单词 | renewable |
释义 | renewable [英 [r??nju:?bl] 美 [r??nu:?bl] ] renewable的意思、解释 复数形式:renewables; renewable 基本解释 形容词可再生的; 可继续的,可续订的; 可更新的; 可翻新的 renewable 网络解释 1. 可更新的:有一个全球性的组织来生产和分配现有的资源,再加上一种对于替代的、可更新的(renewable)能源之管理良好的探查,将会成为这种情况下的一个必要. 在进化方面,人类会变得更为先进,在技术上来讲, 2. 可再生:你是否同意,可再生(renewable)能源(太阳能,风能,水能)将很快地代替化石(fossil)燃料(石油,煤,天然气)?你是否同意,可再生(renewable)能源(太阳能,风能,水能)将很快地代替化石(fossil)燃料(石油,煤,天然气)? 3. 3. 可再生资源:有害物质的种类:农药、炸药、多氯联苯(PCB)多环沼气发酵:其生化本质是一种由产甲烷细菌进行的甲烷形成(methanogenesis)过程. 产甲烷菌是自然界碳素循环中厌氧生物链的最后一个成员. 植物秸杆和其它动植物残体是含量最高的生物量,是一类可再生资源(renewable)或永续资源. 4. renewable的翻译 4. 可再生的:Transformation: 改变 | Renewable: 可再生的 | Gleeful: 高兴的 renewable 双语例句 1. Rotational technology enables the use of enamel reactor used renewable At present, the chemical industry used in the large number of glass-lined reactor, once these products appear enamel enamel off the surface resulting in corrosion, normal use will not be able to. 无锡新开河储罐有限公司在不断探索滚塑技术运用于低压常温反应釜生产中找出了一条成功的道路,对报废的搪瓷反应釜进行翻新改造,成功地运用滚塑技术使废旧反应釜再生2010年12月16日 2. Castor oil-polyether copolymer polyols was synthesized by the alkoxylation reaction of renewable resource-castor oil with propylene oxide in the presence of DMC catalyst. Chemical structure of castor oil-polyether polyols was analyzed by 1HNMR and FTIR. 以可再生资源-蓖麻油作为起始剂,环氧丙烷开环聚合制备了不同分子量的蓖麻油-聚醚多元醇,并通过1HNMR和FTIR等手段来分析蓖麻油-聚醚多元醇的结构。 3. The company was established in March 2003, covers an area of 6000 square meters, is a mainly engaged in the recovery and sale of renewable resources, such as scrap iron and steel enterprises. 本公司成立于2003年3月,占地面积为6000平方米,是一家主要从事回收与销售废旧钢铁等再生资源的企业。 4. Therefore, use of water source heat pump is clean and renewable energy as a technology. 所以说,水源热泵利用的是清洁的可再生能源的一种技术。 5. The production of hydrogen using nothing but water and sunlight offers the possibility of an abundant renewable, green source of energy for the future. 氢气长期以来被当成是理想的绿色燃料,能量丰富且碳中性,」蒙那许大学科学家之一的史皮卡表示,「只需要水和阳光就能制造的氢气,提供未来大量、可再生绿色能源的可能性。 6. 6. This equipment is composed by the straw stalk grinder and the charcoal shaper, reject and so on this machine use renewable straw stalk number cotton plant stalks straw sawdust makes the charcoal or the straw stalk coal. 该设备由秸秆粉碎机和木炭成型机组成,该机利用可再生的秸秆数枝棉柴稻草锯末等废弃物制成木炭或秸秆煤。 7. China Renewable Energy Branch of the Institute of PV only support industry meeting. 2009年中国可再生能源学会光伏分会唯一支持主办的行业盛会。 8. renewable的反义词 8. Second, it is only available on a one year non-renewable license. 其次,它只是可利用的在一个一年不可更新的执照。 9. renewable的近义词 9. If I can rephrase what I've just said, I think our resources are not renewable. 如果我可以把我刚说的话重新措辞一下,我认为我们的资源是不能再生的。 10. renewable 10. Renewable resources is not a short time can be updated, and to a very long time. 可再生资源也不是短时间可以更新的,而要一个相当长的时间。 11. China`s development of clean energy, renewable energy resources are unlimited. 中国的清洁能源开发,可再生能源资源是无限的。 12. renewable的解释 12. Solar power plant is one of the most important form of developing and utilizing the renewable energy resources. 太阳能发电是新能源开发利用的主要形式之一。 13. The State encourages the development and utilization of new and renewable resources of energy. 国家鼓励开发、利用新能源和可再生能源。 14. The production of renewable energy resources, modern science and technology in Germany has been popular. 生产可再生能源的现代科学技术在德国一直广受欢迎。 15. China is a world leader in the development of renewable energy resources, especially small hydropower. 中国的可再生能源开发,尤其是小水电开发在世界上名列前茅。 16. renewable的近义词 16. 3M Drinking Water System Replacement Filter Elements are disposable Recycling renewable, and given full consideration to environmental issues. 