单词 | fillet |
释义 | fillet [英 [?f?l?t] 美 [f??le?] ] fillet的意思、解释 过去式:filleted; 过去分词:filleted; 现在分词:filleting; fillet 基本解释 名词肉片,鱼片; 头带,带状物; [建]平缘,木摺; [纹章学] 筋鞘 及物动词用带缚或装饰; 把(鱼、肉)切成片 fillet 相关例句 及物动词 1. Please fillet it for me. 请替我把它切成片。 fillet 网络解释 1. 给对象的边加圆角:其他对象的显示顺序(DRAWORDER)EL ---- 创建椭圆或椭圆弧(ELLIPSE)E ---- 从图形中删除对象(ERASE)X ---- 将组合对象分解为对象组件(EXPLODE)EX ---- 延伸对象到另一对象(EXTEND)F ---- 给对象的边加圆角(FILLET)HE ---- 修 2. 倒圆角:6-4 多边形指令(POLYGON)介绍6-5 绘制点指令(POINT)介绍6-7 修剪(TRIM)指令介绍6-8 聚合线(PLINE)指令介绍6-9 画建构线(XLINE)指令介绍6-10 射线(RAY)指令介绍6-11 修倒角(CHAMFER)指令介绍6-12 倒圆角(FILLET)指令介绍6-13 3. 3. 填角:填锡处的内圆填角 (fillet) 出现锯齿变化,或是出现破洞的空洞2. 正常的焊点或焊面,其已固化的锡面都应呈现光泽平滑的的外观. 所谓缩锡 (dewetting) 是指焊点或焊面呈高低不平、多处下陷,或焊锡面之支离破碎甚至暴露底金属, fillet 双语例句 1. Havent been to Tonkatsu for a long time because always need to wait for a long time, used to be my favorite. The quality of food is not as good as before, both pork fillet and pork chop are very dry. 开饭喇!》 OpenRice.com 为香港最具规模的餐厅指南及食评搜寻器,提供最新的饮食资讯、餐厅优惠及时令食谱,更是最受食家欢迎的食评发表平台及讨论区。 2. 2. In chapter 2 of this dissertation, using meshing theory system, it systematically studies the basic rack, flank equation, fillet and the cutting, engagement requirements, crest tipping, calculation and measurement of tooth thickness, which provides detailed theoretical basis for designing and manufacturing hob for DIGLST and the basis for processing and checking the gear. 本文第二章提出该齿轮的基准齿条和齿形参数,利用啮合原理系统地研究了齿面方程、齿轮传动正确啮合条件、齿顶变尖和齿根根切以及齿厚的计算与测量等,为设计齿轮、制造滚刀、加工检测等提供详细的理论依据。 3. 3. Kill the fish good to wash clearly, chop the bottom tail, the slice becomes fillet, and leave of the salmon steak chop a few pieceses. 将鱼杀好洗净,剁下头尾,片成鱼片,并把剩下的鱼排剁成几块。 4. Use fillet few salt, anticipate wine and living powder to grasp with an egg white evenly, preserve~ in salt for 15 minutes. 水煮鱼做法原料:鲈鱼一条或草鱼、黑鲢都可以、最好是活鱼、不要用鲤鱼,一斤黄豆芽,一小袋榨菜和自己喜欢的蔬菜,比如黄瓜,姜、蒜(一头,略拍即可,不必切)、葱适量,瓣、花椒、干红辣椒、辣椒粉、盐、味精、胡椒粉、料酒、酱油、醋少许、食用油,生粉、料酒、盐少许,蛋清一个做法:1、将鱼杀好洗净,剁下头尾,片成鱼片,并把剩下的鱼排剁成几块。 5. Mix sliced chicken fillet with salt, white pepper, cornstarch and oil 鸡杂出水,备用;将鸡柳与盐、胡椒粉、生粉和油拌匀 6. Can you cook all the chicken fillet without burning them? 你能难为无燃烧他们所有的鸡片? 7. Important: You must turn on create curve on surface on Circular Fillet Option box, otherwise you cannot trim the surface. 重要 :在你 Circular Fillet 时,一定要在选项框中选择在表面创建曲线,否则你将不能剪切曲面。 8. Rungs shall be continuously fillet welded inside each rail surface. 横档内部的每个轨道表面应该进行连续填角焊。 9. 9. The representation of parting surface, draft surface and transition fillet on forgings are usually the most difficult point in CAD system. 论文首先分析了现有各种模锻件几何造型系统和通用CAD/CAM系统用于锻件描述所存在的局限性,从技术可行性、实用性的角度综合考虑提出了利用体素和曲面拟合建立曲轴锻件几何模型的新方法。 10. fillet的翻译 10. Results indicate that the optimal HDPE and LLDPE proportion is 70 to 30; the practical molding time is 15 minutes and molding temperature is 290℃; the part thickness is 6 mm, and the close parallel walls, the fillet radius of inner surface and outer surface is 18 mm, 3.2 mm and 6.5 mm respectively; the material of the mold is aluminum. 结果表明:LLDPE/HDPE=70:30可作为滚塑成型原料;最佳成型时间15min,最佳成型温度290℃;制件壁厚为6mm,近距平行壁距离为3倍壁厚,圆角处内表面半径为6.5mm,外表面半径为3.2mm,加强筋采用高度较小的多条平式加强筋;模具为铸铝合金材质。 