单词 | elite |
释义 | elite [英 [e??li:t] 美 [??lit, e?lit] ] elite的意思、解释 复数形式:elites; elite 基本解释 elite的近义词 名词精华; 精锐,精英; 上层集团; (统称)掌权人物 elite 网络解释 1. elite 1. 精华:[摘要]精华(ELITE)干洗机/ESE-7350特征为所有人能够轻松地使用,本机器采用尖端电脑控制系统,可以在显示屏上显示处处机器本身运转状态. 干洗机装有逆变器(INVERTER... 2. 子:两者首先在题材选择上非常类似,对人物或事件的报道,往往要根据现行国家的需要进行选择,那些具备代表性或典型性的精英人物或者中坚份子(elite),多为拍摄对象. elite 双语例句 1. Shen Huan, female, Jiangsu, foreign trade and economic elite universities, Gao Xiaosong's ex-wife, married in 1999 and Gao Xiaosong, Gao Xiaosong three-year-old was about, it is career peak. 沈欢,女,江苏人,对外经贸大学的高材生,高晓松的前妻,1999年与高晓松结婚,当时高晓松三十岁左右,正是事业发展高峰期。 2. 2. Mr. Rajaratnam, the billionaire founder of Galleon Group, and Preet Bharara -- the Indian-born, Ivy League-educated prosecutor -- belong to a relatively small immigrant group who have formed a power elite in the U. S., with positions in corporate boardrooms and a governor's mansion. 创立对冲基金盖伦集团的亿万富翁拉贾拉特南和出身于印度、毕业于常春藤盟校的检察官巴拉拉都属于一个相对小范围的移民团体,这些人已经在美国形成了一个权力精英阶层,在商界和政界占据着显要地位。 3. elite在线翻译 3. Advisory Board Members top the list of this event`s participants with elite Associates attending the event in London, UK. 咨询委员会委员是此活动的首要参与者,同时还有精英合作伙伴出席这一在英国伦敦举行的盛会。 4. 4. Advisory Board Members top thelist of this event`s participants with elite Associates attendingthe event in London, UK. 咨询委员会委员是此活动的首要参与者,同时还有精英合作伙伴出席这一在英国伦敦举行的盛会。 5. In the 21st century global knowledge-based economy, GIDEA the creative communication utilities fully aware of resources (intellectual, ideological, cultural, feeling, experience, talent and life) the optimal integration and optimal distribution, advertising high-speed communication industry The development of the importance of integration of global advertising elite Chinese wisdom, the introduction of risk investment, through acquisition and internal growth, to create the new century a strong brand integrated communication industry. 面对21世纪全球知识经济,GIDEA金创意传播事业机构充分意识到资源(智慧、思想、人文、心情、经验、才华、生活)的最优整合及最优分配,对广告传播业高速发展的重要性;融合全球华人广告精英智慧,引入风险投资,通过并购及内部增长,致力打造新世纪实力强大的品牌整合传播产业。 6. 6. In the most general terms, reclusion, which was traditionally defined against officeholding, represented one of the two major paths a member of the educated elite could follow. 从最广泛的意义上来说,归隐历来被认为是与统治者抗衡的一种行为。同时,归隐也是受教育的精英们所走的两大路途中的一条。 7. With outstanding sales and IT Elite Elite as the backbone consisting of a large bar code industrial companies, are Symbol bar code scanners, data acquisition devices and Zebra bar code printer distributor in southern China to the United States Aere Company for raw materials, and its own bar code labels ribbon printing supplies specializing in the production of the factory. 以优秀的销售精英及IT精英为骨干组成的一家大型条码实业公司,是Symbol条码扫描器、数据采集器及Zebra条码打印机华南总代理,以美国艾利公司为原材料,并自有碳带标签等条码打印耗材专业生产工厂。 8. The session was basined on SIG, with many the technical elite. Making the training center as a platform, it launched a series of fruitful technical exchanges, training and the club really determineed the development tone of technology as the core. 本届的技术精英比比皆是,以 SIG 为基础,以培训中心为平台,开展了一系列卓有成效的技术交流和培训,并真正确定俱乐部技术为核心的发展基调。 9. Elite training for grass - root level juniors; and 他们在那些荒凉的山丘上撒播草籽。 10. elite 10. Observers say the anti-corruption inquiry is a landmark because the bank heads had been seen as part of untouchable elite in Nigerian finance. 观察员表示,反腐审讯是划时代的事件,因为在尼日利亚金融体系中,银行领导是不可触碰的精英。 11. elite的反义词 11. We are committed to excellence and dedicated attitude to serve Chinese clients or social elite celebrities from all walks of life, in order to provide fashion design teacher, free design and decoration material. 我们承诺以精益求精的精神和专注的态度服务于中国的精英客户或社会各界名流,为空间设计名师提供时尚、自由的装饰设计素材。 12. On the day, Anhui Province and city leaders and the elite celebrities all gathered together to witness the opening of a new era of Shahe Wine glorious moment. 活动当天,安徽省市各级领导和各界精英名流欢聚一堂,共同见证沙河酒业开启新时代的辉煌时刻。 13. elite的意思 13. Gossip girl: Gossip girl here- your one and only source into the scandalous lives, of Manhattan's elite. gossip:闲聊,随笔 source:来源 scandalous:不体面的,可耻的,丑闻的 elite:精英,名流绯闻女友在此,我是向你们提供曼哈顿名流们丑闻生活的唯一资料来源。 