单词 | err |
释义 | err [英 [?:(r)] 美 [er] ] err的意思、解释 过去式:erred; 过去分词:erred; 现在分词:erring; err 基本解释 err 不及物动词犯错,做错; 走上歧途; 犯罪 err的解释 err 相关例句 不及物动词 1. To err is human. 犯错误是人之常情。 2. He erred on the side of severity. 他失之过严。 err 网络解释 1. 错误:电源 (PWR) 、连线 (ON-LINE) 、错误 (ERR) 指示灯4. 进纸 (FEED) 键注意:(1) 装设标签纸前,请先将导纸器 (Paper Guide) 向自动剥纸功能 (Peel Of f Function) 是装设於使用自黏式的及标签纸间隙 (Gap) 的位置, 2. 誤:按如下方式加载文件:E激活输入状态(TEN)R复位输入状态 (TRS)E激活输入状态(CEN)U累加输入状态 (CUP)D倒数计秒输入状态(CDW)P预置输入状态(CPR)该界面显示在PLC处定义的信息 (MSG) 和错误 (ERR).界面显示如下表格:在1和256 3. err的意思 3. 漫游,走,行:153,ego我 | 154,err漫游,走,行 | 155,fabl,fabul 言 4. 错误对象://句柄 hnd | //场景 hdc | //错误对象 err 5. 5. err:external rate of revenue; 外部收益率 6. err的翻译 6. err:estrogen related receptor; 雌激素相关受体 7. err 7. err:error; 错误,误差 8. err:error registration rate; 拒登率 err 双语例句 1. As with rebound damping, it's always best to err on the light side with compression, and for the same reasons. 和回弹阻尼一样,同样的理由,如果你不确定的话最好的办法是把压缩阻尼调的略软一点。 2. Err, if you marry again, you can only give me 60%. 嗯,如果你再结婚了,那就给我60%就成了。 3. err 3. I, however, would err on the side of caution and apply for a new one. 要是我的话,我就小心谨慎一点,我会选择重新申请新的签证。 4. You can never go wrong if you err on the side of caution when it comes to your baby. 你绝不能出错,如果你宁可过于谨慎的时候,你的宝宝。 5. If you can't understand what you're seeing, err on the side of posting more info. 如果你看不懂的话,可以在其边上提供更多该错误的信息。 6. But I must err on the side of caution, so our 但是,即使我犯错误的话,那也是出于谨慎的考虑。 7. It is better to err on the side of caution. 多一些谨慎总是好的。 8. err 8. Err on the side of hot; I love to show you off. 大胆表现你的迷人之处。我们喜欢炫耀你。 9. When in doubt you can err on the side of caution. 有疑问时,您可以对错误的一边谨慎行事。 10. The 2nd, ceng Guofan has very strong self-discipline and self-communion, some people go to unlike one litre a certain position, he feels he cannot err, if have what fault, must go concealing. 第二,曾国藩有很强的自律和自省,不像有些人一升到某个位置,他觉得自己就不能犯错了,如果有什么错,一定要去掩饰。 11. Err in data Keeping the company regards perfection combination of the talent, market, brand as the goal pursued unswervingly, every link in work of running through the quality, prestige, innovative idea. 护球公司以人才、市场、品牌的完美结合作为不懈追求的目标,将质量、信誉、创新理念贯穿工作中的每一个环节。 12. Calculation formulae of phase errors which are induced by constant position error, constant velocity err... 给出了位置误差、速度误差和加速度误差所造成的相位误差计算公式。 13. I knew that when I was out on pracice I would inevitbly err at one time or another. 我知道在我出去开业行医时,说不定什么时候我就会不可避免的出差错。 14. The ERR for some steel materials, iron and steel products (such as iron and steel structural components) and scissors has been raised to 9%, and the ERR for corn starch and alcohol has been raised to 5%. 合金钢异性材等钢材、钢铁结构体等钢铁制品、剪刀等商品的出口退税率提高到9%。玉米淀粉、酒精的出口退税率提高到5%。 15. So err on the side of caution: the use of a dust mask now could preserve your healthy lungs in the future. 所以失之谨慎:使用了灰尘面具你现在可以保存肺部健康的未来。 16. To err is human, Pope says. 蒲柏尝言,人孰无过。 17. So, everybody faces Baidu contest price to rank what should hold see how the offender behaves in future in the arms in a few problems that exist really in unit process of cargo bandling to include state of mind, give the child that err the chance of a reform, also be Chinese Internet the blessing of own brand. 所以,大家面对百度竞价排名在操作过程中确实存在的一些问题应抱着以观后效的包容心态,给犯错的小孩一个改过自新的机会,也是中国互联网自主品牌之福。 18. And you see, for such a large house, there are very few servants, because master has never lived here much; and when he does come, being a bachelor, he needs little waiting on: but I always dank it best to err on the safe side; a door is soon fastened, and it is as well to have a drawn bolt between one and any mischief that may be about. 尽管谁都知道,盘子柜里有价值几百英镑的盘子,而且你知道,老爷不在这里长住,就是来住,因为是单身汉也不大要人服侍,所以这么大的房子,只有很少几个仆人。不过我总认为过份注意安全总比不注意安全好,门一下子就能拴上,还是拴上门,把自己和可能发生的祸害隔开为好。 19. To err is human, to forgive, divine. 人孰能无过,宽恕乃是神的属性。 20. He's pretty special, I mean if he didn't throw that wild pitch they may not score....err..but he was great, I mean pitch count...arrrh...doesn't come any better than that, that's for sure. P% i 他太特别了…我是说…如果他那时没有投出暴投,他们也许就不会得分…太棒了。 err 词典解释 1. 犯错误;出差错 If you err, you make a mistake. e.g. It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates... 它批评主要承包商在其最初估价中犯了严重的错误。 e.g. If you make a threat be sure to carry it out if he errs again. 如果你作出威胁,在他再犯错时,一定要说到做到。 2. 人非圣贤,孰能无过 If you say that to err is human, you mean that it is natural for human beings to make mistakes. e.g. To err is human, and nobody likes a perfect person. 是人都会犯错,而且谁也不喜欢完人。 3. 宁愿过于…;力求… If you err on the side of caution, for example, you decide to act in a cautious way, rather than take risks. e.g. They may be wise to err on the side of caution... 他们过于谨慎也许是明智的。 e.g. He probably erred on the conservative rather than the generous side. 他可能过于保守,而不是过于宽宏大量。 err 单语例句 1. " We would like to err on the side of caution, " said Yang. 2. They would rather err on the side of caution and devote extra time to handling cases in which Chinese citizens are implicated. 3. He said governments should " keep their guard up ", and err on the side of caution when deciding to cut stimulus packages. 4. The finance ministry likes to err on the side of caution, so it sets itself easy targets that it can beat. 5. I am a farm boy liable to err like any other fellow mortal. 6. Reports say the cameras and other components in the traffic monitoring system could occasionally err. 7. When stakes are so high, it is better to err on being cautious and conservative. 8. Some would have taken this as a lesson that to tip was to err. 9. " We must err on the side of being quick and decisive, " he said. 10. It is quite natural for CCTV programmers to err on the side of caution. err 英英释义 verb 1. to make a mistake or be incorrect Synonym: mistakeslip 2. wander from a direct course or at random e.g. The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her don't drift from the set course Synonym: straydrift |
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