单词 | dusk |
释义 | dusk [英 [d?sk] 美 [d?sk] ] dusk的意思、解释 过去式:dusked; 过去分词:dusked; 现在分词:dusking; dusk 基本解释 名词黄昏,傍晚; 幽暗 形容词微暗的; 变暗的; 〈诗〉同dusky 动词变暗; 使变暗 dusk的反义词 dusk 同义词 名词shadesundowneveningtwilightgloomsunsetdarknightfall dusk 反义词 名词dawn dusk的翻译 dusk 相关例句 名词 1. He worked from dawn till dusk. 他从早工作到晚。 2. It is difficult to see clearly at dust. 在黄昏时很难看清东西。 3. dusk在线翻译 3. She was invisible in the dusk of the room. 她在昏暗的房间里别人看不到她。 4. dusk 4. We could see nothing in the dusk of the hall. 大厅里一片昏暗,我们什么也看不见。 dusk 网络解释 1. 1. 黄昏:拍摄模式 6种预设的拍摄模式 (以影带或记忆卡录像时皆适用) - 运动 (Sports)、黄昏 (Dusk)、日照 (Sunlight) 、派对 (Party)、夜色 (Night Lumi)及以慢速快门 (Slow Shut.) 在昏暗环境拍摄景物 拍摄模式文件格式 JPEG(压缩模式:极佳/佳/标准 2. 尘土洗:titanium钛色洗 | dusk尘土洗 | enzyme wash 酵素洗 3. dusk 3. 黄昏(姚斯婷):04 枉凝眉(晏英)It was wrong to curdle eyebrous | 05 黄昏(姚斯婷)Dusk | 06 阿瓦尔古丽(甘雅丹)New Avars Niguli dusk 双语例句 1. You run too slow Dusk, when I jog in the industry on the road. 你跑得太慢了黄昏的时候,我在产业道路上慢跑。 2. Dusk, when I jog in the industry on the road. 黄昏的时候,我在产业道路上慢跑。 3. My very photogenic mother died in a freak accident when I was three, and, save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past, nothing of her subsists within the hollows and dells of memory, over which, if you can still stand my style, the sun of my infancy had set: surely, you all know those redolent remnants of day suspended, with the midges, about some hedge in bloom or suddenly entered and traversed by the rambler, at the bottom of a hill, in the summer dusk; a furry warmth, golden midges. 在我3岁的时候,我那非常上相的母亲死于一次奇特的事故,除了黑暗的往昔中一小袋温暖,她没有在我记忆的空穴与幽谷中留下任何印象,而在这一切之上,我幼年的太阳已经沉落——如果你还能忍受我的文风的话——相信你们都了解悬浮的白日那芬芳的余辉(在夏日的暮霭中,在山谷的谷底处),盘旋在开花的树篱周围,或者被突然出现的漫游者闯入和越过;此外还有柔软而温暖的金色小虫四处飞舞。 4. dusk什么意思 4. Nothing of her subsists within the hollows and dells of memory, over which, if you can still stand my style, the sun of my infancy had set: surely, you all know those redolent remnants of day suspended, with the midges, about some hedge in bloom or suddenly entered and traversed by the rambler, at the bottom of a hill, in the summer dusk; a furry warmth, golden midges. 除却存留了黑暗过去里一小袋的温暖,在记忆的洞穴和幽谷中,她什么都不存在;倘若你能忍受得了我的文体,我记忆中童年的太阳也已经下沉:你们当然都知道日光消逝后芬芳的余辉悬浮在茂盛的灌木丛周围,或突然地被漫步者闯入又踏过;山脚下,夏日的黄昏中,小虫也在那里飞舞;一种柔软的温暖,金色的小虫。 5. My very photogenic mother died in a freak accidentwhen Iwas three, and, save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past, nothing of her subsists within the hollows and dells of memory, over which, if you can still stand my style, the sun of my infancy had set:surely, you all know those redolent remnants of day suspended, with the midges, about some hedge in bloom or suddenly entered and traversed by the rambler, at the bottom of a hill, in the summer dusk; a furry warmth, golden midges. 即便你仍然能忍受我以上的笔调,我记忆中童年的太阳也已经西下:正如你们必定知道的那样,夏日的黄昏,在山脚下,伴随着虫儿的飞舞,日光褪去后留下的芬芳的余辉悬浮在茂盛的灌木丛周围,或是在不经意间被漫步者闯入并穿过,那是一种毛茸茸的温暖,还有身披金黄的虫儿。 