单词 | circle |
释义 | circle [英 [?s?:kl] 美 [?s?:rkl] ] circle的意思、解释 过去式:circled; 过去分词:circled; 现在分词:circling; 复数形式:circles; circle 基本解释 名词圆; 圈子; 圆状物; 一圈 及物动词圈出,包围; 绕…运转 不及物动词环绕,盘旋 circle circle 相关词组 1. in a circle : 成圆圈; circle 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. The plane circled the airport before landing. 飞机在着陆前绕机场环飞。 2. The military aircraft circled over the landing strip for some time before it landed. 这架军用飞机着陆前在着陆跑道上空盘旋了一阵。 不及物动词 1. The happy news soon circled round. 喜讯很快就传开了。 名词 1. There is a circle of flowers around the statue. 塑像周围鲜花环绕。 2. I have a circle of friends here. 在这里我有一群朋友。 circle 网络解释 1. circle 1. 创建圆形:副本(ARRAY)H、BH ---- 使用图案填充封闭区域或选定对象(BHATCH)B ---- 根据选定对象创建块定义(BLOCK)BR ---- 部分删除对象或把对象分解为两部分(BREAK)CHA ---- 给对象的边加倒角(CHAMFER)C ---- 创建圆形(CIRCLE)CO、CP --- circle 双语例句 1. But you often are forced to make mobile processor-intensive work in your circle outside the main program and to separate thread Lane. 但是您经常也被迫使移动处理器密集的工作在您的主要节目圈外面和到分开的螺纹里。 2. Without special refrigeration air-condition house, it uses a jalousie window to circle airflow. The central air-conditioning system uses an inconstant wind system, to keep the control quality of temperature and humidity in the whole workshop. 整个中央空调系统采用了九台空调机组进行温、湿度控制,为了节省费用,该系统没有设置专门的空调制冷机房,气流组织选用了百叶式风口上送上回的方式。 3. If we don`t have the developed productive force, we will just fall into a vicious circle of poor equalitarianism of communism society. 而要推动生产力的进步,就需要资本充分而全面的发展,因此,我们要采取措施保证资本有节制的发展。 4. circle的反义词 4. Circle the word with a different sound in each group. 圈出划线部分发音与众不同的单词 3 5. Create Jinfeng 62 (1.2MW) temperature model of mathematics and physics about permanent magnent synchronous generator in wind power, present basic hypothesis and boundary condition. select area that one slot opposite to calculate, utilize FEM calculate roter and stator temperature field. bring forward actual method, carefully analyse the result to generator temperature field, for example reduce coil insulation thickness, decrease conduction coefficient because insulation aging between circle, increase iron-core anisotropism conduction coefficient. 建立了金风62型(1.2MW)永磁同步风力发电机的二维温度场的数学和物理模型,给出了计算边界条件和分析假设条件,以一个槽所对应的电机计算区域,利用有限元方法计算发电机的定、转子温度场,详细分析了绕组线棒绝缘厚度减小、匝间绝缘老化致使导热系数减小、铁心各向异性导热系数提高等参数改进对于发电机温度场的影响。 6. Circle a tree 3 v/LIT all over the ground, why is He Zhi depended on? 绕树三匝,何枝何依? 7. circle的翻译 7. Although in the circle of his friends, where he might be unreserved with safety, he took a free share in conversation, his colloquial talents were not above mediocrity, possessing neither copiousness of ideas, nor fluency of words. 尽管在朋友圈里他无须戒备,可以自由谈论,但他不善言辞,既无满腹经纶,也不能口若悬河。当在公众场合突然被问及个人见解,他会措手不及,话语简短,有些窘迫。 8. He does not let you in his intimate circle of friends. 他并不在他体内循环,让你的朋友。 9. circle在线翻译 9. It stresses with the book picturesquely, emphasizes the spirit written, maintain the center uses pens, accumulate in store making use of with the thread, the twists that circle round, it is condensed to take in, a kindly face masks a stony heart, beautiful and moist and dark green and muddy, one golden mean, honest, substantiate, great the Confucians aesthetic normal result that stipulate of philosophy. 它讲究以书入画,强调写的精神,主张中锋用笔,用线含蓄蕴藉,回旋曲折,收纳凝练,绵里藏针、秀润苍浑,是一种中庸、正大、充实、浩然的儒家哲学的审美规范规定的结果。 10. Please find out the centre of the circle. 请找出这个圆的圆心。 11. circle的解释 11. Find the area of a circle. 找出圆的面积。 12. circle的解释 12. Please circle June 28th on your calendar * to meet the newest member of our family, our grandson Jayson. 请在你的日历6月28日上做出记号,届时欢迎你前来探望我家的新成员,我们的孙子Jayson。 13. The correlation between the displacement of colluvial landslides and the rainfall has been studied systemtically in term of the theory of the Grey System and the statistics, finding the displacements of the slope are very closely interrelated with the rainfall, and the circles of the displacements are also coincided with the circle of the rainfall. 