单词 | desirable |
释义 | desirable [英 [d??za??r?bl] 美 [d??za?r?b?l] ] desirable的意思、解释 复数形式:desirables; desirable 基本解释 形容词可取的; 令人满意的; 值得拥有的; 性感的 名词称心如意的人[东西] desirable 反义词 desirable 形容词undesirable desirable的意思 desirable 相关例句 形容词 1. There are several desirable houses in this street. 这条街上有好几所合意的房子。 2. It is desirable that you should be there by two o'clock. 希望你两点钟前能到那里。 3. desirable 3. It is most desirable that he should attend the conference. 他能参加此次会议,是最好不过的了。 desirable 网络解释 1. 合意的:另一个则关注学校的组织和结构变革**在他们描绘的这幅发展脉络中,虽然课程实施的研究重心在不断接近学校甚至课堂情境,学生却始终处于研究者的关注区域之外**课程变革的最终目的是使学生出现正面的、合意的(desirable)变化,而学生是造就这些变化的主角, 2. 希望:这里要明确一点:哪些素质是职位要求所必需(essential)的,哪些是希望(desirable)应聘者具有的. 印象整饰(ImpressionManagement)或印象管理,也叫自我呈现(Self-Presentation),... 3. 3. 值得拥有的:罗尔斯因此说:稳定性明显是道德观念中一个值得拥有的(desirable)特征. 在其它条件相同的情况下,在原初状态(original position)中的人会选择更加稳定的正义原则. 一个正义观无论在其它方面多么吸引,如果根据道德心理学的原则, desirable 双语例句 1. The laboratary is his tower of ivory for him, in there he could be desirable to explore theory science. 4,对他来说,实验室是他的象牙塔,在那里他可以诚心如意的探索理论科学。 2. Previously, although cluster analysis was applied in taxonomic palaeobiogeography by many authors, the results are not desirable because the genetic and/or family data were collected in the researches. 虽然以前曾有人将聚类分析用于分类群古生物地理学研究,但均以科或属为统计对象,结果都不甚理想。 3. desirable的意思 3. Finally in the dream, I also have a pair of angel wings, I fly through the clouds, flew to the temple desirable, to attend the Queen Mother of the peach will see fairies are dancing, listening to The Sound I get the! 终于在梦中,我也有了天使那样的一对翅膀,我展翅高飞,穿过云霄,飞到了令人向往的天宫,去参加了王母娘娘的蟠桃会,看见仙女们翩翩起舞,听仙乐,我飘飘然了! 4. desirable的近义词 4. A good arborist knows how to make removal of a desirable tree the last option, and will make pruning decisions that will enhance the health of the tree and reduce possible hazards. 一个良好的 arborist 知道如何使去除一个可取的树是最后的选择,并会作出的决定,修剪这将提高该树的健康状况和减少可能的危害。 5. desirable 5. The physical body is full of impure liquids and substances but we dote on it as something pure and desirable. 物理的身体满是不洁的体液和物质,可是我们却把它作为纯洁和悦人事物而溺于其中。 6. The location sensing system is an underlying component for location-aware computing in Smart Space, which not only demands the location sensing system to locate multiple objects with desirable precision, but also superimposes the requirements, such as directional characteristic and portability etc, on it. 定位系统是智能空间位置感知计算的基础部件,它不仅要能较精确定位多目标,而且在方向性、可携带性等方面也要满足要求。 7. It is desirable to build more hospitals, shopping centres, recreation cen tres, cinemas and other public facilities to meet the growing needs of p eople. 人们希望建立更多的医院、购物中心、娱乐中心、电影院和其他公用设施来满足人民日益增长的需求。 8. Since RO membranes retain highly charged salt ions to a greater extent than weakly ionized monovalent ions, it is often desirable to follow the RO system with an ion-exchange unit. 因为RO膜截留了高电荷的盐离子比一价离子的弱电解质在多的多,通常RO系统后面跟随离子交换单元。 9. Mr. Kallasvuo sees these as new revenue streams and ways to make Nokia's handsets more desirable. 康培凯将此视为新的收入来源,也是让诺基亚手机更受青睐的方式。 10. desirable 10. The importance of these varies according to the nature of one's job and one's life-style. Thus, people who need t o exert much energy in their work will find relaxation most desirable in leisure. Those with a better education and in professional occupations may tend more to seek recreation and personal development (e. g., cultiva tion of skills and hobbies) in leisure. 这些功能的重要性随着个人工作性质与生活方式的不同而变化,所以在工作中需要付出很多精力的人,更渴望休闲时放松,而受过良好教育,从事专业工作的人可能更趋向于休闲时寻求娱乐和个人发展,如掌握技巧,培养爱好。 11. I therefore believe that it is now necessary and desirable for property prices to''. 因此,我认为楼价现在需要稳定下来。 12. The results show that the monitoring system has desirable property on interface, precision, reliability and real-time performance. 测试结果表明,监控系统在人机界面、测量精度和系统运行的可靠性方面及实时性方面均达到了预定的设计要求。 13. 13. I believe that it is now necessary and desirable for property prices to stabilise. 