单词 | dynamic |
释义 | dynamic [英 [da??n?m?k] 美 [dai?n?mik] ] dynamic的意思、解释 复数形式:dynamics; dynamic 基本解释 形容词动态的; 动力的,动力学的; 充满活力的,精力充沛的; 不断变化的,充满变数的 名词动态; 动力学; 活力; 动力,推动变化的力量 dynamic 同义词 dynamic的翻译 形容词animatedlivelystrongenergeticactiveforcefulspirited dynamic dynamic 反义词 形容词static dynamic 网络解释 1. 动态的:* 动态的(Dynamic):Java程式执行时动态的连结类别库. * 就如同 Path 为作业系统指定搜寻路径一样, Classpath为Java执行时期环境设定搜寻类别与其它资源的路径. * 每一个 Classpath 都应以档名或目录名称作结束. 2. 动力的:於是精神分析被修改成较简单,但仍植基於以探索病人童年成长过程的问题来治疗心理疾患的方法,也就是所谓精神分析式的(psychoanalytically oriented)、动力的(dynamic)、或是领悟性(insight)心理治疗的源起. 3. dynamic:dyn; 动圈式的 dynamic 双语例句 1. dynamic的意思 1. All of those are with a quite good dynamic response. 应用结果不但实时性好,同时各排燃烧器运行工况对过热汽温的影响,以及屏式过热器辐射吸热特性都得到充分反映,具有很好的动态响应。 2. Hydraulic forces applied on the agitator are simplified as a main moment and a main force on the agitating shaft, Initial decentration of agitator is determined based on the balance standard. The dynamic responses, such as fluctuating bending stresses and dynamic deflections, of the agitating shaft under no-liquid and normal working conditions are studied. 将搅拌器上的流体作用力简化为一个主矩和主矢;为考虑作用在搅拌轴上的惯性力效应,根据平衡精度预设搅拌器的初始偏心;在转子动力学软件ROTOR中建立搅拌轴的梁盘模型,分别计算了搅拌轴在空载和搅拌工况下的动力响应,并进一步讨论了动力响应与工作转速、轴径和轴长的关系。 3. dynamic 3. The paper provides a method for rotor on-line dynamic balancing by using piezoelectricity effect principle to drive the balancing plate. 旋转机械在运行过程中的部件松动、腐蚀、结垢等因素都可能引起转子质量的不平衡分布,从而引起振动。 4. It is alsodifficult to build reliable relationship between test results and actual bearing capacityof single pile by indirect methods such as Dynamic Method, Standard PenetrationTest and Osterberg Method because of differences between load bearing mechanismsin reality and ones of those methods. 动测法、标准贯入度法、Osterberg测桩法等间接方法由于与单桩实际受力机理的差异,很难在试验成果与单桩实际承载力指标间建立可靠的联系。 5. Nano MoS 2 thin films were successfully fabricated on glass substrate by dip coating thermolysis technique. The microstructure, morphology and tribological properties of MoS 2 thin films were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, X ray photoelectron spectrometry, atomic force microscopy, and dynamic static friction and wear testing. 用浸涂 -热解法在玻璃基底表面制备了纳米 Mo S2 薄膜,利用 X射线光电子能谱仪、X射线粉末衍射仪、原子力显微镜、静-动摩擦系数测量仪和扫描电子显微镜等仪器研究了薄膜的微观结构、表面形貌和摩擦学性能,初步探讨了薄膜的摩擦磨损机制。 6. Data preprocessing method of Web log mining is studied. Frame pages filtering and overtime threshold value seting are analyzed. The improved method based on induction of decision tree(ID3) algorithm and threshold value dynamic amendment algorithm is proposed. 对网络日志数据挖掘预处理技术进行研究,针对Frame页面过滤方法与超时阈值设定进行分析,提出了应用ID3算法改进Frame页面过滤过程中丢失SubFrame页面信息且需要进行站点提升步骤。 7. Effect of salinity, sodium silicate, mixed alkaline, promoters and polymer on dynamic interfacial tension were studied. 考察盐、碱、助剂、聚合物对表面活性剂的动态界面张力的影响。 8. The imperfect nature of mutual fund contracts makes the allocation of contractual rights a critical issue. How the residual claims and control are allocated between human capital and non-human capital depends on the result of their gaming. The allocation process is not constant, but rather dynamic. Chapter Ⅱ. 基金契约的不完全性决定了基金契约权利配置的重要性,契约的核心问题是契约权利的配置问题,而剩余索取权和剩余控制权如何在非人力资本和人力资本中配置取决于双方博弈的结果,这种权利配置不是固定不变的,而是一个动态演进过程,契约权利配置最终决定于要素所有者的谈判力。 9. As the process is inherently dynamic, even a small process drift may create an out-of-spec situation quickly. 由于工艺过程本质上是动态的,即使出现很小的工艺偏移,也可能会很快发生不符合技术规范的现象。 10. dynamic的翻译 10. Our main contribution of the thesis is in Chapter three, and a new kind of method to estimate the observational error variance, usually assumed a constant whose value can be evaluated, was brought up for Univariate Bayesian Normal Dynamic Linear Model, the most important and common one in practice. 在论文引言中,我们首先较为简要介绍了Box─Jenkins传统时间序列分析方法和它的研究现状,然后对贝叶斯动态线性模型及其预测进行了概述。 11. dynamic的反义词 11. Our company specializes in proxy Esky Products, ESKY, from design, development, research and sales all kinds of model products, its products cover electric helicopter, oil moving helicopter, foam aircraft, wooden aircraft, electric, oil-dynamic models and a variety of model electronic remote control system. 