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单词 flair
    flair [英 [fle?(r)] 美 [fler] ]
    flair 基本解释
    名词天分; 天资; 眼光; 鉴别力
    flair 网络解释
    1. 本能:助记:飞在边缘(edge)是小鸟(fledging),飞入湖(lake)中是雪花(flake),飞在空中(air)是本能(flair),飞来的姑姑(aunt)在炫耀(flaunt),锁(lock)到一起是一群(flock),飞出去(out)就遭到蔑视(),后(late)飞来的却在溜须拍马(flatter),
    2. 才华:进攻球员若是才华(flair)比较高,可以在此基础上弄高一些,比如罗西基,双18的创造力和传球,加上19的天分,这种球员无论如何都要给予20自由度--自由度在我看来是最重要的战术设置,一定要根据每个球员的特点和位置专门设计.
    3. 天赋:但苏俄芭蕾取两者最佳之处,融合技巧与天赋(flair)的特质成为世界最好的芭蕾. 就现今标准运动舞蹈在苏俄的情形,这种对过往的回首一瞥会证明是先知预言. 但是我同意大多数的舞者似乎不愿意从人群中站出来而与众不同,例如,
    4. 才能:多年的投资经验积累,令我学到成功的投资离不开耐性(patient)和才能(flair). 有才能(flair)的投资是指有远见和信念,如果投资者没有远见和长期看法,就只能流于平庸,被市场牵着走,短视的投资者往往「只看到树木而见不到森林」.
    5. flair:fluid attenuated inversion recovery; 液体衰减反转恢复序列
    flair 双语例句
    1. The Cuna bath tub features clean lines, crisp edges and a simple rectangular shape with flair.
    2. Premium leather upholstery features on the seats and the hand-stitched leather dashboard adds to the vehicle's design flair.
    3. Everything you do is splashed with your customary flamboyance and flair, and that includes your fashion image.
    4. But let me pose this question to you: Does Ric Flair respect me and what I`ve accomplished?
    但是让我对~造成这个问题你:Ric 锐利的眼力尊敬我吗,而且我有什么完成的?
    5. But Scorpios don't sacrifice style, so they will want to add flair, color and shapely design into the mix.
    6. Featuring drum and bugle corps with fluid roll steps, while DSU`s band is a show-style band featuring flair and high steps.
    7. flair在线翻译
    7. Therefore, our country government functionary must reinforce study of the theory unceasingly, politics level and politics flair improving self, achieve being able to grasp the Party's basic theory, can the science field judges circumstances, to await route, ...
    8. Or you can wear something with a little flair, with ruffles and lots of lace.
    9. Figure 2: Axial FLAIR demonstrates a cyst isointense to CSF with a mural nodule representing an eccentric scolex.
    10. He miraculously managed to do it and pulled it off by using the very same talents that made him a war profiteer - his flair for presentation, bribery, and grand gestures.
    11. This year`s programming reveals a French flair, and as usual will feature several lesser known works.
    12. In spite of different personal styles, French women possess a certain flair that`s emulated by women all around the globe.
    13. And mixing and matching colours to perfection, while French Flair is the
    14. For now Matt is applying some of the French flair and techniques to the winemaking at Sittella and is looking forward to the next vintage.
    15. As you scan the many options traditional kitchens offer, you may see that you are aiming for a particular flair such as French, Italian, or American Colonial.
    16. Dear Fellow brothers and sisters, Montreal is a very cultured city with strong French flair. Why not join in, be part of this warm celebration.
    17. The manual is divided into knelt oil, oil, put oil on the elbow, hands and oil, foot points put oil on oil, foot, and so on, 1 French put oil is a flair, is distinguished from other health and health care and its own special functions of the project.
    18. flair
    18. To wind around or about. Mini egg rolls, California sushi rolls and various dim sum dishes always add an exotic flair to a party.
    19. Do it with flair, and given enough exposure it might just get through.
    20. MRI shows a heterogeneous suprasellar mass with low signal intensity relative to gray matter on T1WI and FLAIR.
    flair 词典解释
    1. 天资;天赋;天分
    If you have a flair for a particular thing, you have a natural ability to do it well.
    e.g. ...a friend who has a flair for languages.
    2. 才华;资质;创意
    If you have flair, you do things in an original, interesting, and stylish way.
    e.g. Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'd expect.
    flair 单语例句flair的反义词
    1. Yet despite his flair for business, the multilingual ambassador has struggled with the language.
    2. This was also the first time a torch relay took place, adding ceremonial flair to the proceedings.
    3. Flair and confidence are two qualities that most characterize the atmosphere at The Loft.
    4. Your rooftop can be as enticing as a Patagonian mountain setting with a little imagination, a dash of your personal flair and lots of pizzazz!
    5. Elephant on a soccer pitch in Thailand on Thursday, as World Cup fever took on a decidedly local flair.
    6. Her outstanding flair for fashion earned her the title of " The Best Dresser of 1988 " awarded by the Japan Media and Magazine Association.
    7. Her flair for fashion has also earned her the title of''The Best Dresser in 1998''by the Japan Media and Magazine Association.
    8. Hulk Hogan is in constant agony, according to wrestling legend Ric Flair.
    9. Flair - who was in London to announce TNA's'Maximum iMPACT!
    10. Although Obama is known for a flair with the written and spoken word, his hardest mission is often to make complicated matters relevant to the masses.
    flair的近义词flair 英英释义
    1. distinctive and stylish elegance
    e.g. he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
    Synonym: dashelanpanachestyle
    2. a natural talent
    e.g. he has a flair for mathematics
    he has a genius for interior decorating
    Synonym: genius
    3. a shape that spreads outward
    e.g. the skirt had a wide flare
    Synonym: flare




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