单词 | became |
释义 | became [英 [b??ke?m] 美 [b??kem] ] became的意思、解释 过去分词:become; 现在分词:becoming; became 基本解释 became的翻译 动词变为,成为( become的过去式 ) became 网络解释 1. became的近义词 1. 成为:was conceived和became都发生在过去,而威尼斯的蜕变(became)明显在前,因此,...钦定本译为作成(made),而我们把它译作成为(became)──一这个希腊字的动词就是gignesthai;它所描写的情况本身并不是恒久的. 2. 变得:becalmed 平静的 | became 变得 | because of 因为 became 双语例句 1. After world war II, then, communication studies became quite important. 二战后,传播的研究变得相当重要。 2. 2. Suddenly, it became clear to me: This was not my best-laid plan. 很明显地这跟我的^做**计划不同 3. 3. As the origin and foundation of the commercial bank, intermediary business is the core business through coin identity and exchanging, storing during the early stage of the commercial bank`s development. When the money-exchanging businessman became the commercial banker which regard asset and liability business as the core business, intermediary business, the core business at one time, changed to sideline occupation. Although it always exists, it was actually unimportant. In the later period 20th`s, there was a intensely competition between commercial banks, and when each commercial bank maintained its asset and liability business, at the same time, they began to attach importance to intermediary business being neglected, and run it in an innovative way. 中间业务是银行的起源和基础,在银行发展的早期曾经将铸币的鉴定和兑换、货币的保管、兑换作为其主营业务,但是,当货币兑换商演化为以存贷业务为主的银行之后,它赖以发家的主业----中间业务,就变成了副业,虽然这些业务一直都存在,但的确已经显得不重要了。20 世纪后期,商业银行之间的竞争异常激烈,各大银行在保持自己存贷业务的同时,开始重视一度被忽视了的中间业务领域,并开始用创新的方式去从事中间业务。 4. became在线翻译 4. This was the great reunion, and everybody gorged themselves silly, and appetite came into its own; the long-awaited meal became a feast to remember and an almost sacred celebration of life. 这是一次盛大的团聚,一个个食欲大振,狼吞虎咽,一副饿鬼相。这顿苦苦等候的晚餐变成空前盛宴,几乎成了生活神圣的庆典,让人刻骨铭心。 5. Owing to subjective errors and internal contradictions, it sometimes happened that he completely lost an excellent or fairly good position in which he enjoyed superiority and ipitiative, and became a general without an army or a king without a kingdom. 由于其主观错误和内部矛盾,可以将其很好的或较好的优势和主动地位,完全丧失,化为败军之将,亡国之君。 6. But it was Jeremiah's call to God's people to return to their bridal love for Him, which became the pivotal issue upon which Josiah's reformation turned. 但却是耶利米的呼召叫神的百姓回到与祂的婚姻爱情,这成了约西亚王改革的中心议题。 7. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. 小男孩樘成了一?男人,但仍就不懂女人?甚?哭泣。 8. The idea that tariffs should be reduced through bilateral and multilateral negotiations became part of the Atlantic Charter, the declaration issued by President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1941 as a rallying cry for nations opposing the military and economic aggression of fascist Germany, Italy, and Japan. 通过双边和多边贸易谈判降低关税的思想成为大西洋宪章的一部分,该宪章是罗斯福总统和英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔1941年发表的宣言,它是向那些反对法西斯德国、意大利和日本的军事和经济侵略的国家发出的共同呼吁。 9. July 30, 2000 and the world-famous U. S. company DuPont signed a cooperative agreement, became the first area of chemical fibers from DuPont was 3 GT product of the company, DuPont is the world's first eight franchise manufacturers. 2000年7月30日与世界著名的美国杜邦公司签署合作协议,方圆化纤成为国内首家从杜邦公司获得3GT产品生产权的公司,也是杜邦公司在全球的第8家特许制造商。 10. He talked of the reddening apples around, of the browning nuts, of jams and preserves and the distilling of cordials; till by easy stages such as these he reached midwinter, its hearty joys and its snug Home life, and then he became simply lyrical. 他讲到处处苹果在变红,野果在变黄,讲到制作果酱、蜜渍水果、蒸馏酒类;就这么一样一样,轻轻松松就谈到了隆冬,冬天的热闹欢乐,温暖舒适的屋内生活。这时,他简直变得诗意盎然了。 11. Neil Armstrong was man of the year in 1969 when he became the first person to walk on the Moon. 当尼尔·阿姆斯特朗在1969年成为第一个在月球上行走的人时,他曾名噪一时。 