6. My very photogenic mother died in a freak accidentwhen I was three, and, save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past, nothing of her subsists within the hollows and dells of memory, over which, if you can still stand my style, the sun of my infancy had set:surely, you all know those redolent remnants of day suspended, with the midges, about some hedge in bloom or suddenly entered and traversed by the rambler, at the bottom of a hill, in the summer dusk; a furry warmth, golden midges. 标准答案:我那位非常上镜头的母亲死于一次意外事故,那时我三岁,因此,除却存留了黑暗过去里一小袋的温暖,在记忆的洞穴和幽谷中,她什么都不存在;倘若你能忍受得了我的文体,我记忆中童年的太阳也已经下沉:你们当然都知道日光消逝后芬芳的余辉悬浮在茂盛的灌木丛周围,或突然地被漫步者闯入又踏过;山脚下,夏日的黄昏中,小虫也在那里飞舞;一种柔软的温暖,金色的小虫。 7. Because he calmly when the county go to the capital to pass in examination merit and fame the mountain long water is far and difficult to cross layer after layer, go to city 4, 000 road in remainings he aught starts journey at dawn and stops at dusk and says also wanting more than two months of walking less. 因为他从容县进京考取功名时,山长水远、险阻重重,到京四千余里路程他不管怎样的晓行夜宿,少说也要走两个多月。 8. Other colors in this group include Insomnia, a mysterious blue/purple, and Bosporus Dusk, a neutral light blue/lilac. 其他颜色在这组包括失眠,一个神秘的蓝/紫色,和黄昏博斯普鲁斯海峡,一个中立的浅蓝色/丁香。 9. dusk的解释 9. Hardly anyone of them spared time to raise its head to glance the beautiful dusk. 它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。 10. So they got up and fled in the dusk and abandoned their tents and their horses and donkeys. 所以,在黄昏的时候他们起来逃跑,撇下帐棚,马,驴,营盘照旧,只顾逃命。 11. At this point I feel is so extreme, sometimes it has been like this, day at dusk I will not the sudden death, or over-excited about the temporary shock. 此时我感觉自己是如此的极端,有时会想这样一直下去,哪天黄昏时分我会不会就突然的寂默而死,或是兴奋过度暂时休克。 12. dusk的近义词 12. Every dusk saw me walk through the unfamiliar crowd in the street. 每天黄昏,我都穿行在街头陌生的人群中。 13. There are only I myself, the sky, and an old whippoorwill; the bird and I are singing songs at dusk on Mockingbird Hill. 只有我,天空,以及一只夜鹰在黄昏时刻,在反舌鸟山上歌唱着。 14. dusk 14. According to historical literature, in A. D. 336, Monk Le Zun, inspired and guided by sakyamuni, came to Mount Sanwei in today's Dunhuang, at that time a strategic outpost. It was already dusk but he had no idea where he could spend the night 据史料记载:336年,有乐尊和尚受佛祖指引,来到丝绸之路上的要冲敦煌,行至三危山中,时已黄昏,这位云游和尚还没有找到住宿的地方。 15. One day, back when I was a junior in high school, my classmates and I went on a bike ride through the countryside. As dusk fell, we arrived at Zhaiming Temple in Longtan. 我那时是高二的学生,有一天,我们全班骑脚踏车郊游,黄昏时来到了龙潭的斋明寺。 16. In the dusk of the evening the bird of some early dawn comes to the nest of my silence. 在向晚的薄雾中,某个往日黎明的鸟来到我心中沉默的巢。 17. dusk 17. It glides past the great plains, prairie, leaving a shadow there; it glides past the great forest, leaving gloomy darkness; it glides past the stream, dissolving the dark gray gloaming into the rippling water sound, with the surface of the water shimmering in tranquility; it glides past the top of mountains, leaving them the light of stars and the moon; if glides past the small village, leaving a vast expanse of evening smog…slices of the dusk are torn off by corners of the wall and spider webs. 