单词 | commodity |
释义 | commodity [英 [k??m?d?ti] 美 [k??mɑ:d?ti] ] commodity的意思、解释 复数形式:commodities; commodity 基本解释 名词商品; 日用品; 有价值的物品; 有利,有益 commodity的翻译 commodity 相关例句 名词 1. commodity 1. Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad. 空调是日本许多出口商品中的一种。 2. In Thailand rice is an important commodity for export. 米是泰国的一项重要出口商品。 commodity 网络解释 1. 产品:然而,在这你来我往的交锋过程中,不可逆转地,整个行业加快了从产品(Product)迈向大众产品(Commodity)的步伐,其结果是消费者更不注重品牌,整个行业更趋于价格竞争、平均利润更趋于恶化--短期性的价格行为真是害人又害己. 2. 期货:原油(crude oil)是商品期货(commodity)里面最重要的,任何商品指数中原油基本都占有40%以上的比重. 所以研究原油的走势,基本就能掌握其他商品(比如农产品,基础金属)的走势. 炒作商品期货,可以说实际上就是在炒作原油. commodity 双语例句 1. In fact, relative development of commodity economy is closely linked with the social vogue in Han dynasties and results in some disadvantages, such as: idea of hunting fame and fortune; consumption structure of luxury and extravagance; breaking away from social morality; discontinuing studies and going into business for the scholars. 尤其是不少专家,如林甘泉、李根蜗先生等,对两汉商品经济的性质、发展水平及其评估方面提出了许多精辟的见解,令人很受启发。过去,一些论者在评估两汉商品经济的地位、作用时正面影响谈得多,往往只是肯定其在不同程度上刺激了当时社会经济的发展等,而对其在当时人们的思想观念、社会风气乃至意识形态方面所产生的负面影响却论及甚少。 2. commodity的解释 2. The rural commodity circulation system is an important part of rural market system, which plays an important role in rural economic and social development. 农村商品流通体系是农村市场体系的重要组成部分,对农村经济社会发展具有重要的作用和影响。 3. Both in the purchase and sale of commodities is reciprocal sides, are commodity players. 这两者在商品购销中是相互对应的双方,都是商品流通的参与者。 4. We can see from what is discussed above that in volume III, Capital, Marx gradually changes the ideal commodity into the capital commodity in reality, developing the law of surplus value that is drawn under the ideal conditions into a richer expression_r under the real conditions. 这样,我们看到,马克思在《资本论》第三卷中逐步使理想商品转变为现实的资本商品,使在理想条件下得出的剩余价值规律在现实条件下以更丰富的表现形态展开来。 5. Purchase more room to office premises Certificate on 30th, Beijing launched the State Council to act resolutely to contain some urban housing prices rapid increases the notice, which provides for a temporary and limited measures, with a purchase families can only in the city's purchase of a commodity housing. 购多套房无法办房产证上月30日,北京市出台落实国务院关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨文件的通知,其中规定了临时性的限购措施,同一购房家庭只能在本市新购买一套商品住房。 6. She has covered 100, 000, 000 above international domestic market each kind of commodity market condition informations. 她涵盖了一亿条以上的国际国内市场各类商品商情信息。 7. By sector, commodity, financials and real estate outperformed, while rubber and retail underperformed. 按类别分析,商品、金融及房地产股造好,橡胶及零售股则表现欠佳。 8. Then there will be a real scarcity, and consumers will have to pay exorbitant prices for the commodity. 如果真成了那样,必将出现真正的匮乏,而消费者也将不得不以高得离谱的价格去购买这种商品。 9. But the bubble in risky assets was premised on an outright dismissal of these possibilities -- in effect, discounting the highly optimistic alternatives of open-ended Chinese commodity demand and an unstoppable American consumer. 我觉得这是一个值得肯定的进步。 10. commodity什么意思 10. Xx group by solid multi-language background, widespread customer relations and advanced, modern, multiplex international commerce platform operation technology, develops and conformity China and the overseas domestic economics and trade resources unceasingly, devotes throughout in promotes China and the overseas commodity import and export, links Chinese and the overseas business cooperation turning point, argues vigorously realizes in a short time to the foreign trade service industry first goal. xx集团以坚实的多语背景、广泛的客户关系及先进、现代、多元化国际商务平台运作技术,不断拓展和整合中国与国外境内经贸资源,始终致力于促进中国与国外的商品进出口,链接中国与国外商贸合作契机,力争在短期内实现对国外贸易服务行业第一的目标。 11. commodity 11. However derivative of niche products also brought along with risk to market participants and more speculative transactions for the purpose of improper operation of domestic and foreign industry or traders defects caused by lack of self-discipline, coupled with the financial leverage of commodity multiplier effect that in huge losses from time to time. 