单词 | abstinence |
释义 | abstinence [英 [??bst?n?ns] 美 [??bst?n?ns] ] abstinence的意思、解释 abstinence 基本解释 名词节制; 节欲; 戒酒 abstinence的近义词 abstinence 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Abstinence from alcoholic drinks is advisable. 戒饮烈性酒是有益的。 abstinence 网络解释 1. 节制:Ahimsa(非暴力)也是一个缩写: 节制(Abstinence)于动物产品,为生命,不过,和绝大多数美国传统一样,自近代以来,牛排和其他肉食价值与地位受到来自各种新价值观的挑战,其中的头号大敌,就是方兴未艾的素食主义. 2. 禁戒:勃来克诗云,红的肢体,火焰般的头发上,禁戒(Abstinence)播满了沙;但满足的欲求,种起生命与美的果实. (案此系格言诗第十,原题的第二章. )世上唯有极端纯洁,或是极端放纵的心,才能宣布出这样危险的宗旨来. 在勃来克的教义上, 3. 撤药:有时也包括身体状态,但未指明行为异常和对社会的危害. 再有就是撤药(abstinence)也被戒断(withdrawal)一词所替代. 这是因为在用药期间,相隔时间如果太长也会出现戒断综合症. 4. abstinence 4. 节欲:但是,它就是不愿意去弄一个完整的计划促进避孕套的使用,不想去倡导ABC计划---节欲(Abstinence)、诚信(Be faithful)和使用避孕套(Use a Condom). 许多印度人以不同的方式努力与艾滋病抗争,然而,他们只有得到来自上层的支持,才有成功的希望. abstinence 双语例句 1. 1. Buddhism's eight-fold path towards enlightenment focuses on controlled speech, controlled behavior, and abstinence from killing, lies, harsh words, intoxicants, sexual misconducts, stealing and the like. 佛教通向觉悟的八正道著重有控制的语言、有控制的行为,和戒杀、戒妄、戒粗语、戒酒、戒不端的性行为、戒盗和类似的行为。 2. Rock's message wouldn't be out of place in a Bush-era high school abstinence rap session. 我为喜剧狂》传达出的信息与布什时代高中禁欲研讨会的调子格格不入。 3. It is worth mentioning that, long-term abstinence can also lead to women's psychological and behavioral change. 值得壹提的是,长期节欲还可导致女性的心理与行为发生变化。 4. However, apart from abstinence, no protective method is 100% effective. 但是,除了节欲,没有任何预防措施是百分百有效的。 5. abstinence 5. From my mother, piety and beneficence, and abstinence, not only from evil deeds, but even from evil thoughts; and further, simplicity in my way of living, far removed from the habits of the rich. 从母亲那儿,我学会了虔诚、仁慈和节欲,不但远离恶行,更摒弃恶念,更重要的是,我养成了简朴的生活习惯,远离奢豪的陋习。 6. 6. The results showed that the system of G protein cAMP and cGMP may participate in modulating abstinence symptom of opiate induced dependence. 本研究发现,G蛋白-cAMP、cGMP系统参与了阿片类依赖戒断症状反应的调节。 7. Objective To study effects of stereotaxic lesioning on abstinence symptom and ethology, and observe brain morphological changes after the lesioning in morphine-addicted rats. 目的 研究脑内核团毁损对吗啡成瘾大鼠戒断症状及行为学方面的影响,以及毁损前后的脑形态学变化。 8. Symmetrel, dopamet and combination use of two drugs and initial probe into effect and mechanism on hastening abstinence symptom of anti morphine addict animals 在句译、词译中专业词汇在线翻译、专业词典词汇的双语例句以及中英文、英汉句子翻译。 9. A Brief of Alexander VII, dated November, 1657, confirming the decision of Sixtus IV, in 1475, that abstinence from flesh meat was not essential to the rule, did not quiet their scruples. 简短的亚历山大第七月11月,1657年,并确认将此项决定Sixtus的四,在1475年,即禁欲,从肉的肉是没有必要的规则,不安静,他们顾忌。 10. ABSTINENCE AND MONOGAMY The only fully effective strategies to prevent the sexual transmission of STDs are abstinence or maintaining a monogamous sexual relationship with an uninfected partner (CDC, 1988a). 守贞与一夫一妻制唯一完全有效防止性病透过性行为传染的作法就是守贞,或是始终与从未感染性病的伴侣维持一夫一妻制的性关系(CDC,1988a)。 11. The ancient people considered the blood, amnionic fluid, lochia and etac as filthy and ominous materials, which will desecrate the inviolability, and drew up much abstinence of lunaria and birth. 古人认为从女阴里流出的血液、羊水、胎衣等是污秽的、不祥的,会亵渎神明,故为之制订种种月经禁忌和生育禁忌。 12. ObjectiveTo explore the correlation of the therapeutic effect and complications with the quality of target location and volume of the lesion in stereotactic radiofrequency surgery of nucleus accumbens for drug abstinence. 本文则应用高场强核磁影像的高分辨率及可精确测量的特点分析探讨立体定向伏隔核射频毁损术的靶点准确性、毁损力度与疗效、并发症的关系。 