漫过了大平原,大草原,留下了一层阴影;漫过了大森林,留下了一片阴郁的黑暗;漫过了小溪,把深灰色的暮色溶入琮的水声里,水面在阒静里透着微明;漫过了山顶,留给它们星的光和月的光;漫过了小村,留下了苍茫的暮烟……给每个墙角扯下了一片,给每个蜘蛛网网住了一把。 18. dusk的反义词 18. What an enormous inane is it isolating the hullaballo and he boom stretching, extending before your eyes dropping your entirety into such a solitude of crystal purity Such crystal purity the pebbles, foams, beach and surging wave tide following tide, memory chasing memory far and near persisted, new and old allied distance between time and space and you erect form eternal and your erect form being eternal the cloud vague, wind subsided tidal roar stopped short, dusk fallen quick stranded on the beach, you are that capsized empty canoe waiting for the next submersion 何其庞大的空寂隔开了尘嚣与繁华在你眼前扩张、伸展让你整体投入了如此纯净的孤绝中如此纯净沙粒、泡沫、滩与不羁的浪花潮汐连接潮汐、记忆追逐记忆远与近的坚持、新与旧的和合时与空之距离间你修长的立姿恒在你修长的立姿恒在云迷离、风隐失涛声骤止,瞑色蓦临浅搁在滩上,你是那翻转了的空舟等待再次沉没 19. Magnificent sunset, it's just past dusk, enjoythis poem, but also enjoy the afterglow out everywhere Aoyama TheExcellent phrases! 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏,欣赏这样的诗句,更欣赏满目青山夕照明的佳句! 20. Magnificent sunset, it's just past dusk, enjoy this poem, but also enjoy the afterglow out everywhere Aoyama The Excellent phrases! 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏,欣赏这样的诗句,更欣赏满目青山夕照明的佳句! dusk 词典解释 1. 黄昏;傍晚;薄暮 Dusk is the time just before night when the daylight has almost gone but when it is not completely dark. e.g. We arrived home at dusk. 我们傍晚到家。 2. 暮色 The dusk is the dull, shadowy light there is at dusk. e.g. She turned and disappeared into the dusk. 她转身消失在暮色中。 dusk 单语例句dusk什么意思 1. In the dusk the light will come through the lattice of the " Nest " and make the whole stadium a huge laminating container of passionate people. 2. If you cannot avoid strenuous activities like sports or gardening, keep it for the cooler parts of the day such as early morning or dusk. 3. The blasts come as a dusk to dawn curfew has been emplaced in the restive seaside city of Mogadishu for a week. 4. There were no signs of protests in the moments after a dusk to dawn curfew decreed by the new government expired. 5. Dusk was setting in on this tourist city and the din of the office goers returning home drowned the peacefulness of the lake. 6. And as anyone living even in the safest of neighborhoods knows that when dusk approaches, you must lock the doors. 7. As dusk approached, four more hostages were freed on a main road around 31 miles from Ghazni. 8. Dusk is the time to check in your bike and explore Ximending, where trends are set and tattoos inked. 9. Tours run throughout the day, from dawn to dusk and are only cancelled for electrical storms or high wind. 10. An exquisite, murky gray tone and the solemn mood of dusk display his emotions effectively. dusk是什么意思dusk 英英释义 noun 1. the time of day immediately following sunset e.g. he loved the twilight they finished before the fall of night Synonym: twilightgloaminggloamnightfallevenfallfallcrepusculecrepuscle verb 1. become dusk |
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