单词 | effluent |
释义 | effluent [英 [?eflu?nt] 美 [??flu?nt] ] effluent的意思、解释 复数形式:effluents; effluent 基本解释 形容词发出的,流出的 名词(注入河里等的)污水,工业废水; (从湖等)流出的水流 effluent 相关例句 名词 1. effluent 1. Dangerous effluent from some chemical plants is being poured into the river through the town. 几家化学工厂排出的有害废水正流入通过我们市镇的河里。 effluent 网络解释 1. 废水:如有毒化学物,热,营养物的富集等都能对水生生物产生影响.在实际应用中,要把人为的压迫和自然界本身的变化区别开来,是很困难的.工厂排放的废水(effluent)按其理化相似性及其对水生生物群落的影响, 2. 2. 污水;废水;流出物:efficiency index of curing compound 养护药品的效率指标;保养药品的效率指标 | effluent 污水;废水;流出物 | effluent discharge 污水排放 3. 污水:efficiency, thermal 热效率 | effluent 污水 | effort 力;施力 effluent 双语例句 1. The worthy metals Cu, Zn and cyanide sodium from the effluent of cyanideabstract gold have been retrieved. 国内首次采用萃取电积法处理氰化浸金贫液新工艺,进行半工业试验。 2. Chitosan and sodium alginate solutions were separately added into two samples of effluent containing acid chrome blue K dye, followed by mixing together the two samples. 在含酸性铬蓝K染料的废水中分别加入甲壳胺和海藻酸钠的水溶液后,把二种溶液混合。 3. 3. Airflow flocculation pretratment is vital to increase in the rate of water up to discharge standard in the effluent of bichemically treated refinery sewage. 提高炼油污水生化处理的达标率,气浮絮凝处理是关键。 4. When the DO of effluent is above 0.5 mg/L, the mass of consumed hydrogen to remove unit mass DO is near to that of theoretical mass. 当出水DO在0.5mg/L以上时,去除单位质量DO所消耗的氢气质量与理论消耗值接近。 5. 5. Three different parameters: temperatures (673K, 723K, 773K), influent concentrations (700, 850, 1000 ppm), and ZVI dosages (0.75g, 1.00g, 1.25g) were tested in the ZVIFBR. According to the experiment results, we found that effluent concentration curves were related to operating times, and obviously could be divided into two sections. In the first section, the concentration curves are smoothly, but in the second section, the curves are steeper than those in first section. 由实验结果,观察到ZVI与NO的反应明显可区分为两阶段反应,根据此一现象以流体化床NO出口浓度对操作时间作图,以出口NO浓度曲线由平缓段缓慢升高至骤升段之转折点为反应阶段之分割点,将整个反应区分为第一阶段反应与第二阶段反应进行讨论。 6. Besides factors from itself, influential factors of hyperpycnal flow include the N-S tidal current which perpendicular to the effluent. 泥沙异重流的影响因素除了其本身特点所形成的因素外,还有基本垂直河口径流的呈南—北方向的潮流作用。 7. The floc sludge of PFC can be removed 75% organics and the effluent COD is 800mg/L under condition of 1.5 days HRT and treated by thermophilous EGSB anaerobic reactor, and the reactor volume organic load is 2.65kgCOD/m〓. 投加聚合氯化铁混凝剂得到的絮凝污泥在35℃环境中控制1.5d的水力停留时间,出水有机物含量可以降到800mg/LCOD〓左右,去除率在75%左右,厌氧反应器最大负荷为2.65kgCOD/m〓。d; 5。 8. In this paper, a simple coprecipitation technique had been successfully applied for preparation of pure ultrafine single phase Ta_2O_5-based solid electrolyte powders. Ammonia spirit was used to precipitate M~Ti~(4+、Zr~(4+)、Fe~(3+) and Ta~(5+) cations as hydroxides simultaneously. The effects of precipitating process conditions (such as consistency of reactant, content of PEG, pH and rate of titration) on the coprecipitation of the products and the calcination temperature were studied and the optimum process conditions for the manufacture of powders were determined. DTA, XRD, TEM, grain-size distribution meter and some other experiment methods had been employed to characterize the products. The effluent treatment was researched by lime and evaporation, and the content of F~- was tested by ion chromatograph. 本论文以金属Ta和R(R分别为Ti,Fe和Zr金属)为原料,氢氟酸为溶剂,氨水为沉淀剂,采用反向滴定化学共沉淀法制备超细氧化钽基固体电解质粉体;研究了反应物浓度、分散剂PEG10000的用量、pH值、干燥条件、焙烧温度及其它因素对氧化物粉体制备工艺的影响,确定了最佳工艺参数;并用差热仪、透射电镜、离心粒度分布仪、激光粒度仪等实验手段对固体电解质粉体有关性质进行了测试和表征;采用石灰法、蒸发法对含氟含氮废水进行了有效处理,用离子色谱仪检测了处理后废水中氟离子的含量。 9. 9. The system uses the aerobic principle of sewage digestion, coupled with treatment of the final effluent, and is generally accepted as the most compact, efficient and flexible system for use on board ship. 该系统采用污水处理有氧分解法,加上处理最后的出水,并且普遍被认为是最紧凑、高效和灵活的船上使用系统。 10. effluent是什么意思 10. Effectiveness of effluent charge depends upon its economic stimulation. 排污收费的有效性主要取决于它的经济刺激作用。 