单词 | fled |
释义 | fled [英 [fled] 美 [fl?d] ] fled的意思、解释 现在分词:fleeing; fled 基本解释 fled什么意思 逃走,逃掉( flee的过去式和过去分词 );逃离,逃避; fled的解释 fled 网络解释 1. 逃离:此间,威尔逊曾经找G&D协助,而后者完全无能为力,其总裁逃离(fled)中国内地,办公室也无人接听电话. FIS还试图通过美国驻华使馆、美国商务部、美中商会寻求帮助,但都没有结果. FIS致函建行,要求与新的管理层见面会谈, 2. 逃避:在威胁和挑战面前,恐龙的反应有三种,反抗(Fight)、逃避(Fled)或由于过度震惊,导致既不能思维也不能行动的惊惶失措(Fright),当我们受到压抑时,我们都可以感受到. 3. 3. 亡命悍將:747絕地悍將 executive decision | 亡命悍將 fled | 終極悍將 last man standing 4. fled 4. 有的逃之夭夭:...scattered...|...有的尸骨无存... | ...fled.|...有的逃之夭夭 | Or risen again from the ashes.|有的浴火重生 fled 双语例句 1. fled的近义词 1. And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and discomfited all the host. 8:12 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑。基甸追赶他们、捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿、惊散全军。 2. 12 Zebah and Zalmunna, the two kings of Midian, fled, but he pursued them and captured them, routing their entire army. 8:12 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑。基甸追赶他们、捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿、惊散全军。 3. And when Zebah and Zalmua fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmua, and discomfited all the host. 8:12 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑。基甸追赶他们,捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿,惊散全军。 4. fled 4. And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and humiliated all the host. 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑;基甸追赶他们,捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿,惊散全军。 5. 5. He said most of the houses searched near the attack contained only women and children because the men had fled, fearing arrest. 根据这位伊拉克军官说,在袭击附近被搜索的民屋中大部分都是妇女和儿童。因为男人由于害怕被逮捕而纷纷逃离。 6. I am frightened, and hurriedly fled the bedroom of my sister Barbara's. 我吓坏了,赶紧逃向了我妹妹芭芭拉的卧室中。 7. Thousands of people have fled the disputed Sudanese oil town of Abyei after fresh fighting on Friday. 经过周五一天的激战之后,数以千计的苏丹人纷纷从苏丹石油小镇安贝艾逃离。 8. fled 8. But all the bloomy flush of life is fled. 而整个精力旺盛的青春已经一去不复返了。 9. Before the y fled the country, the enemy vainly attempt ed to destroy all the factories. 敌人在逃往国外前,妄图把所有工厂都毁掉。 10. Thailand has confirmed the reports that thousands of ethnic Karen villagers have fled into the country to escape fighting in neighboring Burma. 有报道说成千上万的缅甸凯伦族村民为躲避战乱,逃到毗邻的泰国,泰国对此报道予以了确认。 11. 11. Hundreds of workers fled Tsavo, halting construction on the bridge. 数百名工人逃离察沃,停止建设的桥梁。 12. Aimlessly strike, but the hearts of struggling to shore fled; substantially decreased and a life of a bygone life. 漫无目的罢,却奋力向心中的彼岸驶去;又似一个生命,一个逝去的生命。 13. From the thousands of loyalists who fled there from the United States. 英语的流入人口来自于成千上万英王的效忠者,这些人从美国逃到了加拿大。 14. At that time, Wu Song Doo kill Xi Men-qing, Pan Jinlian know Dahuo imminent, hurried escape ran out, she would like to, ah, this is all to blame Xi Men-qing, Simon inauspicious, fled to the East Gate. 当年,武松斗杀西门庆后,潘金莲知道大祸临头,慌忙跑出来逃命,她想啊,这事全是西门庆给惹的,西门不吉利,往东门逃。 15. 15. Princes, generals, and common soldiers, casting away their armor, fled in all directions. 王侯,将领,和士兵们,都弃甲曳兵,狼狈而逃。 16. So they got up and fled in the dusk and abandoned their tents and their horses and donkeys. 所以,在黄昏的时候他们起来逃跑,撇下帐棚,马,驴,营盘照旧,只顾逃命。 17. Joshua and the main body of the Israelites fled in seeming defeat toward the desert 若苏厄和以色列人在他们面前诈败,沿着往旷野的路奔逃 18. As the volcano erupted. the villagers fled for their lives. 由于火山喷发,村民们仓忙逃命。 19. Criminal Investigation Bureau is responsible for full investigation and hunt for black four teams, through the implanted chip tracking, online games and e-mail, Internet video phone IP address of the search, to the black last 1, 2 weeks to master, fled to North the central and more reliable clues to confirm from the mountains to the plains black, in full confidence to grasp, the prosecutors and police to give him a fatal blow to the dragon finally Shoudaoqinlai. 负责全力追缉小黑的刑事局侦四队,透过植入晶片追踪、网路游戏与电子信箱、网路视讯电话等IP位址的搜寻,掌握到小黑最近1、2周流窜到北、中部多地的可靠线索,确认小黑已从山区到平地,在十足信心把握下,检警给他致命性的一击,恶龙终於手到擒来。 20. fled什么意思 20. He says a lot of people who fled here after the Vietnam War eventually ended up in the seafood industry on the Gulf of Mexico. 他说,谁的人后逃离越南战争终于结束了在海产品行业对墨西哥湾这里很多。 fled 单语例句 1. The suspects fled to a larger pirate vessel without damaging the Kition, but were intercepted by the warship an hour later. 2. Europeans and Lebanese with foreign passports already have fled by the thousands. 3. The truck driver had fled the scene by the time rescuers arrived. 4. But his doubt is shared by thousands of people who have fled their homes after surviving the quake. 5. Police arrested the duo last Friday after a cab driver they had robbed called police soon after they fled with his money. 6. The man fled but was caught a few days later when the householder ran into him in an Internet cafe and called the police. 7. He fled to his native France on the eve of sentencing in 1978 after spending 42 days in a California prison for a psychiatric evaluation. 8. But the bandits fled the ship with Phillips as their captive, holding him in the lifeboat until the SEAL sharpshooters rescued him. 9. The length of time they were held has not been reported but their captivity was ended when Guo fled and raised the alarm. 10. Sun subsequently fled to Hong Kong, where he furthered his education before starting a career in medicine in 1892. |
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