释义 |
bibliography [英 [?b?bli??gr?fi] 美 [?b?bli?ɑ:gr?fi] ] bibliography的意思、解释 复数形式:bibliographies; bibliography 基本解释 名词书目提要,书目; 书志学,书志; 文献,文献学 bibliography什么意思 bibliography 网络解释 1. 参考文献:结论7、 参考文献(Bibliography):先英文,后中文 作者名,出版年月,文章名/书刊名,出版社,地点 9、致谢(Acknowledgement) 五、 毕业论文质量标准 (一)选题恰当、与毕业生的知识水平与认识能力相当; (二)内容丰富、资料翔实、论证充分有力; 2. 文献目录:凡修文科课的学生一般都要求写课程论文,教授对论文的引文、注释、征引文献目录(bibliography)等都有严格规定. 在校园面试结束后,招聘委员会先广泛征求意见,甚至包括研究生们的意见,然后作出一至三的排名,提交全系大会讨论,然后是无记名投票表决. bibliography 双语例句 1. bibliography的近义词 1. This course features a complete bibliography of readings and sample student assignments in the assignments section. 这课程包括一份完整的相关阅读资料书目和在作业部分的示例学生作业。 2. 2. For the moment, no data regarding the number of pectine teeth has been observed nor found by the author in the available bibliography. 目前,没有关于腹部节板齿的数目被作者或者在其它可利用到的书目里提到。 3. From bibliography angle, the category of Zhu-zi, included in Han Dynasty's Books List, has a school of novelist, which indicates that the novelist is a school of thought with the same nature as Zhuzi. 从目录学角度来看,《汉书艺文志》诸子略列有小说家,只能说明小说家是诸子之一,具有与诸子一样的性质,是一种学说派别。 4. The previous academicstudy is mostly related to its textual criticism, bibliography, history compilation, while paying little attention to the textual re2search itself. 以往学术界对它的研究,往往偏重于其史学思想、史学观点以及校勘学、目录学、历史编纂学等方面,而忽略了历史考据的本身。 5. bibliography什么意思 5. For each course, the amount of work and quality is equivalent to doctoral seminars of 4 semester hours in other schools, such as 30 hours of class time, 4 book reports of 10 pages each, and a research paper of 50 pages plus appropriate bibliography. 其他的2个必修科,会有一位教师个别的督导,使用面谈、传真、电话、电子邮件等方法,但不一定要上课。每科的内容要求,是等於其他学校的博士科4个学分的份量,有如上课30小时,4个读书报告,每个10页,一个50页的短论文等。 6. A final reference I have found is in DG Edwards'Historical Gazetteer and Bibliography of By-Product Coking Plants in the UK. 最后一个参考,我发现在总干事爱德华兹的历史地名和按书目,焦化厂的产品在英国。 7. It will even append a list of your references to make formatting a bibliography easy! 它甚至会追加的名单您参考,使格式书目容易! 8. The following list of books is provided as a bibliography for the course, broken down by major topics. 下列书单是本课程所会用到的参考书,依各堂课的主题分类。 9. 9. To make betel nuts being the implication of culture simble and to fing out the inner meaning, this research was constructed by five parts: Chapter I Introduction - interpreting the motivation, purpose and method, Chapter II - presenting the bibliography of different period and basic theory, Chapter III - gathering information by field investigation and interpreting with the theory of culture anthropology, Chapter IV - interpreting the thread of thought and social character of betel nuts in south Paiwan culture to explain the implication of the betel nuts culture in south Paiwan, Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestion - comprehending the tribe by the viewpoint of local people to provide a way for people who was interested in the culture of south Paiwan in the future. 第三章以田野调查方式广搜资料,辅以文化人类学理论加以诠释。第四章从槟榔著手、文化著眼,从部落角度出发,旨在探讨「槟榔」在南排湾文化脉络与的社会特色,诠释南排湾「槟榔」的文化意涵。第五章结论与建议,希望以在地人角度了解部落观点,期望本研究文本提供未来有兴趣之士作为认识南排湾文化的视窗。 10. During the construction of Chinese hermeneutics, we have to consult Western hermeneutic theories as academic references. Besides, a sufficient understanding and employment of subjects developed during the history of Chinese studies of interpretation, such as the annotative study of Zhang Ju, Xun Gu (text-based semantics), textology and bibliography, is necessary to construct hermeneutic theories based on the interpretation tradition of China. 