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单词 fecundity
    fecundity [英 [f?'k?nd?t?] 美 [f??k?nd?t?] ]
    fecundity 基本解释
    名词多产; 富饶; 肥沃; 产卵力
    fecundity 网络解释
    1. 繁殖力:2、繁殖力(fecundity) 在一个繁殖季节中,水产动物一雌体或一种群雌体产卵的数量. 可分为个体繁殖力(individual fecundity)、种群繁殖力(population fecundity). 3、受精率(fertilization rate) 胚胎发育至高囊胚期时(有的以胚胎尾芽期时计算),
    2. 繁殖能力:哺乳类称为一胎产仔数(litter size)此外,繁殖能力(fecundity)是指每一雌体可能生产的最大卵(子)数. (很少指雄体的精子生产数). 在昆虫中称藏卵数,鱼类称怀卵数或抱卵数.
    3. 生育力:415 法西斯主义 Fascism | 416 生育力 Fecundity | 417 人口出生率 Fertibity
    4. 生育能力:fertility 生育率 | fecundity 生育能力 | birth rate, natality rate 出生率
    fecundity 双语例句
    1. The following results can be concluded through the effects of temperature on fecundity and experiment population from spiders including Pardosa astrigera, P pseudannulat, Pirata tenuisetaceus, P.
    从我国常见 1 0科 1 8种蜘蛛的温度实验数据中,找出温度对蜘蛛繁殖和实验种群增长影响的一般规律和不同种类蜘蛛繁殖的最佳温度。
    2. fecundity
    2. Mated females without honey supply had significant lower values in longevity, fecundity and number of feeding stipples than those fed with honey.
    在 25°C 下未交尾雌蝇餵食蜂蜜时虽可产 15 粒卵,但均不孵化;而已交尾雌蝇未餵食蜂蜜时,其寿命、有活力卵数及取食刻点数均显著低於餵食蜂蜜者。
    3. fecundity是什么意思
    3. Purpose: To observe the fecundity and longevity of Anopheles sinensis under the condition of daily supply of blood meal.
    4. In this paper, male sterile line of alfalfa was used to be improved with crossing, because the seed production of crossing is low. The affecting factors of seed production of male sterile line of alfalfa and its crossing progenies that are crossed with male sterile lines of alfalfa and good alfalfa that male is fertile were analyzed. The characteristics of female reproductive organs of male sterile line and its crossing progenies are analyzed in cell morphology. The genetic difference of male sterile line and its crossing progenies are analyzed in enzyme protein. The results showed: 1、Rate of podding of nature crossing and fecundity of artificial crossing of the male sterile plant BC1-2 that is the crossing progency of male sterile line of alfalfa and Medicago varia Martin. cv.`Caoyuan No.1`is higher than male sterile lines. Rate of podding of nature crossing and fecundity of artificial crossing of the male sterile plants BC1-19、BC1-21、BC1-22、BC1-23 that are the crossing progencies of male sterile line of alfalfa and Medicago sativa L. cv.
    5. Reproduction experiment indicated that the fecundity of adults fed with (200 mg/kg) and pyriproxyfen (40 mg/kg) were 39.74% and (26.11%) correspondingly, as that of the control in the first week. After 15~16 d, the hatching rates of eggs were 65.71% and (8.69%, ) whereas that of the control group was 93.18%.
    成虫取食烯虫酯(2 0 0 mg/ kg)和吡丙醚(40 mg/ kg)混毒饲料后 7d,死亡率分别为 2 6 。6 7%和 2 3.33%,成虫产卵量分别是对照的 39.77%和 2 6 。13%,产卵后 15 d,卵的孵化率分别是6 5 。71%和 8.6 9%,而对照仅为 93.18%。
    6. BMPR-IB gene as a fecundity candidate gene was studied in Cele sheep(44 blood samples), Duolang sheep(49 blood samples), Hu sheep (32 blood samples), Chinese Merino monotocous line(40 blood samples) and Chinese Merino (47 blood samples) by PCR-RFLP.
    7. Symbols characteristically associated with Kuan Yin are a willow branch, with which she sprinkles the divine nectar of life; a precious vase symbolizing the nectar of compassion and wisdom, the hallmarks of a bodhisattva; a dove, representing fecundity; a book or scroll of prayers which she holds in her hand, representing the dharma of the Buddha or the sutra which Miao Shan is said to have constantly recited; and a rosary adorning her neck with which she calls upon the Buddha?
    与观音关联的符号着重刻画的是一柳条,观音用它洒下生命的神性甘露;贵重的花瓶象征慈悲和智慧的菩萨特点的甘露;一只鸽子表现了丰收;她手里拿一本书或祈祷的经卷,表现了佛或佛经的律法,据说Miao Shan经常不断地读;她脖子装饰有玫瑰花,用它为救援者她呼唤佛?
    8. When Ta was 44℃, the highest LT_(50) and LT_(90) respectively were 112.5h and 326.4h. When Ta was 50℃, the highest LT_(50) and LT_(90) respectively were 11.4h and 20.6h. Without radiant heat, when Ta<32℃, Tb>Ta and Ta>32℃, Tb<Ta. When Ta raised at the velocity of 0.5℃/min, 1.0℃/min, 1.5℃/min and 2.0℃/min, Tb raised with Ta and temperature wave appeared. The death time of adult locusts was higher than nymphs and its ability of high temperature resistance was better. With radiant heat, locusts were inclined to choose higher temperature which would not damage their body. Transferred from shadow to illumination then to shadow, the velocity of temperature raise and descent were adult>fifth instar>fourth instar>third instar nymph. At the same radiant heat resource, Tb raised fastest at straight irradiation. When the angle of radiant enlarged, the velocity of raising Tb was slow down. Wind influenced Tb at the condition of with radiant heat. Without radiant heat, the effect of wind to Tb was small. Thermoregulation influenced the death time, mortality, behavior of temperature chosen and fecundity. Given radiant heat at the right day after inoculation and the third day, the differences of LT_(50) and LT_(90) reached 3.6d and 7.1d.