11. Through analysis of metallographic microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and EDS, it shows that BAgAl solders have good performance, wettability and liquidity on Ti and Ti alloy, as well as moderate brazing seam fillet and smooth dense surface. 用该钎料真空钎焊TC4/TC4,通过金相显微镜,扫描电镜及EDS观察分析,结果表明,该钎料性能优良,在Ti及Ti合金基体上的流动性和润湿性好,钎缝圆角适中,表面光洁致密。 12. The boss strongly recommends the rosemary roasted chicken leg, mint-fried fish, thyme roasted pork and French herbal fillet. 老板强力推荐迷迭烤鸡腿、薄荷煎鲷鱼、百里香烤猪排、法式香草牛菲力。。。等。 13. The main research contents and results embody as follows: According to the two typical drawing simulation of box part and cylindrical part, it is arrived a main method in improving sheet metal forming ability as follows: in the qualification of not initiating the wrinkle, brought more particle in fillet region into straight flange region, in the meantime cause the particle in the straight flange region run more distance towards the middle region which resistance is the minimal. A theoretical study of new technique is developed in sheet metal forming base on virtual power principle. The results indicate that decrease the equivalent stressσ, improve the lubricate state in contact surface, decrease the area, the normal contact stressσn and the equivalent strain velocityεin initial principal deformation region, adjust and optimize the particle cycle flow of work piece flange face will greatly increase the sheet metal draw ability in room temperature conditions. And drawing hole forming technology is araised based on the analysis above. 本文的主要研究内容和结果体现在以下几个方面:根据两个典型的拉深工艺盒形件和筒形件拉深的数值模拟结果,研究得出为提高板料拉深成形性能而应采取的工艺措施是,在不引发起皱的条件下,使得圆角区域中的质点更多地进入直边区域中,同时使直边区域中的质点、朝着流动阻力为极小的中部区域移动更大的距离;依据塑性力学的基本原理——虚功率方程,基于提高板料的成形性能的目的,对虚功率原理关系式中每项参数的变化,进行了深入的分析后得出,在覆盖件的拉深过程中,可通过适当的工艺方法与措施,减小等效应力σ,改善接触面上的润滑状态,减少初始主变形区的面积,减小主变形区的法向接触应力σn的量值,减小主变形区的等效应变速率ε,起到调节与优化工件法兰面上的质点的周向流动的作用,以此为基础,提出了拉深孔的工艺措施即拉深孔成形新工艺。 14. fillet 14. Cut Ono Fillet into small bite size pieces, season with Garlic and Black peeper seasoning, spray skillet with nonstick spray and preheat over medium heat. 小野削减鱼片成小咬大小件,季节与大蒜,黑马骏摄作料,用慢火喷雾与不粘喷涂预热和焖。 15. 15. Where the difference in thickness between the abutting member and the table member is considerable, the size of fillet welds will be specially considered. 例 1:当角接的两个构件的厚度相差甚大时,则该角焊缝的尺寸将予以特殊考虑。 16. fillet在线翻译 16. The analysis and test results show that the concentration of stresses at the end of fillet welds between the tensile anchor plate and the tensile anchor tube is obvious, and the maximum principal tensile stress occurs in the stress concentration region. 结果表明,锚拉板与锚拉筒之间的连接焊缝下端部应力集中明显,最大主拉应力出现在该区域;在设计疲劳荷载作用下,该结构关键构造细节处均未发现疲劳裂纹,结构疲劳性能满足设计要求。 17. fillet的近义词 17. A: Well, I would like to have a fillet mignon. 甲:嗯,我想要小牛肉丝。 