因此,我认为楼价现在需要稳定下来。 14. I therefore believe that it is now necessary and desirable for property prices to stabilise. 因此,我认为楼价现在需要稳定下来。 15. When shopping for a new Florida home, finding a desirable property in a good neighborhood is of primary importance. 当一个新的购物佛罗里达家中,找到一个理想的好邻财产是首要的。 16. desirable的解释 16. In such cases, the fact that a manipulator changes the stream is a desirable property. 这种情况下,操纵符改变流是希望得到的性质。 17. 17. Following extraction, the juice is concentrated by reducing the water content while retaining the desirable components of the product. 抽提之后,果汁通过减少水分实现浓缩,同时保有产品中想要的成分。 18. desirable的翻译 18. A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 需要个性稳重、具高度责任感的人。 19. The Declining Party hereby covenants that it will sign all necessary documents and cause the directors appointed by it to attend in person, by proxy or by telecommunications any Board meeting at which such matters are considered and to vote in favor of all resolutions necessary or desirable to effect such unilateral contribution to the increase in the registered capital of the Company and the resulting change in the Parties'relative interests in the registered capital of the Company or to sign a written resolution circulated in lieu of such a meeting of the Board, as the case may be. 拒绝方保证其将签署所有必要的相关文件,并将促使其委派的董事亲自参加、通过代理人或通讯设备参加审议该增资事宜的董事会并投票赞成使该单方增资生效的所有必须的或有帮助的决议,或签署在董事间传阅的相关书面决议,以便增加合营公司注册资本及变更双方在合营公司注册资本中所占的份额。 20. However, it is often desirable to use IK, so, when doing so, remember to make the motion an arc. 但是,经常会用IK作动画,所以要记得让运动呈弧线。 desirable 词典解释 1. 值得想望(或拥有)的;合意的;可取的;受欢迎的 Something that is desirable is worth having or doing because it is useful, necessary, or popular. e.g. Prolonged negotiation was not desirable... 拖长了的谈判并不是大家所想要的。 e.g. The crowd moved indoors for what were deemed the most desirable items. 人群为了被视为最值得拥有的物品涌入屋里。 desirability ...the desirability of democratic reform. 民主改革的好处 ...the debate on the desirability of banning the ivory trade. 关于禁止象牙贸易是否可取的辩论 2. 性感的;可人的 Someone who is desirable is considered to be sexually attractive. desirable的解释 e.g. ...the young women whom his classmates thought most desirable. 他的同班同学认为最性感的年轻女子 desirability ...Veronica's desirability. 韦罗妮卡的妩媚动人desirable 单语例句desirable 1. It is desirable to constrain leverage, but not to the point of increasing the cost of capital and investment. 2. The car SUVs dominate and the Porsche Cayenne is the most expensive and most desirable of them all. 3. Failing to tell consumers the whole truth about their products is certainly not a desirable way to do business. 4. Both countries should cherish this desirable momentum and avoid missteps that could lead to a cooling in relations again. 5. Livestock breeders want to use cloning to start elite herds of desirable animals, and doctors want to use cloning technology in human medicine. 6. Coco was the " queen of chic ", so a tan suddenly became desirable. 7. And faces that also appeared healthier - like those with better complexion - were also seen as more desirable in all personality traits. 8. As energy conservation became a national imperative, small cars'advantage of energy efficiency has gradually made them desirable to the government. 9. All of these desirable benefits are achieved without sacrificing any of the softness, easy care or comfort associated with cotton sheeting. 10. " Deleveraging " - a shift from excessive debt toward more capital - is inevitable and desirable in the long run. desirable 英英释义 adj 1. worth having or seeking or achieving e.g. a desirable job computer with many desirable features a desirable outcome 2. worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse e.g. the parents found the girl suitable for their son Synonym: suitableworthy |
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