单词 | devastation |
释义 | devastation [英 [?dev??ste??n] 美 [?dev??ste??n] ] devastation的意思、解释 devastation 基本解释 名词毁坏; 荒废; 极度震惊或悲伤 devastation devastation 网络解释 1. 破坏:2005年用过的名字包括Arlene,Bret,cindy,Dennis,Emily,Franklin,而大家比较熟悉的要算袭击了新奥尔良(New Orleans)、给当地造成严重破坏(devastation)、也给全球造成影响和恐慌的Katrina(卡特里那)和后来气势汹汹的Rita(丽塔)了. 2. 2. 破坏战士:(Devastation) 简介一开始的时候,玩家将独闯Grathius Corporation的研究设施,并发现他们正研究生化科技,目标当然不是为了平民百姓的福祉,背后隐藏着一个极大的阴谋. 3. 第二十二集:战斗的完结:第二十一集:跑向灭亡 Selfish | 第二十二集:战斗的完结 Devastation | 第二十三集:服从的代价 Scapegoat 4. 劫持,破坏:14. vulnerability 易受攻击,脆弱 | 15. devastation 劫持,破坏 | 16. hospital life-support system 医院的生命维持系统 devastation 双语例句 1. Any one of the industry, if the trend of rush, over-development, will result in devastation. 任何一种行业,如有一窝蜂的趋势,过度发展,就会造成摧残。 2. 2. A half hour later, ten hoodlum rode the motorcycle to surround the restaurant, drove the kitchen the sales clerk and several customers, afterward has carried on the devastation which in the shop to the Chinese female foreign students sent refers to, wreaks havoc the process is three hours, simultaneously carried on to another two Chinese girls has beaten barbarically. 一个半小时后,10流氓骑摩托车包围餐厅,厨房将店员和几个客户,之后进行了破坏而在店内的中国女留学生派遣是指,wreaks破坏这一进程三个小时,同时进行的另一两个华人女孩野蛮殴打。 3. Why? I would go to meet the people there who have been afflicted by famine and devastation. 为什么?我要去探望受饥饿和劫掠困扰的伊拉克人民。 4. We have noted the terrible devastation wrought by the Superfortresses from Saipan. 我们已经看到,从塞班岛起飞的超级空中堡垒,已造成极其严重的破坏。 5. During the terrible Hurricane Katrina devastation, fraternities all around the state rose to the occasion to help students from New Orleans colleges who were displaced. 在可怕的飓风破坏,兄弟都围绕国家上升到之际,帮助学生从新奥尔良大学谁人流离失所。 6. Accordingly, these scholars warned that the situation is not quickly brought under control if the human face is like an atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb was detonated as the terrible devastation. 这些学者据此警告说,这种状况如果不迅速得到控制,人类将面临犹如原子弹、氢弹爆炸那样可怕的毁灭性灾难。 7. Earlier in the year we watched in disbelief as the Midwest suffered severe flooding which enveloped whole towns and nearly wiped out much of the already strained corn and soy supplies; the terrible devastation of extreme climate change is hard to ignore. 我不敢相信在年初所看到的:在美国中西部地区,竟遭受如此严重的洪灾,封闭了整个市镇,并几乎毁掉了本已脆弱的谷物和大豆供应系统;极端天气事件造成的可怕灾难影响很难被忽视。 8. And yet somehow, Kakapo is still with us despite all the devastation we have wrought on these islands and with all the introduced predators we have brought here, Kakapo have managed to hang on. 然而,尽管我们给这些岛屿造成了毁坏,尽管我们引进了食肉动物,但是枭鹦仍然坚持存活了下来。 9. devastation的反义词 9. The awesome devastation caused by the tsunami made it one of history's worst disasters. 这场海啸造成的破坏令人怵目惊心,可说是史上最严重的灾害之一。 10. 10. The period following the collapse of the Tang was a time of devastation and turbulence. 唐末的一段时是便是分崩和动荡。 11. And, as with Lawrence, her unblinking dramatisation of conflict, cruelty and devastation extends from sexual and family relationships through the state of politics to the state of the planet. 和劳伦斯一样她的冲突,残酷和破坏的不眨眼的dramatisation从延伸性和通过状态o家庭关系。 12. 12. Its universality: its democratic equality and constancy to its nature in seeking its own level: its vastness in the ocean of Mercator's projection: its unplumbed profundity in the Sundam trench of the Pacific exceeding 8000 fathoms: the restlessness of its waves and surface particles visiting in turn all points of its seaboard: the independence of its units: the variability of states of sea: its hydrostatic quiescence in calm: its hydrokinetic turgidity in neap and spring tides: its subsidence after devastation: its sterility in the circumpolar icecaps, arctic and antarctic: its climatic and commercial significance: