单词 | climbing |
释义 | climbing [英 [?kla?m??] 美 [?kla?m??] ] climbing的意思、解释 过去式:climbed; 过去分词:climbed; climbing 基本解释 形容词攀登的,上升的 名词攀登 动词攀登; 登山; 爬( climb的现在分词); (尤指吃力地向某处)爬 climbing 网络解释 1. 登山:感谢大自然的厚爱,赋予美丽多姿的山山水水,可供大家进行户外运动的资源很多. 这些地点为户外运动爱好者提供了多种山野健行,登山远足的好去处. 因为周边的山岳均属于低海拔的山峰,还不能称为真正意义上的登山(CLIMBING),称作远足(HIKING)可能更恰当一些. 2. 2. 攀登:就山景而论,可开展狩猎(hunting)、野营(Camping)、攀登(climbing)等活动. 游乐设施主要有:供垂钓者进行钓鱼的小舟、水域或人工岛礁等,供体育活动爱好者用的帆板、滑板、摩托艇、潜水工具、救生圈、救生船等;供露营用的帐篷、船只等; 3. 攀岩:在攀岩(climbing)和登山(mountainerring)中使用. 护套包裹在绳芯的外面,它是绳子的可见部分. 它由很多股单丝编成,每股单绕在一个锭子上,对相同的直径来说,锭数越多护套的动力性(dynamic)越好,锭数越少,越耐磨. 4. 爬升:对于一个菜鸟而言,常常是在你还没摸清楚如何爬升(Climbing)、失速(Stalling)和螺旋(Spins)的时候,成群敌机已经呼啸着扑面而来,此时此刻你有多少只手都不够用,只会恨自己为什么不是一只章鱼. climbing 双语例句 1. Andy thought out a way of climbing to the top of the pole. 安迪想出了爬上杆顶的办法。 2. He's climbing up a tree. 他正爬上一棵树。 3. Clearfield, Utah, July 17th, 2007 - Petzl, a leading manufacturer of climbing gear and Hands-Free Lighting solutions, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Givens as Petzl America's Sport Division Manager. 犹他州2007年7月17日报道:Petzl在攀爬安全带及头灯的生产技术上处于世界领先地位。近日Petzl宣布任命Mark Givens为美国分公司运动部门经理。 4. As a climbing rose, Crown Princess Margareta is ideal trained against a wall, perhaps by an entrance where the fragrance can be enjoyed. 作为一个登山上涨,太子妃玛加丽是理想的靠墙的训练,也许其中香味可以享受一个入口。 5. Every success in the future, the meantime the great pace of quarter-hing is follow the new century, the pace of the times, climbing to new heights and I look forward to more friends with us to create a better future. 百尺竿头,更进一步,肆季兴的巨大脚步,正踏着新世纪的时代步伐,向新的高峰攀登,并期望更多的朋友与我们携手共创未来。 6. Climbing wading, climbing jump ditch can also be Ganwudao the true meaning of life. 爬山涉水,攀藤跳沟也可感悟到生活的真谛。 7. No swim ming, tree climbing or rock climbing is allowed. 不准游泳、爬树和攀石,也不应进入水深超过半米的地区。 8. That pine tree I just planted is sure climbing tall. 我刚刚种下的那棵松树一定会长得很高。 9. The climbing fire lit up their faces and threw its ruddy glare upon the pillared tree-trunks of their forest temple, and upon the varnished foliage and festooning vines. 焰腾腾,辉耀着他们的脸庞,也照亮了他们用树干撑起的那座林中圣殿,还把流光镀到那些光滑得似油漆过一般的树叶上和那些缀着花朵的青藤上。 10. climbing在线翻译 10. I'm playing on the climbing tower. 我在玩攀登架 11. He's climbing the jungle gym. 他正在爬攀登架。 12. They were dressed in climbing suits and the ring was attached to a safety rope. 他们穿着攀登服,带着连接到安全绳子的圆环。 13. I` m tired with climbing that steep hill. 我爬那徒峭的山爬累了。 14. I remember climbing in the bed on my father's side and snuggling close to his arm. 我记得我是从父亲那边爬上了床,然后依偎在爸爸的臂弯里。 15. climbing在线翻译 15. I was regret due to fail to wear special cloth for climbing instead of 80 RMb normal weatherproof coats. 我没有穿冲锋衣只穿了一件80元的防寒服,和保暖内衣。 16. We will be climbing out of this financial hole for a long time. 我们从这次金融困境中走出,需要很长时间。 17. climbing在线翻译 17. As on that traveling day, I kept climbing up the slope and couldn't see the peak and found nobody I know. At that time, I felt the choky desperation of being buried in the hill. 就像毅行那天,一直在上坡,看不到峰顶,周围也没有认识的人,似乎自己真的将要埋没在这大山里,我感到窒息的绝望。 18. Control cylinder, uptilt move the tower body about 1.5m, as to supporting the two inner climbing stay bar on to climbing lug of the tower body. 7.4.4 操纵油缸,将塔身上移 1.5 米左右,将爬升框架上的两根内爬撑杆支撑在塔身踏步上。 19. I lost track of the number of steps we climbed as we toiled up painfully yet gladly flight after flight, dragging one foot after the other. When at last we reached the top of the Slow Eighteen Flights, I felt I had been climbing all my life. 我不知道上了多少石级,一级又一级,是乐趣也是苦趣,好像从我有生命以来就在登山似的,迈前脚,拖后脚,才不过走完慢十八盘。 20. This is a particularly useful equation, as it allows us to determine the rate of change of chamber pressure during the transient start-up phase of motor operation, where the chamber pressure is rapidly climbing up to the operating steady-state level. 这是一个特别有用的方程,因为它使得我们能够确定的变化率的压力,会议厅(民主党的O/DT公司)在短暂的启动阶段电机的运作,而商会的压力正在迅速上升,以经营稳态国家一级。 climbing 词典解释 1. 登山运动;攀岩运动 Climbing is the activity of climbing rocks or mountains. climbing climbing 单语例句climbing的解释 1. Other economic indicators such as electricity consumption and shipping rates are also climbing, reflecting stronger business activity. 2. Confidence had been climbing, helped by consumers'faith in the job market. 3. Exports and production are up, and corporate capital investment is climbing. 4. The agency said the move reflects South Africa's slow economic recovery, climbing government debt and rising capital influx through portfolio investments. 5. Night blooming cereus is a climbing plant and normally sets root in soil. 6. The mountaineers will not start climbing before completing their base camp construction and adapting training, while Zhang's group has sent 60 professionals to help guarantee their safety. 7. Bathers must shower and scrub themselves scrupulously clean before climbing into the steaming pool, where they soak with friends or chat to fellow visitors. 8. As the era of cheap energy is ending, oil prices began climbing faster. 9. Among the bushes stands a chimney with a man climbing out of its top. 10. Caught between climbing civic demand and soaring industrial needs, local governments usually have no choice but to sacrifice the latter. climbing 英英释义 noun 1. an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.) Synonym: climbmounting |
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