单词 | greenback |
释义 | greenback [英 [?gri:nb?k] 美 [?ɡrin?b?k] ] greenback的意思、解释 复数形式:greenbacks; greenback 基本解释 名词美钞 greenback 相关例句 名词 1. 1. A wallet full of greenbacks was found on the train. 火车上发现有一个装满美钞的钱包。 greenback 网络解释 1. 1. 美钞:1854 graphic software 图表软件 | 1855 greenback 美钞 | 1856 greenmail payments 股份回收付款 2. 提供现金支持:add-on 附赠品 | greenback 提供现金支持 | bottomline 最重要的部分 greenback 双语例句 1. The greenback registered gains against the Euro and Swiss Franc, but sold off slightly against the Japanese Yen, British pound and Canadian dollar. 注册美金兑欧元和瑞士法郎的收益,但兑日圆略有卖掉,1美元和英镑。 2. The greenback continues to trade on soft footing following last week`s sharp sell-off heading into the European session. 美元继上周惨遭抛售后,在欧洲开盘中依然立足未稳。 3. 3. The RMB broke the 10-mark Tuesday to set a new high against the euro for the first time since China unpegged its currency from the greenback. 人民币对欧元汇率9月2日首次突破10关口,创下汇改以来新高。 4. It has quickly established itself as a global currency without becoming a true rival to the greenback`s status. 在还未成为挑战美元地位的真正对手之前,欧元就已经很快确立了自己的国际货币地位。 5. A compromise is to be weaned off the dollar, with a peg made up of a basket of rich-world currencies, including the greenback. 折中的方法是放弃钉住美元的策略,转而钉住发达国家的一篮子货币,包括美元。 6. Many of the countries that have built large stocks of dollar assets by pegging their currencies to the greenback are now battling with inflation. 那些拥有大量美元资产,又钉住美元汇率的国家正在和通货膨胀斗争。 7. Oil's correlation with the greenback has leapt from 20% to 30% in May to almost 70%. 油价与美元的相关性已经从5月份时的20%至30%跃升至近70%。 8. The greenback fell to 1.4470 from 2.0100 near the vicinity, down around 5550, for the most major currencies. 汇价由2.0100附近跌至1.4470附近,下跌5550点左右,为主要货币之最。 9. A brighter outlook for the economy and financial sector has made investors more aware of future inflation risks, while a weaker greenback has made dollar-priced gold cheaper for holders of other currencies. 经济和金融业前景更趋明朗令投资者更担心未来的通胀风险,同时,美元走软使得以美元计价的黄金在持有其他货币投资者眼中显得更为便宜。 10. 10. The greenback is even back below $2 to the pound, despite sterling`s recent weakness. 美钞与英镑甚至低于1比2(1美元还不如50分英镑)虽然最近英镑也在下滑。 11. greenback 11. The Bush administration, eager for anything that could help reduce unemployment before next year's elections, has all but abandoned the strong-dollar policy of the Clinton administration and pressured Asian countries to let their currenc ie s appreciate against the greenback. 多年以来美国制造商一直在抱怨强势美元削弱了出口竞争力。在明年大选之前,面对着如此高的失业率,布什政府所能做的就是放弃前任的强势美元政策,并敦促亚洲国家让自己的货币升值。如果中国和日本允许自己货币更加自由的浮动,许多人预测美元还会继续跌。 12. In short term the direction of gold`s price will likely to be dictated by the clash between investors taking profits and those buying gold on long term fears for the greenback. 短期內黃金價格走勢會由因恐懼美元的獲利投資者和長期買入黃金投資者所操控。短期趨勢為橫向式,中長期趨勢為牛市。 13. A softer greenback, rumours that China keeps increasing its gold reserve and anticipation of US bank stress tests added to the support for the precious metal. 疲弱的美金和中国持续增名黄金储备遥言,加上美国银行测试,给贵金属支持。 14. In the first weeks of August, KRW, TWD, and SGD have all edged up against the greenback, perhaps diminishing adjustment pressure on the dollar that had been so forceful against European and commodity sensitive currencies earlier in the year. 在8月份的头几周里,韩国元、台币和新加坡元都已经兑美元逐渐攀高,或许正在消除对美元的调整压力,而美元在今年早些时候对各种欧洲货币和商品敏感的货币的调整压力是很强大的。 15. 15. The greenback was hit on Friday by comments from Wu Xiaoling, the deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, who said in an academic paper that the dollar's recent decline increased the depreciation risk for Asian reserve assets. 中国人民银行(People's Bank of China)副行长吴晓灵上周五发表的一份学术报告对美元构成压力。吴晓灵在报告中表示,作为主要储备货币的美元汇率持续走低,增加了东亚储备资产的贬值风险。 16. Many economists said the non-stop rise of the yuan, ever since July 2005 when China's central bank ended its peg with the greenback, has hurt export shipments badly. 许多经济学家说,自从2005年7月中国央行结束了紧盯美元的货币政策后,人民币的连续升值已经严重的伤害了中国的外贸业务。 17. 17. China's exposure to the greenback would be reduced. 这样,中国的美元风险就会降低。 18. There are reasons to doubt the greenback's value. 人们有理由怀疑美元的价值。 19. Good idea. I prefer greenback to men now. 好主意。我现在更喜欢绿色的东西:美金。 20. If China really wants to reduce its exposure to the greenback it must allow the yuan to rise. 如果中国想要减少受到美元变化的冲击,就应该允许人民币升值。 greenback 词典解释 1. 钞票;纸币 A greenback is a banknote such as a dollar bill. greenback 单语例句greenback的翻译 1. He said Iran was concerned about the weak state of the greenback and was not being prompted to act by politics. 2. But the Canadian dollar has hit parity with the greenback for the first time in three decades. 3. The company also said it expects China to peg the renminbi to a basket of currencies instead of linking it directly to the greenback. 4. Take a look at the accompanying charts, which show very strong correlations between commodity prices and the exchange rate for the greenback. 5. Conventionally, gold is priced against the dollar and performs inversely against the greenback. 6. Investors often buy commodities like crude oil as an inflation hedge when the dollar weakens and sell those investments when the greenback rises. 7. A rising greenback encourages investors to unload commodities bought as a hedge against inflation or weakness in the US currency. 8. Given the fact that the Federal Reserve is debasing its currency, the greenback should depreciate significantly against other forms of paper money. 9. China's currency rose to a new record against the greenback on Thursday after the US Federal Reserve cut the key interest rate the previous day. 10. With most of the export earnings coming in the form of US dollar payments, a weakening of the greenback will further dent the earnings of Chinese exporters. greenback的翻译greenback 英英释义 noun 1. a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank) e.g. he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes Synonym: billnotegovernment notebank billbanker's billbank notebanknoteFederal Reserve note |
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