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单词 deluge
    deluge [英 [?delju:d?] 美 [?d?ljud?] ]
     过去式:deluged;   过去分词:deluged;   现在分词:deluging;
    deluge 基本解释
    名词洪水; 泛滥; 倾盆大雨
    及物动词使淹没; 使泛滥
    deluge 相关例句
    1. We were deluged with inquiries.
    2. He was deluged with questions.
    deluge 网络解释
    1. 洪水:A 在亚当(Adam)的堕落里,我们都犯罪了. B 圣经(Bible)的心意,希望人找到天堂. C 基督(Christ) 为罪钉死在十字架上. D 洪水(Deluge)淹没了大地. E 以利亚(Elijah)藏在溪边,乌鸦供养他. F 审判使非利士(FeIix)害怕.
    2. 洪水,豪雨:Delude:欺骗 | Deluge:洪水,豪雨 | Decompose:使腐烂
    deluge 双语例句
    1. I can't go out tonight because I've got a deluge of work to do.
    2. I got caught in the deluge on the way home.
    3. You could see him now, in this deluge of distraction.
    4. At present, I am surrounded with a deluge of books which I have planned to complete on weekends.
    5. deluge的近义词
    5. The deluge of information is only going to rise.
    6. deluge
    6. I get catching in the deluge on the way home.
    7. He lookd, and saw the Ark hull on the floud, [840] Which now abated, for the Clouds were fled, Drivn by a keen North- winde, that blowing drie Wrinkl'd the face of Deluge, as decai'd; And the cleer Sun on his wide watrie Glass Gaz'd hot, and of the fresh Wave largely drew, [845] As after thirst, which made thir flowing shrink From standing lake to tripping ebbe, that stole With soft foot towards the deep, who now had stopt His Sluces, as the Heav'n his windows shut.
    8. It holds that Xelhua, one of the seven giants rescued from the deluge, built the great pyramid of Cholula in order to storm Heaven.
    9. A hearty welcome to all the spam fighting filters and programs created to rescue us from the deluge of unwanted e-mail!
    10. deluge在线翻译
    10. Many of the homes and shops were annihilated by the rocky deluge, and the one pass which allowed the village to communicate with the outside world was blocked.
    11. deluge在线翻译
    11. From the creation of the world to the deluge were 2242 years.
    12. God is wonderful and terrible in His counsels; beware lest, by presuming to quench dissensions, you should persecute the holy word of God, and draw down upon yourselves a frightful deluge of insurmountable dangers, of present disasters, and eternal desolation.
    13. It begins with an account of Creation in which Ormuzd, the god, is thwarted by Ahriman, the devil; then it describes the occurrence of a destructive winter, a sort of Iranian deluge.
    它是从一个账户的设立,其中ormuzd ,神,是挫败ahriman ,魔鬼,然后它描述发生毁灭性的冬天,一种伊朗雨淋。
    14. At present, the main product has the fire sprinklers series, wet alarm valve, deluge valve series, the flow indicator series, water spray, water curtain nozzle series, the fire control valves series, PS20~PS80 fire water cannons, PP24~PP64 Fire bubble gun, PSKD30~PSKD60 electric control fire water cannons, PHY Series storage pressure air bubble mixing device, such as the proportion of products in the domestic market by the user's consistent high praise, has great competitive advantage.
    15. The grinding of continental plates against each other, heaving up the Andes and leaving volcanic chains where Asia and Europe collide these surely are the images that ate appropriate to the scale of the 20th-century urban deluge.
    16. High quality in-fill, advanced distribution nozzle system, deluge proof motor, wide leaves and optimization of the belt drive system, casing made of FRP composite materials.
    选用优质专利淋水填料、靶式喷头布水、冷却塔专用全封闭电机、宽叶片专用风机及优化设计的皮带传动系统;壳体采用 FRP 复合材料,色彩鲜明、表面光洁、抗老化、不褪色、使冷却塔历久弥新。
    17. Another story has the lake overflow in the mythical time of Ogyges, resulting in the Ogygian deluge.
    另一个故事有湖溢流在神话中的时间ogyges ,从而在本ogygian洪水。
    18. Solitude for One Century's dominant hue is yellow, while The Plains of White Deer's is white. Circle and aozi express hi-storical concept and criticize consciousness in national mental drawback of the two authors. Butterfly and moth criticize patriarch system and patriarchal clan system respectively. The symbol of pigtail son and brick tower these two sex taboos criticize sex deluge and sex suppresses respectively and the cultural source of its back.
