单词 | guard |
释义 | guard [英 [gɑ:d] 美 [gɑ:rd] ] guard的意思、解释 过去式:guarded; 过去分词:guarded; 现在分词:guarding; 复数形式:guards; guard 基本解释 名词警卫; 狱吏,看守; 护卫队; 防护装置 及物动词看守; 保卫,守护; 加防护装置; 谨慎使用 不及物动词警卫; 警惕 guard的意思 guard 相关词组 guard在线翻译 1. on guard : 警惕; 2. on ones guard : 警惕; guard的翻译 guard 相关例句 及物动词 1. guard的解释 1. The warehouse is guarded. 库房有人看守。 2. A dog guarded his house. 一只狗守卫着他的房子。 名词 1. He got in under his opponent's guard. 虽然对手摆出防御姿势,但仍被他击中。 2. A policeman kept guard over the prisoners. 一名警察看守囚犯。 3. guard什么意思 3. Be on your guard against pickpockets. 谨防扒手。 guard 网络解释 1. 警卫:5:警戒塔 产生警卫(Guard),消除居民的不安,打击犯罪. 警戒塔不是必须的,由于它会对吸引力造成不利的影响,所以如果你的居民区建设的很好,工资和税收水平都比较合理,城市的经济状况也十分良好,社会安定,这样的情况下警戒塔其实不建更好. 2. 后卫:以NBA习惯来说,后卫(guard)是有两位,控球后卫与得分后卫,NBA会将之概括化,那是因为-NBA球员技术已达全面境界,技术、观念瞬间转变轻而易举,因此对控球后卫与得分后卫统称后卫;但个人认为,以现代业余球员其技术与观念, 3. guard 3. 保护:除需要拟合准确的试验公式外,还需同时测量水与冰水混合物的电阻率,从而直接计算出蓄冰率,并且需要对保护(Guard)电极进行探讨,以获得良好的精度、稳定性和通用性的测量方法. 4. guard 4. 守卫:守卫(Guard) 守卫(Guard) 顺风耳告诉你:守卫的道行已达已证大道的境界. 在四门中个站了个npc,分别是 水神(Shui shen) 雷神(Lei shen)风神(Feng shen) 火神(Huo shen) 杀了他们,就会从他们身上各掉下一至于我们中华民族的祖先轩辕黄帝站在这干什么的呢? 5. guard:g.; 后卫 guard 双语例句 1. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. 遵守我的命令,就得存活。保守我的法则,好像保守眼中的瞳人。 2. Then Friday, X-rays revealed that guard Jameer Nelson -- who has been starting for Francis -- sustained a hairline fracture in his left thumb. 莫属后卫都灵由于和阿伦打架被NBA禁赛5场,星期五魔术的另外一个后卫内尔森左拇指软组织破裂。 3. The mechanism partakes as a result of the risk in BOT in the meantime, so this risk is on guard systematic compose is built involve each project participator, the angle that is not one party of mere Cong Mou sets out. 同时由于BOT中的风险分担机制,所以该风险防范体系的构建涉及到各个项目参与者,而不是仅仅从某一方的角度出发。 4. guard的反义词 4. Hold to half an year, when be about to abandon, discover the website is restored by Baidu suddenly today, shanghai entrance guard, the 2nd page arrives on the key word such as entrance guard system, the first page is Baidu contest price. Site discovery is collected increase, still thinking is he was misreaded. Be mad with joy! 坚持半年,快要放弃的时候,今天突然发现网站被百度恢复,上海门禁,门禁系统等关键字上到第二页,第一页是百度竞价。site发现收录增加,还以为是自己看错了。 5. Baron is capable of doing anything a point guard can do-he can explode to the basket and destroy a team with forays to the paint, he`s an unbelievable passer, he`s absolutely deadly in the open floor, he can make the three, he can post up, he can disrupt another team`s offense when he`s ball-hawking in the passing lanes, everything. 巴伦可以做得到一个控球后卫要做的任何事情,他可以用暴扣的方式去攻击篮筐也可用突破到内线得分的方式摧毁一支球队,他是一个让人难以置信地出色的传球手,在场上他是绝对致命的,他可以投三分球,他可以冲击内线,他可以通过诡异的飞身抢断去切断对手的传球路线和打乱对手的进攻,总而言之他无所不能。 6. If controller is linked with alarm output and network fire control expansion board, it can also drive alarm annunciator calling to deter crime and warn the security guard. 如果控制器接了报警输出及消防联动扩展板,还可以现场驱动报警器鸣叫,威慑犯罪人员和提醒保安赶来。 7. 7. All need is three shooting guard and one center can jump shoot and pass around downtown. 他所需要的是能射3分的后卫,能跳投和传球的中锋。 8. guard在线翻译 8. Since 2001, shanghai petrifaction sale supplies a company to purchase the requirement that supplies reform of centralized management system in the light of Shanghai petrifaction goods and materials, the domain is purchased to begin efficiency in goods and materials censorial, its cut a point is education of base oneself upon, have sth in mind is on guard, aggrandizement monitoring, firm is caught investigate, want already from strengthen goods and materials to purchase business personnel clean-fingered self-discipline conduct propaganda teachs proceed with, want to have the tie of system of strict and impartial procurement control of goods and materials and working flow again, purchase goods and materials of regulations system standard to purchase operation behavior with goods and materials, at the same time aggrandizement goods and materials purchases measure of each link monitoring, achieve goods and materials to purchase thereby... 自2001年以来,上海石化销售供给公司针对上海石化物资采购供给集中管理体制改革的要求,在物资采购领域开展效能监察,其切入点是立足教育、着眼防范、强化监控、狠抓查处,既要从加强物资采购业务人员廉洁自律宣传教育入手,又要有严明的物资采购管理制度和工作流程的约束,以物资采购规章制度规范物资采购操作行为,同时强化物资采购各环节监控办法,从而达到物资采购。。。 