its preponderance of 3 to 1 over the dry land of the globe: its indisputable hegemony extending in square leagues over all the region below the subequatorial tropic of Capricorn: the multisecular stability of its primeval basin: its luteofulvous bed: its capacity to dissolve and hold in solution all soluble substances including millions of tons of the most precious metals: its slow erosions of peninsulas and islands, its persistent formation of homothetic islands, peninsulas and downwardtending promontories: its alluvial deposits: its weight and volume and density: its imperturbability in lagoons and highland tarns: its gradation of colours in the torrid and temperate and frigid zones: its vehicular ramifications in continental lakecontained streams and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents, gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses: its violence in seaquakes, waterspouts, Artesian wells, eruptions, torrents, eddies, freshets, spates, groundswells, watersheds, waterpartings, geysers, cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms, inundations, deluges, cloudbursts: its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve: its secrecy in springs and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and exemplified by the well by the hole in the wall at Ashtown gate, saturation of air, distillation of dew: the simplicity of its composition, two constituent parts of hydrogen with one constituent part of oxygen: its healing virtues: its buoyancy in the waters of the Dead Sea: its persevering penetrativeness in runnels, gullies, inadequate dams, leaks on shipboard: its properties for cleansing, quenching thirst and fire, nourishing vegetation: its infallibility as paradigm and paragon: its metamorphoses as vapour, mist, cloud, rain, sleet, snow, hail: its strength in rigid hydrants: its variety of forms in loughs and bays and gulfs and bights and guts and lagoons and atolls and archipelagos and sounds and fjords and minches and tidal estuaries and arms of sea: its solidity in glaciers, icebergs, icefloes: its docility in working hydraulic millwheels, turbines, dynamos, electric power stations, bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills: its utility in canals, rivers, if navigable, floating and graving docks: its potentiality derivable from harnessed tides or watercourses falling from level to level: its submarine fauna and flora, numerically, if not literally, the inhabitants of the globe: its ubiquity as constituting 90 percent of the human body: the noxiousness of its effluvia in lacustrine marshes, pestilential fens, faded flowerwater, stagnant pools in the waning moon. 50它的普遍性,它的民主的平等性,以及保持着它自身求平的本质。用墨卡托投影法在地图上所标示出的浩淼的海洋;太平洋中巽他海沟那超过八千噚的不可测的深度;永不消停、后浪推前浪地冲刷着海岸线每一部位的波涛以及水面上的微粒子;水的单位粒子的独立性;海洋变幻莫测;根据液体静力学,风平浪静时它纹丝不动;根据液体动力学,小潮大潮时它便涨了起来。暴风雨后一片沉寂;北极圈与南极圈冰冠地带的不毛性以及对气候及贸易的影响;跟地球上的陆地相比占三对一优势;它在亚赤道带南回归线以南的整个区域延伸无数平方海里的绝对权威;其在原始海盆里数千万年以来所保持的稳定性;它那橙红色海床;它那把包括数百万吨贵金属在内的可溶解物质加以溶解,并使之保持在溶解状态的性能;它对半岛和有下陷趋势的岬角所产生的缓慢的浸蚀作用;其冲积层;其重量、容积与浓度;它在咸水湖、高山湖里的静谧;其色调因热带、温带和寒带而变为或浓或淡;与陆上的湖泊、溪流及支流汇合后注入海洋的河川,还有横跨大洋的潮流所构成的运输网。沿着赤道下面的水路自北向南的湾流;海震、水龙卷、自流井、喷泉、湍流、漩涡、河水暴涨、倾盆大雨、海啸、流域、分水岭、间歇泉、大瀑布、漩流、海漩、洪水、泛滥、暴雨等滥施淫威;环绕陆地的上层土壤那漫长的曲线;源泉的奥秘可用探矿杖来占卜或用湿度测定器来揭示;阿什汤大门的墙壁上的洞、空气的饱和与露水的蒸发能够证明那潜在的湿度;水的成分单纯,是氢二、氧一的化合物;水的疗效;水的死海里的浮力;它在小溪、涧谷、水坝的缝隙、船舷的裂口所显示的顽强的浸透性;它那清除污垢、解渴、灭火、滋养植物的性能;作为模范和典型,它的可靠性;它变化多端:雾、霭、云、雨、麦、雪、雹;并在坚固的消防龙头上发挥出压力;而且千姿百态:湖泊、湖岔、内海、海湾、海岬、环礁湖、环状珊瑚岛、多岛海、海峡、峡江、明奇、潮汐港湾、港湾;冰河、冰山、浮动冰原显示出它是何等坚硬;在运转水车、水轮机、发电机、发电厂、漂白作坊、鞣皮厂、打麻厂时,它又是那样驯顺;它在运河、可航行的河川、浮船坞和干船坞所起的作用;潮汐的动力化或利用水路的落差使它得以发挥潜力;海底那些成群的动物和植物虽然并非名副其实地栖息在地球上,论数目却占地球上生物的一大半;水无所不在,占人体的百分之九十;在沼泽地、闹瘟疫的湿地、馊了的花露水以及月亏期那淤积污浊的水塘子,水所散发的恶臭充满了毒气。 