11. At left genuflex position and L3/4 or L2/3 intervertebral space in each patient, the needle entered following anesthesia from the intervertebral space into the epidural cavity, and needle core was extracted when feels nothing. Clear cerebrospinal fluid was effluent and collected for further use. 每例患者取左侧屈膝位,定位L3/4或L2/3椎间隙,麻醉后由椎间隙进硬膜外腔,再继续进针至有落空感时抽出针芯,有清亮脑脊液流出,留取脑脊液标本送检。 12. The results show that PAM addition has an influence not only on the performance of co digestion, but also on the effluent settling ability. 结果表明:与没有添加PAM的共厌氧消化相比,当PAM与剩余污泥中总固体的质量比ω为10 gkg^(-1)时,在35、45、55℃下共厌氧消化后污泥的日产气量分别减少了32.2%、31.6%和29.8%;当ω为20 gkg^(-1)时,日产气量分别减少了41.7%、36.9%和47.4%。 13. effluent的解释 13. Through researching the mechanism of biological nitrification and denitrification and actual project application of the technology and related literature materials, the obtained results are as follows:(1) Anoxybiosis is effective to the removal of COD; after the anoxic process, BOD/COD of the outflow increases, it shows that the degradation ability of wastewater is improved; anoxybiosis is insensitive when shock loading of inflow wastewater varies greatly; (2) It is demonstrated by the operation of inoculation and cultivating that biofilm takes two weeks to succeed in cultivating on packings and the removal ratios of NH3-N and COD get 50% and 70% respectively, when gas-water ratio is 6:1, HRT is 7.3 hour, water temperature is above 15°C; (3) It is demonstrated that gas-water ratio, hydraulic loading, HRT, temperature, pH etc are important factors which influence the removal effect of pollutants, when the gas-water ratio is 6:1, hydraulic loading is about 0.38kgNH3-N/m~3.d, water temperature ranges from 15°C to 27°C, pH ranges from 7.5 to 8.0, the BIOFOR removal effect of pollutants is the best; (4) The operation indicated that, this technology has strong ability of nitrification and denitrification; it has extremely vital significance for reducing the water body eutrophication; (5) It is confirmed the feasibility and the usability of preanoxic-BIOFOR process to treat L-lactic acid production wastewater. The experiment indicated that the treatment effect of this technology is very good and also shows that the technology has many advantages, such as small volume, high treatment efficiency, good effluent quality and strong endurance to load variation, this technology is a new and economical wastewater treatment process. 通过对生物脱氮机理的研究和该组合技术的实际工程应用,并结合有关文献资料,取得如下结论:(1)预缺氧池对L-乳酸生产废水中的COD去除具有一定的效果;废水中难降解的高分子物质经过缺氧工段分解为易于氧化降解的物质,浮状有机物在水解菌的作用下,将不溶性有机物水解为溶解性物质;预缺氧池具有较强的抗冲击负荷能力;(2)BIOFOR接种挂膜过程表明:HRT为7.3h、气水比为6:1、水温保持在15℃以上,经过半个月生物膜即以形成,NH_3-N和COD的去除率分别达到50%和70%左右;(3)研究表明:气水比、水力负荷、HRT、温度、pH等是影响污染物去除效率的重要因素,在气水比为6:1,NH_3-N容积负荷为0.38kgNH_3-N/m~3·d,温度在15℃-27℃,pH在7.5-8.0之间的条件下,BIOFOR对污染物的去除效率达到最佳;(4)运行表明,该组合技术具有较强的脱氮能力,对于减少水体富营养化具有十分重要的意义;(5)经过半年多实际工程的现场调试与运行,验证了利用预缺氧—BIOFOR组合工艺处理L—乳酸生产废水的可行性和实用性,得出该组合技术具有占地面积小,处理效果好,运行费用省,耐冲击负荷能力强等优点,是一项新型、经济的污水处理技术。 14. Mather M E%Di R T Oxidant, mixed function oxidase and peroxisomal responses in channel catfish exposed to a bleached kraft mill effluent 10.1007/BF01064409 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1991, null 罗静波%曹志华%温小波%蔡太锐亚硝酸盐氮对克氏原螯虾仔虾的急性毒性效应长江大学学报,2005,(11)郭晓鸣%朱松泉克氏原螯虾幼体发育的初步研究动物学报,1997,4 15. Finally it was found that the present of Oligochaetes not only brought better characteristics of the sludge such as good settleabilily, but also minished the membrane fouling greatly, and did not affect the effluent quality. And most important of all, in the case of almost no sludge production discharged, MLSS could be kept nearly 4000mg/L in more than 40 days when Oligochaete was present, which meant that there was no sludge production in the process. 同时,试验还发现大量蠕虫的存在,对出水水质的影响不大,但能够改善污泥特性,减缓动态膜污染,污泥浓度能自平衡于4000mg/L左右;并在近40天内,在没有排泥的情况下,无污泥量的增加,即实现了减量剩余污泥排放。 16. In the over-and-under configuration, effluent recycle returns by gravity to the settling zone. 