单词 | defiant |
释义 | defiant [英 [d??fa??nt] 美 [d??fa??nt] ] defiant的意思、解释 defiant 基本解释 形容词挑衅的; 目中无人的; 蔑视的; 大胆的 defiant 相关例句 形容词 1. The defiant child was punished. 这个不顺从的孩子受到了惩罚。 defiant 网络解释 1. 挑战的:defiance 挑战 | defiant 挑战的 | defiantly 挑战地 2. defiant的近义词 2. 挑战的, 挑衅的, 目中无人的:cynical愤世嫉俗的, 冷嘲热讽的; 玩世不恭的 | defiant挑战的, 挑衅的, 目中无人的 | detached超然的;公平的;公允的 3. 挑衅的:defiant 目中无人的 | defiant 挑衅的 | defiantly 挑战地 4. 大胆反抗的:deciduous#每年落叶的 | defiant#大胆反抗的 | decrepit#衰老的 defiant 双语例句 1. Movana`s simple act of shredding and knitting magazines is in itself a defiant act of resistance to consumer culture. 切碎和编织杂志这个简单的行为里包含了陈丽云对消费文化的挑衅和抵制。 2. Her mother was an erect, square-shouldered, defiant woman 她的妈妈是一位挺胸直立,双肩宽阔而目空一切的女人。 3. No defiant last words, Dr. Jones? 没有大义凛然的最后遗言了 Jones博士? 4. Conduct disorder, usually occurring in younger children, primarily characterized by markedly defiant, disobedient, disruptive behaviour that does not include delinquent acts or the more extreme forms of aggressive or dissocial behaviour. 这类行为规范障碍症发生於九或十岁以下的儿童。其定义为有明显的反抗,不服从、激怒他人的行为,但是无较严重的损害别人权益或违法的异规性或攻击行为。 5. She's defiant, but obviously it gets to her. 她是目中无人的,但其实她也是在乎的。 6. defiant的意思 6. I must say those are really defiant to Chinese culture. 这也是我从开始就很担心的一件事。 7. She talked to us with a defiant manner. 她用蔑视的态度和我们说话。 8. 8. Do not pretend that you do not see them because it shows a defiant manner. 你的不理不睬是没有礼貌的表现。 9. defiant 9. She looked at him with a defiant air. 她用蔑视的神情望着他。 10. defiant的近义词 10. By 14 or 15, some girls become defiant about clothes. 到14或15岁的时候,有些女孩在穿着上变得很固执。 11. defiant的解释 11. Announcer must be in'defiant'below the condition, accomplish hard'the somebody in the heart', want namely numerous to sufferring have specific tentative idea, hold from the feeling suffer numerous existence and constantly with suffer numerous sentient communication, echo, this is object feeling. 播音员必须在`目中无人`的条件下,努力做到`心中有人`,也就是要对受众进行具体设想,从感觉上把握受众的存在并时时和受众有感情的交流、呼应,这就是对象感。 12. Her sharp tongue and defiant behavior had brought her people`s doom upon them, not he. 给精灵们带来了毁灭的正是她的尖牙利嘴和挑衅行为,而非他所造成。 13. Defiant, idealistic, young and strong – these four warriors stand as reminder of both the fleeting glories of war and its ultimate, terrible cost. 高傲,理想化,年轻,强壮----这四名勇士矗立于此仿佛就是在警视人们飞逝中的战争荣誉和不可言表的惨烈代价 14. All day the fire-steed flies over the country, stopping only that his master may rest, and I am awakened by his tramp and defiant snort at midnight, when in some remote glen in the woods he fronts the elements incased in ice and snow; and he will reach his stall only with the morning star, to start once more on his travels without rest or slumber. 一整天,这火驹飞过田园,停下时,只为了它主人要休息。就是半夜里,我也常常给它的步伐和凶恶的哼哈声吵醒;在远处山谷的僻隐森林中,它碰到了冰雪的封锁;要在晓星底下它才能进马厩。可是既不休息,也不打盹,它立刻又上路旅行去了。 15. Objective:To explore risk factors of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder comorbid with oppositional defiant disorder in children. 目的:探讨儿童注意缺陷多动障碍共患对立违抗性障碍的危险因素。 16. defiant的解释 16. Age mellows us in this sense, and therefore transitively can serve to dim the tiny defiant voice that in the past urged us on through pain. 年龄的增长让我们成熟,所以曾经痛苦的经历可以帮助我们减弱这种反抗的声音。 