单词 | belch |
释义 | belch [英 [belt?] 美 [b?lt?] ] belch的意思、解释 过去式:belched; 过去分词:belched; 现在分词:belching; belch 基本解释 不及物动词打嗝,嗳气; 喷出,吐出; 埋怨,抱怨 及物动词打嗝,嗳气; 喷射,喷出; 态度蛮横地发出(叱咤等) 名词打嗝,嗳气; 喷出物; 喷吐,喷射; 劣质啤酒 belch 相关例句 及物动词 1. A volcano belches smoke and ashes. 火山喷出黑烟和灰土。 2. Chimneys belch smoke. 烟囱冒出浓烟。 不及物动词 1. Obscenities belched out of him. 他口出污言。 2. belch 2. Artillery growled and belched on the horizon. 大炮轰鸣在地平面上猛烈地爆炸。 名词 1. He gave a loud belch. 他打了一个响嗝。 belch 网络解释 1. 打嗝:) 日常生活中我们免不了会打嗝(belch)、打哈欠(hiccup)、打喷嚏(sneeze)以及清嗓子(clear your throat),这些行为在中国人眼里是自然现象,所以我们的处理方式就是沉默不语. 2. 2. (响嗝):/beg (乞求) | /belch (响嗝) | /bite (啃咬) 3. 一阵阵冒出:belaying 挽缆的 | belch 一阵阵冒出 | Belfast 贝尔法斯特 4. 4. 嗳气:Ehlers-Danlos综合征, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome | 嗳气, belch | 凹陷性病变, excavated lesion, depressed lesion belch 双语例句 1. There stood a Hill not far whose griesly top [670] Belch'd fire and rowling smoak; the rest entire Shon with a glossie scurff, undoubted sign That in his womb was hid metallic Ore, The work of Sulphur. 玛门在天上坠落的天使中最为卑微当初在天庭便是垂头丧气的,他的眼睛总是向下看,而是却不欣赏神圣、光明的良辰美景,最称羡天庭的黄金砌地和豪华铺道。 2. Tis not a year or two shows us a man: They are all but stomachs, and we all but food; To eat us hungerly, and when they are full, They belch us. 男人是一张胃,我们是一块肉;他们贪馋地把我们吞下去,吃饱了,就把我们呕出来。 3. belch在线翻译 3. Nowell's intluence apparently extends beyond packaging for Liu 2, who occasionally stops mid-song to throw in a belch or two. Nowell对东明的影响很明显已经超出了包装的范畴,东明常常会在演唱到一半时打一两个嗝。 4. In addition, the baby often played belch cold, you have the problem? 另外,孩子经常打冷嗝,有问题吗? 5. belch的解释 5. My children the same way, but I gave her after the feed must have shot up a belch. 我的孩子也是这样,不过我给她喂完之后一定要抱起来拍个嗝。 6. Backgrounds and aimsInvigorating spleen Chinese medicines to promote digestion are of much more features in the whole of Chinese medicines, those Chinese medicines can obtain some good effects in treating such diseases as abdominal, belch, bepanthen, nausea and vomiting, anorexia, diarrhoea, adstricto, etc, resulting from fresh plot stagnation. 研究背景和目的健脾消食类中药是中药中较有特色的一类。该类中药对由食积停滞所致的脘腹胀满、嗳气泛酸、恶心呕吐、不思饮食、泄泻或便秘等症有较好的治疗效果。 7. belch的近义词 7. Andrea let out a very manly belch and we all thought that it had come from Ben, who thought that it had come from a platoon of drunken soldiers. 安德烈租出一个非常曼利嗳气,我们都认为,来自本,谁想到,它来自一个排的士兵醉酒。 8. belch的近义词 8. Forget it, not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet. 从你那会啧出字母块的表兄后我再也不敢领教了 9. belch 9. Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet. 从你那会喷字母的表兄后,我再也不敢领教了。 10. Forget it. Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet. 得了吧,就你那个能吐出字母表的堂兄? 11. belch的解释 11. Who could belch the alphabet. 算了吧,从你那会啧出字母块的表兄后 12. Soon you shall hear and feel the belly of this planet roar, hiccup, belch and spew. 很快你们会听到感觉到这个星球的腹部轰鸣,呃逆,迸发,喷涌。 13. belch的意思 13. Newborn infants after the hiccup or galactorrhea easily, so in the neonatal milk feed hiccup or belch after every shot. 新生儿吃奶后很容易打嗝或溢乳,所以在新生儿打嗝或喂完奶后都要拍嗝。 