我公司专业从事代理ESKY产品,ESKY从设计、开发、研制、销售各种模型产品,其产品范围涉及电动直升机,油动直升机,泡沫飞机,木制飞机,电动、油动车模以及各种模型所需的电子遥控系统。 12. Research in cognitive psychology is an exciting and dynamic field, and cognitive studies can reveal amazing insights into the workings of the human mind. 它将人看作是一个信息加工的系统,认为认知就是信息加工,包括感觉输入的变换、简约、加工、存储和使用的全过程。 13. The theoretical and experimental results show that the dynamic balancing of flexible mechanisms can be well achieved by adding springs. 从理论和实验研究的结果可以看出,附加扭簧可以很好的实现柔性机构的动力平衡。 14. New properties for sale real estate company promotional pages, dynamic program mainly in the background, to say nothing of the other. 详细说明:房地产公司的新楼盘宣传页,动态程序主要在后台,其他没什么好说的了。 15. The creation of dynamic fractures with different geometry was simulated with finite element method. 研究结果表明:动态造缝会在井眼周围形成类似于椭圆形分布的致密带。 16. 16. Moldeling and simulation of bubble motion caused by ultrasound using MATLAB The model to describe bubble dynamic motion caused by ultrasound was presented, which included the effects of fluid viscosity, surface tension and vapor pressure of the solvent. 超声空化气泡运动过程模拟及模型的求解建立了超声作用于均相液体中空化泡运动的动力学模型,模型中考虑了液相的动力粘度、表面张力和溶剂的蒸汽压对空化泡运动特性的影响,用MATLAB对建立的普遍化的模型方程进行了数值求解和过程模拟。 17. The factors influencing the dynamic characteristics of the fuel injection system are analyzed, the basic structure of the new type the electronic control fuel injection system is developed, and the optimal structure of the new type electronic control unit pump fuel injection system with a check valve is found out. 最后,又将所有前述研究成果应用于结构类似的电控单体泵喷射系统的开发,开发出了一种新的电控单体泵系统的基本结构,并优化出了带出油阀的电控单体泵柴油喷射系统。 18. Through analysis it was found that using material linear analysis can not effectively simulate the deformation of the bolt holes, the centrifugal force can be neglected because it has little influence on the stress distribution in the wheel structure, the cyclic loads causing the fatigue damage of the wheel structure is asymmetrical in the wheel dynamic bending fatigue test. 分析表明,采用材料线性有限元分析并不能有效模拟螺栓孔变形量,离心力对车轮结构应力分布影响不大,可以忽略,动态弯曲疲劳试验中,车轮结构各点承受的是非对称应力循环,弯曲试验的动态弯矩有限元分析能较好地模拟出车轮结构的应力水平,给后续的疲劳寿命分析提供更可靠的依据。 19. 19. History of the ancient capital of the south city of Nanjing, east scenic city of Yangzhou, located in Shanghai, China's most dynamic economic areas of cooperation, a good economic environment for development, the factory mainly produces armoured thermocouple cables, armoured thermoelectric Dual, armored, platinum and rhodium - platinum thermocouple, armoured thermal resistance lead, armored, heat resistance, armoured compensation wire, armored, heaters, armoured cables for the protection of metal pipe, for inorganic The various temperature insulation materials and components and industrial temperature thermocouple and industrial thermal resistance eight series, more than 2, 000 varieties. 该市南接历史古都南京,东邻风景名城扬州,地处中国最具活力上海经济协作区,具有良好的经济发展环境,本厂主要生产铠装热电偶电缆、铠装热电偶、铠装铂铑—铂热电偶、铠装热电阻引线、铠装热电阻、铠装补偿导线、铠装加热器、铠装电缆等以金属为外保护管,无机物为绝缘的各种测温材料和测温元器件及工业热电偶和工业热电阻八大系列,二千多个品种。 20. Firstly, the system dynamics model of the LRE and the structural and damage models of the critical component are built. With these models the computations and analyses are carried out. Some results are obtained. For example, developed is the LRESim, a universal simulation module library for the LRE, which can be applied to investigate the related problems of the startup transient and the steady state process, or to demonstrate the different schemes in the phase of design of LRE. The finite element method and the intensity calculating method are used to analyze the structural dynamic characteristics, respectively. It is a kind of preferable method in analyzing real-time online structural dynamic characteristics at present. The ICM acts as a main online computing method, while the FEM provides offline correction for the computing results. The damage-calculating model based on the continuous time is built for the material constructed turbine blades. The simulation computations are carried out. The results indicate that the model is suit of this research. Secondly, the main innovative works are introduced. 