单词 | fetch |
释义 | fetch [英 [fet?] 美 [f?t?] ] fetch的意思、解释 过去式:fetched; 过去分词:fetched; 现在分词:fetching; fetch 基本解释 及物动词接来(某人); 使发出; 吸引; 售得(若干价钱) 不及物动词取来; 抵达,到达; 卖得(好价钱) 名词拿取,拿来; 诡计; 风浪区 fetch fetch 相关词组 1. fetch up : 到达, 呕吐; fetch的近义词 fetch 相关例句 及物动词 1. I heard her fetching a deep sigh. 我听见她发出一声长叹。 2. Fetch the doctor! 快去请医生来! 3. Fetch your supper yourself, Robert. 罗伯特,你自己去拿晚餐吧。 4. 4. His words fetched a laugh from all present. 他的话使在场的人都笑了。 5. The old watch fetched 100 dollars. 这旧表卖了一百元。 fetch 网络解释 1. 1. 提取:用静态游标打开是正常的,提取(fetch)数据时很快,但将动态游标变量传给存储过程,再返回后,fetch游标数据时却非常慢,请高手帮忙!!! 2. 获取:使用这些语言,您 命令程序执行指令序列:把某些数据 放入(put)变量中;从变量中 获取(fetch)数据; 循环(loop)一个指令块 直到(until)满足了某些条件; 如果(if)某个命题为 true,那么就进行某些操作. 3. 取回:l]+[H] 取回(Fetch)场景 [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[F]冻结所选物体 [6] 跳到最后一帧 [END] 跳到第一帧 [HOME]显示/隐藏相机(Cameras) [Shift]+[C] 显示/隐藏几何体(Geometr中国科学院自动化研究所智能住宅(Smart Home)因体现了人类生活的舒适境界而倍受瞩目, fetch 双语例句 1. Nobody can come to fetch you off the island until the storm clears. 没有人能到岛上来把你带走的,除非风停雨息。 2. My master glanced towards the passage, and signed me to fetch the men: he had no intention of hazarding a personal encounter. 我的主人向过道望了一眼,暗示我叫人来——他可没有冒险作单打的企图。我服从了这暗示。 3. Dantès told him that the jug had fallen from his hands while he was drinking, and the jailer went grumblingly to fetch another, without giving himself the trouble to remove the fragments of the broken one. 唐太斯告诉他,说他在喝水的时候瓦罐从手里滑下去,摔碎了,狱卒一边埋怨一边给他去另外拿了一个,甚至都懒得去打扫那些碎片。 4. Dants told him that the jug had fallen from his hands while he was drinking, and the jailer went grumblingly to fetch another, without giving himself the trouble to remove the fragments of the broken one 唐太斯告诉他,说他在喝水的时候瓦罐从手里滑下去,摔碎了,狱卒一边埋怨一边给他去另外拿了一个,甚至都懒得去打扫那些碎片。 5. I will fetch him for you. 我将把他给你领来。 6. It is an exaggeration about no way out to fetch water when too old. 老了没人给端碗水,有点夸张了。 7. 7. Note that by accessing a URL in this way you can fetch data that is not XML, which may come in handy in some situations. 注意到,用这种方法来访问URL可以得到非XML数据,这样你在某些情形下就更方便。 8. fetch的反义词 8. There are many differences between Chinese law firms and American law firms, such as the history, the organization form, the management, the size, the way they fetch the client, etc. 中国的律师事务所与美国的律师事务所相比,有很多差异,比如历史、组织形式、管理、规模、吸引客户的方法等等。 9. On the other hand, Terry's parents and Guobin's parents had a misunderstanding while on their way to fetch their children home from school. 另一方面,Terry的父亲却和国彬的父亲在前往接孩子的路上发生了争执,为将来两家的反目埋下一条祸根。 10. For a long time now, I have carried the children in swaddling-clothes into the town, so for once in a way I can fetch a little Prince out of the well. 我给城里送婴儿已有好长的时间啦,也许碰巧我能从井里叼出一个小王子呐。 11. If you are a log cabin owner and rent it out on frequent occasions to holiday-makers then good maintenance will go a long way to fetch you an attractive rental income. 如果你是一个老板、木屋频繁场合租出去度假人士届时将维持良好大大吸引你掏租金收入。 12. We could, for example, extend the preceding script to do things like transfer files by FTP, pop up a GUI message selector and status bar, fetch messages from an SQL database, and employ COM objects on Windows, all using standard Python tools. 例如,我们可以使用标准的Python工具,来扩展前面的脚本,让它做些像通过FTP传文件、弹出一个GUI消息选择器和状态栏、从SQL数据库获取信息,和使用Windows的COM对象这样的事情。 