9. When a pump is used to provide a vacuum, we consider it even more important to guard against leakage. 当泵被用来抽取真空时,我们认为尤为重要的是防止漏气。 10. guard 10. Guard my immortal nature. 朱雀玄武。侍卫我真。 11. And the basons, and the firepans, and the bowls, and the caldrons, and the candlesticks, and the spoons, and the cups; that which was of gold in gold, and that which was of silver in silver, took the captain of the guard away. 52:19 杯,火鼎,碗,盆,灯台,调羹,爵,无论金的银的,护卫长也都带去了。 12. guard 12. The commander of the imperial guard took away the basins, censers, sprinkling bowls, pots, lampstands, dishes and bowls used for drink offerings--all that were made of pure gold or silver. 杯、火鼎、碗、盆、灯台、调羹、爵,无论金的银的,护卫长也都带去了。 13. guard的翻译 13. A convict and a prison guard showed up at the office. 一名罪犯和一个监狱看守就来到了他的办公室。 14. One day the Rat was the guard for the morning. 一天早上,轮到水鼠看管癞蛤蟆。 15. guard 15. The mooring rope must have effective rat guard or the like 一缆绳上必须使用有效的防鼠板,或者其他防鼠装置 16. 16. People embrace it to throw into that inside of the house which have a big rat, guard a gate a window to all close, hence hide to stealthily watch at the outside. 人们抱着它丢进那有大老鼠的屋子里,把门窗都关上,于是躲在外面偷偷地观看。 17. guard的反义词 17. I have a question that whether this copper hammer in pics is the golden hammer used by guard? 看到制式锤我有个问题:图中的铜锤是否就是侍卫用的金瓜? 18. A little boy is standing at the threshold of their tent, pretending that he is a guard. 一个小男孩站在帐篷的门口,假装自己是守卫。 19. Athens, Greece: Riot police officers guard the christmas tree in Syntagma square, where protesters hung rubbish during a demonstration 希腊,雅典:在宪法广场上,防爆警察正列队保护着圣诞树,那里抗议者正通过悬挂垃圾以向政府示威。 20. The border-guard is more concerned that the permit, though signed and counter-signed, has not been rubber-stamped. 卫兵更关心我的许可证,虽然经过签字和会签,但还没有盖章。 guard 词典解释 1. 守卫;护卫;警卫 If you guard a place, person, or object, you stand near them in order to watch and protect them. e.g. Gunmen guarded homes near the cemetery with shotguns... 持枪者手持猎枪守卫着墓地附近的房子。 e.g. ...the heavily guarded courtroom. 戒备森严的法庭 2. 看守;监视 If you guard someone, you watch them and keep them in a particular place to stop them from escaping. e.g. Marines with rifles guarded them... 手持步枪的海军陆战队士兵监视着他们。 e.g. He is being guarded by a platoon of police. 有一队警察看守着他。 3. 卫兵;警卫员;看守 A guard is someone such as a soldier, police officer, or prison officer who is guarding a particular place or person. guard e.g. The prisoners overpowered their guards and locked them in a cell. 囚犯们制服了监狱看守,并将他们锁进了牢房。 4. (一队)卫兵;(一队)警卫 A guard is a specially organized group of people, such as soldiers or policemen, who protect or watch someone or something. guard在线翻译 e.g. We have a security guard around the whole area... 我们在该地区各处部署了保安。 e.g. A heavily armed guard of police have sealed off the city centre. 一队全副武装的警察已经封锁了市中心。 5. 列车长 On a train, a guard is a person whose job is to travel on the train in order to help passengers, check tickets, and make sure that the train travels safely and on time. in AM, use 美国英语用 conductor 6. 保护;保守;遮掩 If you guard some information or advantage that you have, you try to protect it or keep it for yourself. e.g. He closely guarded her identity. 他对她的身份守口如瓶。 e.g. ...a threat to the country's jealously guarded unity. 对该国珍惜维护的统一局面的威胁 7. 保护装置;保护罩;保护器 A guard is a protective device which covers a part of someone's body or a dangerous part of a piece of equipment. guard的近义词 e.g. ...the chin guard of my helmet... 我头盔上的下巴保护罩 e.g. A blade guard is fitted to protect the operator. 为保证操作人员的人身安全安装了桨叶保护罩。 8. (英国的)近卫军,禁军,近卫军士兵 Some regiments in the British Army, or the soldiers in them, are referred to as Guards. guard e.g. ...the Grenadier Guards. 英国近卫步兵团 9. see also: guarded;bodyguard;coastguard;lifeguard;old guard 10. 乘(人)不备;使猝不及防 If someone catches you off guard, they surprise you by doing something you do not expect. If something catches you off guard, it surprises you by happening when you are not expecting it. e.g. Charm the audience and catch them off guard... 吸引观众的注意力,然后给他们来个出其不意。 e.g. The invitation had caught me off guard. 收到这份邀请让我颇感意外。 11. 