分别进行了发动机系统动力学模型的建立与仿真分析、关键部件结构与损伤模型的建立与仿真分析的研究,得到如下结果:开发了一种比较通用的液体火箭发动机模块化仿真模块库LRESim,可用其仿真研究发动机起动、稳态等工作过程以及不同的发动机系统方案设计中的有关问题;通过比较研究有限元方法与强度计算方法在涡轮叶片结构动特性分析中的适用性问题,提出以强度计算方法在线应用为主,结合有限元方法的离线修正是现阶段进行结构动特性实时在线分析的一种较好方法;建立了涡轮叶片材料基于时域的损伤计算模型,经仿真计算分析,表明该模型适应本文的研究要求。 dynamic 词典解释 1. (人)精力充沛的,有干劲的,富有创新思想的 If you describe someone as dynamic, you approve of them because they are full of energy or full of new and exciting ideas. e.g. He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader... 他似乎是一个富有干劲、精力充沛的领导。 e.g. Marcus was handsome, dynamic and ambitious. 马库斯仪表堂堂,精力充沛且雄心勃勃。 dynamically He's one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pianists still functioning. 他是当下仍旧活跃的最有闯劲、最具想象力的爵士乐钢琴师之一。 2. 活跃的;充满活力的 If you describe something as dynamic, you approve of it because it is very active and energetic. e.g. South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world. 南亚仍然是世界上经济最活跃的地区。 e.g. ...90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance. 90 分钟活力四射的印第安民间舞蹈 3. 动态的;发展变化的 A dynamic process is one that constantly changes and progresses. e.g. ...a dynamic, evolving worldwide epidemic... 不断发生变异、在世界范围内传播的流行病 e.g. Political debate is dynamic. 政治辩论是不断发展变化的。 dynamically Germany has a dynamically growing market at home. 德国国内市场持续增长。 4. (引起改变或进步的)动力,活力 The dynamic of a system or process is the force that causes it to change or progress. e.g. The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment... 市场要有活力,需要不断地改变和调整。 e.g. Politics has its own dynamic. 政治有其自身的驱动力。 5. 相互作用;动态 The dynamics of a situation or group of people are the opposing forces within it that cause it to change. e.g. ...the dynamics of the social system... 社会体制的动态 e.g. The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of family dynamics. 思想的交流有助于理解家庭动态。 6. 驱动力 Dynamics are forces which produce power or movement. dynamic的翻译 e.g. Scientists observe the same dynamics in fluids. 科学家们在液体中观察到了同样的驱动力。 7. 力学;动力学 Dynamics is the scientific study of motion, energy, and forces. e.g. His idea was to apply geometry to dynamics. 他的想法就是将几何学应用在力学上。 dynamic 单语例句 1. The CAAC in 2007 coordinated airlines to jointly launch an express service that provides flights between two of China's most dynamic cities every half hour. 2. China's pragmatic handling of the forces between capitalism and socialism has brought increased prosperity, erected from the foundation of a dynamic but stable state. 3. But more significantly, her popularity became a case study of the dynamic changes in virtual communications in China. 4. Healthy reform is a dynamic thing that needs to adapt as circumstances change, as new opportunities arise and as unanticipated challenges appear. 5. It is the expression of a dynamic global movement for change - and a big step forward toward the future we want. 6. The sixth generation of the successful business saloon is characterized by charismatic presence, stylish elegance and a dynamic silhouette. 7. The pair's presence is a dream come true for the NHL, which has built its marketing around the dynamic Russian and the charismatic Canadian. 8. The value of this support or resistance changes and this makes it a dynamic feature on the chart. 9. The choreography is both delicate and dynamic, conveying the essence of the roles from both a visual and spiritual perspective. 10. Many of the other establishments along Beijing's most dynamic bar street have set up huge projection screens and made room for additional seats. dynamic 英英释义 noun 1. an efficient incentive e.g. they hoped it would act as a spiritual dynamic on all churches Synonym: moral force dynamic在线翻译 adj 1. (used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')) expressing action rather than a state of being Synonym: active 2. characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality e.g. a dynamic market a dynamic speaker the dynamic president of the firm Synonym: dynamical 3. of or relating to dynamics |
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