单词 | clear off |
释义 | clear off [英 [kli? ?f] 美 [kl?r ?f] ] clear off的意思、解释 clear off 基本解释 还清; 消散; 完成; (使)离开 clear off 相关例句 ph. 1. He had finally cleared off the debt. 他终于偿清了债务。 clear off 网络解释 1. 消除,摆脱(负担等):clear off (云雾等)消散 | clear off 消除,摆脱(负担等) | clear out 把...清出(或出空) 2. (云雾等)消散:clear away 把...清除掉;(云)消失 | clear off (云雾等)消散 | clear off 消除,摆脱(负担等) 3. 清除:clear of 扫清 | clear off 清除 | clear out 清除 4. 消除(积雪)等障碍,把...拆掉,擦掉,清除:50catch up with赶上 | 52clear off消除(积雪)等障碍,把...拆掉,擦掉,清除 | 53clear up整理;收拾 clear off 双语例句 1. By adopting the pure cotton cloth as the raw material, using lime, sticky rice and soya to make paste and oilpaper to engrave for starching and resist-printing, and being dyed with the indigo carmine extracted from the blue grass, After washing off the loose color, the Blue Calico looks more clear and bright with classical beauty. 用手纺的棉布作为原材料,用石灰,粘米和黄豆做浆料,在油纸上雕刻图案并用兰草印染。待印染并洗净后,呈现出的颜色更清晰明亮,让人爱不释手。 2. So, every Friday at this time, she looked at the back of his aunts and wipe the dust off the table, she looked at him as front of the children clear away brush, ink marks, she listened to his class has no intention of Qingheng between songs, gradually, she felt a sense Tangkai layers of ripples in the heart...... 于是,每个星期五的这个时候,她看着他为后座的阿姨擦掉桌子上的灰尘,她看着他为前排的小朋友洗掉毛笔上的墨痕,她听着他上课时无意间轻哼的歌声,渐渐地,她觉得有一种感觉在心里荡开层层涟漪。。。。。。 3. Innumerable mainland same age good friends, because of each kind of reason, in west your heart sun sink to you go, when you have drained off the tear, you can suddenly look back on: Too many missing already were not the realities, you only then shut off the path netherworld decisively the telephone, opened your sentiment sea the valve, the clear illusion love password, you could discover suddenly you can set aside one turn at present the red glowing sun, although it had the black hole and the solar flare, although it did not have the former days golden light to be bright, but it could give you the gorgeous sunset glow and the setting sun. 无数个大陆同龄好友,因各种原因,你心中的太阳西沉离你而去,当你流干了眼泪,你会蓦然回首:太多的思念已不是现实,你只有果断地切断通往阴间的电话,打开你情海的阀门,开通梦幻般的爱情密码,你会突然发现你眼前会腾出一轮红日,它虽然带有黑洞和耀斑,它虽然没有昔日的金光灿烂,但它会给你绚丽晚霞与夕阳。 4. Dr. Witkowski, a psychologist, says the boss told her she didnt seem as sharp as usual and recommended that she take the rest of the day off to clear her mind. 身为心理学家的维特科夫斯基说,老板说她不像平时那么敏锐,建议她那天剩下的时间休个假放松一下情绪。 5. clear off 5. Dr. Witkowski, a psychologist, says the boss told her she didn't seem as sharp as usual and recommended that she take the rest of the day off to clear her mind. 身为心理学家的维特科夫斯基说,老板说她不像平时那么敏锐,建议她那天剩下的时间休个假放松一下情绪。 6. Beadwork publishes beautiful projects in all types of beadwork-on- and off-loom beadwork, wirework, bead knitting and crochet presented with easy-to-follow directions and crystal-clear photography. 串珠出版的串珠上和非织机串珠,wirework各种美丽的项目,珠针织和易于遵循的方向和水晶般清晰的摄影介绍钩针。 7. Lin Qianliang concluded the curative effects of tea as following aspects, namely: Help less sleep, tranquilize the nerves, brighten eyes, fresh brain, quench thirst, promote the body fluid, clear heat, relieve summer heat, expel the poison, promote digestion, keep fat off, break wind, eliminating dampness, relax the bowels, dispel phlegm, expel pathogenic wind from body surface, consolidate the teeth, cure the heartache, cure furunculosis and paralysis, relieve hunger, benefit physical strength, prolong life and others. 林乾良教授将茶的疗效归纳为以下几个方面,即:少睡,安神,明目,清头目,止渴生津,清热,消暑,解毒,消食,去肥腻,下气,利水,通便,去痰,祛风解表,坚齿,治心痛,疗疮治痿,疗饥,益气力,延年益寿及其他。科学研究表明,普洱茶除了和其他茶类一样具有以上功能外,现代研究证实在以下几个方面疗效更为突出:1。 8. Any payment hereunder shall be made free and clear off fees. 按上述金额承付的金额将是净数。 9. After the heavy snowfall the groundsman was whistling in the dark when he promised that the pitch would be clear for a three o'clock kick-off. 大雪之后,球场管理员答应3点钟足球比赛之前能把球场清理干净时,他实在是在强鼓勇气。 10. During production of industrial water, filtration of a take-off of the clear run can be used to save valuable drinking or well water. 在生产过程中的工业用水,一个起飞的明确运行可以用来节省宝贵的饮用水或井水过滤。 11. 11. He`d made clear that he favoured Nelson Mandela`s rainbow nation over the other big gorilla in the contest, Germany. Playing barely-noticed walk-on and walk-off parts in the drama were England, Morocco and Brazil. 彩虹之国南非若想最终胜出,就必须战胜一个同样虎视眈眈的劲敌——德国,而英格兰、摩洛哥和巴西无非只是陪太子读书,过过场罢了。 