积累的调控效应,为纸浆用竹的遗传改良研究提供理论依据。 9. 9. The averages of chlorophyl and its ratio with SS were used as the measure indices of biomass. 将叶绿素及其与悬浮质的比值的平均数作为对生物量的衡量指标。 10. It enters into most rocks and earths, the chlorophyl of plants, and the blood corpuscles of animals. 各种岩石和土壤中大多含有铁,植物的叶绿素中和动物的血球中都含铁。 11. With the increasing of irrigation, chlorophyl 1 content of three turfgrasswould go up, but to some degree, over-irrigation would also result in the decline of chlorophyll content. 叶绿素含量总体都是随灌溉量的增加而增大的,过高的灌溉量甚至会引起叶绿素含量的下降。 12. Green Water: Because of the water contains the larger amount of chlorophyl algae, it naturally propagates as green water. 绿水是由於水中富含叶绿素的藻类大量滋生自然形成的。 13. 4The relationship between the pure photosynthesis rate of leaf and contents of chlorophyl is inclined to power, and the chlorophyl has much effect on the photosynthesis rate. 叶片的净光合速率和叶绿素含量趋向于幂关系,叶绿素a的含量的多少更能影响光合速率的大小。 14. At the same time enhanced the contents of chlorophyl, photosynthesis, activity of SOD in melon leaves. 低钾(30mg/L)、低钙(10mg/L)、低镁(5mg/L)明显延缓了甜瓜的生长发育,降低了甜瓜的产量和品质。 15. 15. This jade green oil, the most natural antioxidant, is full of chlorophyl l, Tea Polyphenols and α-Fertility alcohol. Its Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acidis more than 80%. 油色青绿如翡翠,富含天然叶绿素、茶多酚、α-生育醇及高单元不饱和脂肪酸80%以上,是最天然的抗氧化剂。 16. chlorophyl的反义词 16. Determining different leaves kinds chlorophyl content and photosynthetic intensity in different stage by using distant crossing posterity as material. 用远缘杂交后代为材料,测定了不同叶型不同时期的叶绿素含量、光合强度。 17. The increase of resistance-related enzymic activity was obviously inclued, and the content of chlorophyl rise in Pokeberry Root. 商陆明显诱导了抗性相关酶活性的升高,同时也诱导了叶绿素含量的增加。 18. The result shows that the chitosan can increase the the amount of effective tiller, then the yield of both of cultivars of Zizania caduciflora is enhanced markedly, and the concentration of 45mg/L of the chitosan has the best effect. The activity of POD in leaves and the content of sucrose in product can be increased after using the chitosan, and the change of the chlorophyl content could be abated and the effect has a long duration, and the furthersome effect of chitosan on the activities of the CAT and the APX lasts in the prophase and the midphase of growth. 结果显示壳聚糖的使用对单季茭和双季茭的有效分蘖数都有增加作用,从而明显提高茭白产量,并且均以45mg/L的浓度效果最好,其使用能显著提高两种类型茭白生长期叶片中POD酶的活性以及茭体中的蔗糖含量;壳聚糖对茭白叶绿素有缓和变化波动的作用且持效久,对茭白CAT、APX酶活性的促进作用只在处理前中期有效;而对株高和A.A。 19. chlorophyl的解释 19. The results showed that the order of the permeability from bigger to smaller is lemon yellow, chlorophyl or β carotin and lycopene. 结果表明,海藻酸钙皮膜对几种色素的渗透性大小顺序如下:柠檬黄叶绿素、β-胡萝卜素番茄红素; 20. chlorophyl 20. Spraying cytokinin on waterlogged plants may stop the decrease of chlorophyl content and delay senescence. 用细胞分裂素喷施受湿害的植物,可抑制植株叶片的叶绿素含量下降,延缓衰老。 chlorophyl 英英释义 noun 1. any of a group of green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms there are four naturally occurring forms Synonym: chlorophyll |
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