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单词 feminist
    feminist [英 [?fem?n?st] 美 [?f?m?n?st] ]
    feminist 基本解释
    feminist 网络解释
    1. 女性主義者:例如,坏人可能是一个女性主义者(feminist),一个宗教的原教旨主义者(fundamentalist),一个废奴主义者(abolitionist),一个黑人分离主义者(black separatist),一个同性恋活动者(gay activist)...当然,他(她)也可能是一个反社会的精神变态者,
    2. 女性主义:3.1.1 体育的社会功能:功能主义(Functionalism)的视角3.1.3 体育对于性别的意味:女性主义(Feminist)的视角3.1.4 体育与现代文明发展:过程社会学(Figurational Sociology)的视角3.1.5 物象与行动中的体育:符号互动理论(Symbolic
    feminist 双语例句
    1. It has been said of the feminist discourse that, beyond its total absence of seduction, there lies a certain homosexual allure.
    2. In this discussion, this author tries to show clearly what was Pollack's classical view of anti-patriarchy, to clarify the source of her theoretical thinking, and to present the background of why she so forcefully claimed that feminist ideas should intervene and be involved in those dealing with art history. A detailed examination of Pollack's feminist art history ideology provides us a fulcrum in understanding the Western feminist art history theory. The author hopes that this discussion will provide some new information and new ways of thinking for the study of the methodology which should be used in research of current art history in China.
    3. Through discussing the motives, themes, literary conventions, and representational works of each subgenre, I argue that compared to popular commercial romance, Super Girl fan fiction in general provides more daring and realistic portrayals of women`s desire and fantasy, some of which even contain strong feminist sentiments and radical gender politics.
    4. Feminist translation theory is the offspring of the latest development in translation studies and modern feminist movement.
    5. So, the bottom line: be a gentleman, do not fear to be perceived as one: even a hard core feminist will appreciate your efforts
    6. In the 1970s, when Ms Showalter herself started writing about women`s literature, many critics thought they had to counter this trend with feminist polemic.
    7. For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors. 109, if she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific 每 a valid, verifiable, intellectual method that anyone, whether man or woman, can perform 每 the definition not only precludes the critic-as-artist approach, but may also impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment and its thinking, especially about sex roles.
    ㄘ梁如她叁踬权主义文悝评蹦隅义为谛夤腔睿褪悝性腔"一跺衄效腔,褫证妗腔,烩性腔,无蹦咸踬饮褫以使用腔源杨"饶系ㄛ这跺隅义祥躺蔚龉拨裁蚕评模作为眙术模腔源杨ㄛ奥且褫夔颇郯鬼饶些寻求蜊曹悝术赐腔现状腔挚其思维ㄛ特梗是衄寿性梗褒伎腔思维腔人蝇腔妗用主义腔政笥醴梓腔伧憩难句类型:复杂修饰,插入语,抽象词解释:这句话在原文中紧接着上例的难句,句中的插入语虽然长,但是并不打断正常的语义,因此不算难懂;但是 but also 之后的分句中的宾语 accomplishment 的修饰成分实在太复杂,而且充斥着各色的极端抽象的词汇,没有一定的词汇功底,这句话的意思是不容易看懂的。
    8. feminist
    8. Chapter three is a study of the women protagonist? Sethe, from the feminist perspective.
    9. feminist的反义词
    9. And consequently, feminist translation theory is constructed and has greatly expanded the scope of translation studies.
    10. The aimless drifting gives Hong Ying new observing prospective and a calm manner. The topics of her works are great and significant—war, famine, the Changjiang Gorges, and of course, the sex and love between men and women. Hong Ying is a feminist, whose feminism is not learned from books, but comes from real life, which is the feminism in action.
    11. These oversea Chinese thought abnormal feminist body is the symbol of weakcountry, barbarous culture and the root of weak nation, especially bounding foot in the field ofnational vision shows that the core of Feminist Body Idea had begun to change: the return of Chinesefeminist body had changed from family to nationality and country.
    12. Mizoguchi's films during the occupation were noted particularly for their feminist content: The Victory of Women (1946) is the chronicle of a female lawyer defending a woman accused of murdering her child; The Love of Sumako the Actress (1947) and My Love Has Been Burning are biographies of liberated women of the Meiji era. Five Women around Utamaro, a mellow, witty biopic of the 18th-century woodblock artist, was one of the first postwar period films, a genre discouraged under the occupation; according to Joseph Anderson and Donald Richie, Mizoguchi obtained permission to make it by stressing the hero's democratic sympathies and political dissidence.