17. Brief and powerless is Man's life; on him and all his race the slow, sure doom falls pitiless and dark. Blind to good and evil, reckless of destruction, omnipotent matter rolls on its relentless way; for Man, condemned to-day to lose his dearest, to-morrow himself to pass through the gate of darkness, it remains only to cherish, ere yet the blow falls, the lofty thoughts that ennoble his little day; disdaining the coward terrors of the slave of Fate, to worship at the shrine that his own hands have built; undismayed by the empire of chance, to preserve a mind free from the wanton tyranny that rules his outward life; proudly defiant of the irresistible forces that tolerate, for a moment, his knowledge and his condemnation, to sustain alone, a weary but unyielding Atlas, the world that his own ideals have fashioned despite the trampling march of unconscious power. 人的生命是短暂而脆弱的,不可避免的死亡虽然缓慢,但一定会降临在每一个人身上,阴森而无情,这个全能的物质世界毫不容情地滚滚前行无视善恶,任意摧毁,对与人来说,注定今天要失去最亲爱的亲人朋友,明天自己也要通过黑暗的死亡之门,人的生命存在就在于死亡来袭之前,珍惜那些使他短暂的生命变得高贵的思想,鄙弃对命运的恐惧,对自建的圣坛顶礼膜拜,不受机缘的摆布,摆脱主宰他外部生活的粗暴统治而取得心灵的自由,敢于骄傲地向那些不可抗拒的压力挑战----这些压力对其认识和判断力不过是暂时的----他就像疲惫而不屈的擎天巨神,独自支撑着他自己的理想世界,对这种无意识力量的肆意践踏毫不理会。 18. Her hair was coloured with a defiant streak of red. 她的头发上染了几条鲜艳的红色。 19. It is an outburst of wild defiant sorrow, and of contempt for all the adversities of the world. 这是一种充满野性挑战的哀鸣,一种对世界上所有灾祸的蔑视。 20. Recalcitrant:authority(obstinately defiant of authority or raint)::? 拥有前者性格的人不容易后者 defiant 词典解释 1. 违抗的;蔑视的;挑战的;不服的 If you say that someone is defiant, you mean they show aggression or independence by refusing to obey someone. e.g. The players are in defiant mood as they prepare for tomorrow's game... 球员在备战明天的比赛时带着蔑视对手的情绪。 e.g. Despite the risk of suspension, he remained defiant. 尽管可能会被停职,他仍然桀骜不驯。 defiantly They defiantly rejected any talk of a compromise. 他们轻蔑地拒绝任何提及妥协的内容。defiant 单语例句defiant 1. Chelsea dominated this west London derby, but lacked the attacking edge needed to carve open this defiant Fulham defence. 2. The Dutchman was booed before kickoff but he struck a defiant chord after the game. 3. It seriously angered many Chinese people and hundreds of articles flooded the net in defiant proof of how clean Chinese dormitories were. 4. Saddam had been defiant and combative during previous sessions of the trial, often trying to dominate the courtroom. 5. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has been struggling to contain increasingly defiant Islamic militants, and in the recent clashes gunmen from his Fatah party confronted armed Hamas fighters. 6. " It's defiant, " Dalyell said in a telephone interview from his home in Scotland. 7. But defiant travel agents seeking to boost passenger numbers on domestic flights have continued to slash ticket prices - despite warnings of harsh punishment. 8. Therefore a defiant Tehran will no doubt invite harsher sanctions especially from Israel, which sees an Iran in possession of a nuclear weapon as a great security threat. 9. But moderate Iranian politicians have blamed Ahmadinejad's defiant rhetoric for pushing Iran toward international isolation and want a less confrontational approach. 10. The Koreas have long sought to form a joint 2008 Olympic team, but talks were temporarily suspended due to the North's defiant missile test in July 2006. defiant 英英释义 defiant的翻译 adj 1. boldly resisting authority or an opposing force e.g. brought up to be aggressive and defiant a defiant attitude Synonym: noncompliant |
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