13. By melding this alien symbiote with the war-suit given to him by Doctor Doom, he can greatly enhance his already impressive strength and achieve ultimate devastation. 再加上他拥有这件由末日博士给他的外来生物战衣,他实力本来就很强大,如今他更是如虎添翼,能达到最彻底的破坏。 14. devastation 14. Period, the cultural sector and the Chinese traditional culture has been the most serious devastation. 十年浩劫期间,文化界及中国传统文化受到了最严重的摧残。 15. devastation什么意思 15. However this amount of rain and devastation is even more unexpected. 然而这么大量的降雨和毁灭性的破坏却是太出人意料了。 16. Witnesses described a scene of devastation, with burned-out vehicles, twisted rubble and charred trees littering the area. 目击者形容爆炸现场是一片废墟,到处是焚烧的车辆、扭曲变形的轮胎和烧焦的树木。 17. devastation的解释 17. It is really a sign of how the human spirit can overcome great devastation. 她告诉们说这是人定胜天的表现。 18. Before arriving in China, Typhoon Morakot left behind it a trail of devastation in Taiwan and the Philippines. 台风莫拉克在到达中国以前,已经对台湾和菲律宾照成了极大的破坏。 19. What made that spill synonymous with environmental devastation was that the oil that reached the coast then slurped over 1, 200 miles of pristine shoreline. 那次原油泄漏之所以成为环境破坏的同义词,是因为原油到达海岸之后吞噬了1200英里长的原生态沿岸。 20. But tucked away on the southeast corner of the Balkan Peninsula is Bosnia and Herzegovina, a nation beset with the devastation and slow developmentbrought about by war. It is a nation standing at a crossroads, unsure about the future. 不过在欧洲东南隅巴尔干半岛上的波士尼亚与赫塞哥维纳(Bosnia and Herzegovina,以下简称波赫),迄今仍陷於战争所带来的后遗症中而发展迟缓,就像一个站在十字路口的徘徊者,看似站定,对於未来确充满了陶多多的不确定因素。 devastation 词典解释 1. (大面积的严重)毁坏,破坏 Devastation is severe and widespread destruction or damage. devastation e.g. A huge bomb blast brought chaos and devastation to the centre of Belfast yesterday. 昨天一颗威力巨大的炸弹在贝尔法斯特市中心爆炸,引起一片混乱并造成严重破坏。 devastation 单语例句 1. Rescuers yesterday continued to find survivors beneath the carnage more than 120 hours after the quake wrought widespread devastation. 2. Reports from international relief agencies indicate the country may face acute rice shortages because of the devastation wrought to agricultural land in the delta. 3. Heathrow airport Catholic chaplain Father Peter Knott reached the site of the crash within 10 minutes and said it was a scene of total devastation. 4. After a month of witnessing so much death and devastation in Sichuan, it was refreshing to see such a little ray of sunshine come into the world. 5. The political fallout provides a sharp contrast to what occurred following attacks that produced equal or greater devastation in previous years in Baghdad. 6. But what the world media have conveniently chosen to ignore is the real devastation of the world caused by climate change. 7. There was also widespread devastation in Dar es Salaam, where a BBC correspondent said the embassy reception area had been destroyed. 8. Serbia was spared the devastation of the ground wars in Bosnia and Croatia that it in no small part aided and prosecuted. 9. Several days of aerial bombing on Gaza has caused extensive devastation throughout the territory and is threatening the health and welfare of many children. 10. It is suspected that persistent deforestation was one of the main causes for the devastation. devastation 英英释义 devastation的反义词 noun 1. the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists Synonym: destruction 2. plundering with excessive damage and destruction Synonym: ravaging 3. an event that results in total destruction Synonym: desolation 4. the feeling of being confounded or overwhelmed e.g. her departure left him in utter devastation 5. the state of being decayed or destroyed Synonym: desolation |
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