13. fetch 13. When I shew'd my self to the two Hostages, it was with the Captain, who told them, I was the Person the Governour had order'd to look after them, and that it was the Governour's Pleasure they should not stir any where, but by my Direction; that if they did, they should be fetch'd into the Castle, and be lay'd in Irons; so that as we never suffered them to see me as Governour, so I now appear'd as another Person, and Spoke of the Governour, the Garrison, the Castle, and the like, upon all Occasions. 我告诉他,这是我的城堡和住宅,但是,像许多王公贵人一样,我在乡间还有一所别墅。如果需要,我可以去那儿休养一段时期。我说,以后有时间,我可以带他们到那儿去看看,但目前我们的首要任务是要考虑收复那只大船的问题。船长同意我的看法,可是,他说,他一时想不出什么办法,因为大船上还有二十六个人。他们既已参加了叛乱,在法律上已犯了死罪,因此已别无出路,只好一不做二不休,硬干到底。因为,他们知道,如果失败了,一回英国或任何英国殖民地,他们就会被送上绞架。但光靠我们这几个人,是无法向他们进攻的。我对他的话沉思了一会儿,觉得他的结论很有道理,因而觉得必须迅速作出决定。一方面,可以用出其不意的办法,把船上的那伙人引入某种圈套;另一方面,得设法阻止他们上岸攻打我们,消灭我们。 14. fetch 14. Oh, she'll certainly send Philippe to fetch me. 娜娜第一次听到这样的话,很生气。 15. The system has a friendly human machine interface, which includes multiple video zone, control zone and simulation zone. The operator's sensing and understanding of the current situation of the EOD operation scene were enhanced. Furthermore, by building robot model, environment model and bomb model and using C-space method and heuristic searching technology the function was developed that the EOD robot could fetch the bomb semi-automatically, which greatly improved its operating performance, improved the operation security and efficiency and decreased the mental pressure of the operator. 该系统拥有友好的人机界面,包括多视频区域、控制区域和仿真区域,在能够增强操作者感知和理解排爆现场状况的基础上,更通过建立机器人模型、环境模型和爆炸物模型,运用C空间方法和启发式搜索技术,开发了排爆机器人对爆炸物的半自主抓取功能,提高了操作安全性能和工作效率,降低了操作人员紧张程度,大幅度提高了排爆机器人的操作性能。 16. Which include five modules as follows: accout management module (deposit and fetch money, log-on, log-out, modify personal information, report loss), ATM management module (operators'management query and maintenace, users'query and fetch money), query statistic module (VIP users'statistic, ATM business statistic, abnormal query statistic, the total quality of cards and the total workload), report forms input and print. 用户查询模块;取款机信息管理模块:管理员管理查询和维护、客户查询和取款等功能;查询统计模块:VIP用户统计、ATM业务量统计、异动查询统计、持卡总量消费统计、工作量负荷统计等功能。通过该银行账户管理系统地运行,使办公人员可以轻松快捷的完成对账户管理的任务,提高账目管理效率,使银行的账目管理工作系统化、规范化、自动化。 17. fetch是什么意思 17. Which include five modules as follows: accout management module (deposit and fetch money, log-on, log-out, modify personal information, report loss), ATM management module (operators` management query and maintenace, users` query and fetch money), query statistic module (VIP users`statistic, ATM business statistic, abnormal query statistic, the total quality of cards and the total workload), report forms input and print. 解决了银行系统中存在的数据安全性、数据一致性以及系统运行速度等问题。帐户管理模块:存款、取款、开户、销户、修改信息、办卡、挂失卡;用户查询模块;取款机信息管理模块:管理员管理查询和维护、客户查询和取款等功能;查询统计模块:VIP用户统计、ATM 业务量统计、异动查询统计、持卡总量消费统计、工作量负荷统计等功能。 18. Which include five modules as follows: accout management module (deposit and fetch money, log-on, log-out, modify personal information, report loss), ATM management module (operators` management query and maintenace, users` query and fetch money), query statistic module (ATM business statistic, abnormal query statistic, the total quality of cards and the total workload), report forms input and print. 