丧失警惕;放松警惕;不提防 If you lower your guard ,let your guard down or drop your guard, you relax when you should be careful and alert, often with unpleasant consequences. guard e.g. The ANC could not afford to lower its guard until everything had been carried out... 非洲人国民大会在所有事项皆已完成前不敢有丝毫松懈。 e.g. You can't let your guard down... 你不能放松警惕。 12. 派人守卫;安排看守 If you mount guard or if you mount a guard, you organize people to watch or protect a person or place. e.g. They've even mounted guard outside the main hotel in the capital... 他们甚至派人在首都的大饭店外面站岗。 e.g. Police mounted round-the-clock guards on properties last night. 警方昨晚通宵值守财物。 13. 警惕;提防 If you are on your guard or on guard, you are being very careful because you think a situation might become difficult or dangerous. e.g. The police have questioned him thoroughly, and he'll be on his guard... 警方已经对他进行了详细的盘问,因此他会保持戒备心理。 e.g. He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation. 他时刻提防着任何有辱尊严之事。 14. 站岗;值班 If someone is on guard, they are on duty and responsible for guarding a particular place or person. e.g. Police were on guard at Barnet town hall. 警察在巴尼特市政厅值守。 15. 站岗;放哨 If you stand guard, you stand near a particular person or place because you are responsible for watching or protecting them. e.g. One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates. 一位年轻的警察在大门紧闭的使馆外站岗。 16. 在…看守之下 If someone is under guard, they are being guarded. e.g. Three men were arrested and one was under guard in hospital. 有3人被逮捕,1人在警方监护下送医院治疗。 相关词组:guard against guard 单语例句 1. I might be the most stupid businessman who will guard the feminine hygiene business to the end. 2. He was placed on inactive Guard duty six months before his commitment ended at his request because he was starting Harvard Business School. 3. McLaren chief executive Martin Whitmarsh let his guard slip when asked by reporters on Sunday afternoon whether he thought Hamilton could win before Button. 4. Washington's airspace will buzz with security helicopters hovering overhead, while Coast Guard vessels will patrol the Potomac and other nearby waterways. 5. It pledges to compensate the client if the cache it is contracted to guard is lost. 6. The Japan Coast Guard also sent an aircraft to the site after receiving a distress call at around 2 am. 7. The Heat decided to delay activating guard Jason Williams for at least one more game. 8. Manhart was a member of the Iowa Air National Guard before going on extended active duty. 9. Insurance companies should also apply prudent oversight and keep adequate capital reserve to guard against systematic risks. 10. An investigation following the raid led to the arrests of a prison warden, a National Guard captain whose unit patrolled the prison and seven other officials. guard 英英释义 guard noun 1. a position on a basketball team 2. (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage e.g. guards must be good blockers 3. the duty of serving as a sentry e.g. he was on guard that night Synonym: guard dutysentry dutysentry go 4. a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc. e.g. he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution an insurance policy is a good safeguard we let our guard down Synonym: precautionsafeguard 5. a device designed to prevent injury or accidents Synonym: safetysafety device 6. a posture of defence in boxing or fencing e.g. keep your guard up 7. a military unit serving to protect some place or person 8. the person who plays that position on a football team e.g. the left guard was injured on the play 9. a person who keeps watch over something or someone 10. the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team verb 1. watch over or shield from danger or harm protect e.g. guard my possessions while I'm away Synonym: ward 2. protect against a challenge or attack e.g. Hold that position behind the trees! Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks Synonym: defendhold 3. to keep watch over e.g. there would be men guarding the horses 4. take precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence e.g. guard against becoming too friendly with the staff guard against infection |
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