单词 | dying |
释义 | dying [英 [?da???] 美 [?da???] ] dying的意思、解释 过去式:died; 过去分词:died; dying 基本解释 dying的翻译 形容词渴望,切盼; 垂死的,临终的; 会死的; 快熄灭的 动词“die”的现在分词 dying 相关例句 形容词 1. dying的反义词 1. She is dying to leave. 她很想离开。 dying 网络解释 1. 死亡:我国学者孟宪武认为,死亡教育就是将有关死亡与濒临死亡(dying)及其生活相关的知识传递给人与社会的一个教学过程,这个过程可以从医学、心理学、哲学、伦理学、法学、社会学等不同方面帮助人们深入思考死亡的价值、意义, 2. 2. 垂死:我们可以将一个动词用成一个形容词,我们的做法是利用分词(participle)和不定词(infinitive),而分词有两种:现在分词(presentparticiple)和过去分词(pastparticiple),我们在下一节,先谈现在分词的用法. 10.那位垂死(dying)的病人是我的老师. 3. 死:101 现在分词(present participle)作为形容词10.那位垂死(dying)的病人是我的老师. 102 过去分词(past participle)作为形容词英文中,现在式(present tense)好像是最容易的,其实现在式都是我们常常用错的时式. dying 双语例句 1. Don't give the white flower, that is given to person dying. 还有不要送白色的花,那是给死去的人的。 2. It is universally acknowledged that it is the doctor`s duty and obligation to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. 全世界都知道救逝世扶伤是医生的天职。 3. 3. Holding the hand of dying people feel his pulse is a bit, a bit weak eyes not jiongjiongweishen deeper in the throat, also can send sound, hand and temperature, I feel his pulse beats concealed. 握着弥留之际的人的手,感受着他的脉搏一点点微弱,一点点低沉,目光不再炯炯有神,喉咙中也只能发出模糊的声音,手还有温度,我感受着他的脉搏若隐若现地跳动。 4. And dying in your beds many years from now. 终正寝。你们!愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会,就一个机会! 5. I'm dying to know what you thought of my new boyfriend. 我很想知道你对我的新男友的看法。 6. Methods: The model is made by injecting dry blood liquid from internal carotid artery and tested by triphenyl tetrazolium chloride pathological dying、maze experiments. The contents of AA were measured by HPLC. 从颈内动脉推注干血悬液造模,以TTC病理染色法、迷宫实验对模型的成立进行验证,AA的测定采用反相高效液相色谱法,乌龙丹的制作采用水煮醇提法。 7. Then singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying. It rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale. 然后把直接的身体插入最长,最尖的荆棘上,在那荒蛮的枝条之间放声歌唱,在那奄奄一息的时刻,它超脱了自身的痛苦,那歌声也竟使云雀和夜莺都黯然失色,这是一曲绝美的歌,歌曲终而鸟命尽。 8. dying的意思 8. Kelley mewled, understanding its intention, hearing it give its orders to Riley like the eager growl of predators closing in on a dying animal. 被低泣声,了解它的意图,听它像掠夺者的热心吠声结束一样把它的次序给赖利的凯莱在一只垂死的动物上。 9. dying的近义词 9. Double-amputee New Zealand climber Mark Inglis passed a dying Briton on his way to Everest's summit but realising nothing could be done to save him kept trekking to the top. 双腿截肢的新西兰登山者Mark Inglis在他攀登珠穆朗峰的路上,从垂死的英国人身边经过,但他觉得无法即救英国人又能登顶。 10. Dying is just like living. It has its own way, and you can't control it. 死就像生一样,它有它自己的方式,由不得你掌控它。 11. dying的翻译 11. In the future, whether she will be in the lead as a sustainable developed country of the first class or she is dying because of the short-term development depends on the future of the students-masters of the environment, the designers and builders of the environment of China. 中国在未来,在21世纪是属于可持续发展的国家立于世界民族之林,还是因为竭泽而渔的短期行为而亡国灭种,在很大程度上取决于现在的中学生——未来环境的主人,国家的建设者和决策者,是否树立起与可持续性发展相一致的环境意识和行为——环境教育势在必行。 12. 12. When he's dying, does his color fade? 當他逐漸死去,他的顏色是否消逝? 13. As the windup of the aesthetics trend of the Tang dynasty, the aesthetics of the late Tang did not fall and cease with the dying society, on the contrary, it still exerted strong influences though the economic and political situation of the late Tang was getting worse, and this is closely related to the social psychological foundation laid in the major national fusion in the Northern dynasty. 晚唐时期的美学思潮作为唐代美学思潮的终结部分,并未同其生命危浅、朝不虑夕的社会一起衰退消歇,恰恰相反,与那笼罩着一派凄凉萧瑟的暗淡气氛的晚唐经济和政治局势相映照,其时代美学思潮激起的浪花却更为灿烂夺目。而这与北朝西部民族大融合奠定的社会心理基础有着血肉相连的内在联系。 14. Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mourn Among the river sallows, borne aloft Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The red-breast whistles form a garden-croft; And gathering swallows twitter in the skies. 但不要想这些吧,你也有你的音乐--当波状的云把将逝的一天映照,以胭红抹上残梗散碎的田野,这时啊,河柳下的一群小飞虫就同奏哀音,它们忽而飞高,忽而下落,随着微风的起灭;篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在园中红胸的知更鸟就群起呼哨;而群羊在山圈里高声默默咩叫;丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。 15. According to these highly respectable witnesses, the minister, conscious that he was dying-conscious, also, that the reverence of the multitude placed him already among saints and angels-had desired, by yielding up his breath in the arms of that fallen woman, to express to the world how utterly nugatory is the choicest of man's own righteousness. 