单词 | decidedly |
释义 | decidedly [英 [d??sa?d?dli] 美 [d??sa?d?dli] ] decidedly的意思、解释 decidedly 基本解释 副词果断地; 明确地; 坚决地; 毫无疑问地 decidedly 双语例句 1. Prior to his election as President of the United States, the issue of Barack Obama's citizenship by birth on US soil lay on the hot coils of debate. This argument brought to light questions regarding Obama's ancestral ties, which decidedly link him to the land of Kenya on the African continent. 在奥巴马当选美国总统之前,关于奥巴马美国公民的问题引起了激烈的辩论,这个讨论挖掘了奥巴马的祖辈关系,决定奥巴马是属于非洲大陆的肯尼亚。 2. Even at this time of day her flat in the Boulevard Haussmann was not entirely furnished. The drawing room alone was finished, and with its red satin upholsteries and excess of ornamentation and furnirure it struck a decidedly false note. 娜娜一直在迟疑不决,明显看出她的内心很痛苦,她在进行剧烈的思想斗争,她竭力使自己平静下来,并打定主意,她在游艺剧院走廊的拐弯处停下来,站在一家扇子店的橱窗前。 3. decidedly的解释 3. I will not go, he said decidedly. 他坚决地说我不会去的。 4. Holmes said what he could in favor of the project, but my father was decidedly against it, and at last gave a flat denial. 霍尔莫斯说了许多对于这个计划赞同的话,但是我的父亲对这件事似乎已有决定,终于严加拒绝。 5. 5. This decidedly anti-establishment saga of garbage dumps closed on Thanksgiving, good ol'Officer Obie, as well as Guthrie's experiences with the draft succeeds not only because of the unusual and outlandish situations that the hero finds himself in; it is also his underdog point of view and sardonic delivery that maximize the effect in the retelling. 这个垃圾场果断成立反事件在感恩节,好醇'官奥比,以及与草案的格思里的成功经验,关闭这不仅是因为不寻常的情况和古怪的英雄发现自己,更是他的劣势点提供意见,并嘲讽最大化,在复述的影响。 6. He is decidedly and have finished this one-short deal within two days. 比如:他是个很阴险的家伙,不要和他做这一笔子买卖。 7. By this token, we must take some decidedly action to manage the waste problem. 由此看来,必须立即采取果断行动研究污染问题的整治措施。 8. You are decidedly right, and we may reach the Palazzo by two o'clock. 你说得对极了,我们或许可以在两点钟到达公爵府。 9. 9. There is also a fragment of a letter by Priscillian which is quoted by Orosius, a decidedly hostile witness. 也有片段的信普里西利安这是所引述的orosius ,坚决敌对的证人。 10. Ao Fei of good intention advantage Ya fall and have no to blame him, his cold decidedly non original idea that feels prince merely, complete is because of his crazy disease. 她认为王子以前的高贵和睿智仿佛是一串美妙的铃铛能奏出非常动听的音乐,可是现在悲痛和忧郁损毁了他的心灵和理智,所以铃铛只能发出一片刺耳的怪响。 11. decidedly在线翻译 11. On the streets of * siders? the opinions on presidential race are decidedly mixed. 在布宜诺斯艾利斯街头,人们对总统竞选的看法各不相同。 12. Other than self-service checkout stations, the Neighborhood Markets are decidedly no-frills in comparison to the average Albertsons store, which often has its own butcher, baker, and gourmet coffee bar. 不同的是,艾伯森设有自己的屠宰工,面包师,以及咖啡馆,而沃尔玛除了自身的检疫检验站之外,别无其他不必要的服务。 13. On the other hand, our Risk Premium model is decidedly on the optimistic end of our valuation models. 另一方面,我们的风险保险费模式决定性地是处于我们各种价值化模型乐观的一端。 14. This coquettish garden, formerly decidedly compromised, had returned to virginity and modesty. 这个俏丽的园子,从前曾严重地被玷污,如今又回到幽娴贞静的处女状态。 15. 15. In front of CNBC cameras, Yu Yongding, an academic who was formerly an advisor to the Chinese central bank, got the discussion off on a decidedly bearish tone for the dollar, with strong criticism of public finances in the U. S. 在CNBC电视频道的摄像机前,曾是中国央行货币政策委员会成员的余永定以其断然看跌美元的言辞引发了这场讨论,他强烈批评了美国的公共财政。 16. 16. But in China, it's decidedly second tier. 但是在中国,它却属于第二个层级。 17. Needless to say this inhibited the growth and popularity of a decidedly costal sport, adding a doubtlessly unusual angle to the already numerous challenges that face wave and dude, and so, during its nascency here, surfing was limited largely to American soldiers in and around Jin Shan and surrounding beaches. 对于冲浪还尚处在初级阶段的台湾来说,也只有为数不多的美国士兵们在金山等海滩从事冲浪运动。 18. decidedly的翻译 18. I am most decidedly a wage slave, and it sounds as if you are too. 我毫无疑问属于前者,听上去你好像也是。 19. He is decidedly attractive, so Im disappointed that he directs his greeting and all subsequent remarks at the potted orchid over my left shoulder. 他当然很有魅力,所以,当他略过我的左肩,对着兰花盆景打招呼和说话时,我感到很失望。 20. 20. This dandy was smoking, for he was decidedly fashionable. 那个佳公子还吸着烟,因为那肯定是时髦的风尚。 decidedly 词典解释 1. 明显地;显然 Decidedly means to a great extent and in a way that is very obvious. e.g. Sometimes he is decidedly uncomfortable at what he sees on the screen... 他有时会对屏幕上出现的画面明显感到不自在。 e.g. Representatives of the other branches adopted a decidedly different view... 其他分部的代表持截然不同的观点。 decidedly 单语例句 1. The sushi is decidedly more Californian than Japanese, with predominantly creamy textures and slightly sweet flavors. 2. The consequence was that these had a decidedly different effect on the US. 3. BEIJING - A new hotline that people can use to report illegal mapping services has been decidedly cold since its launch on April 21. 4. The decidedly lackluster performance of the national football team in the World Cup qualifying matches has saddened the heart of many a football fan. 5. We noticed a decidedly increased silky smoothness as we washed away the scrub, then sipped delicious watermelon juice contentedly. 6. Kerry offered warm words about each other in their speeches last night, just two days after their decidedly unfriendly debate in New York. 7. Los Angeles still leads the woeful Pacific Division by eight games, but the Lakers have looked decidedly average for most of the past two weeks. 8. But it wasn't licensed for a civil wedding, so the couple chose the decidedly more downscale town hall. 9. Although there were those who took in the show as second choice, it very decidedly won the approval of art lovers. 10. The restaurant's decor looks decidedly " ancient ", with Chinese prose written in classical style adorning the walls alongside other old paintings. decidedly 英英释义 adv 1. without question and beyond doubt e.g. it was decidedly too expensive she told him off in spades by all odds they should win Synonym: unquestionablyemphaticallydefinitelyin spadesby all odds |
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