3M饮用水系统的替换抛弃型滤芯都是可再生回收的,充分考虑了环保问题。 17. renewable的反义词 17. The material is approximately 85% renewable, is biodegradable and also home compostable. 材料是大约85 %的可再生能源,是可生物降解的,也主页堆肥。 18. Timber is a renewable natural resource; it can be harvested replanted then reharvested in a few decades. 人类消耗石油的速度近乎比自然界生成石油的速度快100万倍所以石油是一种不可再生的自然资源。 19. The main efficacy: effective removal of excess facial fat, inhibit the secretion of excess oil, acne bacillus mite damage on the skin surface of the propagation conditions, rapid killing of bacteria and the hair follicle root epidermis of various bacteria, tube plugging the sebaceous glands to remove, restore the skin permeability, increased capillary flexibility microcirculation clear, comprehensive energy and improve the metabolism of skin cells, removal of toxins in human endocrine balance, the eradication of acne, eliminate smallpox and India, and renewable sources of acne can be prevented. 主要功效:有效清除面部多余油脂,抑制过剩油脂分泌,破坏痤疮杆菌螨虫在皮肤表面的繁殖条件,快速杀死表皮菌及毛囊根部各种杆菌,清除皮脂腺管堵塞,回复皮肤通透性,增加毛细血管弹性,疏通微循环,全面提高皮肤新陈代谢活力及细胞活性,清除毒素平衡人体内分泌,根除青春痘、祛除痘印,并且可以预防痘痘再生。 20. renewable的解释 20. We strive to reduce waste and to increase our sources of renewable power to run our facilities around the world. 我们竭尽所能地减少废物产生,并在公司全球的经营场所内尽可能多地使用再生能源。 renewable 词典解释 1. (资源)可再生的,可更新的 Renewable resources are natural ones such as wind, water, and sunlight which are always available. e.g. ...renewable energy sources. 可再生能源 2. 可再生资源 Renewables are natural energy sources such as wind, water, and sunlight which are always available. 3. (合同或协议)可延期的,可续签的 If a contract or agreement is renewable, it can be extended when it reaches the end of a fixed period of time. e.g. A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually. 正式签订了每年可续签的合同。 renewable 单语例句 1. CLP has been on a buying spree to expand into the renewable energy business. 2. China's wind power industry has developed by leaps and bounds in recent years, boosted by the promulgation of the Renewable Energy Law in February 2005. 3. The cabinet also urged more efforts to construct a nationwide industrial system that allows recycling of renewable resources and encourages green consumption. 4. The government will calculate prices of the power generated from renewable sources, and power grid operators should buy at directed prices. 5. We rank eighth in the world for our overall natural capital and first if calculated on renewable resources per capita. 6. Jebsen recently helped advance power generation solutions for natural resources in China's coastal markets and is becoming an active player in the renewable energy sector. 7. Access to capital for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects may cause bottlenecks. 8. Renewable energy, carbon capture and biofuels are among the main solutions put forward to mitigate climate change. 9. Statistics show renewable resources supplied 9 percent of China's total energy consumption last year, equivalent to reducing 600 million tons of carbon dioxide. 10. Various aspects have contributed to such a gap between installed renewable generation capacity and actual units connected to grids in China. renewable 英英释义 renewable的翻译 adj 1. capable of being renewed replaceable e.g. renewable energy such as solar energy is theoretically inexhaustible 2. that can be renewed or extended e.g. a renewable lease renewable subscriptions |
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