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单词 horoscope
    horoscope [英 [?h?r?sk??p] 美 [?h?:r?sko?p] ]
    horoscope 基本解释
    名词星象; 星占; 算命天宫图
    horoscope 网络解释
    1. 星座:iac):兔 星座(Horoscope):天蝎座 血型(Blood Type):O型 身高(Height):180 cm 体重(Weight):63kg 身份(Status):学生 毕业中学: 广州东环中学 就读院校(School):广外艺校(全称 广州外语艺术职业学校) 特长(Specialty):乐器、表演、唱歌、运动 家庭成员(Family):父母、外公、外婆 嗜好(Hobby):听歌、唱歌、运动、shopping、表演
    2. 占星(术):天文学(astronomy)源自占星学(astrology),尚可上溯至占星术(horoscope). 远古蛮荒时期虽茹毛饮血、榛狉未启,却对天文历法的认知异常进步. 原始人类虽未发明文字,但在岩画上遗留许多造型奇特的直立状生物,以及飞行器的图像,
    3. 星盘:如果我们夜晚望著南方上空,行星运行的轨迹就是黄道圈,而占星术的星盘(Horoscope)是在地球上的任何时间、空间切割黄道圈而成的盘. 占星术的命盘(Horoscope)是由天盘与地盘合组而成,黄道圈是行星运行的圈,天盘或称行星盘就是黄道圈,
    horoscope 双语例句
    1. You can't stay at home because of a stupid horoscope.
    2. You should go to an astrologer to have your horoscope read.
    3. horoscope
    3. This Pendants is used to pacify the malefic effects of Planet Jupiter or to strengthen this planet in ones Horoscope.
    4. Well, for once your horoscope is clearer than most, Virgo.
    5. horoscope的近义词
    5. What''s your Chinese horoscope?
    6. horoscope
    6. Will turn into direct movement or retrograde movement soon, stationary horoscope brings high forus and significant energy.
    7. I've had days that seem to fit with my horoscope's predictions, but then there are days that it doesn't work.
    8. Oh. That's one of the twelve Chinese horoscope animals.
    9. When his horoscope had been cast, he saw a tremendous future ahead of him, and the astrologer said to him:'Give me your own horoscope not another man's.
    10. No animal of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.
    11. In the Chinese horoscope all the animals are wise and important.
    12. horoscope在线翻译
    12. Because energy bounces back and forth across the horoscope wheel, you will also see that your love life gets a boost.
    13. Remember the fortune-teller told Madam last time that the lucky star is shining in your horoscope this year?
    14. Listen. This is my horoscope for today.
    15. horoscope
    15. Then he examined his mother's horoscope and discovered that this was to be the day of her death.
    16. Do you know what your Chinese horoscope is?
    17. Can you tell me your horoscope? I want to pick a suitable gift for you in China.
    18. Now I'm just reading my horoscope.
    19. Can you tell me your horoscope since I want to pick a suitable gift for you in China?
    20. I read my horoscope every morning, but I don't really believe in it.
    horoscope 词典解释
    1. 星象(指某人诞生时各天体的位置,用以占卜命运)
    Your horoscope is a prediction of events which some people believe will happen to you in the future. Horoscopes are based on the position of the stars when you were born.
    horoscope 单语例句horoscope
    1. In compiling BJW's Chinese horoscope he consulted with experts, meditated on a mountain and chanted until a vision appeared.
    2. All that may sound like a horoscope, but the public doesn't seem to care.
    3. Lee photographed people's faces and highlighted certain features to make them resemble the 12 horoscope animals according to Chinese mythology.
    4. Whenever he plans to do something, he first consults his horoscope as he believes everything is decided by fate.
    5. Canadian publisher Pia Copper personifies the characteristics of a rat, the Chinese horoscope year in which she was born.
    6. But I hope you don't take that any more seriously than some horoscope in a newspaper.
    7. This is the eighth year the museum has staged exhibitions related to the Chinese horoscope.
    8. What if all courses are divided into twelve classes that fit neatly into the horoscope?
    horoscope 英英释义
    1. a diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place
    2. a prediction of someone's future based on the relative positions of the planets




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