    19. deluge是什么意思
    19. The technical problems, about shortage of separation distance, the feasibility of high-rise polymerization factory building, the fire separation and explosion-proof design of polymerization factory building, the selecting and arrangement of water spraying extinguishing system nozzle, the establishment of deluge system valve, and the essentiality of water spraying extinguishing system which is to be established to protect the VCM gasholder, the positioning of water curtain settled under the space which connect the PVC pack house and pack department and how long the system continue operate? The selecting and the quantity of fire extinguishing agent about gas extinguishing system, which will be used in the new 35KV switch station and some rooms including cabinet room, primary control room, UPS room, voltage changer room, belong to new polymerization power panel and UPS station. Designing the model of power supply and distribution for fire-fighting and designing the hardware organization, software, model of data transmission and fire gang control logic programmer about automatic fire alarm system. Making certain the grade of release source point in the fire or explosive atmosphere and delimiting different grade explosion-proof space. Selecting correct explosion-proof construction of electrical apparatus and delimiting the class of building lightning protection, putting forth the concert steps to deal with thunder stroke and electrostatic discharge and so on, have been deeply researched in the process of designing and then the concert steps to deal with them have been putted forth.
    20. deluge的翻译
    20. The window went up, a maidservant's discordant voice profaned the holy calm, and a deluge of water drenched the prone martyr's remains!
    deluge 词典解释
    1. 大量涌来;大批泛滥
    A deluge of things is a large number of them which arrive or happen at the same time.
    e.g. A deluge of manuscripts began to arrive in the post...
    e.g. This has brought a deluge of criticism.
    2. 使涌现;使充满
    If a place or person is deluged with things, a large number of them arrive or happen at the same time.
    e.g. During 1933, Papen's office was deluged with complaints.
    1933 年间,大量的投诉信涌进了巴本的办公室。
    3. 暴雨;(突降的)大雨
    A deluge is a sudden, very heavy fall of rain.
    e.g. About a dozen homes were damaged in the deluge.
    4. (暴雨)袭击,使泛滥
    If rain deluges a place, it falls very heavily there, sometimes causing floods.
    e.g. At least 150 people are believed to have died after two days of torrential rain deluged the capital.
    连续两天的滂沱大雨致使首都积水成灾,据信至少已有 150 人死亡。
    deluge 单语例句deluge是什么意思
    1. Millions of people across the capital were hit by the deluge and thousands were evacuated from their homes.
    2. The Electoral Complaints Commission has just a few weeks to investigate and rule on the deluge of complaints.
    3. The criterion is expected to be redoubled to prevent havoc from being caused by the worst deluge in 200 years.
    4. The worst deluge in over half a century has hit Thailand countrywide since late July, affecting more than 13 million people and claiming almost 800 lives.
    5. The delectable deluge is the perfect thing to cool you off on a hot day.
    6. At first it is just a trickle, but soon becomes a deluge.
    7. Deluge occurring once in decades or even in centuries is perhaps an objective description but cannot be taken as an excuse to shirk responsibility.
    8. Streets just a few yards away from the channels where the muddy deluge raced toward the sea were largely unscathed.
    9. BEIJING - The sudden deluge on Thursday paralyzed the capital's traffic and disrupted the subway system during the evening rush hour.
    10. The deluge broke a dry spell that had gripped the state since July, a state climatologist said.
    deluge 英英释义
    1. the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land
    e.g. plains fertilized by annual inundations
    Synonym: floodinundationalluvion
    2. a heavy rain
    Synonym: downpourcloudburstwaterspouttorrentpeltersoaker
    3. an overwhelming number or amount
    e.g. a flood of requests
    a torrent of abuse
    Synonym: floodinundationtorrent
    1. fill or cover completely, usually with water
    Synonym: inundatesubmerge
    2. charge someone with too many tasks
    Synonym: overwhelmflood out
    3. fill quickly beyond capacity
    as with a liquid
    e.g. the basement was inundated after the storm
    The images flooded his mind
    Synonym: floodinundateswamp




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