单词 | egregious |
释义 | egregious [英 [??gri:d?i?s] 美 [??ɡrid??s, -d?i?s] ] egregious的意思、解释 egregious 基本解释 egregious在线翻译 形容词极坏的,异乎寻常的 egregious什么意思 egregious 网络解释 1. 恶名昭彰的:EGP 外部网关协议 | egregious 恶名昭彰的 | egregiously 过份地 2. 2. (缺点等)过份的,惊人的:congregational 会众的,公理教会的 | egregious (缺点等)过份的,惊人的 | segregate 隔离 3. 杰出的,不寻常的:5 seminal 对以后发展有巨大影响力的 | 6 egregious 杰出的,不寻常的 | 7 solos 单人表演 4. 异乎寻常的,极坏的:swindle 欺骗,诈骗 | egregious 异乎寻常的,极坏的 | gregarious 群居的;爱社交的 egregious 双语例句 1. 1. At the same time, the computer is a kind of culture whose ability of changing thinking manners is egregious. 同时,计算机也是一种文化,其改变思维方式的能力令人叹为观止。 2. egregious 2. So the steps I am announcing today will help us deal with some of the most egregious examples of what's wrong with our tax code and will help us strengthen some of these other efforts. 所以,我今天宣布的步骤将?助我们处理一些?法恶名昭彰的例子,将有助於我们加?一些其它方面所做的努力。 3. While it can be assumed that in a highly competitive industry not dominated by a single corporation, investment in innovation---a risky and expensive budget item---might meet resistance from mangagement and stockholders who might more concerned with costcutting, efficient organization, and large advertising budgets, it would be an egregious error to assume that the monopolistic producer should be equate with bountiful expenditures for research. 可以假设一个不是被单一团体控制的处于高度竞争的企业,在革新方面的投资---一种冒险而又昂贵的预算项目----也可能遇到来自管理层和股东的阻力,这些管理层和股东他们也许更关注的是成本降低、有效率的组织和大的广告预算。设想一个垄断的生产商应当为了调查研究而支出大量的金钱那将是一个异乎寻常的错误。 4. Egregious:非常的; 震惊的; 极坏的, 如∶It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance. 政治人物如此无知,实在是个糟糕透顶的错误。 5. egregious的反义词 5. He put up an egregious insight into description of American's character in his new book. 在这本新书里,他对美国人性格的描写表现出惊人的洞察力。 6. Since then, we will Mimi as gods, it has a special sensitivity, from its eyes always feel a training egregious feeling. 从此,我们都将咪咪视为神灵,它有着特殊的敏感,从它的眼神里总能感觉到一训异乎导常的感觉。 7. Under the supervision of two teachers, Michael Romano and Galit Lipa, they try to bring the most egregious injustices of California`s three-strikes law before judges. 在两名老师的监督下,他们的名字是Michael Romano和Galit Lipa,他们努力把加州最严重的不公正的三犯就出局的案例提交给法官。 8. More interesting is Goldman's tacit admission that egregious boomtime complexity was used to dress up, market and price its services to clients where ******r solutions would have sufficed. 更有意思的是,高盛默认,景气时期异乎寻常的产品复杂性只是为了包装、推销和定价其服务,而实际上,更简单的解决方案就足够了。 9. There are some proximate causes, including fury over scandals (one involving a famous monastery) that seem egregious even to a nation that reveres the church and often winks at petty larceny. 产生这次暴乱的原因可能有多种:对几度发生的恶劣事件的哀怨不满,这些丑闻对于一个崇拜教堂并且连小偷小摸都可以宽容的国家来说不能不让人觉得过分。 10. 10. These problems are most egregious in the oil-rich Niger Delta. 这些问题在最盛产石油的尼日尔三角洲更加令人震惊。 11. egregious的反义词 11. All People are egregious slience, it make me surprise. 大家都异乎寻常地沉默,这使我感到吃惊。 12. And, it is an egregious insult to all those that spent their lives dedicated to laying and preserving the foundation of this valuable science. 和,这是一个令人震惊的侮辱,所有那些用自己的生命,专门铺设和维护的基础,这宝贵的科学。 13. Boss: You`ve made four egregious errors today. 你今天已经犯了四个离谱的错误了。 14. In this new book, his delineate is put up egregious discernment for American character 在这本新书里,他对美国人性格的描写表现出惊人的洞察力。 15. From inside information extending over a series of years Mr Bloom was rather inclined to poohpooh the suggestion as egregious balderdash for, pending that consummation devoutly to be or not to be wished for, he was fully cognisant of the fact that their neighbours across the channel, unless they were much bigger fools than he took them for, rather concealed their strength than the opposite. 204根据经年累月的内幕消息,布卢姆先生颇倾向于把上述见解看作是荒谬透顶的胡言乱语,嗤之以鼻;因为姑且不论他是否衷心企盼那样一种结局,对这一事实他总是了如指掌:除非海峡对岸的那些邻人远比他所设想的还要愚蠢,否则与其认为他们在显示实力,毋宁说是藏而不露。 16. Probably none, except that even the most egregious act of self & promotion will be forgiven in time. 或许什么也没学到,只知道即便是最为卑劣的自我推销手段也终会为世人谅解。 17. China is probably the most egregious example of a country that should long since have graduated from World Bank borrowing. 中国也许是最突出的例子,这样的国家早就不该获得世行贷款了。 18. 18. In the animality, behaviors of groups are varied, and the performance of swarm intelligence is egregious. 动物界群体的行为多种多样,其中所表现的群体智慧令人叹为观止。 19. One place to start would be to recognise that some of the tax structures in the investment world such as the carried interest rule that lightens the tax burden on private equity players look peculiar, if not egregious, to most non-financiers. 第一步应承认,投资界的某些税收结构比如减轻了私人股本人士税负的附带权益规则在非金融人士看来即便不是极其恶劣的,也是特殊的。 20. egregious的翻译 20. The CBI then made a further egregious error, the prime minister another. 其后冰岛央行犯了一个更加离奇的错误,而总理则要为另一个错误负责。 egregious 词典解释 1. 极坏的;极差的;极其恶劣的 Egregious means very bad indeed. e.g. ...the most egregious abuses of human rights. 对人权的严重践踏 egregious 单语例句 1. But some candidates say the cheating that their observers saw was so egregious they can't imagine a proper result emerging from the ballots submitted. 2. If this seemed like criminal negligence of the worst degree, something almost as egregious happened in Harbin.. 3. It was an egregious folly that their accusing fingers were pointed at the victims, instead of the rampant thugs. 4. From my personal experience, the most egregious food prodigality in China comes from government and corporate expense accounts. 5. " Instead they are particularly egregious examples of violence practiced or tolerated by state agents, " it said. 6. Iraqis can see one of the most egregious examples of waste as they drive north from Baghdad to Khan Bani Saad. 7. The Grammys are doing their best to fix one of the most egregious snubs in recent years. 8. They start by hating people from Henan Province because some egregious crimes happened there. 9. An egregious example of this phenomenon occurred for top Chinese archer He Ying at the Olympic Games in Athens. 10. It has also very publicly cracked down on projects and on local officials in what it deems to be particularly egregious cases of wasteful growth. egregious的意思egregious 英英释义 adj 1. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible e.g. a crying shame an egregious lie flagrant violation of human rights a glaring error gross ineptitude gross injustice rank treachery Synonym: crying(a)flagrantglaringgrossrank |
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