按照这些极其值得尊敬的证人的说法,牧师意识到自己形将辞世,也意识到了众人已经把他尊崇到圣者和天使中间,于是便希望能在那堕落的女人的怀抱中咽气,以便向世界表明,一个人类的精英的正直是多么微不足道。 16. Partial tissue of liver were observed under a microscopy after HE dying. RESULTS: Microspheres were uniformly distributed in the target organs. In particular, it was densely distributed in the end of hepatic artery. 结果:不同质量及直径的玻璃微球在肝脏组织中都分布均匀,紧密地栓塞肝动脉的末端,而且研究发现直径≤20μm或质量≥15mg的玻璃微球均可以漂移至肺、脾、肾等重要脏器。 17. The cut section of the hyperinflated lung of a patient dying in status asthmaticus appears essentially normal. 这是哮喘病人尸检的肺的切面图基本上是正常的。 18. Their armed forces are providing security for them, and their armed forces are dying for them. 他们的武装部队在为他们保障安全,在为他们牺牲。 19. 19. The only thing left is my dying roots. 只剩下枯死下去的老根,树流者泪说。 20. Done this task it is a continuous task in accordance with step is to complete the focus is dying in front of him that archaeologists and archaeologists around the altar that which step is to find an Ancient Artifact to take that a little bit difficult for the elite around the circle of 48 odd Artifact center needs a jump in the lava above it in order to get to see your task, but the process should be completed in... 做过这个任务这是个连续任务按照步骤是能完成的重点是他前面那个快死的考古学家和考古学家身边的那个祭坛其中有一步是让找一个远古神器拿那个有点难度周围一圈48的精英怪神器在岩浆中心需要跳到那上面才能拿不过看你的任务进程应该是完成了的。。。 dying 词典解释 1. 2. 垂死的;濒死的;临死的 A dying person or animal is very ill and likely to die soon. e.g. ...a dying man. 垂死的男子 3. 临终的;垂死的 You use dying to describe something which happens at the time when someone dies, or is connected with that time. e.g. It'll stay in my mind till my dying day... 它将长存我心,直到生命的终点。 e.g. She was compelled to fulfil the dying wishes of her mother. 她不得不去实现她母亲的临终遗愿。 4. 行将结束的;最后时刻的;末期的 The dying days or dying minutes of a state of affairs or an activity are its last days or minutes. dying是什么意思 e.g. The islands were seized by the Soviet army in the dying days of the second world war... 这些岛屿是在二战末期被苏联军队占领的。 e.g. A penalty by Thierry Lacroix broke the deadlock in the dying minutes of the game. 蒂里·拉克鲁瓦的点球在比赛结束前的最后时刻打破了僵局。 5. 行将消亡的;没落的 A dying tradition or industry is becoming less important and is likely to disappear completely. e.g. Shipbuilding is a dying business. 造船业是夕阳产业。 6. (火焰)行将熄灭的 A dying fire is no longer hot and bright and will not burn for much longer. dying 单语例句 1. He is now in a stable condition but is still battling infections caused by dying tissue developing on his face and nose. 2. They found the chances of dying within 18 months were approximately 25 percent lower with the coronary bypass operation. 3. Fan has seen many cadaveric livers that could have been transplanted to save lives if dying people's relatives didn't object. 4. McIntosh said the calf now most likely faced the prospect of dying of hunger, being attacked by sharks or stranding itself. 5. One Chinese saying is that a camel dying from hunger looks even larger than a strong horse. 6. Recently published Canadian research also showed stroke patients hospitalized on weekends had a higher chance of dying than those admitted on a weekday. 7. In the dying seconds of the game Messi controlled Alves's lofted pass in the penalty area before dinking in to cap an ultimately comfortable win. 8. He said he and members of a presidential commission were redrafting it so that capitalism in Venezuela " finishes dying " to make way for socialism. 9. And he is so shameless in his lack of respect for his dying family and neighbors that he comes off as a caricature. 10. Her dying moments were caught on a video viewed by millions online, and she became an icon in the opposition's struggle. dying的反义词dying 英英释义 noun 1. the time when something ends e.g. it was the death of all his plans a dying of old hopes Synonym: deathdemise adj 1. in or associated with the process of passing from life or ceasing to be e.g. a dying man his dying wish a dying fire a dying civilization |
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