    9. Furthermore, several studies have pointed out relevant asymmetries in the distribution of both male homosexuality and of female fecundity in the parental lines of homosexual vs.
    在姨妈身上也具有类似的趋势。在最新的研究中,Camperio Ciani和同事应用数学模型来寻找可以解释这种现象的理论。
    10. Among the four generations observed in outdoor cages, the first three from June to August were similar in development duration, survivalship, and fecundity; but for the forth generation, development was much slow, survival rate, obviously low, and fecundity (108.8 eggs per female), less than half of previous generations.
    11. fecundity什么意思
    11. The range of Schizopygopsis stoliczkai stoliczkai's absolute individual fecundity was 5212~30251 eggs, the mean absolute individual fecundity was 19380 eggs; The relative individual fecundity was: F/Lranges betweenl35.4~975.8 eggs/cm, average 532.8 eggs /cm; F/W=20.1-59.7 eggs/g, the average was 41.3 eggs/g.
    12. fecundity的近义词
    12. Algorithms describing links between potentially important explanatory variables to estimate fecundity were first established, and these were followed by practical observations in order to validate the method under two extreme situations: 1 straight forward fecundity estimation in a determinate, single-batch spawner: Atlantic herring Clupea harengus and 2 challenging fecundity estimation in an indeterminate, multiple-batch spawner: Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus.
    首先确立潜在重要解释性变化与繁殖力间联系的算法,然后是为了确定下面两种情形下使用的方法的实际观察:1)在确定的单次产卵类型中直接的繁殖力估计:大西洋鲱鱼 Clupea harengus 2)确定的分批产卵鱼类竞争性的繁殖估计:日本牙鲆 Paralichthys olivaceus 。
    13. He used aphid fecundity data to elucidate the theoretical effects of antibiosis on insect population dynamics.
    14. The rose is a yonic symbol associated with generation, fecundity, and purity.
    15. The prolactin gene was studied as a candidate gene for the prolificacy of Small Tail Han sheep. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of exon 1 to exon 5 of PRL gene were detected in high fecundity breeds and low fecundity breeds (Dorset, Texel and Corriedale sheep) with five pairs of primers by PCR-SSCP.
    16. The gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor gene was studied as a candidate gene for the prolificacy of Small Tail Han sheep. Eight pairs of primers were designed to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms of exon 1, exon 2 and exon 3 of GnRHR gene in both high fecundity breeds and low fecundity breeds (South African Mutton Merino, Corriedale and Chinese Merino sheep) by PCR-SSCP. Only the products amplified by primers P4 and P7 displayed polymorphisms.
    设计8对引物,应用聚合酶链式反应-单链构象多态性技术检测促性腺激素释放激素受体(gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor,GnRHR)基因外显子1、外显子2和外显子3在高繁殖力品种和低繁殖力品种(南非肉用美利奴、考力代和中国美利奴绵羊)中的单核苷酸多态性,同时研究该基因对小尾寒羊高繁殖力的影响。
    17. fecundity的意思
    17. The inhibin a gene、the bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) gene and the bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7) gene were studied as candidate genes on the prolificacy of Small Tail Han sheep. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of 5'regulatory region、exon 1 of INHA gene; exon 2、exon 3 and exon 4 of BMP4 gene and exon 2、exon 3 of BMP7 were detected in high fecundity breed and low fecundity breeds (Chinese Merino sheep, Corriedale sheep and South African Mutton Merino sheep) by PCR-SSCP. The results indicated that there was a mutation (316C→T) in 5'region of INHA gene in Small Tail Han sheep, Chinese Merino sheep and Corriedale sheep, the same mutation did not exist in South African Mutton Merino sheep.
    采用PCR-SSCP技术检测抑制素α(inhibin α,INHA)基因5'调控区、外显子1,骨形态发生蛋白4(bone morphogenetic protein 4,BMP4)基因外显子2、外显子3和外显子4以及骨形态发生蛋白7(bone morphogenetic protein 7,BMP7)基因外显子2和外显子3在高繁殖力绵羊品种以及低繁殖力绵羊品种(中国美利奴绵羊、考力代绵羊、南非肉用美利奴绵羊)中的单核苷酸多态性,同时研究这三个基因对小尾寒羊高繁殖力的影响。
    18. If it is correct we can assume that men will control their individual fecundity so as to produce the optimum population.
    19. Galanthus navalis agglutinin from the bulb of sonowdrop of Amaryllidaceae has great resistance to Homoptera pests, by inhibiting their growth and fecundity.
    雪花莲凝集素(Galanthus navalis agglutinin,GNA)是来源于石蒜科雪花莲的植物凝集素,对同翅目害虫有显著的抗性,可以抑制害虫的生长和繁殖。
    20. fecundity在线翻译
    20. Hence, an imbalance in dietary amino acids away from the ratio optimal for reproduction shortens lifespan during full feeding and limits fecundity during dietary restriction.
    fecundity 单语例句
    1. The little boys are a symbol of fecundity, expressing the wish that the family will have sons and a rich progeny.
    2. Our parents have tasted hunger and know how blessed we are to be living in an age of fecundity.
    fecundity的解释fecundity 英英释义
    1. the quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth
    Synonym: fruitfulness
    2. the intellectual productivity of a creative imagination
    Synonym: fruitfulness
    3. the state of being fertile
    capable of producing offspring
    Synonym: fertility




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