该高低结构中,由于重力原因,出水会回流到沉淀区。 17. The removal of CODcr: During the period of high temperature, when the hydraulic load increases gradually from 4.92 ml/L-d to 39.39 ml/L-d, the water quality of the effluent doesnt changes too much and the removal ratio stabilizes above 70% mostly; During the period of low temperature, the removal ratio of CODo can only reach 40% even if the hydraulic load is as low as 4.92 ml/L-d. COD_的去除:高温时期,当水力负荷在4.92~39.39ml/L·d的范围内逐渐增加时,出水水质变化不大,去除率基本稳定在70%以上;低温时期,即使采用4.92ml/L·d的低水力负荷进水,COD_的去除率也只能达到40%左右。 18. During this period, the respective removal of chemical oxygen demand, suspended solid, ammonion NH4(superscript + reached around 86%, 77%, and 91% respectively, while the F/M was around 0.12 kgCOD/kgMLSS-day. The effluent was clear, highly transparent and odorless. The microscopic observation showed that amount of Ciliata, such as Vorticella Convallaria, Vorticella Alba, and Vorticella Microstoma, could be found in the reactor's supernatant. 以显微镜观察微生物相时有固著型纤毛虫类出现,所谓活性污泥指标微生物,如白钟虫、钟形虫、小口钟虫、甚至旋轮虫等原生动物,污泥胶羽能凝聚成团、颗粒大、结构紧密、沉降性佳、处理水质清澈、透视度佳、无臭味。 19. 19. To wipe off most ammonia-nitrogen in leachate, firstly we will find the better reaction reagent by chemical sedimentation experiment and make sure the optimal dosage and reaction conditions gradually though orthogonal technical processing. The water treated by sedimentation is to treat in SBR reaction container. By adjusting the aeration volume the inner reaction system forms the alternant change of anaerobic-aerobic environment and realizes the desiposition of nitrification denitrification ammonia-nitrogen. We also study kinds of index changing rules in one reaction cycle in detail by changing the run conditions of pH, COD of influent water. According to the effluent quality, we make sure the appropriate coagulant and the optimal dosage and discuss the dephosphorization mechanism. 本课题首先通过化学沉淀实验寻找较优反应试剂,并通过正交实验逐步确定其最佳用量及各反应条件,以去除渗滤液中大部分氨氮;沉淀预处理出水进一步用SBR生物法处理,通过调节曝气量在反应器内部形成厌氧、缺氧、好氧环境的交替变化,不断实现氨氮的硝化和反硝化去除,并通过改变进水pH值、COD等运行条件,详细研究了一个反应周期中各指标的变化规律;生物处理出水再进行混凝处理,根据其水质特点,选择合适的混凝剂,确定最佳投加量,探讨混凝剂除磷机理。 20. The project takes inexpensive effluent gas produced from the coal-to -methanol project as raw material to produce edible carbon dioxide, and can meet the purposes of reducing greenhouse gas and realizing energy source recvcling. 神木化工煤制甲醇项目同时附产了大量的二氧化碳直接徘空,本项目以此低廉的排放气为原料生产食品级二氧化碳达到了减排温室气体、能源循环利用的目的。 effluent 词典解释 1. (工厂或污水处理厂排出的)废水,污水 Effluent is liquid waste material that comes out of factories or sewage works. e.g. The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river... 那家工厂的废水被排入河中。 e.g. All industrial chemical plants produce waste effluents. 所有工业化工厂都会排放废水。 effluent 单语例句effluent的近义词 1. The average volume of purified effluent from UPM paper mills was 12 cu m per ton of paper. 2. Effluent flows from a sewage pipe into the Jialing River in Chongqing on Wednesday. 3. Even there's flow and quality shock in the raw water, the effluent can also meet the reclaimed water standard steadily. 4. Statistics from the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Committee showed that more than 32 billion tons of effluent pours into the river every year. 5. The report revealed 80 per cent of sea areas near effluent outlets were heavily polluted. 6. More than 1 million tons of the effluent is discharged into rivers or sea directly. 7. Huge levels of industrial effluent are a major source of pollution in China's waters. 8. Efforts will also include improving the technologies used for effluent treatment at refineries and eliminating chlorine and alkali discharges. 9. Efforts will also include effluent treatment at refinery plants and eliminating chlorine and alkali discharges. effluent 英英释义 effluent noun 1. water mixed with waste matter Synonym: wastewatersewer water adj 1. that is flowing outward Synonym: outflowing |
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