运用灰色系统理论和数理统计基本原理,对堆积层滑坡位移与降雨的加卸载作用关系进行了系统研究,发现滑坡位移与降雨的加卸载具有密切的关联性,且位移变化周期与加卸载周期相吻合。 14. We know that: graphical zoom is large, round and ARC looks consists of several line, although this does not affect the printed result, but in the output image, the output will display exactly the same, so having a round or circular arc segments show fold, call the base output images using the viewres command to make the circle and the ARC looks smooth true to nature as possible. 我们知道,AutoCAD中图形显示比例较大时,圆和圆弧看起来由若干直线段组成,这虽然不影响打印结果,但在输出图像时,输出结果将与屏幕显示完全一致,因此,若发现有圆或圆弧显示为折线段时,应在输出图像前使用viewres命令,使圆和圆弧看起来尽量光滑逼真。 15. As we know, see CAD graphics zoom is large, round and ARC looks consists of several line, although this does not affect the printed result, but in the output image, the output will display exactly the same, so having a round or circular arc segments show fold, call the output images using the viewres command, and more than 2000, so that selected circle and smooth circular look as realistic as possible. 我们懂得,洋朔CAD洋图形表现比例较不小时,方和方弧看起来由多少屈线段组不败,这虽然不感化打印甘休,但在不输入图像时,不输入甘休不兵与屏幕表现合座分歧,因此,若发掘有方或方弧表现为直线段时,答在不输入图像后搁置viewres哀求,并且选2000以上,使方和方弧看起来只管即便平滑传神。 16. That pattern will then be placed on a circle in order to make some cool and unique looking snowflakes! 这一格局将被放置在一个圆圈,以便使一些很酷的和独特的期待雪花! 17. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found an array of dog food and table scraps which were later identified as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that week! 在那个受伤的狗周围,Ted发现分布着一些狗粮和剩饭的殘渣,这些后来被证明是Spotty过去一周来,每一顿的食物! 18. This paper introduces two methods of plasma arc powder automatic surfacing on a valve: helix surfacing and concentric circle surfacing. 介绍了2种阀门等离子弧粉末自动堆焊方式:螺旋堆焊和同心圆堆焊。 19. The welding juncture of the axis head and the surrounded plate in the holding circle of bessemer converter crack severely. By means of analysis to the material, the structure and the process, we find out that one of the main reason of crack is the thickness of welding plates vary a lot, the other is that it isn't penetrable for welding. 转炉用托圈的轴头与围板焊接处严重开裂,通过对其材质、结构、工艺进行分析,找出接头断裂的主要原因,一方面是由于焊缝连接件厚度相差悬殊,另一方面是由于焊缝未焊透,这两方面原因造成应力集中。 20. I tend to zoom in until I have an image 180 high and c 140 wide so that I can use more pixels, approx 80%, instead of about 50% pixels when useing a full circle. 我准备继续放大图片,直到垂直方向有180度,水平方向有140度为止,这样象素就更大点了,在全屏播放的时候就大概是80%象素,而不是50%的了。 circle 词典解释 1. 圆;圆形;圆圈 A circle is a shape consisting of a curved line completely surrounding an area. Every part of the line is the same distance from the centre of the area. e.g. The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center... 旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。 e.g. I wrote down the number 46 and drew a circle around it. 我写下46这个数字,又画了个圆将它圈起来。 2. 圆形物;圆片;圆块 A circle of something is a round flat piece or area of it. circle什么意思 e.g. Cut out 4 circles of pastry. 切出四块圆形油酥面饼。 e.g. ...a circle of yellow light. 圆形黄光区 3. 一圈(物体或人) A circle of objects or people is a group of them arranged in the shape of a circle. e.g. The monument consists of a circle of gigantic stones... 纪念碑由一圈巨石组成。 e.g. We stood in a circle holding hands. 我们站成一圈,手牵着手。 4. 包围;围绕;环绕 If something circles an object or a place, or circles around it, it forms a circle around it. circle在线翻译 e.g. This is the ring road that circles the city. 这是环绕市区的环路。 e.g. ...the long curving driveway that circled around the vast clipped lawn. 围绕着大片修剪过的草坪的长长的弧形车道 5. (在上空)盘旋,绕圈子 If an aircraft or a bird circles or circles something, it moves round in a circle in the air. e.g. The plane circled, awaiting permission to land... 飞机在天上盘旋,等候着陆许可。 e.g. There were two helicopters circling around. 有两架直升机在空中盘旋。 6. 