14. belch的反义词 14. There was positive correlation between 5-HT concentration and scores of main symptom, such as epigastric and abdominal distention, distention, belch, hiccup, in patients with FD. 肝胃不和型FD患者脘胁胀满或胀痛、吞酸、嗳气、呃逆等主要症状积分以及症状总积分与5-HT的含量均呈正相关;3。 15. She also took a large gulp of vodka and coke, the acid taste making her belch loudly. 她又喝了一大口伏特加对可乐,酸酸的味道让她打了一个很响亮的嗝。 16. His stomach jiggled as he let off a belch. 当他释怀的时候,他的胃轻摇一打嗝。 17. Baby enough to help after the baby after shooting back, will make a good belch. 孩子吃饱后帮孩子拍后背,打个嗝会好的。 18. Many children in this way before it is prepared to make good迷迷糊糊in infants, but did not find anything wrong, he ate a stable, you are not struggling to feed, feed is the best stand after hold for a while and let him make a belch milk on the go. 很多孩子都这样,要迷迷糊糊中才肯好好吃奶,不过没有什么不好,他吃得安稳,你喂得不费劲,就是喂完以后最好立着抱一会,让他打个嗝奶就下去了。 19. belch的翻译 19. My daughter is such a small time, but also often吐奶, but she was finished after the milk, but then I check a lot of books, this is because your baby`s stomach is not full-fledged development, combined with inhaled air, eating milk to erect against the mother holding pat their shoulders back, let your baby make a belch, the gas discharge. 我女儿这么小的时侯,也经常吐奶,不过她是在吃完奶以后,后来我查过很多书籍,这是由于宝宝的胃发育未完全成熟,加之有空气吸入,吃完奶要竖抱着靠在妈妈肩头轻拍其背部,让宝宝打个嗝,将气体排出。 20. Baby cry for a reason, then this child times down I know the reason, when infants sucked into the air, and not think that making the two make a belch can be put down, or take a few minutes on the go, baby usually did not have gas row out, you do not just because of this reason tension, as long as each feeding into the air when you do not, there is still more than after eating milk stand will hold one, if put to appear above circumstances you had to pat him, and slowly grew up a little baby will be all right, do not worry! 其实孩子哭是有原因的,后来这样儿次下来我了解了原因,吃奶的时候吸进空气了,不要以为拍两个打个嗝就可以放下了,或拍几分钟就放下,孩子通常是还有气没排出来,你也不要因为这个原因而紧张,只要每次吃奶时注意不要进空气了,还有吃完奶后多立着抱一会,如果放下去出现上面的情况你还是把他直抱着拍一拍,等孩子慢慢长大一点了就会好的,别担心! belch 词典解释 1. 打嗝 If someone belches, they make a sudden noise in their throat because air has risen up from their stomach. e.g. Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly. 加兰用手掩住嘴巴,小心地打了一个嗝。 2. 喷出,冒出(烟、火等);(烟、火等)喷出,冒出 If a machine or chimney belches something such as smoke or fire or if smoke or fire belches from it, large amounts of smoke or fire come from it. belch的翻译 e.g. Tired old trucks were struggling up the road below us, belching black smoke... 破旧的卡车冒着黑烟艰难地沿着我们下方的公路往上爬。 e.g. Suddenly, clouds of steam started to belch from the engine. 突然,滚滚蒸汽从发动机里冒了出来。 相关词组:belch out belch 单语例句belch 1. So why not let him seize the opportunity to be the first American president to drunkenly belch out ballads at a local KTV. belch 英英释义 noun 1. a reflex that expels gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth Synonym: belchingburpburpingeructation verb 1. expel gas from the stomach e.g. In China it is polite to burp at the table Synonym: burpbubbleeruct 2. become active and spew forth lava and rocks e.g. Vesuvius erupts once in a while Synonym: eruptextravasate |
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