单词 | civil law |
释义 | civil law [英 [?sivl l?:] 美 [?s?v?l l?] ] civil law的意思、解释 civil law 基本解释 名词民法 civil law 反义词 civil law的反义词 名词criminal law civil law的翻译 civil law 网络解释 1. 大陆法:业的资产回报率(ROA)并没有存在显著的差异. 这表明,来自不同法律背景的投资者根据当地的法治理理论(corporate go vernance)所关注的焦点. 因此,需要设计各种制度以解决这个问题,其中以归宿到两大起源:普通法(common law)与大陆法(civil law). 之所以可以把相当多的法律制度 2. 民事法:加拿大的法律可分为公共法(Public Law)和民事法(Civil Law)两个范畴,前者指刑事法、宪法、政府法等影响整个社会的法律,后者指解决民事纠纷的法律. 加拿大法院分为审判庭、上诉庭和最高法院,最高法院乃最高上诉法院及终审法院. civil law 双语例句 1. The value and system of civil law need transfix with culture of civil law. 民法价值和制度之间需要民法文化来贯通。 2. civil law是什么意思 2. This is also the Constitution and the Civil Procedure Law of China People's Court entrusted to one of the important judicial functions, including the implementation of the entry into force of the court made its own decision, determination or mediation books, including the enforcement of arbitral authority, arbitral awards made in just to give authority to enforce the effectiveness of the notarized claim instrument made by the executive authorities in accordance with the law and granted by the People's Court review of administrative decision or administrative penalties, such as decision. 这也是中国宪法和民事诉讼法赋予人民法院的重要司法职能之一,包括执行法院自身作出的生效判决、裁定或调解书,也包括执行仲裁机关作出的仲裁裁决、公正机关作出的赋予强制执行效力的公证债权文书、行政机关依法作出的并经人民法院审查准予执行的行政处理决定书或行政处罚决定书等。 3. China's civil litigation system is an important part of civil law. 我国的民事诉讼时效是民事法律制度中的一项重要内容。 4. In this thesis through the analysis of the evidence in civil law, the author proved that the behavior of allowed independent business is the most important difference between the limiting capacity minors and incapacity minors. 笔者在文章中通过民法学角度的分析证明:限制行为能力的未成年人相对于无行为能力的未成年人来讲,他们可以独立实施或者可以经过授权实施的行为最重要的不同在于经过允许的独立营业行为。 5. 5. Modern commercial value of their commercial decisions of general clauses must ace to the general rule as the main content, and only to acts defined as commercial business practices around business rules arrangements the structure of general principles of commercial law can resolve commercial application of the problem, and to overcome shortcomings in commercial code of Civil law, and in the framework of the combination of civil and commercial codes, to achieve commercial internal coordination and unity. 现代商法的价值诉求决定了商事通则必须以商行为一般规则为主要内容。而只有将商行为界定为营业行为,围绕营业规则安排商事通则的结构,方能解决商法适用上的难题,克服大陆法系商法典存在的缺陷,并在民商合一的框架下,实现商法内部的协调和统一。 6. La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer and Vishny found that investor protection in common law countries is better than the one in civil law countries. La Porta、Lopez-de-Silanes、Shleifer和Vishny发现英美普通法系国家的投资者保护水平高于大陆法系国家,并探讨了法律起源的不同造成投资者保护不同的原因及其对资本市场、公司治理等方面的影响;Levine等人研究了投资者法律保护对金融发展和经济增长等领域的影响。 7. Punitive Damage is a new topic of civil legislation and civil law study in our country. 惩罚性损害赔偿是我国民事立法和民法学研究的一项新课题。 8. There is no stipulation in it, our benefits can be better maintained if we have similar provisions like those in Mareva Injunction and the relevant laws in other countries; The last one is the impact of the Maritime Injunction to the lawmaking of the Civil Procedure Law. 强制令没有规定,认为应借鉴英国玛瑞瓦禁令和其他一些国家的相关做法,才能更好地维护我们的利益;最后一项是海事强制令对我国《民诉法》立法的影响,认为类似的行为保全的规定也应扩大到民事诉讼中。 9. According to law, civil affairs authorities should take care of these rescued children until their parents are found. 根据法律规定,民政部门应照顾这些被救助的孩子,直到找到他们的父母为止。 10. Even if most of countries endow sub-lessee with the remedial right of the responsibility of breach, but, according to the traditional civil law, the right of lease is a claim, when the lessee violates the lease contract, the lessor can rescind the lease contract and take back the leased property from the sub-lessee, which give rise to unfair to the sub-lessee. 即使大多国家在承租人违约的情况下赋予了次承租人的违约责任救济权,但由于传统民法视租赁权本质上为一种债权,在承租人违约时次承租人不能以其租赁权对抗出租人所有物返还请求权,因此对次承租人保护也为不力和公平。 11. Civil adjudgment in the law means the estoppel by judgment, it is confirmed to form accuracy and final decision. 摘要既判力是指民事判决实质意义上的确定力,换言之,即形成确定的终局判决在内容上所具有的准确性和不可争议性。 