13. abstinence 13. Without doubt, abstinence on one day in the week, so far as the exigencies of life permit, from the usual daily occupation, though in no respect religiously binding on any except Jews, is a highly beneficial custom. 毫无疑义,只要生活急务许可,要在每周中有一天屏绝日常业务,这确不失为一种高度有益的习俗,虽然除犹太人外还未当作宗教义务来束缚任何人。 14. 14. Pigs kidney and so on, do not wear tight pants and a long bath to get rid of alcohol and tobacco, it is necessary to pay attention to abstinence, usually her energies, the same room in your ovulation period, so that fertility can be beneficial. 猪腰子等,不穿紧身裤和长时间泡澡,要戒除烟酒,要注意节欲,平时养精蓄锐,在你排卵期间同房,这样才可有利生育。 15. abstinence的近义词 15. To abstinence, often in the river walk, we must not wet shoes. 要洁身自好,常在河边走,也要不湿鞋。 16. Therefore, the ancients had a winter abstinence theory. 所以,古人有冬季禁欲之说。 17. 17. By purity and abstinence, and the contemplations of his innocent mind, this man had worn thin the evil between that which we see and those great invisible truths. 由于此人禁欲洁身,专一潜心于那些高不可及的真理,他已超脱了尘世间的一切俗念,达到了出神入化的境界。 18. It is true that bibulosity damages the nervous system, but snap alcohol abstinence may trigger heart diseases, warned German medical experts. 德国医学专家说,酗酒让人的神经系统受到损害,但戒酒过猛可能引发心脏疾病。 19. The abstaining, desisting, abstinence, avoidance of wrong livelihood in one developing the noble path whose mind is noble, whose mind is without effluents, who is fully possessed of the noble path. 这是其心圣洁无漏的修圣道者和完全证道者所具有的、于邪命的不犯、断念、不犯性、避免性。 20. Jesus All-Merciful, Fasters'Abstinence! 耶稣最慈悲者,持斋者的节制。 abstinence 词典解释 1. 戒绝;节制;禁欲 Abstinence is the practice of abstaining from something such as alcoholic drink or sex, often for health or religious reasons. e.g. ...six months of abstinence. 禁欲6个月 e.g. ...total abstinence from alcohol. 彻底戒酒 abstinence 单语例句abstinence的意思 1. Other countries promoting abstinence have followed suit even in Uganda, whose ABC abstinence programme is praised by Riches. 2. Abstinence is the best way to prevent the disease, she argues. 3. It always takes one greater courage and perseverance to say " no " during the Spring Festival, when temptations to break various abstinence vows becomes almost irresistible. 4. But government sex education advisors say preaching abstinence won't control teenage pregnancy or counter the rise in sexually transmitted diseases. 5. He led a simple and relaxed life of strict abstinence after retirement and arranged to donate his body to medical research. 6. Supporters of abstinence education acknowledge the shift of political power in Washington, but they have appealed to Obama to preserve some federal funding for their programs. 7. Senior Vatican officials have advocated fidelity in marriage and abstinence from premarital sex as key weapons in the fight against AIDS. 8. And despite US studies showing the groups have little impact, abstinence campaigners say a " no sex " alternative to traditional sex education is vital for Britain. 9. Parents traditionally preach caution or abstinence, but young people are being influenced by depictions of sex on television and the Internet. 10. He noted that the state programs all qualified for and received money from the federal pot of abstinence education money. abstinence什么意思abstinence 英英释义 noun 1. act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite 2. the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) Synonym: abstention |
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