18. In practical application item, UIC515 Code is firstly applied for analyzing the complete welded frame by finite element method to get the area with bigger nominal stress and lower fatigue behavior, and then study the hot spot stress fatigue strength evaluation approach of the typical fillet ring joint at the connection of tubular transom and side frame, the plate to plate end weld between side frame web plate and anti-yaw damper hold and the non-close ring end weld at the connection of braking unit hold and tubular transom. 在热点应力疲劳评估时,首先对焊接构架中的环向角焊缝、板间端焊缝以及非闭合环向端焊缝进行简化,得出了相应的几何应力集中系数和热点应力疲劳极限,为热点应力疲劳评估提供了依据。 19. The fatigue strength of duplex stainless steel welded jointing with longitudinal fillet welded gusset and with longitudinal flat side gusset welded on plate were evaluated by hot spot stress, and the hot spot stress S-N curves were obtained and compared with the nominal stress S-N curves. 针对双相不锈钢焊接结构的疲劳性能问题,通过试验对双相不锈钢纵向角接板焊接接头和侧面角接板焊接接头疲劳强度用热点应力进行了评定,做出了热点应力S N曲线并与名义应力疲劳评定进行了比较。 20. Basically, there are two directions of applied loads on the fillet welds: parallel to the weld length and transverse to the weld length. 角焊缝所受外载基本上按两个方向作用:一个与焊缝平行,另一个与焊缝垂直。 fillet 词典解释 1. (尤指牛肉)无骨肉片 Fillet is a strip of meat, especially beef, that has no bones in it. e.g. ...fillet of beef with shallots. 葱香无骨牛肉片 e.g. ...chicken breast fillets. 鸡脯肉片 2. 去骨鱼片 A fillet of fish is the side of a fish with the bones removed. e.g. ...anchovy fillets... 去骨鳀鱼片 e.g. I ordered a fine fillet of salmon. 我点了一份精品去骨鲑鱼片。 3. 剔除(鱼或肉)的骨头 When you fillet fish or meat, you prepare it by taking the bones out. e.g. Don't be afraid to ask your fishmonger to fillet flat fish. 尽管叫鱼贩子把比目鱼的鱼刺剔掉。 fillet 单语例句fillet 1. The beef cheek was very soft, while the beef fillet was a quality piece of meat. 2. The dishes were both full of flavor, although the beef fillet had a part that was a bit too hard to chew. 3. Served with mixed vegetables and lemon rice, the crispy snapper skin masked the firm and luscious fillet. 4. Cut up the pork fillet into slightly larger cubes about 1 cm square. 5. The fillet would be cut against the grain of the meat to maximize its tender goodness. 6. But if you are catering for a much smaller group, ask for a large piece of fillet nearer the head end. 7. " We had frog legs and fillet mignon, " he remembers. 8. So don't be surprise to see the Chinese ingredient of bamboo shoots incorporated into the traditional French dish of roasted turbot fillet. 9. There will also be pigeon cooked two ways, with roasted breast fillet and mashed pigeon liver. 10. The restaurant's sandwiches seem to follow the same theme, with pork fillet and pineapple combinations going for 54 yuan. fillet 英英释义 noun 1. fastener consisting of a narrow strip of welded metal used to join steel members Synonym: stopping 2. a narrow headband or strip of ribbon worn as a headband Synonym: taeniatenia 3. a bundle of sensory nerve fibers going to the thalamus Synonym: lemniscus 4. a longitudinal slice or boned side of a fish Synonym: filetfish filletfish filet 5. a boneless steak cut from the tenderloin of beef Synonym: filet verb 1. cut into filets e.g. filet the fish Synonym: filet 2. decorate with a lace of geometric designs Synonym: filet |
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