12. civil law在线翻译 12. Unjust Enrichment civil law legal system is an important content of China's socialist legal system is an integral part. 不当得利法律制度是民法的一个重要内容,是我国社会主义法律体系的组成部分。 13. civil law 13. The system of civil enforcement is much important to a state of rule of law. 民事执行制度是法治国家的重要制度之一,它承担着将生效的司法裁判以及其它法律文书付诸实施,以实现债权人权利的重要任务。 14. 14. Speciality:Strong skills in law about criminal and civil, Chinese writing, the office software holding and teamworks and so on. 和男友出去,你们是男友付吗?不是在乎那点钱,是不是女孩都爱用这种方式男友对你爱的水平! 15. As a specific civil juristic act, transfering bill rights by endorsing should. meet validity of general civil juristic act in principle, never copy. How to apply the essentials mainly embodies endorsement—transferring actions between direct parties. The formal elements of endorsement—transferring act have been perfectly stipulated in the Commercial Instrument Law of PRC, only that can cause the legal consequences of transferring bills. Both the essentials and formal elements decide the validity of the transferring act. 票据权利背书转让作为一种特殊的民事法律行为,原则上适用一般民事法律行为的有效要件,但是票据行为的特殊性决定不能笼统照搬民事法律行为有效要件,实质要件的适用主要体现在背书转让行为的直接当事人之间;票据法对背书转让行为的形式要件作了非常严格的规定,只有符合这一规定才能产生票据权利转让的法律后果,实质要件与形式要件共同决定了票据权利背书转让行为的效力。 16. Although labor contract law falls into social law category and is different from the traditional civil law, extinctive cause of cancellation right in civil law such as scheduled period passing away, summon exhortation by counterpart and disappearance of cause in fact shall be generally applied to labor contract law. 尽管劳动合同法不同于传统民法而属于社会法范畴,但民法上除斥期间经过、相对人催告和解除事由消失解除权消灭等原因,原则上应适用劳动合同法。 17. civil law 17. There is a conflict with no exception to introduce the concept of Trust to the civil law states for the different definitions of property rights. 大陆法系国家引进信托制度无一例外地遭受两大法系财产权利法律概念的冲突,作为财产法的基石——财产所有权,在英美法和大陆法中却有着不同的界定。 18. civil law的解释 18. So it is necessary to modify the regulations of civil action law, and to prescribe clearly the application scope, the money amount of action, and the parties'right to choose. 因此,有必要修改民事诉讼法中关于简易程序的规定,对简易程序的适用范围、诉讼标的的金额、当事人的选择权利作出清晰的界定。 19. Codification of Chinese Civil Law is the task we have to take on. 内容提要:中国民法典的制定是历史摆在我们面前的课题。 20. Hence, the Codification system is a process which will last for a long time in civil law. 因此,民法的法典化规划将是一个旷日持久的过程。 civil law 词典解释 1. 民法 Civil law is the part of a country's set of laws which is concerned with the private affairs of citizens, for example marriage and property ownership, rather than with crime. civil law 单语例句 1. The High Court hears civil cases including divorce, custody proceedings and business law. 2. If the refurbishing act is not engaged in criminal activity to a crime, it should be prevented using administrative or civil law tools. 3. A draft law proposed that foreign charitable organizations could register with the civil affairs department in Shenzhen as long as they met laws and regulations. 4. There are two reasons why the Chinese legal system followed the mode of civil law systems. 5. The current Chinese law mandates that all civil servants must be of Chinese nationality. 6. The Tort Law was reviewed by the Ninth NPC Standing Committee in 2002 as a part of the Civil Code draft. 7. Aiming at identifying property ownership and protect properties of individuals and corporations, the property law is a key part of the civil code. 8. The draft property rights law had its first reading in China's legislature in 2002 as part of a draft civil code. 9. China's national legislators are expected to review a draft real rights law, a major part of a new civil code. 10. Establishment of modern property law started from the civil code of Germany in 1896. civil law在线翻译civil law 英英释义 civil law noun 1. the legal code of ancient Rome codified under Justinian the basis for many modern systems of civil law Synonym: Roman lawJustinian codejus civile 2. the body of laws established by a state or nation for its own regulation |
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