单词 | cogent |
释义 | cogent [英 [?k??d??nt] 美 [?ko?d??nt] ] cogent的意思、解释 cogent 基本解释 形容词(理由、论据)有说服力的,令人信服的 cogent 网络解释 1. 使人信服的:balanced 平衡的 | cogent 使人信服的 | cold-blooded 冷血的 2. 令人信服的,强有力的:- vulnerable 易受攻击的, 脆弱的 | - cogent 令人信服的,强有力的 | - worthwhile 值得做的 3. cogent的近义词 3. 中肯,使人信服的:agitate 扰乱,激动,鼓动 | cogent 中肯,使人信服的 | counteract 抵消,抵制 cogent 双语例句 1. Explanation: On November 17, 2008, the Beijing of air temperature pelter, made a person cogent feel the advent in the winter, and for the author to Baidu company and CEO plum Yan Hong, a such week has some of cold taste more it seems that. 解说:2008年11月17日,气温骤降的北京,让人切实感到了冬天的降临,而对于百度公司的创始人和CEO李彦宏来说,这样的一个周一似乎更加有些寒冷的味道。 2. cogent 2. One cogent example is my classmate LiHua, a passionate science lover, who is the leader of our school`s science club. 一个有说服力的例子是我的同班丽华深情热爱科学,谁是领导我们学校的科学俱乐部。 3. 3. This year is derate agriculture duty the first year of reform, should cogent had done reform pilot job this year. 今年是减免农业税改革的第一年,要切实做好今年改革试点工作。 4. Strengthen an industry to control oneself, cogent assure contraband to leave production, sale in traditional superintendency mechanism. 加强行业自律,切实保证违禁品在传统的监管机制下生产、销售。 5. But should cogent solve relation farmer the outstanding issue of personal interest, the high strenth that still must perserve fights. 但要切实解决关系农民切身利益的突出问题,尚须持之以恒的高强度作战。 6. For cogent do well I save seminal information job, do good science to change hard forecast and decision-making, the development of stimulative seed career, talk about oneself shallow view. 为切实搞好我省种子信息工作,努力做好科学化预测和决策,促进种子事业的发展,谈谈自己的粗浅看法。 7. A cogent argument; a telling presentation; a weighty argument. 强有力的论点;有效的介绍;有影响的论点。 8. Specific content has: Stabilize the basic policy that the party is in a country stoutly, cogent strengthen pair of land to contract period the guidance that lengthens the job, fulfil good land to contract period the policy that extends 30 years. 具体内容有:果断稳定党在农村的基本政策,切实加强对土地承包期延长工作的指导,落实好土地承包期延长30年的政策。 9. Highway statistic job regards highway as one of construction and conserve project serious content, should get cogent strengthen. 公路统计工作作为公路建设和养护工程中的一项重要内容,应该得到切实加强。 10. cogent是什么意思 10. Propagandist thought job must set out from this one need, cogent the propagandist education that strengthens all pair of workers, pass team quality rise, of stimulative sale deepen. 宣传思想工作必须从这一需要出发,切实加强对全体职工的宣传教育,通过队伍素质的提高,促进营销的深化。。。。 11. cogent 11. We made a lot of cogent arguments. We tried to coax legislators into voting our way. 我们提出许多有说服力的论点,并试图以巧言诱哄立法委员会为我们投赞成票。 12. cogent在线翻译 12. Face this kind of reality, we must adopt the viewpoint of one divides into two to recognize the token of economic globalization, essence and perspective, avoid to be immersed in an error, adopt cogent and significant policy step to participate in economic globalization. 面对这种现实,我们必须采取一分为二的观点来认识经济全球化的表征、本质和前景,避免陷入误区,并采取切实有效的政策措施来参与经济全球化。 13. cogent的解释 13. But not so – she gave the far more cogent reason that Japanese guys are just weird about women. 但并没这样-反而她提供了更使人有同感的理由,日本男人只是怪异于女人。 14. Here's one more cogent reason to deelop techniques to ensure that only one baby results from the procedure. 一些另人信服的原因促使开发新技术以确保一胞胎能够顺利产出。 15. cogent的解释 15. Here's one more cogent reason to develop techniques to ensure that only one baby results from the procedure. 一些另人信服的原因促使开发新技术以确保一胞胎能够顺利产出。 16. Likely to change frequently often without apparent or cogent reason; variable. 倾向于经常没有明显或者有力理由的频繁变化;易变的。 17. Because the final positive result of infrastructure is special product, reason has cogent statistic to this product value, become must solve. 由于基本建设的最终成果是专项产品,故对该产品价格进行切实的统计,成为必须解决。。。 18. Red flag 2000 already to service mode transition, emphasizing those who strengthen a network to serve mode to build at present, build whole online support system stage by stage, develop and build pattern plate center, cogent the service that provides better abidance for the user is raised hold. 红 旗2000已经向服务模式转型,目前正着重加强网络服务模式的建立,逐步建设完整的在线支持体系,开发和建设模板中心,切实为用户提供更好的持续的服务支持。 19. 19. In fact, the crisis can not await in the passivity of people in natural past, need cogent action to resolve the difficulty that global economy place faces however. 事实上,危机并不会在人们的被动等待中自然的过去,而是需要切实的行动来解决全球经济所面对的困难。 20. How to develop superintendency function effectively, cogent the initiative that enhances precautionary job, specific aim and effectiveness, ensure broad farmer masses with machine add close to become rich and go straight towards well-off in safety, raise agriculture machinery safety to superintend a level, construct a service for rural economics better, the author thinks to renew an idea only, deepen understanding, aggrandizement responsibility, aggrandizement is superintended, hold key and key, be on guard to administer change to fountainhead from passivity, alarm bell is long cry, often catch indefatigable, ability builds comparatively well-off society in the round to come true harmony of grand target creation, stable, good agriculture machinery is safe environment. 如何有效发挥监管职能,切实增强预防工作的主动性、针对性和有效性,保障广大农民群众以机增收致富和平安奔小康,提高农机安全监管水平,更好地为农村经济建设服务,笔者认为只有更新观念,深化熟悉,强化责任,强化监管,抓住要害和重点,从被动防范向源头治理转变,警钟长鸣,常抓不懈,才能为实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标创造和谐、稳定、良好的农机安全环境。1、进一步提高熟悉,切实落实农机安全生产责任制。 cogent 词典解释 1. 有说服力的;令人信服的 A cogent reason, argument, or example is strong and convincing. cogent是什么意思 e.g. There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return. 要将少校即将返回的消息告知朱利安·卡文迪什是有绝对充足的理由的。 cogency The film makes its points with cogency and force. 影片强有力地阐明了主旨。cogently The authors argue cogently that it is high time the church lost its obsession with the subject. 作者提出充分的理由说明教会应立刻停止对这个问题纠缠不放。cogent 英英释义 adj 1. powerfully persuasive e.g. a cogent argument a telling presentation a weighty argument Synonym: tellingweighty |
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