管理员操作、包括:用户存款管理、开户管理、注销用户管理;系统模块:存款、取款、开户、销户、修改信息、办卡、挂失卡;通过该ATM机管理系统地运行,使用户和管理员可以轻松快捷的完成对账户管理的任务,提高账户管理效率,使用户的账户管理工作系统化、规范化、自动化。 19. fetch 19. Whichinclude five modules as follows: accout management module (deposit and fetch money, log-on, log-out, modify personalinformation, report loss), ATM management module (operators`management query and maintenace, users` query and fetch money), query statistic module (VIP users`statistic, ATM businessstatistic, abnormal query statistic, the total quality of cards andthe total workload), report forms input and print. 用户查询模块;*取款机信息管理模块:管理员管理查询和维护、客户查询和取款等功能;*查询统计模块:VIP用户统计、ATM业务量统计、异动查询统计、持卡总量消费统计、工作量负荷统计等功能。通过该银行账户管理系统地运行,使办公人员可以轻松快捷的完成对账户管理的任务,提高账目管理效率,使银行的账目管理工作系统化、规范化、自动化。 20. I, said the linnet, i'll fetch it in a minute, i'll carry the link. 鸽子说,是我,我要哀悼我的爱,我将会当主祭。 fetch 词典解释 1. 去拿;去取;去接 If you fetch something or someone, you go and get them from the place where they are. e.g. Sylvia fetched a towel from the bathroom... 西尔维娅去卫生间拿了一条毛巾。 e.g. Fetch me a glass of water... 去给我拿杯水来。 2. 卖得;售得 If something fetches a particular sum of money, it is sold for that amount. fetch的反义词 e.g. The painting is expected to fetch between two and three million pounds. 预计这幅画将售得两三百万英镑。 3. see also: far-fetched;fetching 4. 做零活;干杂务;当听差 If you fetch and carry, you perform simple, often boring tasks for someone, such as collecting and carrying things for them. fetch在线翻译 e.g. I helped out in the tents fetching and carrying. 我在帐篷里帮忙打杂。 相关词组:fetch up fetch 单语例句fetch 1. Perfectly shaped salt water pearls that are formed by nature can fetch millions of dollars. 2. Zhu's wife must walk three kilometers on snaking mountain paths to fetch turbid water three times a day for her family and cattle. 3. That's why Ru porcelains are those most sought after by ceramics collectors and fetch high prices at auctions. 4. I ordered my maid to fetch me a razor from the convenience store. 5. The boy is lucky to have been born into an affluent family, and his parents'wealth can fetch him all the comforts of life. 6. Local buyers can fetch the meals from restaurants while nonlocal buyers can get them in vacuum packing via express delivery. 7. They start the morning with a downhill trek to fetch fresh water. 8. They are called on to fetch the car of a person who has been drinking and to drive that person home. 9. It's also been detected in the feed of hens and ducks to make their egg yolks red so they fetch higher prices. 10. The painting is expected to fetch in excess of $ 40 million. fetch的意思fetch 英英释义 fetch noun 1. the action of fetching verb 1. go or come after and bring or take back e.g. Get me those books over there, please Could you bring the wine? The dog fetched the hat Synonym: bringgetconvey 2. take away or remove e.g. The devil will fetch you! 3. be sold for a certain price e.g. The painting brought $10,000 The old print fetched a high price at the auction Synonym: bring inbring |
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