单词 | elicit |
释义 | elicit [英 [i?l?s?t] 美 [??l?s?t] ] elicit的意思、解释 过去式:elicited; 过去分词:elicited; 现在分词:eliciting; elicit 基本解释 elicit的翻译 及物动词引出,探出; 诱出(回答等) elicit 相关例句 及物动词 1. After much questioning, he elicited the truth from the boy. 在多次询问后,他从这男孩处诱出了真情。 2. After much questioning among the people concerned, the headmaster at last elicited the truth about the incident. 经在有关人员中反复询问,校长终于问出了那件事的真相。 elicit 网络解释 1. elicit 1. 引出:沟通方式去引出(elicit)孩子活泼丰富的言语和思考,这才是帮助孩子发展的真谛. 至于, 2. 引出;诱出:Secrete:分泌 | Elicit:引出;诱出 | Invader:入侵者 3. 引起:Accompany:陪伴 | Elicit:引起 | Enhance:提高 elicit 双语例句 1. Including the concept, theoretical origins. Elicit the ecological value of ideological and political education from the value of ideological and political education. Apropos of the theory hail from the Chinese archaian zoology thinking of the Confucian and the Taoism, and Marxist zoology thinking and representation. 从价值的概念开始,通过思想政治教育的价值引申出思想政治教育生态价值;另外分析了思想政治教育生态价值的理论渊源,主要来源于中国古代的生态思想,如儒家和道家的生态思想,分析了西方资产阶级学者的生态观和马克思主义的生态思想及其表现。 2. The elicitation ratio of EABR evoked by the needle electrode before cochlear implantation was coherent compared with elicitation ratio after cochlear implantation, though the waveforms differentiation were pgorer.3.Average waveⅤlatency and average response threshold in different positions between promontorium tympani or round window niche stimulation with needle electrode before cochlear implantation and EABR after cochear implantation were similar, though there were still some difference.4.Position of needle electrode stimulation and pulse width were the most important reason for elicit good waveform.5.Waveforms latency for different pulse width was similar, but the response threshold was different and waveforms differentiation was better for short pulse width.6. Needle electrode and insulated nerve block neelde for neurostimulation were all efficient for elicit EABR, but the waveform differentiation evoked by insulated nerve block needle for neurostimulation was better than needle electrode. 1、人工耳蜗植入前,经鼓膜针电极刺激鼓岬或圆窗龛记录EABR的方法是可行的,经鼓膜电刺激的EABR波形比术中植入前同一位置电刺激诱发的波形分化好;2、植入前针电极刺激鼓岬和圆窗龛记录的EABR,波形分化较术后蜗内记录的波形差,但波形引出率相似;3、在人工耳蜗植入前行针电极刺激时,脉宽和刺激点的位置是决定能否引出EABR波形的最重要因素;4、针电极刺激鼓岬或圆窗龛时,不同的位置之间以及同植入后蜗内刺激所引出的EABR波形可能会有差异,但总的阈值和潜伏期在统计学上无明显差别;5、不同脉宽下记录EABR,潜伏期基本相同,但阈值不同,脉宽越大,阈值越低,脉宽越小,波形分化越好,50us的脉宽如果能引出波形,其波形最容易辨认;6、神经刺激套管针和鼓岬针电刺激均能高效的引出EABR,两者之间的阈值和潜伏期无明显差别,但引出的波形在同一刺激参数下,神经刺激套管针分化更好,波形更容易辨认。 3. Eritadenine also restored the decreased SAM concentration and CBS activity in the liver, whereas it further increased hepatic SAH concentration, suggesting that eritadenine might elicit its effect by both slowing homocysteine production and increasing cystathionine formation. 香菇嘌呤也恢复了肝脏中SAM 浓度和 CBS的活性,然而它更多地增加了SAH的浓度,表明香菇嘌呤即能减少高半胱氨酸的产生又能促进丙氨酸丁氨酸硫醚的生成。 4. Eritadenine also restored the decreased SAM concentration and CBS actiity in the lier, whereas it further increased hepatic SAH concentration, suggesting that eritadenine might elicit its effect by both slowing homocysteine production and increasing cystathionine formation. 香菇嘌呤也恢复了肝脏中SAM 浓度和 CBS的活性,然而它更多地增加了SAH的浓度,表明香菇嘌呤即能减少高半胱氨酸的产生又能促进丙氨酸丁氨酸硫醚的生成。 5. 5. Maybe he just made up the five hundred year thing to try to elicit sympathy to his quest to join the Headless Hunt. 大概这只是他为了加入无头猎手会,而编造了五百年之说来引起人们的同情心。 6. Incremental increases in the dosage above the threshold usually will elicit an increasingly positive effect. 在上述剂量阈值的增量上涨通常会引起越来越积极的作用。 7. Meanwhile, positive human sera of HCV challenged vaccina ted monkeys after 6 weeks immunized, ALT value rose transiently in monkeys vacci nated by PCX. It was positive in monitoring RNA of HCV using RT-PCR in monkey s era. The result demonstrated that Rhesus monkey immunized by multi-epitope PCX could elicit high-level immune responses. 近年来,由于多表位抗原概念的兴起,在针对EB,HIV等病毒感染的疫苗研究中引入了多表位抗原疫苗[门,这种思路使对HCV疫苗的研究有了新的切入点,F.r.i[`]等用 HCV.H77株 E蛋白的多个表位所制备的兔血清与HCV 8. 8. Capable of, and elicit what is best. 这样能够促进合作,并避人类之短而扬其长。 9. The bright, swirling dresses add to the spectacle, and elicit4 cries of encouragement from the spectators. 鲜艳、飞扬的裙摆使表演场面更加壮观,引得观众频频叫好。 10. The bright, swirling dre es add to the ectacle, and elicit4 cries of encouragement from the ectators. 鲜艳、飞扬的裙摆使表演场面更加壮观,引得观众频频叫好。 11. The bright, swirling drees add to the ectacle, and elicit4 cries of encouragement from the ectators. 鲜艳、飞扬的裙摆使表演场面更加壮观,引得观众频频叫好。 12. elicit的近义词 12. It is postulated that extreme hypercholesterolemia in FRSPH patients may elicit secretion of cytokines which in turn decrease the secretion of adiponectin. 