在中国诠释学的创建过程中,我们一方面要借鉴西方诠释学的理论,以其作为学术参照,另一方面要从中国诠释传统的实际出发,对于在中国诠释历史中所形成的章句之学、训诂学、考据学、目录学等学科有充分的认识和使用,从而创建出立足于中国诠释传统的诠释学理论。 11. For all other parts of dogmatic theology see bibliography at the end of this section I. 对於其他所有零部件的教条式的神学见书目在本月底第。 12. Each illustrator selected by the Committee will be granted two pages in the Annual, for the reproduction of all or some of the illustrations as well as a space in the appendix to the Annual for the photo and bibliography. 每个入选的插画家,各有两页的空间,登载五张或局部的作品在年鉴里,而在卷末也有刊登插画家的照片、简历、图书和连络事项。 13. bibliography在线翻译 13. After comparing the clinical symptoms and physical signs between the analogous apoplexy group and apoplexy one, using American SAS statistical analysis soft ware to take logistic regression analysis on 2206 cases, combining with clinical practice, bibliography investigation and specialists experience, the main symptoms of analogous apoplexy were defined as vertigo, sensory disturbance, severe headache, visual abnormality, involuntary movement, mental aberration, epileptic attack, agnosia, alexia and agraphia, etc. 将临床上不以传统中风的突然昏仆、半身不遂、口舌歪斜、语言謇涩或不语、偏身麻木为主要临床表现的西医脑卒中统归为类中风进行研究运用类中风组与中风组临床症状体征对照的研究方法,采用美国SAS统计分析软件,对2206例调研资料进行logistic回归分析等多因素分析参考回归结果,并结合临床实际、文献调查、专家经验,从而确定了类中风的主症为眩晕,身体感觉障碍,剧烈头痛,视物异常,不随意运动,精神障碍,癫痫样发作,失认失读失写等为类中风的进一步研究奠定了基础 14. Based on Zhu Xi's theory and practice, Zhuwengong wenji was chosen so that Zhu Xi's administrative philosophy could be studied in detail from the aspect of bibliography. 本文选取《朱文公文集》作为研究的对象,立足于朱熹的管理理论和实践,从文献的角度,对朱熹的管理哲学思想进行详尽的探讨。 15. Wang Zhongmin; bibliography; index; summary 王重民;目录学;书目;索引;提要 16. bibliography 16. The book is divided into 19 chapters, with a prelude, coda, bibliography and index. 没有人的世界》分为19章,还包括序曲、结局、参考书目及索引。 17. This book Bibliography of respect for the classical tradition of the premise, according to the spirit of modern scholarship, re-set categories of people prepared to implement classification for sub Zhu Shu. 本书在尊重古典目录学传统的前提下,根据现代学术精神,重新设置类目,对人编诸书实行分类编次。 18. bibliography的意思 18. In tradition, Bibliography was developed with other desciplines such as textual studies, and it made great contribution to the studies in acedemic history and culture. 传统上,目录学是与校雠、版本等学科共同发展起来的,在治学术史和文化方面都发挥着重要作用。 19. bibliography的近义词 19. Mani Lama is a religious ceremony of equal pay for work of God, such as entertainment ghosts different types of folk art in soil formation, has its own bibliography and unique rap performance program. 喇嘛玛尼,是在宗教仪式的酬鬼娱神等各类不同的民间艺术土壤中形成的,有自己说唱书目和独特的表演程式。 20. If reading in the mode of batch processing, then the retrospective cataloguing i s of high speed, low cost and high quality, But the prerequisite is that the ISBN of the source and target databases have the same digits. But the ISBN of some old circulat ion system in use has a length of 10- character, the commerical bibliography database 13- character. 如果是批处理读出,则高速、低耗、高质量,但前提是原数据库与目标数据库的ISBN 号应一致,可是有的旧流通系统中ISBN 为10 位,商品书目数据为13 位。 bibliography 词典解释 1. (有关某一专题的)书目 A bibliography is a list of books on a particular subject. e.g. At the end of this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books. 本章末尾列有一份有用的精选书目。 2. (参考或引证的)文献目录,参考书目 A bibliography is a list of the books and articles that are referred to in a particular book. bibliography 单语例句bibliography是什么意思 1. Zhu's bibliography for his paper included more than 200 English books and files and experts say it was at the master's thesis level. bibliography的意思bibliography 英英释义 noun 1. a list of writings with time and place of publication (such as the writings of a single author or the works referred to in preparing a document etc.) |