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单词 deficit
    deficit [英 [?def?s?t] 美 [?d?f?s?t] ]
    deficit 基本解释
    名词赤字; 亏损; 亏空; 不足额
    deficit 网络解释
    1. deficit
    1. 逆差:如果收入大于支出,国际收支的差额就称为顺差(Surplus如果支出大于收入,这个差额就称为逆差(Deficit如果收入和支出相等,就称为国际收支平衡(Equilibrium).
    2. (预算)赤字:欧盟统计局表示,希腊2009年预算赤字(Deficit)高于早前的估计,且数据仍可能继续向上调整,另外穆迪下调希腊主权评级至A3,周四欧元EUR受打压再次大幅下跌,欧元EUR/美元USD一度跌至11个月低点.
    3. 财政赤字:但美联储前主席格林斯潘上周五接受媒体采访时表示,债券收益率上扬,表明投资人对庞大的联邦债务很担心,可能预示中长期利率水平的进一步上扬. 同时,美国利率掉期息差本周也缩窄至记录最低水平,表明投资人对不断上升的财政赤字(Deficit)非常担心.
    deficit 双语例句
    1. deficit
    1. Slower growth in the US could narrow its current account deficit, but this is not without risks.
    2. deficit在线翻译
    2. She deferred hard questions, such as how to square tax cuts with deficit reduction, until after the NRW election.
    3. Objectives: To test the hypothesis that atomoxetine is noninferior to methylphenidate in improving Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms.
    目的 :验证经过约 8 周的双盲治疗后,托莫西汀对注意缺陷多动障碍症状的改善不亚于哌甲酯。
    4. According to the committee, the fiscal deficit has risen to US$3.2bn.
    5. This model is used to dynamically simulate the water-integrated relation between the roots and shoots of winter wheat and the simulation reveals that the relation is linear at the tillering stage, no matter how much water there is in 0~1.0 m soil; the relation is mutually contributive at first and then mutually inhibitory at the booting stage, no matter how much water there is; and at the heading stage, the shoots promote the roots where soil water is sufficient and the shoots first promote and then inhibit the roots where soil water is deficit.
    6. Times be liable for the payment of any deficit balance of Customer upon demand by GFG Ltd.
    客户应一直有义务在GFG 公司要求的情况下支付客户的任何亏损
    7. But for long time, most investors of our country think that environmental investment all has public welfare and macro view, suffers a deficit because of devotion much and production little, receives seldom direct returns.
    8. In the meantime, China needs to fund its rising deficit.
    9. Foreign investors fund the deficit partly because of the strength of the US economy.
    10. But by reducing China's demand for US securities, it might make it harder for the US to fund its deficit.
    11. The U. S., for example, must borrow from foreigners to fund its budget deficit.
    12. Fund shortage and operation profit deficit. Of course, China is no exception.
    13. In his view, there is no issue of the size of one billion yuan of funds, is certainly an operating deficit of the Fund.
    14. That is why Mr Obama now needs to produce a credible plan to tackle America`s vast budget deficit.
    15. Rental driver has eaten to have a deficit, bade his brethren does not want fribble.
    16. However, there is a lot of lawless elements often use this model to money, Does handbag company, borrowed money was not a possible product, and even the operation of loss-making products, by drawing the head agent fees to window-shattering making excessive profits, if running at a deficit Racket buttocks leave, resulting in a number of co-operation agent losses, two missing and wealth!
    17. But when economy begins to stabilize, the stimulus package should withdraw at a proper time, or a series of negative externalities such as heavy fiscal burden and financial deficit, potential inflation, crowding-our effect of fiscal policy, moral hazard and anti-marketization and so on may arise.
    18. deficit的解释
    18. China trade deficit stems also from other non-exchange factors and could not be fully corrected through exchange rate adjustments.
    19. The more than $1 trillion expansion in Treasury borrowing surely partially serves to offset the $438 billion budget deficit.
    20. In the 1990s, the deficit problem of the state owned enterprises is becoming more and more severer.
    deficit 词典解释
    1. 差额;赤字;亏损;逆差
    A deficit is the amount by which something is less than what is required or expected, especially the amount by which the total money received is less than the total money spent.
    e.g. They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.
    e.g. ...a deficit of 3.275 billion francs.
    deficit 单语例句
    1. Although the Stability and Growth Pact may be elastic enough to permit some deficit stimulus, a country may feel constrained from acting as aggressively as it wants.
    2. Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a fiscal emergency to address California's deficit and has ordered state offices closed three days a month to save cash.
    3. When the US current account deficit frightens investors, it will cause the cost of capital to rise for the United States.
    4. The SFC also found that the firm had deficit in the required capital as on 30 June 2006.
    5. But economists believed the trade deficit would not last, amid efforts to control capital flow and combat inflation.
    6. The other $ 2 trillion deficit was offset by the robust return of the dollar capital to the US.
    7. Democrats chided the package for its proposed cuts and because they said it obscured more serious deficit problems ahead.
    8. So those concerned with job losses in US manufacturing should join the chorus lobbying for a much smaller fiscal deficit.
    9. Beijing seeks an FTA with Seoul to help ease its chronic trade deficit with South Korea.
    10. The ballooning deficit problem has drawn wide concerns under the circumstance of a sovereign debt crisis in Europe.
    deficit 英英释义
    1. the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
    e.g. new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit
    Synonym: shortageshortfall
    2. an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period)
    e.g. last year there was a serious budgetary deficit
    3. (sports) the score by which a team or individual is losing
    4. a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning
    e.g. the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory
    they have serious linguistic deficits




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