高胆固醇所诱发产生的细胞激素,能抑制脂肪细胞脂泌素的分泌,此极有可能是家族相关的严重原发性高胆固醇血症患者脂泌素降低的机转。 13. And then elicit different interpolate algorithms in the different conditions. 并且然后得出不同内插算法在不同的条件。 14. If the truth is once elicit ed, they shall go scot-free. 一旦真相大白,他们也就脱清干系了。 15. We have every reason to pour our rage on him, but he was so insignificant, so benighted that the most forceful outpouring of our wrath can elicit nothing but an indifferent look – it is like playing a lute to a cow. 完全可以把愤怒的洪水向他倾泄。但是,他太卑微,太渺小,太愚昧,最大的倾泄也只是对牛弹琴,换得一个漠然的表情。 16. We have every reason to pour our rage on him, but he was so insignificant, so benighted that the most forceful outpouring of our wrath can elicit nothing but an indifferent look -- it is like playing a lute to a cow. 完全可以把愤怒的洪水向他倾泄。但是,他太卑微,太渺小,太愚味,最大的倾泄也只是对牛弹琴,换得一个漠然的表情。 17. The response to single compound: To both females and males, the compounds that elicit larger responses of adults are benzaldehyde, benzene acetaldehyde, hexanol, β-phenyl ethyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, cyclohexanol and eugenol. Phytol, 2-methyl-cyclohexanone and β-caryophyllene reveal to have weaker activity. 对单一化合物的反应:两种昆虫,不论是雌蛾还是雄蛾,能引起较强EAG反应的化合物均为苯甲醛、苯乙醛、正己醇、β-苯乙醇、苯甲醇、环己醇和丁香酚,植醇、2-甲基环己烷和β-石竹烯仅能引起微弱的EAG反应。 18. Recombinant subunit protein accines generally elicit good humoral immune responses, weak helper T cell responses and no cytotoxic T cell responses. 重组亚单位蛋白疫苗通常能引出较好的体液免疫反应和较弱的T辅助性细胞反应,却无细胞毒T细胞反应。 19. ATP was the natural ligand of P2X7 and could cause 〓 increase upon stimulation, and BzATP, the specific, complete and most potent agonist for the P2X7, could also elicit 〓 increase in Ca〓-contain buffer in P2X7 expressing cell lines, such as U937, HL-60, KG1a, NB4 and CEM. 采用荧光测胞内钙技术对P2X7进行了功能研究。P2X7的天然激动剂ATP能引发P2X7阳性细胞系的胞内钙离子浓度升高;P2X7受体特异、高效激动剂BzATP也引起〓升高。 20. Objects, like those by Thomas Grnfeld, are nice hunting trophies or Wolpertinger souvenirs, nice for the hallstand at home or in the windowsill, and seem to elicit mere cries of oh goodness or funny, they do not incite the mind to any pondering. Thomas Grnfeld的作品,可以是不错的奖杯或Wolpertinger纪念品,也可以挂在家里的帽架或者是窗台上,似乎也能引发惊叹和有趣的感觉,但它们不会引起任何思考。 elicit 词典解释 1. 引起;引出 If you elicit a response or a reaction, you do or say something which makes other people respond or react. e.g. Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response... 诺里斯先生说希望他的请求能够引起积极反响。 e.g. The crime elicited an outcry against illicit drugs. 那起罪行引发了打击违禁药品的呼声。 2. 探出;套出 If you elicit a piece of information, you get it by asking the right questions. e.g. Phone calls elicited no further information. 几个电话都没有打听到进一步的消息。 elicit 单语例句 1. That would elicit much less laughter and derision from visitors than a brand new cluster of fake ancient structures. 2. Mbeki fired Zuma as the country's deputy president in 2005 after Zuma's financial adviser was convicted of trying to elicit bribes from the company. 3. France sees the outstretched hand as the best way to elicit change in Russia, especially with Russia now at the European Union's doorstep. 4. Yet they would not elicit the same response from drivers and pedestrians. 5. So far there's been little training for law enforcement to handle traumatized victims, either to elicit information or to avoid inflicting further trauma. 6. And more cities are reportedly going to hold public hearings to elicit public input in order to modify their ban. 7. An email today to Obama's presidential transition team seeking comment on the future White House occupant's exercise routine did not elicit a response. 8. After their economies were unable to develop after independence, many African countries were led to elicit aid in the form of loans. 9. The Symposium on Tuesday included a working session on how to elicit more cooperation for the tourism sector from both cities. 10. Antigens are the components in vaccines that elicit the immune system's response which builds the body's resistance to a virus. elicit 英英释义 verb 1. derive by reason e.g. elicit a solution 2. deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning) e.g. We drew out some interesting linguistic data from the native informant Synonym: educeevokeextractdraw out 3. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) e.g. arouse pity raise a smile evoke sympathy Synonym: arouseenkindlekindleevokefireraiseprovoke |
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