12. Martov is one of the propagators and practicers of the Marxism in Russia. He is one of the primary founders of Iskra and a master editor at its edit board, and also one of the predominant theorists and leaders of the Russian revolutionary history. At the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1903, the party split into Menshevik and Bolshevik because of the divarication between Mrtov and Lenin. Then they became the leader of each faction. 马尔托夫是马克思主义在俄国的传播者和实践者之一,是俄国社会民主工党机关报《火星报》的主要创办者和编委会中的一员,是俄国革命运动中卓越的理论家和领导人之一。1903年俄国社会民主工党第二次代表大会上,马尔托夫与列宁的分歧引起了党的分裂,而后,他们分别成为孟什维克和布尔什维克的主要领导人。 13. became的意思 13. In the autumn of 1934, he was transferred to Shandong University in Qingdao and became a professor there. 1930年7月起,到济南齐鲁大学任教。1934年秋,改任青岛山东大学教授。 14. Carter is vice president and director of sales and marketing for Intel, which became the third most valuable brand in the world by convincing consumers that, when it comes to computers, it`s what`s inside that counts. 他是英特尔的副总裁兼业务和市场部总监,英特尔已经成为了世界上最有价值的品牌第三名,这个品牌让消费者选择电脑时开始关心内在的芯片是什么。 15. I thought, at first, it was the crowing of cocks or the barking of dogs at some very distant farm; but steadily and gradually it took articulate shape in my ears, until I became aware that a passenger was going by upon the high-road in the valley, and singing loudly as he went. 起先我以为是从远处某个农庄传来的鸡鸣或犬吠;但这声音在我耳边一点一点变得清晰起来,最后我意识到山谷公路上有个夜行人一边走一边高歌。他所要表现的更多的是发自内心的情感,而非优美的歌喉;但他引吭舒啸,声音洪亮。 16. became 16. This Bun became a very popular delicacy in Georgian England as its special taste and lightness allowed it to be enjoyed with either sweet or savoury accompaniments. 这家店里吃到的bun,烤的特别地脆,加上特别独特的草莓酱和黄油,配上茶,味道就更好了。 17. Bypast some things have already past, already became the important moment of history. 过去的已经过去了,已经成为历史的一刻。 18. I gave 400, 000 iu of vit A on day 7. Her mood stabilized and her eye contact became perfect, she has retained eye contact since. 第七天我给她服用400,000 iu vit A ,她的情绪稳定,眼神接触也非常好,并且一直保持到现在。 19. Pardonable the length that reveals here horizon line chromophotograph became Chicago the most welcome one of travel souvenirs that also provide characteristic most. 难怪展示这里天际线的长幅彩色照片成了芝加哥最受欢迎也最具特色的旅游纪念品之一。 20. It became the No.1 poem of the West Lake, and it is still the most classical advertising word of the West Lake. 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。被誉为西湖的第一名诗,是西湖最经典的广告词。 became 词典解释 1. became 单语例句 1. Holyfield became undisputed champion by stopping Buster Douglas in three rounds in 1990. 2. Obama will visit a bustling construction site that bears little resemblance to the pit that became ground zero in the months after the attack. 3. It was originally built near a wharf and became a prosperous commercial center because of its location and the busy shipping business. 4. He became suspicious when he picked up his phone and heard a busy signal. 5. It concluded that the number of national security letters requested by the FBI skyrocketed in the years after the Patriot Act became law. 6. It sounds a little like Rover but it also sounds like " wrong way ", which initially became the butt of jokes among some of its Western rivals. 7. But the infamous play also quickly became the butt of Internet jokes, online games and parody videos. 8. He added that although the interest rate increase took place on October 28, rumours had been rife in October so people became more cautious in buying properties. 9. By and large, how the average American's interests could be protected became the focus of all negotiations. 10. Local people became well off day by day, and arable land was returned to bamboo forest. became是什么意思 |
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