    沟口健二在美军占领期间拍摄的影片尤其因女性主义内容而广为人知:《女人的胜利》(The Victory of Women ,1946)是一部关于一位女性律师为另一位被控谋杀其孩子的女子担当辩护的详尽叙述;《女演员须磨子的恋爱》(The Love of Sumako the Actress ,1947)以及《我的爱在燃烧》则是关于明治时期那些摆脱束缚之女性的传记影片;《歌女五美图》是一部柔美而诙谐的名人传记影片,其主角是一位生活在十八世纪的木版画艺人,本片也是战后第一批时代剧之一,而这种类型的电影在占领时期是受到阻挠的;根据约瑟夫·安德森与唐纳德·里奇的说法,沟口健二通过强调主角对民主的同情以及在政治方面的异端立场而获准拍摄。
    13. Through the employment of Foucault`s power theory and feminist interpretation of power relations in both novels, how the heroines regain and redefine their selves and how the self-salvation is accomplishe...
    14. feminist的近义词
    14. In the mean while, it starts from feminist consciousness, considering women`s situation in society, and such consideration is not only for the times but also for the plight of their own.
    15. These historians, however, have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period.
    3+ 但是,返些叱孥家迓丌曾充分地分枂合一旪期丨那些具体癿女权主丿怃想呾活劢癿収展。
    16. From the image we can see on the one hand the author praised women who were by the fox into were pretty, clerver and awakening of feminist consciousness, on the other hand in some respects the author had belittle unconsciously women who were by the fox into by the feudal ethical code to be affected, which we can see the author`s contradictions of aesthetic about women.
    17. And they have to carefully select the chief executive officer (minister without portfolio responsible for gender/women`s affairs) to make sure that she has expertise, global perspective, managerial skills, political influence and commitment to feminist ideals.
    二次战后,在联合国、欧盟、世界银行、APEC等国际组织和亚洲协会、福特基金会等美国援外机构大力促导之下,性别平等一直是国际社会关注的议题之一,并且随著国际政经情势的变化,以不同的语言,结合不同的策略,由外往内,给予各国政府压力和诱因,将性别平等建制化;同时也提供资金及论述,刺激和引导了在地妇女运动的发展。1946年联合国妇女地位委员会成立之后,以联合国为主的国际组织曾先后以提升妇女地位或促进性别平等为目标,要求各国政府设立妇女地位委员会(commission on the status of women)、发展妇女参与国家发展方案、设置妇女政策机制(women`s policy machinery)或性别平等机制,均广为各国政府遵从,2004年165个国家都因而设有某种提倡两性平等的政府机制,1995年北京世界妇女大会提出性别主流化做为全球性策略之后,十余年间也蔚为国际风潮,甚至成为国家进步的指标。
    18. With the aid of feminist criticism and dramatic criticism, the dissertation examines the modern female drama from female perspective.
    19. Daphne du Maurier, by means of literary form, intentionally glorifies Rebecca`s feminist consciousness, her independence from men and courage against the man-dominated society.
    20. This period, the Nordic countries, the emergence of some of the feminist movement.
    feminist 词典解释
    1. 女权主义者;男女平等主义者
    A feminist is a person who believes in and supports feminism.
    e.g. Only 16 per cent of young women in a 1990 survey considered themselves feminists.
    在 1990 年的一项调查中,只有 16% 的年轻女性认为自己是女权主义者。
    e.g. ...a daunting feminist academic.
    2. 女权主义的;与女权主义相关的
    Feminist groups, ideas, and activities are involved in feminism.
    e.g. ...the concerns addressed by the feminist movement.
    e.g. ...the reconstruction of history from a feminist perspective.
    feminist 单语例句
    1. Chivalry is " out " after the feminist movement, but true equality is not yet " in ".
    2. When you see scantily clad young women singing and gyrating together on a stage, the feminist ideal is what first springs to mind.
    3. She has served Obama loyally ever since losing to him, carrying out his vision with an admirable feminist touch of her own.
    4. Ji reviewed the history of French feminist literature and its influences on Chinese society.
    5. Her assistant said Tuesday that the author and feminist leader was at a writing retreat and unavailable for comment.
    6. Feminist groups have also criticized the government for delaying the extension of the scope of protection against sexual harassment by customers and in other contexts.
    7. Theirs is a radically different world from that of their feminist mothers and they see things differently.
    8. Back before the feminist revolution brought women into the workplace in unprecedented numbers, this would have been more understandable.
    9. The West champions this in the feminist movement and they're still struggling for equal pay and equality in workplaces.
    10. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani toted his feminist talking points around to no fewer than five morning TV interviews.
    feminist在线翻译feminist 英英释义
    1. a supporter of feminism
    Synonym: women's rightistwomen's liberationistlibber
    1. of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women
    e.g. feminist critique




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