12. Back on LaSalle Street, I turn to my assistant director and I tell him to clear the skateboarding kid out of my line of sight when I realize—it's Heath, woolly hat pulled low over his eyes, here on his night off to take me up on my offer. 回到拉萨尔街,我转向助导请他清空我视野中的滑板小子,才突然发现--是希斯,毛帽拉低到盖眼睛,下了班接受我的邀请真的出现了。 13. Clear one day, or cut-off halfway up the fog, or clouds wrapped around the first peak; yarn may from time to time Sam Rainsy, sometimes Xiaguang 10000, Exploring indeed find insurance, a good place for climbing on board, especially the top of the hill there is a view of sunrise and other strange scene. 阴晴之日,或而雾截山腰,或而云缠峰头;时而山岚似纱,时而霞光万道,确属探幽寻险,登临攀援的好去处,尤其是山顶上观日出别有一种奇特的景象。 14. Molly is clearly a force to be reckoned with, not only for the errant Daily Prophet reporter who wants a good story about the reports of a flying car (she tells them to clear off or she'll set the family ghoul on them), or for her sons, who cower before her wrath even as they tower over her, but also for those who want to see Voldemort rise to power again. 莫丽非常强势,不只是对预言家日报的记者,人家只是想报道一个关于飞翔的汽车的好故事(她让他们走开,否则她会送个食尸鬼给人家),亦或是对她的儿子们,即使他们都比她高,但是当她发脾气的时候,他们总是很畏惧,还有就是对那些期待伏地魔东山再起的人。 15. The most fantastic parking-lot attendant in the world, he can back a car forty miles an hour into a tight squeeze and stop at the wall, jump out, race among fenders, leap into another car, circle it fifty miles an hour in a narrow space, back swiftly into tight spot, hump, snap the car with the emergency so that you see it bounce as he flies out; then clear to the ticket shack, sprinting like a track star, hand a ticket, leap into a newly arrived car before the owner`s half out, leap literally under him as he steps out, start the car with the door flapping, and roar off to the next available spot 第9页:他是全世界最棒的停车场工作人员,他能以每小时四十迈的速度把车子退到一个狭窄的车位,在墙脚前停稳,跳出车子,在防护板中间飞奔,跳进另一辆车子,在狭小的空间以每小时五十迈的速度转个圈子,迅速的倒退到车位,猛地拉下紧急刹车,他下车时你看到汽车还抖了几下,然后他像田径明星似的向售票室冲刺,交掉一张票,一辆汽车刚到,车主人还没有下车,他就从主人身体下面钻了进去,车门还没有关好,他就发动了引擎,轰鸣着开到下一个可用的车位。 16. The strategy is clear: If he throws something fat on the first pitch, swing from the heels; otherwise lay off, looking for that 1–0 count where he's going to lay one in. 如果他第一球投的是肥孖孖的甜球,用力的挥;要不然就等0好1坏,等他将投的好球。他的策略是可以预测的。 17. It was clear that his question had caught me off guard. 很显然他的问题使我措手不及。 18. And also make sure that I keep the tailpipes clear off any snow. 同时,要确保尾气管没有任何雪。 19. In short, Mr. Obama has a clear vision of what went wrong, but aside from regulating shadow banking — no small thing, to be sure — his plan basically punts on the question of how to keep it from happening all over again, pushing the hard decisions off to future regulators. 简言之,奥巴马先生对发生的问题有清晰的看法,但是除了监管影子金融(当然,这一点肯定也不是小事一桩),该方案在如何防止此类事情上又踢了一个空球,将艰难的决策问题留给未来的监管者。 20. Would probably need a stripper around the punch to clear the pot off the die. 我想我们可以用一个气缸和一个脚踏装置来实现。 clear off 词典解释 1. 滚蛋 If you tell someone to clear off, you are telling them rather rudely to go away. e.g. The boys told me to clear off. 那些男孩让我滚开。 clear off 单语例句 1. According to the police chief, the collision happened last night in clear weather off Port Dickson. 2. It is not clear if the latest meeting would similarly lead them to hold off pressing for a vote. 3. Cai also support Xue's opinion by saying that the special geographical and meteorological conditions in Beijing make it difficult to clear off pollutants. 4. Once you clear off the top of your roast, you just turn it over and eat the other side while it continues cooking. 5. The best reason for toll stations to continue collecting fees to pass through is that " there are still some loans to clear off ". 6. It took police eight hours to clear the carcasses off the road, it said. 7. He failed to follow clear instructions to switch off all telecom devices. 8. What is clear is that ripping off the rich is punished far more severely than ripping off the poor. 9. I thought it might all be over for me and that here was a clear sign that I would be off. 10. Officers complained that American troops do not treat them with respect, but it wasn't clear if any specific incident set off the demonstration. clear off 英英释义 verb 1. remove from sight Synonym: clear away |
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