然而衍生性商品带来利基亦伴随著风险;市场参与者多以投机为交易目的、国内外业者操作不当或交易人员缺乏自律而引发弊端,再加上金融商品杠杆特性的乘数效果,以致於钜额损失时有所闻。 12. Crude oil brought in almost all other commodity prices, there is no pricing power purchasers by the international market so tightly throat strangled and passive adjust their inventory table. 原油几乎所有其他商品价格带来的,没有国际市场的定价能力购买如此紧密喉咙扼杀和被动调整他们的库存表。 13. commodity什么意思 13. Fuzhou real estate transaction price 3494 yuan/sq m, which was an increase 11.84%; which commodity price for residential transactions 3111 yuan/sq m, which was an increase 8.51%. 福州房地产交易价格3494元/平方米,这是增加11.84 %;其中商品住宅交易价格为三千一百一十一元/平方米,这是增加8.51 %。 14. commodity 14. For the sake of making logistics center develops its maximal economic benefit in modern commodity currency, what we want to deal with is that how to locate the logistics center and its logical layout to reduce the total cost of logistics. 要使物流中心在现代商品流通中发挥最大的经济效益,我们要解决的问题是如何选好物流中心的地理位置以及与物流中心合理布局,以降低物流的总成本。 15. 15. The reporter was in yesterday of 58.com secondhand commodity makes over board piece on see many cession information. 记者昨天在58.com的二手商品转让的板块上看到大量的转让信息。 16. An exchange traded agreement to buy or sell a particular type and grade of commodity for delivery at an agreed upon place and time in the future. 一种在交易所买卖的协议,协议列明在议定的地点和将来时间,买入或卖出特定种类及等级的商品。 17. commodity的近义词 17. It is the minimum price of a commodity permitted by the government. 这是政府容许某件商品的最低价格。 18. That seems likely to have disillusioned many converts to the commodity cause. 很可能使这个因素粉碎了商品狂热,投机盘纷纷抽逃。 19. commodity 19. At present, the corporation has the advanced professional transport and logistics System, high quality staff and powerful overseas agencies, which not only renders such comprehensive services as import and export customs clearance, picking up and door-to-door service, but also provide services of relative commodity inspection, insurance and storage. 目前,公司拥有先进的专业货运物流系统高素质的员工及强大的海外代理,能向客户提供海运、空运进出口的报关、清关、提货运输、门到门服务及相关的商植检、熏蒸、保险、仓储等一条龙服务。 20. The PC is much more of a workhorse, a commodity. PC更像是一匹驽马,或一种商品。 commodity 词典解释 1. 商品 A commodity is something that is sold for money. e.g. The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat. 政府提高了面包、肉类等几种基本商品的价格。 commodity 单语例句 1. Clothing was the commodity most often bought by the business elite, with more than a quarter of managers surveyed buying clothing more than once a month. 2. European Central Bank raised its benchmark rate yesterday, spurring commodity buying as an inflation hedge against a weaker dollar. 3. The land for commodity dwelling development shall be provided by auction or tender. 4. Five years down the road, the commodity is now Western Australia's largest individual mineral sector by value. 5. China's top legislature on Wednesday morning started debates on a Cabinet report, which detailed government measures in stabilizing commodity prices since May 2007. 6. The country should also outline an unequivocal road to promote an essential shift of its economic development strategy from commodity export to capital export. 7. Imports dropped sharply in June due to falling commodity prices and reduction in imports of capital goods. 8. Two previous rounds lifted commodity prices, saw a surge of speculative capital inflow into China and increased inflationary pressure. 9. A futures contract may be settled in cash or by physical delivery of the commodity and there is a scheduled time for delivery. 10. Most futures contracts are settled for cash and this is very different from the activity of some new participants in the commodity markets. commodity 英英释义 noun 1. articles of commerce Synonym: trade goodgood |
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