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单词 clairvoyance
    clairvoyance [英 [kle??v???ns] 美 [kler?v???ns] ]
    clairvoyance 基本解释
    clairvoyance 网络解释
    1. clairvoyance的近义词
    1. 透视:有接觸感應(psychometry)、透視(clairvoyance)、心靈感應(telepathy)、預知(precognition)、催眠(hypnosis)等能力. 劈砍型:主要使用近距离切割类武器,可能是设备或工具,比如刀剑(Zorro),也可能是天然的,比如爪子(Wolverine)
    2. 洞察力:我很看重分析、判断、合作的能力,因为我觉得真正能成功的人必然是那种既有深刻洞察力(clairvoyance)又有很强行动力的人. 我对一些同学的做法很不以为然,他们靠个GRE就把自己封闭起来,整天抱着书啃,不跟人合作,我觉得这是在磨刀背.
    3. 千里眼:指正常眼睛外的视觉能力,通常就是指第三眼功能,眼通、千里眼(Clairvoyance)之谓;引申有预见能力,洞察能力,未卜先知的意思. 犹太教的塔木德经,重要性仅次於圣经;这是在西元前300 年到西元500 年的800 年间,在现今巴勒斯坦、以色列附近地区,
    4. 透视力:透視力(Clairvoyance)或稱為預知力(俗稱天眼通),是指不用眼睛也可見物,或是在事件發生之前就能夠感知,或是用靈力得知遙遠的事物. 科學解釋是此人腦部有異於常人的接收能力. 科學家發現具有此種特異功能的人肉眼可以看到不可見光區的部份如:紅外光、紫外光等.
    clairvoyance 双语例句
    1. With special cuniform cross-section, it will more effectively catch dust particles of even several microns and removes dirt and oil stains easily, maintaining good clairvoyance of the glass surface.
    2. clairvoyance的反义词
    2. Perform easy exercises to train your magical abilities and to develop clairvoyance and clairaudience.
    3. Tendency to develop natural gifts healing, clairvoyance, canalization, etc..
    4. clairvoyance什么意思
    4. In addition, applying the picture level and the arrangement of the blank chinese painting, it makes the figure of the substance in the painting not only something primary and secondary clear, unify but change, change but unify and have the space managing rule beyond the clairvoyance theory in mastering and placing the composition of a picture.
    5. Spell-Like Abilities:At will--clairaudience/clairvoyance, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fear, hold person, locate creature, ture seeing; 3/day--hold monster, mark of justice; 1/week--lesser geas.
    6. Someone who studies the evidence for such psychological phenomena as psychokinesis and telepathy and clairvoyance.
    7. clairvoyance的意思
    7. Clairvoyance is ability to see or visualize objects and events beyond the range of normal sight.
    8. It does not go away: our need to believe in something beyond biology is so remarkably tenacious that we are everywhere surrounded by not only a variety of religious beliefs with many of them insisting upon the uniqueness of one particular set of beliefs, but we are also surrounded by the presences of less thoughtful and more patently irrational beliefs: past-life channelers, abduction by extraterrestrials, clairvoyance, psychic surgery, ghosts, witches, astrology, TM levitation, astral traveling, dowsers, necromancy, miracles, after-death experiences, I Ching, Feng Shui, Angels, healing crystals, palm reading, astrology, aura reading, psychokinesis, poltergeists, exorcism, Tarot cards, precognition, synchronicity and I`m sure each of you could add to this list.
    但同时,我们也会被一些相对浅薄或明显不合理的信念包围:前世时光隧道、来自宇宙的诱导、透视能力、精神手术、鬼魂、巫婆、占星术、TM 悬浮、星界旅行、探矿、巫术、奇迹、死后体验、易经、风水、天使、疗病水晶、掌读、气味阅读、心灵制动、敲击作响闹恶作剧的鬼、咒语、塔罗牌、预知、同步性……我确信你们中任何一个人都可以往这个单子里添加新项目。
    9. clairvoyance
    9. His experiments on telepathy, clairvoyance and telekinesis were sponsored by British psychologist William McDougall, a fellow of the Royal Society and at that time department head of psychology at Duke University.
    10. Spell-Like Abilities: At will - animate dead, blasphemy, cause fear, chaos hammer, clairaudience/clairvoyance, charm person, comprehend languages, create greater undead, create undead, darkness, death knell, death ward, deeper darkness, desecrate, destruction, detect chaos, detect law, feeblemind, greater dispelling, harm, fear, lightning bolt, magic circle against law, major image, polymorph any object, polymorph self, project image, pyrotechnics, read magic, scrying, slay living, symbol, telekinesis, teleport without error (self plus 1000 pounds), unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wail of the banshee, wall of fire; 6/day - enervation, horrid wilting, implosion, negative energy burst, negative energy ray, negative energy wave, persistent image, shatter; 3/day - power word: kill, power word: stun; 1/day – bestow greater curse, hellball, shapechange, soul shackle, spirit wall, stop heart, time stop; 1/week - absorb strength, crushing fist of spite, evil weather, gut wrench, imprison soul, wrack.
    11. He alleges that precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance are the three main categories of extrasensory perception.
    12. clairvoyance的意思
    12. Representative powers include clairaudience/clairvoyance, object reading, precognition, and ubiquitous vision.
    13. The focal spot sizes can immediately influence picture definition when X-ray machine carry through clairvoyance and photography.
    14. He had recourse to every superstition of sortilege, clairvoyance, presentiment, and dreams.
    15. Parapsychology The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, that are inexplicable by science.
    16. clairvoyance的解释
    16. The Reasonable Clairvoyance of the Opinion Evidence and Its Exclusion Rule
    17. After that, a new kind of technology to rebuild two dimensional lanes is given based on the carriageway clairvoyance transform model.
    18. clairvoyance
    18. And then you shall validate for yourself your own gifts of telepathy and clairvoyance!
    19. Sometimes, leaders fall into the clairvoyance trap.
    20. clairvoyance什么意思
    20. He claims he has the powers of telepathy and clairvoyance.
    clairvoyance 英英释义
    1. apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses
    Synonym: second sightextrasensory perceptionE.S.P.ESP




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