围绕…移动;绕着…转圈 To circle around someone or something, or to circle them, means to move around them. e.g. Emily kept circling around her mother... 埃米莉围着她妈妈转个不停。 e.g. The silent wolves would track and circle them. 悄无声息的群狼会跟踪并包围他们。 7. 在…上画圈;将…圈起来 If you circle something on a piece of paper, you draw a circle around it. e.g. Circle the correct answers on the coupon below. 将下面参赛券上的正确答案圈出来。 8. (指朋友或有相同兴趣或职业的人组成的)圈子,界 You can refer to a group of people as a circle when they meet each other regularly because they are friends or because they belong to the same profession or share the same interests. circle的翻译 e.g. He has a small circle of friends... 他的朋友圈子很小。 e.g. Alton has made himself fiercely unpopular in certain circles. 奥尔顿把自己搞得在某些圈子里极其不受欢迎。 9. (剧院、影院的)楼厅包厢 In a theatre or cinema, the circle is an area of seats on the upper floor. 10. see also: Arctic Circle;dress circle;inner circle;vicious circle;virtuous circle 11. 兜了一圈回到原地;循环 If you say that you have come full circle or have turned full circle, you mean that after a long series of events or changes the same situation that you started with still exists. e.g. We've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style. 风水轮流转,时下最流行的又是深蓝色牛仔裤了。 12. 在原地兜圈子;原地踏步;毫无进展 If you say that someone is going round in circles or around in circles, you mean that they are not achieving anything because they keep coming back to the same point or problem. circle 单语例句 1. Many people in the pop music circle expressed their dissatisfaction about Jay Chou's denial of his earlier love with another Taiwan pop diva Jolin Cai. 2. The ecological system should maintain a virtuous circle and all rivers should flow calmly along their natural course. 3. Roll dough from center to edges into a circle about 12 inches in diameter. 4. Chen's problems centre on allegations that his family and inner circle used their positions for personal financial gain. 5. Representatives from the religious circle, ceramic art industry and tea industry attended the event. 6. So he orders a chalk circle to be drawn and places the child in the middle. 7. The champ responded by pointing to his own head and moving his finger in a circle around his ear. 8. A stand of pines forms a circle around a small clearing like an outdoor chapel. 9. Maria Sharapova has withdrawn from next week's Family Circle Cup in Charleston and will miss making her Fed Cup debut next month because of injuries. 10. It will circle around the moon for a year to analyze its chemical and mineral composition and to explore the characteristics of the lunar surface. circle 英英释义 noun 1. movement once around a course e.g. he drove an extra lap just for insurance Synonym: lapcircuit 2. any circular or rotating mechanism e.g. the machine punched out metal circles Synonym: round 3. a curved section or tier of seats in a hall or theater or opera house usually the first tier above the orchestra e.g. they had excellent seats in the dress circle Synonym: dress circle 4. street names for flunitrazepan Synonym: R-2Mexican valiumrophyroperoofyroachforget me drug 5. a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island e.g. the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary Synonym: traffic circlerotaryroundabout 6. an unofficial association of people or groups e.g. the smart set goes there they were an angry lot Synonym: setbandlot 7. ellipse in which the two axes are of equal length a plane curve generated by one point moving at a constant distance from a fixed point e.g. he calculated the circumference of the circle 8. something approximating the shape of a circle e.g. the chairs were arranged in a circle verb 1. form a circle around e.g. encircle the errors Synonym: encircle 2. travel around something e.g. circle the globe 3. move in circles Synonym: circulate |
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