14. International performing arts center is the largest performing hall in the entertainment arena. it has a business area of 2, 970 square meters which holds a professional three-storey t shape stage and it displays a great many colorful lives of elite performers, models and successful celebrities glittering in beijing and even in the whole country in a setting of first-class lighting and sound facilities. 北京阳光俱乐部国际演艺中心是业内规模最大的演艺大厅,营业面积达3970平方米,它承载着专业三层伸缩 t 型舞台和一流的灯光、音响等舞台、舞美设施设备及无数演艺模特精英的梦想和名流成功人士的精彩人生,在一流灯光、音响的衬托下闪烁京城乃至全国。 15. 15. Done this task it is a continuous task in accordance with step is to complete the focus is dying in front of him that archaeologists and archaeologists around the altar that which step is to find an Ancient Artifact to take that a little bit difficult for the elite around the circle of 48 odd Artifact center needs a jump in the lava above it in order to get to see your task, but the process should be completed in... 做过这个任务这是个连续任务按照步骤是能完成的重点是他前面那个快死的考古学家和考古学家身边的那个祭坛其中有一步是让找一个远古神器拿那个有点难度周围一圈48的精英怪神器在岩浆中心需要跳到那上面才能拿不过看你的任务进程应该是完成了的。。。 16. 16. Now you can use SEO Elite to perform this task. 现在你可以用徐精英来执行这一任务。 17. So he was one of the elite in the electronics field. 今天他的老板来视察他的工作。 18. Main Ingredient: various plant elite, for instance, nucleic acid gene renewal gene, natural moisture gene, wheat embryo oil, aloe extract, witch hazel extract, almond oil, etc 主要成份:核酸基因修复因子、天然保湿因子、小麦胎芽油、芦荟提取液、金缕梅提取液、杏仁油等多种植物精华。 19. elite的反义词 19. Each Discipline represents an elite order or special group, offering special areas of expertise for characters to pursue. 每一学科代表一个精英命令或特殊群体,提供不同专业领域的字符追求。 20. The paper analyzes the initial thought of the ethnic group elite on the motive of the mass education movement and the reality of the habitat of Miao nationality in 1930s and 1940s, and delves the seed of the one-thousand-word lessons for common people. 石门坎平教运动的卓有成效实与其声名远播名实相副,研究细察族群精英的起念与地域生境的现实,同时查考边区平民千字课的来情去意;并认定族群精英在教育共同体的育成中实有殊功异绩,平民千字课的风神意蕴不仅是平民教育体系的基础,而且领有对平民发蒙解惑的重任。 elite 词典解释 1. 精英;杰出人物 You can refer to the most powerful, rich, or talented people within a particular group, place, or society as the elite . e.g. ...a government comprised mainly of the elite... 主要由精英组成的政府 e.g. We have a political elite in this country. 我们国家有一群政治精英。 2. 精英的;精锐的;最优秀的 Elite people or organizations are considered to be the best of their kind. e.g. ...the elite troops of the President's bodyguard. 精锐的总统卫队 elite 单语例句elite在线翻译 1. Analysts and legal experts said it represented a brave new world in Russian business and the end of the Kremlin's tolerance of a powerful elite. 2. Clothing was the commodity most often bought by the business elite, with more than a quarter of managers surveyed buying clothing more than once a month. 3. The first is to end political control of the business sector by the privileged elite. 4. Cai said the development of team sports must focus on popularity among children rather than the elite mode used in individual events. 5. The visit left him a profound impression of two elite universities Cambridge and Oxford, he said. 6. The 1 percent elite that control the media benefit from free market capitalism and do everything to maintain the system. 7. These socialist benefits were introduced as a result of fierce class struggle during the time, not the charity of the capitalist elite. 8. Analysts say Tehran's new caution partly shows the growing influence of more moderate or pragmatic voices among the ruling elite since December. 9. Yale graduate Pamela Haag wrote an article in The Chronicle Review on Oct 30, asking whether elite colleges are worth it. 10. This means China's elite are ready to sacrifice the comforts they enjoy at home in exchange for the citizenship of a foreign country. elite 英英释义 noun 1. a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status Synonym: elite group adj 1. selected as the best e.g. an elect circle of artists elite colleges Synonym: elect |
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